The Most Beautiful Woman in the World (75 page)

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Felder, Raoul, 403
Ferber, Edna, 83, 84, 103
Fernandez, Waldo, 386
Ferrer, Jose, 120
Ferrer, Mel, 190
Fielding, Daphne, 257
Finch, Peter, 77, 168–69, 175
Finney, Albert, 169
Fisher, Carrie, 153, 155, 347, 424, 464
Fisher, Eddie: appearance xvi, 117; background, 115–16, 140; character and personality, 115–16, 152–53; drug and alcohol abuse, 116, 123, 150, 165, 171, 189, 196, 198, 347; love affairs, 158–59, 162, 188–89, 221; marriage to Connie Stevens, 160; marriage to Debbie Reynolds, 116–17, 126, 127, 129, 131, 132–33, 138, 151–52, 154; movie industry career, 159, 160, 161–62, 164–65, 168, 179–80, 190; sex and, 62, 152–53, 156–57, 159, 160, 165, 188–89; singing career, 116, 131, 150, 156, 164; Taylor, Elizabeth and, xvi, 65, 105, 115, 122–23, 126, 127, 131, 142–43, 145, 147–48, 150, 151–83, 187–93, 195–96, 205, 221, 423; Todd, Mike, and, 122–23, 125, 126, 127, 129, 135–36, 138, 140, 142–43, 153, 472
Fisher, Joe, 116
Fisher, Katie, 115, 158
Fisher, Todd Emmanuel, 153, 159
Flea in Her Ear
, 254
Flintstones, The
, 401–402
Florian, 104, 106
Fogelson, Elijah E. “Buddy,” 17
Fonda, Henry, 304
Fonda, Jane, 270, 322
Forbes, Malcolm, 376–78, 381–82, 387
Ford, Betty, 331, 343–44, 361, 367
Ford, Gerald, 319, 392
Ford, Glenn, 157
Ford, John, 5
Foreman, Joey, 139
Fortensky, Larry, 62, 383–404, 407–408, 419, 422–23, 429
Foster, Jodie, 393
Franzen, Aline, 328
Free Soul
, A 75
Freed, Arthur, 11
Freeman, Pete, 44
French, Hugh, 209, 215
French Line, The
, 77
Frings, Ketti, 143, 154, 155, 158
Frings, Kurt, 140, 142, 143, 154, 158, 168, 172, 186–87, 294
From Here to Eternity
, 35, 39, 104
Frosch, Aaron, 239, 307
Frost, David, 358, 399
Fry, Stephen, 420
Furness, Thelma, 235
Funke, Lewis, 219


Gable, Clark, 10, 33, 75, 84
Gabor, Eva, 392
Gabor, Zsa Zsa, xxiii, 16, 46–47, 48, 54
Gaines, Steven, 374
Gallant Bess
, 19
Garbo, Greta, 9, 10, 144, 167
Gardella, Kay, 372
Gardner, Ava, 9, 11, 16, 42, 60, 70, 207, 208, 210, 212, 315, 364, 457
Garfein, Jack, 81
Garland, Judy, 9
Garner, James, 364
Garner, Peggy Ann, 6, 18, 274
Garson, Greer, 9, 16, 17, 53, 177
Gates, Phyllis, 89, 90, 94, 104, 107
Gavin, James, 66
Gaynor, Janet, 12
Gaynor, Mitzi, 137
Geffen, David, 282
George Stevens archive, 101
Getting Gertie’s Garter
, 105
Getty, Aileen, 332, 337, 369–70, 421
Giancana, Sam, 115, 221
, 82, 83–104, 364
Gibb, Andy, 347
Gielgud, John, 213, 268
Gilmore, Jonathan, 92
Gilpatric, Roswell, 299
Ginsberg, Henry, 84, 98, 99, 103
Girl Who Had Everything, The
, 42, 75, 76
Glass Slipper
, 78
Glatz, Marguerite, 320
Goddard, Paulette, 68, 316
Goetz, Ben, 24, 116–17
Goetz, Edie, 116–17, 309
Gold, Todd, 354
Goldberg, Wendy, 403
Goldberg, Whoopi, 372, 429
Goldblum, Jeff, 441–442
Goldenborgen, Carl, 146
Goldman, Carl, 172
Goldstone, Jules, 12, 58, 60
Goldwyn, Samuel, 144
Gone with the Wind
, 3, 102, 114, 144
Goodman, John, 402
Gordon, Ruth, 237
Gottlieb, Michael, 364, 368, 390
Gracie, Sally, 406
Graham, Katharine, 332
Graham, Martha, 331
Graham, Sheilah, 9, 53, 71–72, 161, 196, 342
Grammer, Kelsey, 347
Granger, Farley, 21
Granger, Stewart, 25, 68, 70, 71–72, 75, 79, 104, 118–19
Grant, Cary, 153
Grant, Hugh, 419
Grant, Sandra, 371
Grauman’s Chinese Theater (later renamed Mann’s), 32–33
Greatest Story Ever Told, The
, 91, 255–56
Green, Arthur, 328–29
Griffin, Merv, 60, 65, 314, 392
Griffith, Fess, 198
Griffith, Melanie, 347
Grimes, Tammy, 246
Grobel, Lawrence, 209
Gross, Laurel, 370
Grossinger, Jennie, 153, 221
Guernsey, Otis L. Jr., 18, 19
Guilaroff, Sydney, 9, 12, 16, 54, 142–43, 145, 147, 152, 156, 158, 168, 170–71, 372
Guild, Leo, 60
Gussow, Mel, 247
Hadleigh, Boze, 68
Haenisch, Trip, 386
Halsey, Dorris, 294
Halston, 62, 317, 324, 326, 327, 331, 374, 391
Hamilton, George, 371–73, 376, 377, 385, 387, 394
(play), 213–19
Hammer, Armand, 365
Hammersmith Is Out
, 280
Hampton, Hope, 46
Hanley, Richard (Dick), 15, 62, 140, 142, 146, 158, 188, 191–92, 204, 211, 218, 223, 261
Hardy, Robert (Tim), 206
Harmon, Mark, 388
Harriman, Averill, 139
Harris, Julie, 218, 233
Harris, Radie, 53, 327, 335
Harris, Warren G., 11
Harrison, Rex, 167, 180–81, 186, 197, 200, 205, 246, 250, 251, 254, 255
Harvey, Laurence, 226, 233, 300–301
Hasty Heart, The
, 24
Hay, Sally, 340, 341–43, 350, 355–59
Haynes, Brian, 321
Hayward, Susan, 64, 167, 168
Hayworth, Rita, 68, 248
Head, Edith, 54, 144, 307
Heatherton, Joey, 293, 298, 300
Heaven’s Gate
, 201
Heiress, The
, 32–33, 230
Hellman, Jerome, 270
Hellman, Lillian, 333–34
Hepburn, Audrey, 43, 83–84, 190, 289
Hepburn, Katharine, 27, 161, 162–63, 410
Herman, Harvey, 323
Hewitt, Martin, 335
Heyman, John, 237
Heyman, Norma, 237, 240, 269
Heymann, David, 400
Hiatt, Nathan, 97
Hilton, Barron, 45, 47, 54
Hilton, Conrad, 44, 45, 46–47, 48–49, 54, 55
Hilton, Mary Barron, 45
Hilton, Marylin, 47, 54
Hilton, Nicky: appearance, 45; character and personality, 44–46, 47, 48–49, 51–52; childhood, 45; death, 261; drug and alcohol abuse, 45, 52, 55, 56; sexual prowess of, 49, 55, 59; Taylor, Elizabeth, and, 29, 43, 44–61, 62, 400; womanizing of, 45, 48–49
Hinkle, Bob, 100
Ho, David, 389
Holden, Anthony, 128, 177
Holden, William, 84, 129, 168, 232
Holliman, Earl, 94
Hollywood Gays
(Hadleigh), 68
Hollywood Reporter
, 6, 327
Holman, Libby, 31, 34, 41, 74, 109–10, 232, 420
Hootkins, Bill, 418
Hope, Bob, 176, 230, 231
Hopkins, Anthony, 393, 418
Hopper, Dennis, 94–95, 262
Hopper, Hedda, 12, 53, 70–72, 155
Hopper, William, 72
Hornby, Sheran Cazalet, 250–51, 294
Hornby, Simon, 250–51, 294
How Green Was My Valley
, 5
Howar, Barbara, 325
Howard, Trevor, 74, 180
Howard, Lin Jr., 60
Howell, C. Thomas, 378
Howerd, Frankie, 294, 296
Hudson, Rock, 62, 79, 229; AIDS and, 88, 361, 363–64, 365–66; alcohol and, 96; career, 84–85, 89, 104; character and personality, 87; death, 366–67, 368; Gates, Phyllis, and, 89, 90, 94, 104, 107; in
, 84–98, 100, 102, 104, 364; home of, 365–66; homosexuality and affairs, 88–90, 365–66; Taylor, Elizabeth, and, 85, 88–89, 90–91, 93, 94, 100, 104, 107, 342, 363, 364, 366–68
Hughes, Howard, 27–28, 60–61, 68, 70, 137
Humphrey, Hubert H., 135–36
Hunt, James “The Shunt,” 321
Hunt, Susan (Suzy), 321, 322, 335, 339, 358
Hunter, Ross, 84
Hunter, Tab, 67, 237
Hurley, Elizabeth, 419
Hurt, John, 350
Huston, Danny, 209
Huston, John, 31–32, 65, 114, 135, 207, 209–10, 233
Huston, Nan, 32
Huston, Walter, 32
Hutton, Barbara, 236
Hutton, Brian, 180, 240–42, 273–75, 300–301

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