The Modern Guide to Witchcraft (23 page)

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Authors: Skye Alexander

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft, #Religion, #Wicca

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In many instances, it’s great to do a love spell with your romantic partner (assuming he or she is willing and in agreement with you). You can even incorporate sex magick into your spellworking to increase the octane, so to speak—but make sure you know what you’re doing before you start (my book
Sex Magic for Beginners
explains what you’ll need to know to get started).

Chapter 16

What does success mean to you? Some people consider themselves successful if they reach the highest ranks of their profession; others see money as a marker of success. In our celebrity-oriented society, fame is often the benchmark of success. In a broader sense, however, success means feeling a sense of purpose and joy in what you do. According to author Christopher Morley, “There is only one success—to be able to spend your life in your own way.” Whether you want to ace an exam, land a great new job, or make your mark in the world, magick can help you succeed.


Just as travelers plot a route, companies design business plans to guide them where they intend to go. Without a road map of some sort, you can easily get sidetracked or your plans may be derailed. Some business people recommend establishing a five-year plan, whereas others opt for longer or shorter terms and update their plans periodically. Many experts suggest that entrepreneurs at least create a mission statement that describes the business’s vision. You can apply this in other ways, too. Is your goal to finish college? Move to another part of the country where you’ll have more opportunity? Start a home-based business?

Given what you already know about magick, you can probably see the value of setting a goal—an end result you wish to achieve. That’s what you do every time you cast a spell. Once you’ve created an image of your goal, you can use your willpower to bring your dream into being. Your plans don’t have to be etched in stone, but it’s important to at least have a clear view of what you would like to accomplish. Remember, the more vivid you can make your images of your goals, the more likely they are to materialize in the way you desire.

Self-Esteem and Success

Your work life is connected with your beliefs about self-worth, prosperity, and success. If you feel unworthy, this will be reflected in your income and in your work situation. If, on the other hand, you believe you’re valuable and deserving—of a raise, a promotion, or better working conditions—your self-image will be reflected in your outer-world image.

In the following brainstorming activity, you’re going to take inventory of your work situation—the work you do, your bosses and other people who have power over you, your coworkers or colleagues, or your personal circumstances if you’re self-employed:

  1. Describe the work that you do; give specific details.
  2. Is your work satisfying? Why or why not?
  3. Do you get along with your boss?
  4. Do you get along with your coworkers?
  5. Are you passionate about your work?
  6. What would you change about your work if you could?
  7. Do you have moral or ethical objections to the work you do?
  8. Do you feel you’re paid fairly for what you do?
  9. What are your professional goals for the next year? The next five years?
  10. Do you have regrets about the career path you’ve chosen?
  11. Have you gotten regular promotions and raises? If not, why?
  12. Is your work life filled with struggles? If so, explain.
  13. Are you earning enough doing what you do?
  14. If you could choose to do anything you wanted, what would it be? Why?
  15. If your passion lies elsewhere, can you imagine earning your living at it?

If your answers to the previous questions are mostly positive, then you’re probably exactly where you want to be in life right now. If the answers are predominantly negative, it’s time to start doing magick to change what you don’t like.

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”


Write It Down

Don’t just keep your goals in your head. Instead, write them down in a journal or loose-leaf binder. Writing your goals is the first step toward bringing them into the material world. The very act of putting words on paper takes them out of the realm of imagination. The tactile nature of writing, instead of keeping a folder in your computer, makes your ideas more tangible.

State your objectives in the form of affirmations. Your affirmations might be all-encompassing and general, such as “I now have a job that’s perfect for me,” or they may be very precise, such as “I graduate at the top of my class and [company name] hires me and pays me [$X/year].” Make a list that includes at least three and not more than ten goals. As soon as you’ve accomplished one objective, replace it with another.

Read through your affirmations twice daily, when you first wake up and just before going to sleep at night. Repetition imprints your goals on your subconscious and directs it to carry out your wishes.


Like other spells, the ones you do for success will be more powerful if you do them at the right time. In magick, as in other areas of life, timing counts. In most cases, you’ll get better results if you do spells for work success while the moon is waxing. However, if your goal is to eliminate an obstacle or condition that’s blocking your success, or you want to scale down your work-related responsibilities, do a spell during the waning moon.

Capricorn is the zodiac sign of business, goals, and public image. Therefore, an ideal time to do spells for career success is while the moon and/or the sun is in Capricorn. Virgo is connected with work, work relationships, and work-related health matters, so if your intention involves these things, do a spell when the sun and/or moon is in Virgo. If you seek status, recognition, or a promotion, do a spell while the sun and/or moon is in Leo, the sign of leadership and fame.

The best days of the week for doing success spells are Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday, which are the days ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, and the sun, respectively. These heavenly bodies govern growth, business, travel, public image, status, ambition, self-image, determination, and leadership ability. The best day(s) for doing each of the spells in this chapter is indicated for each spell.


This spell helps you get clear about your goal. Often we think we want one thing and later on find that what we really wanted was something else entirely. So before you get to the “later on” point, do this simple spell for clarification.

  • 1 dark blue candle
  • 1 fireproof candleholder
  • A few drops of essential oil of citrus
  • Pen and paper
  • As you feel the need

Dress your candle with the oil, put it in the candleholder, and light it. As you smell the scent of citrus, write down your goal in the form of an affirmation. Keep it simple. Prop the paper on which you’ve written your goal up against the candleholder or lay it in front of the candle. Gaze into the candle’s flame and sit quietly for a few moments, keeping your goal in mind. Imagine that you have already achieved this goal. How does it feel? Are you comfortable with it? How does it affect your family and friends? What is your life like now that you have gotten what you wanted?

The more vivid and detailed your visualization, the better. Hold the image in your mind until your mind starts to wander, then stop. Now read your goal again. Is it what you really want? If not, rewrite it. You may find that you merely need to fine-tune what you’ve written. If you rewrite your goal, let it sit for a day or two before you look at it again. Then ask yourself if it feels right. Chances are that it will. Once you’re certain you’ve got it right, burn the piece of paper to release your intentions into the cosmic web.


Does your boss overlook your hard work and neglect to give you credit for what you do? Do clients and customers seem unappreciative when you go the extra mile for them? If you’re feeling dissed lately, this spell can help you get the respect you deserve.

  • A ballpoint pen
  • An orange candle
  • A candleholder
  • Cinnamon essential oil
  • Dried bay leaves
  • Matches or a lighter
  • A piece of paper
  • Colored pens, pencils, or markers
  • Tape
  • During the full moon, on Sunday, or when the sun or moon is in Leo

Gather the ingredients needed for this spell. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. With the ballpoint pen, inscribe a circle with a dot in its center on the candle; this is the astrological symbol for the sun. Dress the candle by rubbing the essential oil on it (not on the wick) and set it in its holder. Inhale the scent of cinnamon, letting it stimulate feelings of confidence and power. Lay the bay leaves in a circle around the base of the candle. Light the candle.

With the colored markers and paper, write the word “Respect.” Add other images that represent status, honor, power, and recognition to you. (If you like Aretha Franklin, you could play her song “Respect” during the process.) While you work, imagine yourself being lauded by the people with whom you work. See them bowing down to you, offering you gifts, singing your praises, or whatever scenario pleases you. When you’re happy with your design, put a dot of cinnamon oil on each corner of the piece of paper. Extinguish the candle and collect the bay leaves. Open the circle.

Take the paper and the bay leaves to your workplace. Tape the bay leaves, which represent victory and success, on your desk, computer, door, wall, or other spot in your work area; if you prefer, put them in a desk drawer or other safe place out of sight. Look at your respect drawing often—especially if someone treats you badly. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling self-confidence. Remember Eleanor Roosevelt’s words: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”


We all need encouragement and support in the work we do. This spell helps you attract someone who believes in you, sees your talent, and wants to nurture it.

  • 1 ceramic pot
  • Potting soil
  • 9 seeds for a plant that blossoms with red or purple flowers
  • Water
  • On a Thursday during a waxing moon

Fill your ceramic pot with potting soil and place the nine seeds at various spots in the soil. As you plant the seeds, say aloud:

“I plant these seeds

And draw to me

The one who sees

What I can be.

So mote it be.”

Once the seeds begin to sprout, the person who recognizes your genius should appear in your life. Until that happens, lavish your plant with tender loving care. Take every opportunity to make contacts—you never know who might become your “angel.”


Whether you’re entering college, seeking a new job, or taking on a new project, this spell can help you make a successful start. Nothing can be as scary as the prospect of beginning something new. Most people wonder if they’re smart enough, experienced enough, or talented enough to make a go of it. But if you listen to your fears, you’ll never know how successful you might have been if you’d ignored them.

  • A picture that represents what you are about to begin
  • 1 quartz crystal
  • Nine days before the full moon

Cut out a picture from a magazine or download an online image that represents what you are about to start. Nine days before the full moon, lay the picture face up on your altar. Set the crystal on top of it. On the night of the full moon, burn the picture while you imagine yourself succeeding at your new effort, thereby releasing your intention into the cosmic web. Carry the crystal in your pocket or purse, or place it where you’ll see it often to reinforce your self-confidence.


There’s one in every office—the coworker who makes everyone else’s life miserable. The word “teamwork” isn’t in his vocabulary. Her negativity drags down the rest of the staff’s morale. Can a little magick sweeten this sour situation? Absolutely!

  • A piece of tumbled rose quartz
  • A piece of watermelon tourmaline
  • A spray bottle
  • Spring water
  • Granulated sugar
  • Jasmine essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • During the waning moon, preferably on Friday

Gather the ingredients needed for this spell. Wash the gemstones with mild soap and water. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Fill the bottle with spring water, then add the sugar and essential oils. Shake the bottle three times to charge the mixture.

Envision the annoying coworker surrounded by a sphere of pink light. Even though this person may be as prickly as a cactus, try to understand that negative people are filled with fear. This spell works by boosting your coworker’s self-esteem, so projecting positive energy will actually defuse this person’s bitchiness. Open the circle.

Take the magick potion and the gemstones to work with you. When your irritating coworker isn’t around, mist his/her workspace with the water-and-oil mixture. Repeat as necessary. Hide the piece of tourmaline somewhere in the bitchy person’s work area. (Tourmaline neutralizes and disperses negative energy.) Keep the rose quartz for yourself. Whenever you start feeling annoyed, rub the stone until you calm down. Before long you should notice a change in your coworker’s attitude and behavior, and in your own reactions to him/her.

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