The 'N' Word, Book 1

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Authors: Tiana Laveen

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: The 'N' Word, Book 1
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Written by Tiana Laveen

Edited by Natalie G. Owens

Book Cover: Travis Pennington

Copyright © 2015 by Tiana Laveen

Kindle Edition

All rights reserved.

The Literary Lion’s Den, LLC

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Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

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PLEASE NOTE: This book is the FIRST BOOK of a two-part series. (There are two books in this series.)

1. The ‘N’ Word

2. Word of Honor

The book had to be divided due to a high page count. However, the SECOND BOOK, ‘Word of Honor’, is being simultaneously released with ‘The ‘N’ Word’. Therefore, there is no wait time for the reader and no lingering cliffhanger. Thank you.

A short version (a novella) of this story was written and published in the Cross Climax series, written by Tiana Laveen in 2009 and published in 2010. That story appeared in, ‘Cross Climax II’, entitled, ‘The ‘N’ Word’. If you purchased that book and read that particular story, please note that though the premise is the same, this full-length novel tackles the subject in a much more in depth manner and there are MANY changes that essentially make this far more than a revamp of the original story. This book is significantly longer due to there being extensive character development, changes in many of the original details, background information, flushed out scenes, many added scenes, etc. Therefore, it will be a different experience from beginning to end.


They say there are two sides to a story. And two sides to every man… Aaron Pike is one of those men. Aaron is a white nationalist, a Commander in the organization and Nazi who grew up in Frisco City and Gordon, Alabama. He considers himself an activist and purist for the white race in America and offers no pretenses or excuses for his controversial views, affiliations, machinations, and sometimes violent behavior. Despite the common theory or belief that the majority of white supremacists are void of any aptitude and acumen, Aaron is not only intelligent, but also sometimes charming, witty, and funny. He has the power to disturb and fluster with merely a look. Much to no one’s surprise, including his own, he ends up in the prison system, serving a stint for beating a man nearly to death in what is perceived as a racially driven assault.

While serving his term, the recidivist Aaron believes as he’s always done that he will serve his time and be right back out on the front lines of the movement. However, fate ushers him down a different path altogether…

A new prison psychiatrist is assigned to Holman Correctional Facility, and Mr. Pike is forced to delve deep and discuss in detail situations regarding not only his tumultuous past, but his not so clear future. …And the future holds a strong desire to meet a woman he is not only compatible with but one he is determined to make his wife…

Mia Armstrong is an elementary schoolteacher from a conservative, Christian background. She also volunteers at the prison, and is asked to help spread the word about a prison pen pal program. In that process, she runs into Aaron, and before long, the two hit it off. Only there is one problem… Mia Armstrong is African American. The two forge an alliance and that friendship flourishes into pure, unadulterated love.

How will Aaron deal with the truth of his feelings? Can he force himself to hate a woman he adores and loves based on her race alone? Will Mia be able to stay by his side after discovering the darker edge of the man she’s fallen helplessly in love with? Will she be able to offer forgiveness and redemption or will she turn her back on a lost soul who is used to not giving love, or receiving it? Step inside of this explosive novel, ‘The ‘N’ Word’, to find out how this story of unlikely love unfolds.


Please be advised that this novel delves into topics of an adult nature.

Though this is a love story in every sense of the word, this book covers a gamut of topics that some readers may find objectionable.

These include but are not limited to:

1.   Race, racism, hate groups/supremacy beliefs
2.   Abuse – emotional and mental. Neglect. Domestic physical violence.
3.   Addiction – Gambling addiction, excessive drinking and drug usage
4.   Realistic language, which means there are gratuitous profanity in dialogue, bigoted mantras, xenophobia, and racial slurs.
5.   Graphic /sensual lovemaking scenes
6.   Explicit violence
7.   Descriptions of states of economic deprivation
8.   Mental illness and personality disorders

of these topics are one(s) that you wish to avoid at this current time, please be advised. Thank you.

A page torn out of the book of life

During the writing of this novel, we as a nation have been once again touched by the short and long arm of racism. A fraternity, SAE, the chapter in question located in Oklahoma, has gone down in KKK burning cross flames due to a racist chant verbally depicting
‘niggers hanging from trees, but never being a part of the SAE.’
The house mother, Beauton Gilbow, expressed her dismay of her ‘bad boys’, even growing teary eyed as she sat with an African American reporter about the incident, but those tears were for herself and not genuine. She was more concerned about not having a place to live versus what truly transpired—for after her heart-felt, emotional ‘throw my sons under the bus’ interview, footage was found of her saying the ‘N’ word herself, over five times in a row to be exact, while a rap song played loudly in the background.

She was laughing it up while lounging happily on a couch. In other news, the Ferguson Police Department has been found guilty of violating the rights of African Americans according to the Justice Department; and, an added cherry to the racist, blood drenched sundae, is that an African American man, Walter Scott, was shot dead in the back after officer Michael Slager in South Carolina lied and told dispatch that the man reached for his weapon. Footage taken by a passerby clearly showed that the victim had done no such thing. While finishing the novel, the news was set ablaze when an alleged madman, obsessed with ‘black and white’ race issues, walked into a South Carolina church during bible study and executed 9 black parishioners with not a hint of remorse.

And here we stand, America, after numerous complaints, shootings, murders, and unjust arrests have been made regarding Africans and African Americans. Here we are, in year 2015, still dealing with the same ol’ bullshit…

I wish to salute the freedom fighters of the past and present, people of all races and ethnicities. I wish to offer a firm ‘thank you’ to the people who don’t give diddlysquat about the limelight, but know everything about doing what’s right.

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