The New Naked: The Ultimate Sex Education for Grown-Ups (29 page)

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Authors: Harry Fisch,Karen Moline

Tags: #Self-Help, #Sexual Instruction, #Health & Fitness, #Sexuality

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I want to thank my wife, Karen, for the knowledge she has given me to write this book. Let me be honest. If it weren’t for her, there would be no book. And thanks for being a great wife for thirty-two years and the best partner I can imagine. I love you!

I want to thank my children for being my children, even though they had no part in this book. I love them. (I know they do not want me to mention them by name, but they are David, Melissa, and Sam.)

Thank you, Karen Moline, for co-authoring this fantastic book. You are an immensely talented writer.

Nena Madona, my agent at Dupree-Miller, your guidance is priceless.

Stephanie Bowen, my editor at Sourcebooks. You knew instantaneously what this book means and how best to realize my vision. Also, many thanks to the rest of the Sourcebooks team for helping to make this happen.

Shuli Egar, Tim Sabean, and Jim McClure at
The Howard Stern Show
/Sirius Radio Network. You have provided a platform for people to get information in the most fun and accessible way possible. Without you guys, there would be no
Dr. Harry Fisch Show

Steve Carlis and Hank Norman, who have guided my radio
talents and taught me how to think and talk in the media to reach the widest possible audience.

Lastly, thanks to my patients and listeners of the
Dr. Harry Fisch Show
. Allowing me to be a part of your lives means the world to me. It’s why I became a doctor in the first place.

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