The Modern Middle East

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Authors: Mehran Kamrava

Tags: #Politics & Social Sciences, #Politics & Government, #International & World Politics, #Middle Eastern, #Religion & Spirituality, #History, #Middle East, #General, #Political Science, #Religion, #Islam

BOOK: The Modern Middle East
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“An outstanding textbook on the modern Middle East. Kamrava’s writing is straightforward and lucid.”

Digest of Middle East Studies

“This is an ambitious and stimulating treatment of the modern Middle East. It is both informative and enlightening.”

The Historian

“. . . an in-depth analysis of a variety of issues that have plagued this part of the world for so many years.”

—Mahmood Monshipouri, author of
Islamism, Secularism, and Human Rights in the Middle East

“At a time when sensational books on the Middle East fill the market, this is a serious and sober contribution. Kamrava approaches the highly charged emotional issues of the Middle East with sensitivity and objectivity. He should be commended for a very useful and highly needed book.”

—As‘ad AbuKhalil, author of
The Battle for Saudi Arabia: Royalty, Fundamentalism, and Global Power

“Kamrava has written a very well-researched, accessible, and up-to-date book. His themes are well chosen; his analysis is cogent and lucid. It is a welcome addition to the literature on Middle East politics.”

—Manochehr Dorraj, author of
Middle East at the Crossroads
The Modern Middle East
A Political History since the First World War
Third Edition
Berkeley Los Angeles London

University of California Press, one of the most distinguished university presses in the United States, enriches lives around the world by advancing scholarship in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Its activities are supported by the UC Press Foundation and by philanthropic contributions from individuals and institutions. For more information, visit

University of California Press

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University of California Press, Ltd.

London, England

© 2013 by The Regents of the University of California

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Kamrava, Mehran, 1964–

The modern Middle East : a political history since the First World War / Mehran Kamrava.—Third edition.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
978-0-520-27780-9 (cloth : acid-free paper)
978-0-520-27781-6 (paper : acid-free paper)
978-0-520-95685-8 (ebook)
1. Middle East—History—20th century. 2. Middle East—History—21st century. 3. Middle East—Politics and government—20th century. 4. Middle East—Politics and government—21st century. I. Title.
DS62.8.K366 2013
956.04—dc23 2013018594

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To Melisa, Dilara, and Kendra


List of Illustrations

List of Maps

List of Tables

Acknowledgments to the First Edition

Acknowledgments to the Second Edition

Acknowledgments to the Third Edition

1.From Islam to the Great War
2.From Territories to Independent States
3.The Age of Nationalism
4.The Arab-Israeli Wars
5.The Iranian Revolution
6.The Gulf Wars and Beyond
7.States and Their Opponents
8.Repression and Rebellion
9.The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
10.The Challenge of Economic Development
11.Challenges Facing the Middle East




1.Turkish women in a late-nineteenth-century harem
2.Women in Algiers in the 1880s
3.Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Reza Shah conferring
4.Female members of the Iraqi Home Guard, Baghdad, 1959
5.David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of the state of Israel
6.Israeli women joining the Haganah, Tel Aviv, 1948
7.Egyptian women celebrating Nasser’s announcement of women’s right to vote, 1956
8.Egyptian boys and girls receiving military training during the Suez Canal crisis, 1956
9.Israeli soldiers celebrating Jerusalem’s capture in the 1967 War
10.Egyptian soldiers celebrating the crossing of the Suez Canal in the 1973 War
11.Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of Iran’s Islamic revolution
12.Iran’s atomic chief Ali Akbar Salehi and head of the Russian nuclear agency Sergei Kiriyenko
13.Iraqi female police officers during their graduation ceremony
14.Iraqi forces on the “highway of death”
15.Shiʿite Iraqi women mourning after the Gulf War in 1991
16.A videotaped message from Osama bin Laden on Al-Jazeera
17.Saddam Hussein’s statue toppled in Baghdad
18.Former president Saddam Hussein on trial
19.British forces searching Iraqi women for weapons


20.Iraqi women inspecting the site of a car bomb explosion in the Bayaa district
21.Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
22.Protesters at Friday prayers in Tahrir Square in the first protest after the fall of Hosni Mubarak
23.Mohamed Morsi campaigning for the Egyptian presidency
24.The U.S. embassy in Egypt covered in graffiti, September 2012
25.The sewer pipe where Muammar Qaddafi was captured, with a dead loyalist gunman in the foreground
26.Syrian rebels engaging government forces near Saraquib City in April 2012
27.Emma Zvi Yona bathing her son at the unauthorized outpost of Moaz Esther
28.Yasser Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, first president of the Palestinian National Authority
29.A settler tossing wine at a Palestinian woman on Shuhada Street in Hebron
30.Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat signing the Oslo Accords
31.Women marching in support of Hamas
32.A Jewish settler praying at sunrise from a former outpost
33.A Palestinian woman inspecting the rubble of her house after Israeli missile strikes
34.A Palestinian woman flashing the “V for victory” sign at Israeli soldiers
35.Funeral of a two-year-old Palestinian boy killed in Israeli air strikes
36.A Palestinian boy walking through the rubble inside the house of Hamas commander Raed al-Attar
37.Hamas leader in exile Khaled Meshaal and Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniya at a rally
38.Israeli schoolgirls taking cover next to a bus in Ashdod, Israel, during a rocket attack
39.Skyscrapers of Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, at night


1.The modern Middle East
2.The Sykes-Picot Agreement
3.French and British mandates after World War I
4.The United Nations Partition Plan
5.Territories captured by Israel in 1967


1.Jewish Immigration in Each
2.Phases in Palestinian Nationalism
3.Palestinian Refugees of the 1948 War
4.Population Growth in Selected West Bank Settlements
5.GNP and GDP Average Annual Growth Rate in Developing Countries
6.Growth of GDP in Selected Middle Eastern Countries, 1980–2011
7.Number of Jobs That Need to Be Created in Selected Middle Eastern / North African Countries (2010–20)
8.Global Levels of Foreign Direct Investment
9.Share of Manufactures in Total Merchandise Trade by Region, 2010
10.Trade Indicators in Selected Middle Eastern Countries, 2009
11.Commodity Structure of Arab International Trade, 2006–10
12.Arab World Trade Partners, 2006–10
13.Population Characteristics in the Middle East
14.Fertility Rates in the Middle East as Compared to Other World Regions
15.Foreign Labor Force in the Oil Monarchies, 1975–2008
16.Age Structure in the Middle East, 2010


17.Passenger Cars per 1,000 Individuals in Selected Middle Eastern Countries
18.Annual Growth Rate of CO
Emissions in the Middle East
19.Per Capita Water Availability and the Ratio of Supply and Demand in the Middle East

Acknowledgments to the First Edition

The research and writing of this book would not have been possible without the kindness and generosity of a number of individuals. I greatly benefited from the research assistance of Annmarie Hunter and Emily Smurthwaite. I am most grateful for their diligence and their enthusiasm for this project from start to finish. Terrence Thorpe, another outstanding student, also read several chapters and gave valuable suggestions. Bradford Dillman, Manochehr Dorraj, Nader Entessar, Mark Gasiorowski, Nikki Keddie, and Mahmood Monshipouri kindly read all or some of the chapters and gave invaluable and insightful advice. Of course, any omissions or shortcomings remain entirely my fault. Work on chapter 8 [chapter 10 in the third edition] was partly funded by a generous grant from the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at California State University, Northridge.

This book is the outgrowth of more than a decade of teaching and lecturing on the politics and history of the Middle East. In the process, I have learned a great deal from the innumerable students who have shared with me their insights, experiences, criticisms, and comments. Both directly and indirectly, their input is no doubt reflected here. For that, I am grateful.

Chapter 9 [chapter 8 in the third edition] is an expanded, much revised version of an article that originally appeared in
Third World Quarterly,
vol. 19, no. 1, 1998, pp. 63–85. I am grateful to
’s editor, Shahid Qadir, for permission to quote extensively from the article here.

My wife, Melisa Çanli, deserves special thanks. Over the nearly five years that it took to write this book, she put up with my many solitary hours behind the computer, my frequent mood swings, and my far-too-frequent frowns. All along, she never wavered in her loving support for my work. As I was in the final stages of preparing the book, she gave birth to our beautiful daughter, Dilara. As a meager token of my love and gratitude, I dedicate this book to them both.

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