The Mating Call: Drekinn Series (21 page)

Read The Mating Call: Drekinn Series Online

Authors: Jana Leigh

Tags: #Romance, #erotica, #Paranormal Romance, #jana leigh, #shifter romance, #werewolves, #new release, #futuristic

BOOK: The Mating Call: Drekinn Series
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"Well, ma'am, HOLY SHIT! Now why the hell are you pointing that gun at me?" the Southern voice said.

"Hands up, and state your business," Sabrina ordered and then said, "Badge number, and ID password."

Cherri rolled her eyes and looked at her nails, damn it; she was going to have to go to the salon again. They were chipping. Her communicator went off, and Cherri pulled it from her pocket. It was her friend and Alpha, Kade.

"Hi, Kade," she said into the communicator.

"Why is Sabrina's alarm going off?" Kade said calmly.

"Because there is a stranger in the lab," Cherri said.

"Fuck," Kade said and hung up. The Calvary was coming.

"Hey, mister, you had better get those credentials out quick, cause there is gonna be two pissed-off Alphas coming in the door in" Cherri said and the door burst open with Kade, Calli and Thomas and the guns were drawn.









Denver Pack by Jana Leigh



Alpha's Mate

Tey's White Wolf

Devon" The Beta's Double Trouble

Cloe: Two for the Bite of One

Reggie: A Wolf's Changing Heart

Blaine: A Wolf's Second Sight

Lacy: Seeing Double

Jordan's Misunderstanding

Trinity: Heart of the Shifters

Argus: Accepting the Challenge

Trace: Following His Destiny

Shea: The Last Hope



Other books include:

Dangerous Series:

Dangerous Trio

Dangerous Two

Dangerous Finale

Dangerous: Working Against the Clock

Dangerous: Off Limits



Cassidy Family Series



Playing With Zack

Killing Jared



Watch for the new series THE CHOSEN'S WAR



This is a continuation of the Denver Pack, with a twist. New creatures will arise and new allies made with the New Council as they take their place at the head of the magical world.






Lightning crashed and thunder boomed as the wind pelted large spears of rain against her already sensitive and broken skin; but she couldn’t stop running if she wanted to stay alive. Day was quickly turning to night and she knew he would be after her soon.

Her tears were washed away by the harsh rain and her sobs could barely be heard over the loud thunder. She thought this would at least be one blessing because the storm would make it harder for him to hear her and to catch her scent. Perhaps there was a god after all.

But she quickly pushed that thought away when images of her parents and her little sister flashed before her eyes. Their horrific screams as he tortured them and broke their bones. Then the ill silence as they lay lifeless in a pool of their own blood, while he stood over them with their blood dripping from his mouth. His eyes had a bright red glow to them and, oh god, those teeth, no they weren’t teeth, they were fangs. The man was a vampire.

No, she could not let the images stall her, she could not break down and give up; she had to keep running. There, a cave that she could possibly hide in until the next day, she knew he wouldn’t be able to chase her in the day so it would be her only saving grace.

She ducked in to the cave and ran as far in to its darkness as she could. Something large and hard caught her feet and she tumbled over it; face first, on to the dirt floor. Just as she started to push herself up, she heard it; at first soft then ever growing rumbling of a growl. She turned her head and saw the large yellow eyes looking back at her. Oh no, that wasn’t a rock she stumbled over but a large animal, possibly a bear.

It came closer to her as she lay still watching it as best she could in the darkness. She felt its muzzle on her, sniffing her. Then she didn’t feel anything at all, she couldn’t even see its eyes. Did it leave? Then suddenly a man’s face was in front of hers. Thankfully, not the face of her captor, but his eyes glowed yellow and he looked just as evil.

Chi la sono?” Who are you? Is all she heard of his snarly voice before her world went black.





Caterina sat up in her bed abruptly. Sweat poured from her brow and her lungs burned as she gasped for air. She looked around at her surroundings, not remembering where she was at the moment. Her eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness, and when they did, she saw that she was in her room, safe and sound.

A thud against the window made her jump, but when she looked over, she saw it was just a tree branch hitting the glass because of the strong wind brought on by the storm. Her body shivered as the word storm entered her consciousness. Caterina hated storms; they always brought the memories back. She hated to remember, she always tried to push the thoughts away. It was better for her that way. But when it stormed, especially at night, her dreams would force her to relive everything all over again.

Caterina pushed the blankets off her and swung her legs over the edge of the bed to stand. She walked in to her small en-suite bathroom and went to the sink to splash her face. As the cool water hit her skin, the images in her head began to fade. Finally, after the shaking stopped and she felt she had washed away all the sweat and tears on her face, she stood straight and took a look at herself in the mirror. She did this to remind herself that she was not that same girl five years ago. She was not a scared child running for her life from some horrific monster. She was safe and she was strong, thanks to the help of her best and dearest friend. She knew if she had not met him that night she would be dead by now, or worse, a slave to that horrible man. No, not a man, but a vampire. If she had not run in to his cave, she would have never been saved from the vampires clutches. Adolfo was the very best thing that had happened to her.

Without Adolfo, Caterina would not have lived, she would not have escaped. He kept her hidden, deeper in that cave, until the following day. Then he ran with her, to the nearest train station and acted as her body guard as they got as far from Italy as they could. They had taken a plane to America, thanks to Adolfo having money to do so. He had explained to her that he didn’t live in that cave but in a house not too far away from it. That cave was on his property and he sometimes liked to go there just to rest as his wolf. He said he had been running the woods when the storm started and it was closer than his house so he went in to the cave to wait it out. Apparently, Adolfo was well enough off, because when they got to America he supported them as they moved from state to state.

Caterina hated the moving, but they had to, because where ever they stopped just for a while, it seemed a vampire would turn up wanting Caterina. One time she had actually gotten an explanation from one of them before they tried to drain her and ultimately died when Adolfo ripped them to shreds. It was something to do with her blood; there was something special about it that called to them. Caterina often wished she could remove that ‘special’ part of her blood so the vampires would leave her alone and she could live in peace. But that wasn’t possible.

Caterina left the bathroom and crawled back in to her bed. She sat there staring at the window, wondering when it would be that she and Adolfo would have to move again. She wondered why Adolfo would put up with her and go through this mess with her for so long. The vampires weren’t after him; he could just walk away and never have to deal with them again. She knew it wasn’t because he was in love with her. They had tried being a couple once when things were a bit more peaceful for a time. But they soon found that they were not meant to be more than friends.

She would ask Adolfo many times why he stayed with her for so long when it would have been better for him to let her go. He would always answer, “Because you are special Caterina. I look at you and I see something that I have never seen before. I feel that because of you that one day life will be better for all of shifters, humans and us alike. I look at you and I see hope.”

Caterina snorted, hope, there was nothing hopeful about Caterina’s situation. There was only doubt and uncertainty; but no hope.

She lay down on her pillow and stared at her ceiling for a while. She wondered if Diavolo still hunted her. She remembered when she met him. She was working at a small café in her village and she was just cleaning up and closing for the night when he entered it. He didn’t seem so evil when she first met him. Actually, he was quite charming and handsome. He took her on a few dates and they always seemed to have great fun together. She couldn’t for the life of her figure out why his parents would stick him with such an awful name as devil. Until things changed, he asked her to come away with him; to live with him in his home in Umbria. Caterina had told him he was moving too quickly and she was still in school. She didn’t want to leave her parents because they were both disabled and unable to fend for themselves. She thought he would understand, but he became angry. Then one night he showed up at her house and attacked her family. That is when she saw the reason he was named devil. He slaughtered her family, drinking their blood as he did it. Then when he was done he said, “There, now you do not need to care for them anymore and have no reason not to come with me.”

He really gave her no choice after that; he just took her to his castle right outside Umbria where he imprisoned her in one of the rooms during the day. It wasn’t a dungeon where he had her, it was actually quite a beautiful room and comfortable. His donors, as he called them, would be her servants during the day, bringing her food, clothing, anything she needed really. But during the night, Diavolo would come to her and rape her, taking her blood. She didn’t understand why he was doing this to her, but he would often say she was the key. The key to what? Even now, she didn’t know what exactly she was the key to.

She knew when he would come to her, he would say it didn’t work and that maybe he needed just a little more blood. Then he would take her blood again while he forced himself on her. He wouldn’t really have to physically restrain her to do it, just use some sort of compulsion and she would do whatever he wished. But after a while, Caterina had given up and would allow him to do as he wished without even using the compulsion.

Then one night he came to her in a rage. He said he didn’t understand why it wasn’t working and he was tired of waiting. He beat her and drained her within an inch of her life, before he left her to die on her bed. The servants had come in the morning and seen she still lived. They tried nursing her back to health as much as they could, then helped her escape the castle before nightfall.

Caterina often wondered what happened to the servants; no doubt, he probably killed them all for helping her escape.

A large crash down stairs had Caterina jumping from her bed and rushing out the door to see what it was. When she got halfway down the stairs, she stopped, frozen where she stood. There in front of her was a grueling seen. Adolfo was fighting with a vampire holding him down as much as he could. But, unlike the other vampires Adolfo had destroyed for her safety, this one was strong enough to push Adolfo off of him.

Adolfo flew off the vampire and hit the wall on the other side of the living room. Then it stood and faced Caterina. That is when Caterina felt all the blood rush out of her head and terror claw at her insides. There, standing before her, was none other than Diavolo.

He rushed toward the stairs and got to the first one before Adolfo tackled him back down. She watched the fighting because she couldn’t get her body to do anything else. She was struggling to comprehend how he had found her. She and Adolfo had always been so careful not to leave a trail, but here he was, fighting with her friend, trying to get to her again.

What was she going to do now?

Adolfo’s howl brought Caterina out of her terror filled thoughts. She saw that he was now under Diavolo, while Diavolo was twisting his arm back trying to break it.

You will not keep me from her wolf.” Diavolo snarled as he twisted Adolfo’s arm back further. “She is mine and always will be mine.”

Suddenly Adolfo turned on Diavolo and somehow got the vampire under him again.

She is not yours, vampire.” Adolfo growled in to his ear, “I will kill you before I allow you to take her.”

Adolfo started to change in to his wolf. His face elongated and his claws came out. He pushed the vampire further in to the carpeted floor.

Then his eyes met hers, “Caterina, run. Go to the New Council as we have talked about doing. Go there and they will keep you safe. Run now, Caterina, and never look back.”

At first, her legs could not move, but then she found herself flying down the stairs. She picked up her purse, car keys, and the plane tickets that were sitting on the table next to the front door; then she opened the door to run out.

She looked back at her long time friend and guardian to see that he had now fully changed and was holding the vampire down by his teeth around Diavolo’s throat. Adolfo looked up at her and their eyes met. She saw then something she had never seen in his eyes before. She looked at his side and saw the blood that was matted in his fur and dripping from his side. She knew in that moment that Adolfo knew he would not survive this fight; that he would not be able to go with her and protect her anymore.

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