Submitting to the Boss

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Authors: Jasmine Haynes

Tags: #Erotic, #submission, #bondage, #spanking, #hot wife, #silicon valley, #kinky, #sexy romance, #lora leigh, #heartbreaking

BOOK: Submitting to the Boss
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A tale of hotwifing

Jasmine Haynes


Copyright 2012 Jasmine Haynes

Cover design by Rae Monet Inc


Smashwords Edition,
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Revenge Sex
, Ruby
Williams broke a few too many rules. She gets her comeuppance in
Submitting to the Boss


Ruby completely underestimated her live-in
lover. She thought she had him wrapped around her little finger,
and she could do anything she wanted without any consequences. Now
she’s just another dumped woman bemoaning her fate.


Then her boss, West Coast Manufacturing’s CEO
Holt Montgomery, calls her into his office and gives her the
punishment she so richly deserves.


Holt is determined to show Ruby the error of
her ways with his own special brand of dominance and submission.
Her sexuality now belongs to him, and he’ll give her permission as
to when, where, how, and with whom she’ll use it. From voyeurism to
exhibitionism to more than one man at a time, with a little tying
up and a bit of well-deserved spanking, Ruby discovers she likes
following a man’s rules. But she still won’t let a man have the
upper hand.


Can their naughty affair move from just sex
with the boss to something more lasting? Or will Ruby learn her
lessons a little too late.


Author Note: This book contains explicit





Thanks to my special network of friends who
support me, brainstorm with me, and encourage me: Bella Andre,
Shelley Bates, Jenny Andersen, Jackie Yau, Ellen Higuchi, Kathy
Coatney, Pamela Fryer, Rosemary Gunn, and Laurel Jacobson. Thanks
to Clio and Cody Alston for all their input and help. And a special
thanks to Rae again!




Chapter One



“Ruby, in my office, now,” Holt Montgomery
barked over the intercom.

Ruby Williams pressed her lips together,
staring at the offending device. It was just before five on
Thursday, and Ruby always left at five. Still, she pushed the Talk
button obediently. “Yes, Holt.”

She hadn’t found a decent apartment and had
been living in a hotel for over a week, since the day Clay kicked
her out of his house. All the rumors being bandied about last week
had been squashed, and the demise of her three-year relationship
with the CFO hadn’t yet made it to West Coast Manufacturing’s
gossip mill, but her boss, Holt Montgomery, knew all about it. She
couldn’t be sure if Clay had told him the specific reasons why, but
they’d been friends and coworkers for twenty years in Silicon
Valley, the last ten at West Coast where Clay was chief financial
officer to Holt’s chief executive officer. It stood to reason that
Clay had told Holt.

And Holt had been treating her...differently.
There was a new harshness in his tone when he spoke to her. Like
now. Before, Holt would have
if she had a minute, and
he wouldn’
t have used the intercom; he’
simply have called out. These were subtle differences, true, but
there were other signs. He hadn’t joked with her. He’d rarely
smiled at her. Holt had always been an easygoing boss from the day
she’d started as his executive admin a little over four years ago.
Now it seemed that not only had she screwed up her living
arrangements, she’d screwed over her job as well.

There was nothing to do but pick up her pad
and pencil and
enter the proverbial lion’
den the way he demanded.

Behind his big mahogany desk, surrounded by
report folders and his two computer monitors with which he
effectively multitasked, Holt Montgomery looked like a captain at
the helm of his battle ship. At fifty-two, with a head of thick
steel-gray hair and the fit, muscular body of a man fifteen years
younger, his bearing inspired respect, awe, and even fear.

Ruby had always felt the respect and awe, but
today there was also a smidgen of fear.

“Close the door,” he ordered, his voice deep
and hard-edged.

Ruby jumped to do his bidding. Her smaller
office was an annex to his much larger one. In many respects, she
was his guard dog, vetting all his calls and his visitors. She had
to admit she liked the power in that, but with the door closed and
the scowl on Holt’s face, she wasn’t feeling particularly

She’d lost so much more than she could have
imagined when Clay kicked her out.

“Sit.” Holt pointed at the chair dead center
before his desk.

It was one of the conference chairs, and that
wasn’t its normal place. His office was spacious with a six-man
conference table, coffee-service trolley, and a sofa grouping by
the large window, all this in addition to his massive mahogany
desk. He conducted meetings, entertained customers, and signed
multimillion-dollar deals in this domain.

That chair was out of place, and Ruby’s
tension ratcheted higher. Clay was paying for her hotel, but he
wouldn’t do that forever. She had to find a new place, and she
needed a job in order to sign a lease.

Holt wouldn’t fire her because of what
happened with Clay. Would he?

She sat, wishing she’d worn something more
circumspect. But Ruby owned very little that could be called
circumspect. Her skirts were short, and her tops had plunging
necklines. Holt had never complained.

He stared at her silently. He didn’t even
blink, just regarded her with piercing eyes so dark they were
almost black. Holt was the only man in the world who made Ruby’s
palms sweat. She could wrap most men around her little finger, even
Clay—at least until last week. But never Holt. She’d always felt
subordinate to Holt, and funnily enough—probably because of her
respect for him—it had never been an unpleasant feeling. Until

“What can I do for you, Holt?” Her voice
seemed to crack, and her mouth was dry.

Finally, he spoke. “You’ve been a very bad

Ruby swallowed; it hurt going down. “You mean
about Clay?” She wasn’t going to admit anything until she knew
exactly what Clay had told him.

“Yes,” he said. “You fucked around behind his

Okay, she could explain. She
explain. “It wasn’t behind his back. He knew. In fact—”

Holt held up his hand, and she didn’t dare go
on. That was another thing about Holt: he was the only man Ruby
would shut up for. “Don’t prevaricate. I know about your
arrangement with Clay.”

Her face flushed. Ruby wasn’t the type to get
embarrassed, yet there was something about knowing that Clay
had—potentially—revealed all her faults to Holt that made her
jumpy. But she wouldn’t cave by asking how much he knew. She’d wait
him out.

It didn’t take Holt long to come back at her.
“You had sex with a coworker in Clay’s office.”

All right, yes, she’d done that. She hoped
that was the
thing Clay had divulged. “Clay and I had a
special relationship where he enjoyed my being with other men.” She
allowed herself a slight smirk. “And he loved to hear all about

Holt gave her the silent treatment. Maybe the
smirk was ill-advised.

Then Ruby just couldn’t shut up despite
herself. “That’s what he wanted from the beginning. That was always
our relationship. I love sex, and he liked to hear about it. The
more the better. It’s what got him off. He...” Her voice died into
the echo of her own words. A car drove by on the road visible
outside Holt’s window, a big, rumbling diesel engine that set her
nerves jangling.

“You didn’t mention the little matter of
rules,” he said. His handsome face was granite hard.

She couldn’t believe Clay had told him
. Clay wouldn’t be so vindictive as to want to
ruin her job as well. Her only course of action was to tell the
truth. “He liked it when I broke certain rules, so I didn’t think
he’d mind if I broke others.”

“But Bradley Palmer?” For the first time,
Holt made a face, one of distaste.

She’d been a total idiot. She fully admitted
that. “Having sex with him on Clay’s desk was a mistake.” Bradley
was young, twenty-nine. His desire had stroked her ego. Not that
she didn’t have a healthy ego. At forty, she was hot, and she
wasn’t ashamed to say that, but
woman sometimes had a
little niggling of doubt, and Bradley caught her at a weak moment.
Still, she hadn’t thought Clay would get all riled up. She’d truly
thought he’d get off on it.

“And what about the other place
s you fucked him, Ruby
? Not to mention the rumors.”

She felt herself blanch. God. Clay really had
told him
. “I didn’t start those rumors, and I made sure
they were laid to rest.”

“Damage done, Ruby.”

She almost snorted but thought better of it.
“No one ever believed
any of that
.” Because
she’d taken things in hand. And really, by the following week, it
was all just a blip on the rumor mill’s timeline. They’d weathered
the whole debacle, and Bradley was gone from West Coast’s

Holt merely stared. It was completely

And again, she couldn’t shut up. “Why are you
doing this? When I moved in with Clay, you told us business was
business and personal was personal.”

“It is. But you brought it here. And against
Clay’s wishes.”

She pursed her lips and puffed out a breath.
If she wanted to keep her job, she was going to have to grovel. She
wasn’t good at it, but she simply couldn’t afford to be fired.
Besides, she liked working for Holt. He was fair-minded. Usually.
“I made a mistake, and I’m very sorry. I told Clay it would never
happen again, and I’m telling you it won’t.”

If he was silent after that, she’d have to

“There’s only one solution,” he said softly.
Holt could be dangerous when he spoke that quietly. She’d heard
that deadly tone in meetings. And seen the results.

“What?” she asked, her heart racing.

“You need to be punished.” He waited a beat.

Then he rose, strode to the door. And locked

Ruby’s pulse began to beat against her


* * * * *


Never in his four-year history with Ruby
Williams had Holt witnessed that deer-in-the-headlights look in her
eyes. It wasn’t Ruby’s style. If you looked up
in the dictionary, there’d be a picture of Ruby right
beside it.

More gorgeous than a forty-year-old woman had
a right to be, with dark hair falling past her shoulders, deep
brown, very knowing eyes, and long legs that made a man dream of
running his hands up them to the hem of her short skirt, Ruby had
no doubt of her sex appeal. She was efficient yet never cowed, sexy
in her choice of clothing—some might even say halfway to being
slutty—but always professional in her dealings him and any visitors
to his office, be they subordinates, vendors, auditors, or
customers. She was his gateway.

Yet after four years, she was about to become

Holt folded his arms over his chest and
regarded her with a steady gaze. “Stand up,” he ordered.

She was elegantly tall, and he especially
enjoyed her spiked heels, which put her on eye level with him as
she rose from the chair. A creamy vee of cleavage was bared above
the jacket of her less-than-staid suit. Her full breasts were a
mouthwatering sight, and her lips were painted a ruby red to match
her name. At the moment, however, they were minus their usual
seductive smile.

“What’s this all about, Holt?”

“Pull the blinds.”

She glanced over her shoulder. The window
view was of the lawn, a few shrubs, West Coast’s monument sign, and
the road curving around to the freeway. It was unlikely that anyone
would glance in his window, but his plan called for the privacy of
closed blinds.

“But Holt—”

He cut her off with a look. “By not obeying
immediately, you’ll make the punishment worse.”

“Well—” Obviously on the verge of arguing,
she stopped herself this time. She actually bit her lip momentarily
before realizing what she was doing. Ruby wasn’t a lip-biter or a
hand-wringer. “So I’m supposed to just do whatever you tell me
to”—she raised a brow—“then everything will be the way it was?”

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