The Modern Guide to Witchcraft (24 page)

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Authors: Skye Alexander

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft, #Religion, #Wicca

BOOK: The Modern Guide to Witchcraft
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Everything seems to be going up except salaries. This spell uses growth symbolism to help you get a raise, even when the economy’s bad and companies are cutting back.

  • A clear glass bottle (no designs) with a lid or stopper
  • Spring water
  • A $20 bill (or larger denomination)
  • Tape
  • During the waxing moon, preferably on Thursday or Friday

Collect the ingredients needed for this spell. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Fill the bottle with spring water. Tape the $20 bill on the side of the bottle. This infuses the water with the image of money. Cap the bottle and shake it three times to charge it.

Drink some of the magick water. As you do this, imagine you are being “watered” with wealth. See your boss calling you into his/her office and offering you a raise, or visualize yourself receiving a paycheck with a larger amount printed on it—choose an image that clearly expresses your intention. Open the circle. Continue drinking your “money water” daily—make more when you finish the first batch—and watch your income increase.


You want to tell your boss to take this job and shove it, but times are tough and good jobs are hard to find. Instead, put your magick skills to work and get busy creating the perfect job.

  • Pictures from magazines, the Internet, or other sources
  • A piece of paper or cardboard large enough for you to stand on (if necessary, tape two or more sheets together)
  • An orange marker
  • Glue, paste, or tape
  • During the waxing moon, preferably on Sunday or Thursday

Spend some time thinking about the job you’d really like. What images come to mind? Is travel a factor? If so, a plane might be a good symbol. Perhaps a big walnut desk represents authority to you, or a TV screen suggests fame. Coins and paper currency signify money. Cut out magazine pictures that depict various aspects of your dream job or download images from the Internet.

Gather up all your images along with the other ingredients needed for this spell. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. On the paper or cardboard, use the marker to draw a symbol that astrologers call the Part of Fortune. This lucky design looks like an × with a circle around it. Make your drawing large enough so that you can paste all your pictures inside it. Begin attaching the pictures you’ve collected to the Part of Fortune. As you work, imagine yourself happy and successful in your new position.

When you’ve finished, lay the paper/cardboard on the floor. Remove your shoes and stand in the middle of it. Close your eyes and imagine yourself becoming one with your new job. Make the visualization as real as possible. Stand there until your mind starts to wander, then step off the paper/cardboard and open the circle. Repeat as necessary, until you land your ideal job.


She spreads damaging gossip about you at work. He steals your ideas and claims they’re his. It’s time to bring out the big guns–magick-wise, that is. This spell ties the backstabber’s hands and prevents him/her from doing further harm.

  • A small figurine (poppet) made of clay, wax, cloth, wood, or another material
  • A black marker
  • Black cord long enough to wrap around the figurine several times
  • A shovel
  • A large stone
  • During the waning moon, preferably on Saturday

Collect the ingredients needed for this spell. If possible, make the figurine (known magickally as a poppet) yourself, but if you aren’t handy you can purchase an ordinary doll (the plainer the better, unless you can find one that resembles the backstabber). Cast a circle around the area where you will cast your spell.

With the marker write the troublemaker’s full name on the poppet. Say aloud: “Figure of [whatever material the poppet is made of], I name you [the backstabber’s name] and command you to cease your attacks on me now. I bind your ill will and render you powerless against me.” Wrap the black cord around the figurine several times and tie it, making eight knots. Each time you tie a knot, repeat the last sentence of the affirmation: “I bind your ill will and render you powerless against me.” When you’ve finished, open the circle.

Take the poppet and shovel to a place near your workplace and dig a hole in the ground. If that’s not feasible, go to a remote area away from trees or water (and not on your own property). Place the poppet in the hole and cover it with dirt, then put the stone on top of it for good measure.


After a while, you’ll probably want to design some original spells. That’s great. Following these steps will help you to create spells that can be just as effective as the ones you learn from this book and from other sources:

  1. Boil down the purpose of the spell to a word or short phrase.
  2. Find the ingredients suited to your goal.
  3. Consider the best time to cast the spell.
  4. Decide if you want to include an affirmation or incantation. If so, write one according to the instructions in
    Chapter 13
  5. Cleanse and purify all the objects you’ll use in your spell.
  6. Consider the order in which you’ll do what you do.
  7. Write your spell in your book of shadows, along with your experiences.

What kinds of results can you expect from your spellwork? Well, that depends on you. Like a computer, spells do what you tell them to do. That’s why it’s important to carefully consider what you really want and to state your objective accordingly. If you perform a spell to find a perfect companion and end up with a wonderful dog, your magick certainly has worked!

Chapter 17

The modern world is a dangerous place. Turn on the TV or read a newspaper and you’ll see an ongoing parade of scary scenarios: hurricanes and earthquakes, car wrecks and plane crashes, robberies, kidnappings, and murders. Disease lurks just around the corner, threatening health and well-being. Accidents happen when you least expect them. How can you protect yourself against the evils of the world?

Since ancient times, people in all cultures have used magick to safeguard themselves, their loved ones, and their property. In fact, the earliest charms were probably created for protection—from wild animals, bad weather, and malicious spirits. The early Greeks, for example, carried leaves on which they’d written the goddess Athena’s name in order to ward off hexes. The Egyptians believed the Eye of Osiris would protect them on earth and in the life beyond.

Before you start doing the spells in this chapter, consider what we’ve discussed already about the power of the mind. You can drive yourself crazy worrying about all the bad things that
happen, most of which never will. As Plato expressed it, “Courage is knowing what not to fear.”

Magicians say you should never put your mind on anything you don’t want to occur, lest you draw that thing to you. That’s what the Law of Attraction teaches, too: You attract whatever you focus your attention on. So as part of your protection magick, you might consider turning off those violent shows on TV (including the news).


The next time fear stares you in the face, don’t turn around and run. Stare back. Confront it by asking yourself: What is the absolute worst that can happen? What is this fear really saying to me?

Here are a few tips for beating your fears:

  • Identify your fear: If you don’t identify your fears, they will unnecessarily spill into other areas of your life. Instead recognize the bottom line, or true root, of your fears. Maybe at some time in the long-ago past, that fear served a purpose, but you’ve outgrown it now. Once you do this, you can come to a better understanding of your fears and start to move past them.
  • Release your fear: When confronted with a fear, try finding an object to represent your fear, then take a hammer to it, and smash it. Physical exercise sometimes serves the same purpose. When you find yourself in the grip of fear, head for the outdoors, if you can, and walk fast. Better yet, run. Run until your legs ache and you’re panting for breath.
  • Work through it: Sometimes in life, certain situations are so painful or difficult that nothing seems to work to break the hold a particular fear has on you. In that case, you simply have to keep working with it and live through it day by day, until you can finally get beyond it.

Taking slow, deep breaths can also help to calm anxiety. While doing this, you might try simultaneously pressing a spot on the center of your torso, about halfway between your heart and your belly button. Acupressurists call this the “Center of Power.” With your index and middle fingers, apply steady pressure (but not so hard that it’s uncomfortable) to this spot for a minute or two whenever you feel a need to ease fear and insecurity.


As we discussed in
Chapter 10
, a witch’s pentagram is a symbol of protection. Many witches wear pentagrams as jewelry to keep them safe and sound, and you may want to do the same. You could also put one in your car’s glove compartment or hang one from the rearview mirror. Put one on the door of your home to keep would-be intruders and annoyances away. Place one in your desk at work. Decorate your clothes with pentagrams—you can even buy pentagram panties online. Paint pentagrams on your toenails. Some witches get pentagram tattoos for permanent protection. Or, if your need for safety is only temporary, try drawing or painting one on your chest near your heart.


You’re alone at night in a bad part of town. You’re hiking in the mountains and the trail is more treacherous than you’d expected. It’s time for some on-the-spot magick! This quick and easy spell can be done anywhere, in any situation, to provide instant protection.

  • None
  • Any time

Begin breathing slowly and deeply. If possible, close your eyes. Imagine you are in the center of a sphere of pure white light that completely encloses you like a cocoon. Visualize the light spinning clockwise around you. See the light expanding, providing a thick wall of protection that extends outward from your body in all directions. If you’re in a car, plane, or other vehicle, see the white light surrounding the vehicle as well.

Say or think this affirmation: “I am surrounded by divine white light. I am safe and sound, protected at all times and in all situations.” Repeat the affirmation three times. Feel yourself growing calmer and more confident as you place your welfare in the hands of a higher force.


A dicey situation has you worried and you feel a need for some extra protection. Protection amulets are one of the oldest forms of magick. This one helps to shield you from potential injury or illness.

  • A piece of amber
  • A piece of bloodstone (for protection from physical injury)
  • A piece of turquoise (for protection from illness)
  • Pine incense
  • An incense burner
  • Matches or a lighter
  • A photo of you (or another person if you’re doing this spell for someone else)
  • A pen or marker with black ink
  • Essential oil of rosemary
  • A white pouch, preferably silk
  • A black ribbon 8" long
  • Salt water
  • During the waning moon, preferably on a Saturday

Collect the ingredients needed for this spell. Wash the stones with mild soap and water, then pat them dry. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Fit the incense into the burner and light it.

Across the photograph write the words “I am safe” as you envision yourself completely surrounded by a sphere of pure white light. Dot each corner of the photo with essential oil. Inhale the scent of the oil and mentally connect it with a feeling of safety. Slip the photo into the pouch; if necessary, fold it so it’s small enough to fit.

Rub a little essential oil on each of the stones and add them to the pouch. Tie the pouch closed with the black ribbon, making eight knots. Each time you tie a knot repeat this incantation aloud:

“Anything that could cause me [other person’s name] harm

Is now repelled by this magick charm.”

Sprinkle the amulet with salt water, then hold it in the incense smoke for a few moments to charge it. Open the circle. Wear or carry the amulet with you at all times to protect you from harm, or give it to the person you wish to protect.


Do you feel you’re under attack? Since ancient times, people in cultures around the world have used eye amulets to scare off evil of all kinds. Whether the evil force threatening you is human, animal, or supernatural, this all-seeing protection charm guards your home and its inhabitants.

  • A disc of wood, ceramic, or stone about 1" in diameter
  • Blue, black, and white paint
  • A small paintbrush
  • A white ribbon at least 1" wide and 4–6" long
  • Tacky glue or something to attach the disc to the ribbon
  • A small loop or hook for hanging
  • Other adornments (optional)
  • On Saturday

Collect the listed ingredients. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Paint an eye with a blue iris, a black pupil, and white highlight on the disc—make it realistic or stylized, it’s up to you. If you like, decorate the ribbon with symbols or designs that represent protection to you, such as pentagrams or circles. When the paint dries, attach the disc to the ribbon. Affix the loop or hook to the back of the disc. Open the circle.

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