The Marriage Clause (11 page)

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Authors: Dahlia Rose

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: The Marriage Clause
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India smiled. “I love you too. We’ll need a son so she’ll have a playmate.”

Mikael grinned. “I was thinking the same thing.”

“In a few years,” India laughed. “I know that look.”

“Now all we have to do is have a wedding,” he said. ‘We kinda did it in the wrong order, didn’t we?”

India shook her head. “Not at all, we did it our way. First friends, lovers, parents, and then husband and wife. It sounds just right for our crazy family.”

Isabella gave a small cry and India looked down at her lovingly. “Time for a feeding I assume? Mikael hold her a minute while I get the buttons of this night shirt.”

He took the baby gently and soon India had her suckling at her breasts. She was unashamed that Mikael watched with interest and stroked the baby’s soft curls as she fed. They talked about the future and all the plans they had. With the New York City skyline in the backdrop, they made the perfect picture of a family.

* * * *

One month later…


Mikael stood in the church waiting for his bride to be walked down the aisle.  It had been a hectic month with a new baby at home and then two holidays back to back. It was New Years Eve in New York and the crowds would be flocking to Times Square to watch the ball drop, regardless of the freezing temperature. This year Mikael would bring the New Year in with his wife and daughter.  He didn’t want a new year to begin without having India as his bride. Brownie and Gran were leaving later in a limousine for their annual Atlantic City party. But right now they were with India and Isabella as they got ready in the dressing room of the church.

In a small Catholic church in Brooklyn, their vows would be said and officiated by a priest they’d known from childhood. Father O’Brian baptized them both and Isabella would be baptized in January. To them it was only fitting to be joined in a place that was a part of their lives for so long. Mikael was nervous as hell, he didn’t know why because India was the woman he loved and known forever. Still, he made sure his dress blues were straight and he stood tall.  Brownie opened the rectory door and gave the thumbs up sign.  She pressed the play button, and the sweet notes of “From This Moment On” by Shania Twain began and Brownie closed the door.

The next time it opened Brownie stepped out holding a small bunch of flowers. Mikael grinned because while he and India could’ve asked friends to stand for them, they wanted to keep it simple and between the people who meant the most. It had always been him and her, Brownie and Gran as each other’s families. It was best and it felt right to just have a small ceremony. It was simple and that’s how they liked it.

Gran came in and she held Isabella who was dressed in a lacy pink baby dress with a matching little ribbon band around her head. She was still so small and sometimes as he held her it still amazed him that they created her, their miracle. Mikael swore she knew him and would smile every time he picked her up or played with her. India kept saying it was too early for her to do either but his Isabella was an exceptional baby.

India stepped through the door and took his breath away. Dressed in a white sheath dress, silver satin heels and her dark hair loose to her shoulders, she was a vision of beauty. She was worried that she still had the baby weight and stuff that didn’t matter in the least. But while she took each step closer to him, he saw nothing but perfection and his soul mate.

“Ready to be Mrs. Nolan?” he asked huskily when she finally stood by his side.

“From the day we slept in our pillow fort,” India said with a smile.

Father O’ Brien started the ceremony that would join them to each other for the rest of their lives. Mikael listened and saw this only as a formality, because from the time he kissed her he knew that he needed her love like it was his next breath. From childhood to adults, their journey had finally ended in the best possible way. Securely in each other’s arms.



The End



Sugar and Spice Press

Where romance is everything nice.

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

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