The McGilley Trilogy (44 page)

Read The McGilley Trilogy Online

Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The McGilley Trilogy
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“No.” Anna couldn’t deny that she had enjoyed riding him to climax or that the charged sexual atmosphere of the club added to her pleasure or that Donovan was turning out to be everything she had ever wanted in a man, giving her everything she had ever fantasized about with sex, everything except himself, the full unleashing of his sexual desire. She suspected it was because of her past, and while she could admire a man for wanting to be gentle when faced with the signs of her abuse, she didn’t want gentle, she wanted it all.

“That’s it, just no?” From the closed look on her face, he knew something was wrong, but he couldn’t figure out what. He thought she would be pleased he had ceded control to her, allowed her to set the pace, ensuring she had a good experience when he suspected her previous encounters were anything but.

“Tell me something, Donovan,” she said as she rose and stood before him, her hands on her hips, her breasts heaving with the sudden anger coursing through her. “If you had any of these other women here on your lap, would you have held back like you did with me, give them the control you gave me?”

Damn, she looked fucking awesome standing there in nothing but three inch fuck me shoes, her grey eyes snapping fire at him, her short red hair framing a very irate face. His cock stirred back to life, his need to take her in hand, show her who was boss when it came to sex and just how he really liked to fuck a woman rose in demanding force. The fact that she obviously didn’t appreciate his sacrifice on her behalf only added to his growing lust and irritation. Rising slowly until he towered over her shorter frame, his irritation was calmed by his admiration for her gall, for the nerve it took for her to face him down and boldly confront him.

“Not a chance in hell, to answer your question, but then none of them bear the scars of a madman either.”

“If you’re going to hold that against me, then maybe we ought to end this now,” she said stiffly, mortified, saddened and angry that she couldn’t seem to escape Todd’s hold on her, even after all the suffering, pain and lingering guilt.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Donovan said almost desperately before that blank, indifferent look he hadn’t seen lately on her face developed completely. “You want sex with me the way I like it, then come with me, but make damn sure this is what you want, Anna,” he warned as his conscience warred with his lust. He never took a woman in anger, and he wasn’t feeling the desperate need to escape his own past that sometimes drove him here to seek out oblivion the only way he knew how, so he didn’t worry about being so aggressive he risked hurting her. He just worried that, like some fantasies this might be one she would be better off leaving unexplored because of the real chance it won’t be all of what she had hoped.

The hard, implacable look on his face didn’t deter her as she boldly replied, “I want you.”

Before either of them could second guess themselves, Donovan hitched his pants up, wincing as he tucked his hard cock inside, then left them open for both comfort and expediency, took her hand and led her down the hall to the room set up as an office, happy to see it was currently empty. Pointing to the wide leather desk chair behind the big desk, he instructed, “Kneel there, facing the mirror. I’ll be right back.”

Knowing he’d use it as an excuse to back out if she questioned him, Anna swallowed her sudden nervousness at being left alone and so exposed, and padded over to the chair. Kneeling on the cool leather, bracing her hands on the high back, she looked at herself in the large mirror behind the chair and saw not only herself but a gathering of people at the door and viewing window. Embarrassment fought with growing excitement as she averted her eyes and hoped Donovan hurried back.

The sight of her doing exactly as he ordered greeted him as he stepped into the office playroom, her round ass on display a tempting sight, the light flush across her cheekbones belying the ease with which she sat there. The small gathering of onlookers at the window gave him a confidence he wouldn’t otherwise have with her, their presence ensuring he kept himself in check. Striding over, he caught her eyes in the mirror as he rubbed his palm over the fleshy mounds of her buttocks. “You look very enticing kneeling there, waiting for me, but just because you obeyed me so nicely doesn’t mean I forgive you just yet for your dictate earlier. I was just looking out for your best interests, Anna,” he once again warned her.

“I know and I appreciate it, Donovan, I really do, but right now I’d rather you looked out for my needs. And I need you to quit holding back.” Anna didn’t know where all this bravado had come from, but the sight of him holding a round, leather paddle coupled with the smooth caresses from his hard, calloused hand had her need and arousal firing up on all cylinders.

“Then bend over, push your hips back,” he stated without preamble as he took his hand off her ass and replaced it with a light swat from the paddle after she had done as instructed. Her startled gasp made him smile, but she didn’t budge from her position. Taking a step closer, he slipped his free hand over her smooth mound, remembering how those soft folds looked as they slowly parted for his cock. Snapping the paddle on her other buttock, he slid his finger through those drenched folds and fingered her tight sheath, smiling again when she closed tightly around him.

The third swat had Anna moaning and shoving back against him as she simultaneously tried to ground down on his finger. The heat and pain built across her buttocks with each stroke, the leather slapped against her flesh with a resounding snap that echoed in the room, but not loud enough to drown out the murmuring voices from their audience. She tried to avoid seeing those faces in the mirror but soon found the only way to do that was to shift her eyes to the side and watch Donovan. The intense look on his face as he slapped her ass again made her shudder with longing, wanting more than ever to feel that intensity when he was fucking her.

His finger made direct contact with her clit on the next stroke and she tried but failed to bite back a telltale whimper of need. Jerking against his marauding hand, she tightened her hands on the top of the chair and tried to keep from begging, but on the next swat accompanied by a light pinch of her clit before a sudden release, she couldn’t keep from whispering, “Please.”

Chuckling, Donovan said, “It’s about time,” then proceeded to milk her engorged clit between his fingers as he smacked her cheeks several more times.

Anna cried out in pleasure, her orgasm exploding without any slow build up, just one massive burst of body enveloping pleasure that consumed her from head to toe. She was still writhing in the throes of that climax when she felt Donovan’s hands on her hips and his cock invading her still spasming pussy with one deep, hard plunge. And then he fucked her, hard and deep with fast, jackhammer, body jarring thrusts that sent her senses careening out of control again on a never ending spiral of pleasure. Over and over, his cock invaded her pussy with driving, forceful possession, filling her completely, rocking the chair with each deep plunge, giving her exactly what she had asked for, what she had craved for so long.

Donovan didn’t give her a chance to meet his thrusts but kept control of her hips as he took her like she had asked him to, with no holds barred. Each calculated thrust went as deep as possible, slamming his balls against her thighs as he touched her womb with jarring intensity, over and over. Sweat broke out on his brow as he pounded into her, her red ass and bouncing breasts with their stiff nipples driving him to greater heights. Digging his thumbs into her cheeks, he spread them enough to reveal the small puckered hole they hid from him. Rubbing one thumb over that sensitive piece of flesh, he was rewarded with her scream and the feel of her clamping so tightly on his dick in her third orgasm there was no way he could hold out any longer. Her tight pussy sucked his orgasm out of him with strong pulses on his hard flesh, milking him nonstop until he swore she drained him dry, flames of pleasure tearing through him as he pumped into her, their harsh breathing, the squeak of the chair and the slap of their hips coming together forcefully drowned out the muted strains of music and the soft murmurs from their audience.

For the first time in over seven years, Donovan didn’t feel like he was using a woman. He rarely sought sex, and when he did more often than not it was to help rid him of the demons riding him, an effort to expunge Nathan’s dying face from his mind as well as the sight of the guard he had beaten to death in a fit of rage as the prison was being taken over by his rescue team. A man he had killed with his bare hands and yet had no memory of actually doing the deed. But Anna had given him a reprieve from his guilt and remorse as well as the anger that always seemed to be simmering just below the surface. As he pulled reluctantly from the soft well of her vagina, he hoped her pleasure had at least equaled his own.

Anna turned as Donovan helped her down, shuddering as she simply folded herself against his hard frame and felt his arms go around her. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice hoarse from her screams of pleasure as she tried to catch her breath.

Chuckling, Donovan tilted her face up to his and kissed her, his mouth taking hers softly in direct contrast to how he had just taken her body, before replying, “Anytime, sugar.”

Chapter Twenty Six

Anna rolled over in her bed the next morning, smiling as the lingering ache in her pussy reminded her of the pleasure of fucking Donovan, an ache that only reinforced her desire for Donovan and his rough possession. Once again, she had worked up a sweat during sex, proof she had thrown her whole body into the act, exerting enough effort to leave her shuddering in sated exhaustion. And she had loved it. She had been hoping Donovan would invite her back to his house, but when he didn’t, she didn’t allow her disappointment to ruin an otherwise perfect night. He was a complicated man, a man who, she suspected, battled his share of demons as she did. The scar running down the side of his face indicated a violent past that could rival her own and at the thought of someone hurting him she found herself not only empathizing with him but angry at his having suffered.

Stretching, reluctant to leave the warmth of her bed and her memories of the previous night, she glanced at the clock and was surprised to see the morning practically gone. Cursing, she rolled out of bed and padded naked into the bathroom. Today was the third Sunday of the month and her scheduled visitation day at Shady Oaks. Stepping under the hot shower, she let the heat warm her suddenly cold and clammy skin as she remembered her obligation.
Damn it,
she thought angrily
, she didn’t want to cloud the bliss she was feeling with a trip to the home where Todd had lain in a vegetative state for over two years.

Guilt for one thing or another had hounded her most of her life, and when she had taken an opportunity to free herself of the daily beatings her husband had been inflicting on her for eight days, three of those accompanied by her broken arm, she had to add the results from that desperate action to her already long list. Grabbing the bedside lamp and smashing it over Todd’s head when he had turned his back on her after that last beating, had been an act of desperation driven by fear and pain. With blood running from her infected wounds and her right arm useless from the unattended break, she had simply acted without thought, never guessing that her desperate act would leave Todd with irreversible brain damage or that both her parents and his would blame her for everything. Her father’s death from another heart attack eight months ago had only compounded her guilt.

Since that fateful day six months after her marriage to Todd, she had accepted not only her responsibility for her husband’s actions, but the fact that her parents weren’t there for her when she needed them the most. She had lost all hope of ever being accepted and loved for who she was that day, and drawing on her experience of learning to shield her emotions from others, she had vowed to never let anyone see the depth of her need and pain again.

Somehow, Donovan had broken through that shield. The way he befriended her that first week just to ensure himself she was free of her abuser was more than anyone else, except Diane, had done for her since that fateful day. The fact that he gave in to her pleas for sex, for experiences he was obviously reluctant to give her, only made her want him more and after she had felt his hard cock taking her the way she had always wanted, she knew she wanted more from him than just last night.

Tired of the guilt, the constant recriminations she battled every month when she went to visit Todd, Anna decided she was going to do something for herself today instead of for the man who didn’t deserve her time, the man who wouldn’t know whether she sat by his side this afternoon or not. Worried Donovan would shore up his own defenses against being with her, against giving her again what she craved so much, she decided to surprise him with a visit this afternoon, and, hopefully, earn a repeat of last night for her efforts.

Donovan spent a sleepless night wanting a woman in his bed for the first time, something that had him both edgy and, ironically, pleased. He had never thought he would want a steady relationship, never imagined he would even contemplate one given his constant struggle to keep the underlying anger that had plagued him since his imprisonment in check. That anger had started to build slowly during those first days when he had to sit in that small, cramped cell and impotently watch Nathan slowly and agonizingly die. Over the next few weeks, it had festered until, when he was given the chance, it had exploded with uncontrollable force, and not even the military shrinks could convince him his actions were both justified and a one-time anomaly due to circumstances beyond his control. The blackouts that came with his drinking binges hadn’t helped, nor had the fact that neither his rage nor his blackouts had returned in all these years.

He thought of the pain and suffering Anna had endured. Even without knowing the details, he knew to get those scars she had to endure beatings as severe as his, yet she managed to put it aside enough to go after what she wanted, to pursue him and what he could do for her even after he had been anything but encouraging. Damned if he didn’t admire her for that. And when he had finally caved and taken her the way they both wanted, she had reveled in his hard possession, had responded with open abandonment and enthusiasm and without any fearful memories being resurrected. Which was why, as he was tossing and turning all night, that for the first time in his life, he was giving serious consideration to setting aside the rest of his reservations in order to give their relationship a chance. For the first time he found himself caring enough about a woman for him to risk losing the precarious hold he maintained over his emotions, a hold vital to his peace of mind, to ease his constant fear of losing control again. As much as he had regretted not inviting her back to his place for the night, as much as he had wanted having her in his bed, he finally fell asleep convinced it was a risk worth taking.

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