The Mating Call: Drekinn Series (17 page)

Read The Mating Call: Drekinn Series Online

Authors: Jana Leigh

Tags: #Romance, #erotica, #Paranormal Romance, #jana leigh, #shifter romance, #werewolves, #new release, #futuristic

BOOK: The Mating Call: Drekinn Series
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Kade shook it off and began listening closer. Calli was frowning at him as it was. He took her hand and kissed it in reassurance.

"If you will all notice at the top of your family tree; you will have the name of the Chosen that you are a direct descendant. Now don't get all excited when you read about all their powers and stuff, you ain't gettin' any. Your job is totally different. Ms. Praton will explain. But as you can see, the reason you are all drawn to each other is because you all have been a part of the Chosen. In later years, they established Outpost Packs that were led by trusted members of their Pack. They also will be a part of your Pack, in one way or another; I have counted thirty six members who should be joining, there could be a few more or less. But that's what I guessed," Vivi said and looked around the room to make sure they were all paying attention. She counted and so far they only had sixteen. So many more to find. But maybe Ms. Praton had an idea what to do.

"I am looking at ours first. Calli, can you tell me the names at the top of our family tree?" Vivi said.

"Uh, it says Josephine and Tey Fare, they had, whoa, five children," Calli said and looked up at her mother. "So these are my ancestors who were part of the Chosen?"

"Yes," her mother said, "their destiny was wrapped in finding all the Chosen and then bringing shifters out to the humans. It worked for years, living in harmony, then something happened, of course I'm not sure what it was because I was born after the fact. But that's beside the point. You need to learn what a Pack is. Now our ancestor was the White Wolf of the Pack. But like I said, you won't receive any powers, you are just destined to help reform the Pack."

Calli looked confused and looked around the room at people with the books. "Who are you guys related to?" Calli demanded.

Kiki was the first one to speak up. "I'm related to Jordan, Larkin and Romy Night. She was a human that could not be changed, and they were, oh, black panther. Hot damn, I have panther blood in me."

Everyone laughed and then Cherri spoke up. "Mine says I'm related to Cloe, Teagan and Darien
Darien was the brother of the Alpha."

Then Rissa said, "Mine is Devon, Casey, and Sid Brody; it looks like Devon was the Beta, whatever that was, of the Pack."

Vivi laughed and said, "It's part of the hierarchy, Alphas, Betas, Omegas, Enforcers, sometimes they will have other positions assigned. Like the medical leader, etc. It all depends on what the Alphas decide."

Sabrina said, "Mine is Blaine, Dalton and Kira Thornegood. They are bears like me, oh, and also Sidhe."

Trina smiled and said, "I have Lacy, Sevi and Shawn True blood. They are bears too, and a witch. So cool."

Thomas shifted uncomfortably, and Vivi looked at him. "Thomas, your ancestors were lions. Their names were Argus, Skye and Jacob Tread. Ms. Praton is getting your book; they were the liaisons between all the magical community."

Thomas nodded, and Kiki hit him on the shoulder and said, "We are the cats of the group." Thomas frowned at him and then took his hand off his arm. Calli laughed. Thomas was just too straight-laced to be anything other than an Enforcer, Kade thought.

"And Kade, you are a direct descendant of the Alphas of the Pack. Quin, Cami, and Jaden
Gevaudan. Apparently, the Alpha female was a force to be reckoned with. And you are related to Cherri, so you do have family. By the way, your parents didn't know, or I'm sure they would have set you up with them," Vivi said softly.

Kade nodded and looked at Cherri, who was grinning and her mother who had tears in her eyes. He had a family. Nice. He was the Alpha of the Pack; Calli was his mate. He looked around the room and thought that Cherri and Rissa were Beta's and when they found their mates, they had to be Betas too; it would only make sense. He would bet his left hand that Kiki was the omega. Thomas was the lead Enforcer. He wasn't sure about the rest, but they did have the top people in their places, so at least they were forming it correctly.

Vivi stood up, "So, that's all I know right now, so let's eat and talk about shit that's not so freaking heavy. Like Kade, how many children are you expecting to have? I mean, I was wondering if we needed to add on so we can babysit."

"Uh..." he stuttered and Calli started laughing.

"Get used to it, she's gonna be all over our shit from now until she dies, part of the package. Can you handle that?" Calli said and looked at him.

Kade laughed and said, "No problems, I think your mom loves me. I had something up my sleeve just in case I had a problem. Hang on."

Kade heard Calli's mother exclaim loudly. "Oh my goodness," and then scream for them to come downstairs. Calli looked at him questioningly but followed. When they arrived in the living room where her mother was standing, there was a huge bouquet of flowers, and her mother was holding a card.

"A whole day at the spa for me and the girls. Oh Kade, that's so nice of you, how did you know that we needed a spa day?" Vivi said and wrapped her arms around him.

Calli stuck her finger down her throat and Kade laughed before pulling back. "You have to work so hard around here; I figured you deserved a little spoiling."

"So sweet," her mother said and pinched his cheek.

"Shit, you're the man," Calli said and held up her hand, and he slapped it before pulling her into his arms and kissing her deeply.

"Nothing is going to stop us from claiming each to her," he whispered and then pulled back and drug her behind him to go and get food and socialize.









Chapter 13

They had barely recovered from the day before when they were bombarded with information. They all went right to their rooms with their information and let it all sink in. Kade and Calli had talked about her book, and Kade was anxious to find what his actually said. The whole group sounded like a combination of powerful, yet understanding leaders.

The Chosen and their children had changed the course of history, yet something had gone wrong. From what they could piece together, it had happened almost three hundred years after they had come out to the humans.

No one was sure why the humans decided to turn against them, but there had to be a catalyst; they just needed to find out what it was. Kade and Calli talked about what a difference the world would be like if the shifters were not expected to register and basically live in one place. He wondered whatever happened to all the land that his ancestors had owned. He was going to look into it.

But first they had a problem to solve, one that was now on the front burner again. The hit men who were assigned to kill the girls, for some reason. According to reports, they had sent one for each of them, and they had no clue where any of them were. Kiki also had someone searching for her. That was the one that they were focusing on right now. And Calli was a little pissed because of the morning interruption. He knew he was going to have to make it up to her, and he was planning to in the most delicious way.

"He was at the cafe downtown the last we could pick him up. He was asking about your schedule for coming in, Kiki," Kade said.

"Yep, stopped by there every day to get me a cup of coffee and one of those little sugar pastries that are bad for you," Kiki said and then looked up. "I miss those little things, can we make a pit stop when we go out later?"

Thomas groaned and said, "No, we have a specific route we have to follow, and it doesn't include stopping downtown for coffee. We have to go to the grocers to set up your account for orders, and then we're meeting everyone for shopping."

They had to go shopping today, Sabrina, Trina, Thomas and Kiki all needed some of the essentials. They couldn't waste time with going back to their places, and soon they would have the stuff just shipped here when the tenants moved from the building making room.

Right now, they were discussing the hit men, and then Kade was going to address the hierarchy of the Pack. They were going to have to make sure that they were all on the same page.

"We are meeting at the sky mall at three, right?" Kade said and looked around. Everyone nodded; he hated shopping, but since he only had black work clothes, he felt like maybe he should shop a little for something more casual to wear. He wanted to be able to take his mate out on a date when all this shit was done, besides, they had a lingerie store there he was totally going to take his mate to and shop for her.

Rissa spoke up. "This is the last vid we have of the guy," she said and played the man stepping into the coffee shop and talking to the waitress. He asked politely where Kiki had been, saying they had a standing coffee date, but she had not shown up for days, and he was worried. The waitress had told him they had been worried too, since they heard about all the stuff from the club. The guy had played dumb and asked what she was talking about. It was a fifteen-minute conversation that really didn't do much for them, but it did give them a picture of the hit man, because he had looked right at the camera when he was leaving.

"Do you know him?" Thomas said rather harshly. All of them looked at him quickly. Something had been bothering the man since he came in on the mission. Kade was planning on pulling him aside and talking to him, but they didn't have time. He was wondering if he had a problem with guarding Kiki. But for now, he had to suck it up, they couldn't change Enforcers right now. Kade was having a hard time trying to piece together how the other ones who pledged to them fit in.

Kiki looked at him in surprise and with his eyes open wide he said, "No, asshole."

Calli laughed. Thomas blushed, and the rest of the room was silent and watching to see what happened. There was going to be a big blow up. Kade stood up and said, "Okay, let's stay on track."

"We're trying to find this shithead in like a million faces, even the computers take time to find that, so we need to keep his photo with us, and make sure we're checking people out around us," Kade said and then looked around the table. He hated that they were going to be in the open, but they couldn't stay in the apartment forever. They had plenty of guards, and they weren't dressed in their normal garb for Enforcers. They dressed like normal shifters, so at least they weren't drawing attention to themselves.

"So now the rest of this shit. Calli and I talked last night, and this is how we are going to handle this. Calli and I are, of course; the Alphas, then Cherri and Rissa are the Betas. When they mate, it will stay the same, unless we change Cherri to the medical supervisor. But we will take that as it comes. We aren't sure who the Omega is because so far we haven't talked about it. So the Omega wolf is the one who feels the Pack, they are in touch with every single one of us, and our emotions. Such as if Calli was pissed at me, the Omega would know it and also be able to soothe her feelings."

He saw Sabrina biting her lip with a worried expression. Kade knew what was going on, he had felt that Sabrina could be the Omega but needed her to accept it. Finally, she raised her hand.

"Um, I think maybe that's me. But I'm not going to give up being a guard for Cherri," she said quickly.

Kade nodded. "That's fine; we can't afford to lose you anyway. But just so we know who everyone is. Thomas and Trina, are going to be the head Enforcers, you will share this position. Organize the guards and all the Enforcers, please. Right now, we have the main positions filled. I think as time goes on, we will find that others may actually have positions too. I have only been able to read a small portion of Calli's book, so we have a lot to learn. I have a lot to learn about being the Alpha. Together we are going to make this work. Now, about the humans, still keeping this to ourselves until I talk to Brooks and Ms. Praton. Hopefully, they will have more answers."

Calli's communicator went off, and she reached to see who was calling. It was the Drekinn headquarters, so she answered it, "Yeah."

"We have found one of the men who has been hired to kill you. He's located at the address sent to your communicators. Brooks is sending a team in, and he said to let me know if you're going too."

"Tell him, fuck yes," Calli growled into the phone.

"Thomas, you stay with Kiki; you do not leave here unless we call, we are taking the guards and Enforcers. Cherri and Rissa, what do you want to do?" Calli said.

Both of the girls replied by standing up and getting their gear on. Kiki stood up and said, "No, wait a fuckin' second. I'm not sitting here while my Pack is out there running willy nilly around trying to save us all. I helped when Kade needed it, and damnit, I can help now."

The room stood still as they felt her power from Kiki flow out through them. "What the fuck was that?" Kade said.

"What?" Kiki said.

"We can talk about it later, for now, I think we can assume you're correct, but you need to stay with Thomas. He is your backup, right? And willy nilly, seriously?"

"Fine, I will stay with the guard, but where's my weapon? And fuck off Kade, I can talk like I want," Kiki said.

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