Hell Ride: An MC Biker Romance (Free Guns MC)

BOOK: Hell Ride: An MC Biker Romance (Free Guns MC)
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This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


Hell Ride copyright @ 2014 by Joanna Wilson. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.




Laughter erupted in the biker bar, deafening and completely obnoxious. Kat ignored it as she stood with her hand on her pregnant belly
. She raised one incredulous eyebrow in Solomon Parker’s direction.


Suppressing a laugh under a cough was the only thing that Kat could do when Solomon suddenly slammed his fists down on the table he was sitting at. The bar quieted so quickly that a few members actually hiccupped uncomfortably.


In the months Kat had been gone, a lot of things had changed; but, one thing remained the same in the Free Guns Motorcycle Club, Solomon Parker could still quiet a room. It was one of the things that had attracted Kat to him in the first place and why she was in the predicament she was in now. She was a former member and almost the president of a biker club, but now she was five months pregnant, drove a safe and sturdy Volvo, and had a regular nine-to-five as a writer.


It almost hurt Kat to admit to herself how boring her life had become. It was as if her life had been sucked out of her.
She shook her head, as she rubbed a hand over her stomach. Perhaps it wasn't the life that had been sucked out of her, but Kat knew that there was something missing.


Passion? Excitement? Love?
She couldn't help but trail her eyes over Solomon, as he stared back at her. It was as if she'd suddenly turned purple and started dancing around naked. Although Kat supposed that he should be looking at her like that.


Six feet and some odd inches of tanned, muscled man stood only a few feet from her. Blue eyes the color of rain water or maybe a rain storm--considering how he was looking at her--were framed by thick, black lashes. A strong jaw with a dark, five o'clock shadow matched the unkempt, wavy strands of black hair that fell down to his shoulders. Solomon Parker still looked like hot sin and rough sex, though there were small changes. He'd lost a little weight, black circles rested under his eyes, and a new tattoo curved its way up from his back to his neck.


The man looked even more wicked than the last time she'd seen him. Solomon Parker had the look of a man who wanted to fuck her and kill her all at once. It excited and terrified Kat, although she knew that he had every reason to be furious with her. She'd left him without any notice or forethought. She'd left the Free Guns, Texas, and Solomon Parker in an instant.


But now she was back and that was all that mattered.


"Would you say that again, Kathy?" Solomon hissed, as he finally skirted the table and slowly stalked towards her.


Kat winced back
. He’s never called me by my full name.
No one did, really. Everyone always called her Kat, but Solomon called her Kit-Kat. She'd hated his nickname for her, finding it highly inappropriate that he would compare her to candy. Then, he'd explained his reasoning behind it, "The minute I stop calling you Kit-Kat is the moment I break you. But you want to be broken by me, don't you, Kit-Kat?" He'd whispered the words to her in the bar's bathroom about a second before he'd bent her over the sink and thrust into her. It was at that moment that Kat realized that not only did she want Solomon Parker to break her, she wanted him to take her and make her his completely.


Suppressing the shiver that slid up her spine as Solomon stopped in front of her, she got a whiff of sandalwood, male musk, and something uniquely him. Kat spoke carefully, making sure her voice didn't betray any of the feelings hiding just beneath the surface, "I'm here to take back the Free Guns."


Spreading her legs a little wider and raising her chin a little higher, Kat said the words that she knew would hurt Solomon; but, they were words he needed to hear nonetheless. "You've been doing a shitty job as president and I'm here to step in. Now step down or be overthrown. Your choice."


A collective gasp was heard around the bar, as eyes turned to Kat. They looked at her as if she had not only turned purple and started dancing naked, but also as if she was screaming in tongues. It didn't faze her, since she’d expected worse.


Solomon's hand shot out and clamped around her arm. With bruising strength, he pulled her close to him, as he stared down at her with a murderous expression. Fear tried to work its way into her heart, but Kat ignored it. Solomon was many things, but a domestic abuser wasn't one of them. He wouldn't hit her, even though he might want to. Although Solomon would never intentionally hurt her, Kat couldn't say the same thing in return.


It had been a rocky road for the both of them from the start. Five months ago seemed like a lifetime ago to Kat. So much had happened and so many things had changed. Five months ago their old president, Jamison, had died in an accident. No one knew it was an accident at the time and everyone was quick to blame Solomon. It had been a tough time with no leader, but Kat had been more than ready to pick up the slack. Of course, that also meant dealing with the club’s suspicions about Solomon Parker. So, with the full moon overhead, in a clearing packed full of bikers salivating for blood, she'd nearly killed him. With a gun to his head, a finger on the trigger, and her heart steeled, she’d nearly killed the man she loved, the father of her child. If it weren’t for her quick actions and the outcry from Solomon's brother, Billy, Kat would have had blood on her hands.


She didn’t know how to deal with that harsh reality then, and she wasn’t dealing with it any better now. No matter how many times she wracked her brain, how many times she chastised herself, there was no way to take back the sin she’d almost committed. It was one of the reasons she’d left.


Five months ago, somewhere in the back of her mind, Kat had known she wasn’t ready to be a leader. She’d been a child wanting to play with the older kids’ toys and follow in their footsteps.


But leaders didn’t follow.


Relaxing her body in his grip, Kat tilted her head up and with a calm, clear voice she’d only just mastered, she said, “Let. Me. Go.”


Solomon shifted and dragged her closer. He let her feel the hard evidence of his arousal against her distended abdomen. It was only minutely shocking that Solomon still wanted her, but Kat got over the surprise quickly. He responded, “Never.”


There was more emotion, more meaning shoved into that one word that there had been in their entire, brief relationship. The meaning was clear to Kat and, as much as she hated to admit it, her heart skipped a beat. Solomon was angry. There was no doubt in her mind about that, but there was also some part of him that still wanted her and felt something for her.


Her lips curved into a smile, as Kat stood up on her tip toes. Her eyes looked into his stormy blue ones and their noses were only centimeters apart, as she whispered, “Good.”




“It’s so good to see you, Kat!” Mindy gushed, as she wrapped her in a bear hug.


“Oh!” Mindy drew back and held Kat at arm’s length. Her eyes went wide at Kat’s bulging middle. “Well, I’ll be! You’re pregnant! I wouldn’t have called you back if I’d known.”


Kat waved aside her concern and stepped into Mindy’s cozy living room. Her feet hurt, her back ached, and Solomon had placed a tail on her. She couldn’t so much as breathe without a member of the Free Guns being right there.


After her pronouncement at the bar and Solomon’s less than stellar reaction to stepping down, Kat had decided to visit Jamison’s wife. She wanted to see how the former madam president was doing. Plus, there was a deeper part of Kat that also knew not every member was happy with Solomon. Sooner or later those members would seek her out, if for nothing else than to plead with her to fuck the man into a better mood.


Kat softly snorted out loud at her own thoughts, as she settled into a brown, patterned armchair in the corner of the living room. Brown seemed to be one of Mindy’s favorite colors, if the brown bear rug, brown leather sectional, and oak television stand were any indication. From the slightly darker than honey walls to the moose side table and lamp, everything was in a shade of brown.


Turning her eyes away from the decor, Kat watched Mindy through the open doorway leading to the brown kitchen. She listened to doors being opened, glasses being clinked together, and something being poured. A second later, Mindy emerged with a tray held between her hands with an artfully arranged plate of what smelled like lemon cookies and two tall glasses of iced sweet tea.


“Here you go, Kat.” Mindy set the tray down on a side table and passed her the glass of tea, while holding the plate out for her. “You must be starving from the drive.”


Kat was a lot of things, but hungry ranked among the top three. So, she accepted the tea and grabbed a few cookies, not ashamed to indulge herself. “You have no idea. I eat constantly, yet I’m always hungry.”


“Well, you are eating for two,” Mindy said with a sad smile. Her eyes lingered a second longer on Kat’s pregnant stomach before she looked away and took a sip of her own tea.


Pausing with the tea halfway to her lips, Kat winced. She covered the move quickly with a strained smile and a sip of iced tea. Mindy and Jamison had never been able to have kids. All the bikers who had been there when Mindy was injured in the accident knew that. Kat hadn’t even thought about telling her she was pregnant during their frequent phone calls. She was worried what type of impact her state would have on Mindy. The woman had lost too much in her short time. She didn’t need to be reminded of those losses.


Tears sprung to Kat’s eyes. The hormones that she still couldn’t deal with were taking over. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was pregnant. It was stupid not to tell you.”


Mindy’s eyes went wide and she set her glass down and rushed over to Kat. “Sweetheart, no. It’s alright. I was just surprised is all. With everything that has happened…” Her eyes darted away and pain flashed across her features before she masked it. “I’m happy for you, Kat. Truly I am.”


A knock on the door interrupted the women. Kat dabbed at her eyes, then Mindy helped her from the chair. Together the women went to the front door and opened it.


Solomon Parker stood on the threshold in a different outfit entirely. His damp hair was slicked back from his face. He now wore a pair of faded blue jeans and a tight, dark green t-shirt. A pair of cool sunglasses perched on his nose.


“Mindy. Kat.”


Kat turned and looked at Mindy. She watched Mindy’s knuckles turned white, as she gripped the knob. It was no secret that Mindy hated Solomon’s guts. She’d been convinced Solomon killed her husband. Even when the evidence had proven differently, she’d still held a grudge against the man.


“You’re not welcome here,” Mindy growled. Her hand was poised to slam the door shut in his face.


With a quick flash of irritation, Solomon yanked off his glasses and narrowed his eyes at Mindy. “I ain’t here for you.”


Kat suppressed a shiver, as his thick accent invaded her body.
How long has it been since I’ve heard that growl?
It was the same voice Solomon had used in the bedroom, the vibrations doing funny things to her insides.


In a second flat, Kat went from teary-eyed to horny as hell, complete with stiff nipples and damp panties.
Lord! I wish I didn’t have these damn hormones!


“He’s here for me, Mindy.” Kat turned and smiled reassuringly at her friend. “It’s fine.”


Giving her friend a quick squeeze, Kat stepped out onto the weathered, white porch; but, she was stopped by a strong, callused hand on her arms.




Cocking her head at Solomon, Kat gave him her best
who do you think you're talking to
stare before she calmly reached in her purse and grabbed for her keys.


“Here.” Kat threw them directly up in the air and stepped away from Solomon. He let her go and caught the keys. Within sixty seconds, they were tucked into her little Volvo pulling out of Mindy’s cemented driveway.


Leaning forward in her seat, Kat waved at the woman who had brought her back home. Though Kat wished it was under better circumstances, she was still happy to be back.


“I guess you came as soon as you found out I was at Mindy’s. Don’t like me talking to her because she still thinks you’re a killer?” Kat’s tone was flippant, but her body language indicated she was anything but. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her eyes glared holes into Solomon’s side profile, as he drove her car. Anyone could guess what she was really feeling.

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