The Marriage Clause (10 page)

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Authors: Dahlia Rose

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: The Marriage Clause
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Mikael gave a soft snore on the floor and she grinned. He said that he could sleep anywhere, but gosh even with the carpet the floor looked like it was miserable to sleep on. Brownie’s living room boasted a working fireplace and it was converted to electric so they could put a fake fireplace in there. While it let off heat, the unit was cool to the touch. Mikael wanted to make the house baby-proof and if he had his way he’d probably wrap everything in bubble wrap, even though she wouldn’t be walking for a while. He sighed and turned while she lay there and when India looked at him on the floor she felt a tiny pop and them a warm rush of fluid that soaked her undies and sweats quickly.

“Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh,” she exclaimed and reached over the side of the couch to tap at Mikael, afraid to move. “Mikael! Dude wake up, will ya!”

“Dude?” he chuckled. “That’s new, why am I dude tonight?”

“It’s the only thing could think of, my water broke!” India announced and burst into wrenching sobs.

“Oh shit!”

Mikael scrambled to his feet and sat next to her, pulling her close. She buried her face into his chest and cried, but still felt comforted by his warmth and his familiar scent.

“Babe, why are you crying?” he asked gently.

“Because I’m scared and excited and I think I ruined the couch,” she sobbed.

“Hey, hey.” He lifted her chin with his finger and kissed her gently. “The sofa can be cleaned and I’m right here with you. Don’t be afraid, I’m never leaving your side, okay?”

She sniffed and nodded. “Okay.”

Mikael grinned. “We’re having a baby.”

India nodded and smiled. “Yes we are. I need to get cleaned up, we need to call the hospital and let them page the doctor and call the Grans so they can come go to the hospital.”

“I’m on it,” Mikael said with determination. “Anything else?”

“Your sleep shirt, I want it, it makes me feel better,” India answered.

“To wear?”

“No, just to hold and smell and stuff.”

He whipped it off without hesitation. “It will be right here when we’re ready to go.”

“Put it on the bag so we don’t forget. In fact, wear it until we’re ready to leave so it doesn’t lose the scent,” India demanded.

“This is kind flattering,” Mikael said.

She held out her hands to him. “Yeah, yeah, let’s get this show on the road.”

He helped her upstairs to the master bathroom. She showered and her first contractions started while she was getting cleaned up. She put on clean underwear and a sanitary napkin in case of more water leakage, like nurse Rhonda had recommended. By the time she called to Mikael and he came running upstairs she could hear the excited voices of her grandparents who broke the land speed record for older women getting out of the house. He helped her get dressed and held her, supporting her back as another contraction hit. He hummed with her as she rocked back and forth until the pain passed.

“Are they strong?” he asked worriedly.

“They aren’t fun.” She took a cleansing breath.  “I will not be saying no to the epidural, trust me. Four centimeters and I’ll be ready for the numbness.”

Mikael kissed her. “I’d take this for you if I could.”

“You’d prefer to be shot,” India explained.

“That bad?”

She nodded. “That bad.”

Downstairs both grandmothers were tearing up and ready to cry, and India felt her own tears threaten to start again.

“Don’t cry, you’ll make me do it,” she warned as she came down the stairs.

Gran wiped her eyes quickly and took a deep breath. “Okay honey, what can we do to help you?”

India smiled. “We’re all here and it’s time for Isabella to join our family.”

Mikael grabbed the overnight bag and the keys off the table next to the door. “Ladies, you help her outside. I’ll get the SUV started, and we’re going to have a baby.”

Everyone laughed in excitement as he rushed out the door, and with the grandmother’s help she walked slowly out the door. Another contraction hit before she could get into the car and this time it was Gran who rubbed her back and Brownie who talked her through the breathing. They finally were all settled in the car and headed to the hospital with minimal conversation. For a first pregnancy her contractions seemed to be coming faster than expected.  It was after eleven when they left for the hospital and it took half an hour to get there, even going over the Brooklyn Bridge. In that time she had three contractions and they were strong. Mikael looked at her more than once in worry and she tried to reassure him.

“We’re both doing fine, Daddy,” India said. “She’s just impatient to be here.”

“Tell her that while we want to see her I’d prefer for her not to be born on the side of the road.” Mikael reached over and squeezed her hand with one of his while he steered the car easily with the other.

At the hospital Rhonda was waiting for them as they came in. She was standing next to the nurse’s desk when they were escorted to the labor and delivery ward on the sixth floor.

Rhonda smiled down at India. “So, Miss Isabella is ready to face the world?”

India nodded. “And she’s very impatient. My water broke and my contractions are about ten minutes apart.”

“It sounds like you’ve been in labor for a little bit and not known it,” Rhonda commented. “Has your back been aching more?”

“More than usual, which is like every day?” Mikael asked. “She can barely walk up the stairs for a bath.”

Rhonda nodded. “Isabella was lying pressed against her spine, and as she got heavier it got worse. India, did you have more pressure against your genitals?”

“God yes, and here’s another contraction,” India moaned.

Rhonda spoke to Mikael. “Let’s get her into the labor suite and I can do an examination. Doctor Highland is on his way.”

India tried to breathe through the pain as she was wheeled down the hallway.  She now knew what the books meant by the feeling of wanting to bear down as labor progressed. In the room, Gran and Bonnie opted to wait out in the waiting room until she was settled in bed after the examination.  The fetal monitor was in place and the sound of the baby’s heartbeat filled the room.

“Okay India, let’s get you checked,” Rhonda said and sat on the edge of the bed. “Let your knees fall apart and try to relax.”

“Another contraction,” India gasped.

“It’s the best time to check,” Rhonda made a sound of pity. “I’m sorry, India this will be a bit uncomfortable.”

Uncomfortable wasn’t the word, because feeling Rhonda check the dilation of her cervix while having a contraction was more pain that she wanted to bear. She knew it would get worse and it was all to bring her daughter into the world, but tears sprang to her eyes as her nurse did her job.

“All done,” Rhonda crooned. “You’re about five, almost six centimeters dilated. I’m going to call Dr. Highland and ask him to give approval for your epidural so I can catch the anesthesiologist while he’s on this floor. If he leaves it may take over an hour to get him back.”

“Thank you Jesus,” India said with her eyes closed. “Run, hurry, get him to come to this room immediately, post haste.”

Rhonda gave a soft laugh. “I’m on it. You take care of her, Major.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Mikael answered.

As Rhonda quietly left the room, he sat on the opposite side of the bed and rested his forehead against hers.

“I’m so sorry you’re hurting,” Mikael said quietly.

“I’ll be fine,” she promised. “It’s all for our baby girl, I can take it.”

“Still when that epidural comes you won’t say no, huh?” Mikael chuckled.

She shook her head and laughed softly. “Oh no I won’t.”

Three hours later she had her epidural and her lower body was pleasantly numb. She could feel her stomach tightening with each contraction but there was no pain, only a lot of pressure.  Mikael watched the machine that charted her contractions with rapt interest and pointed out each one. The baby’s heartbeat was steady and Dr. Highland said everything was progressing exactly as it was meant to. Gran and Brownie were in the room, sitting close by in a loveseat and flipping through magazines of baby stuff. India feared the list they were making because she doubted that the baby would need or use half that. India had the shirt she asked Mikael for over her shoulder. His scent comforted her as her labor progressed

“Honey, you’re having another one,” Mikael pointed to the chart. “Look at the spikes.”

“I can feel the pressure of it,” India said. “Oh, this one feels different, can you get Rhonda? Like, now.”

“Is it time?” His eyes were alight with happiness.

“I think so.” India started to pant.

Mikael rushed out of the room without another word.

“Should we leave?” Brownie asked.

“If you want. I know Gran may get squeamish if she sees what comes next,” India tried to tease.

“Can we um, just stay by the top half of your body?” Gran asked. “I’d like to see Isabella be brought into this world.”

“I’d like that, a lot.”

She held out both her hands to Gran and Brownie. Even with their age and grace they still rushed to her side.  They were holding her hands when Mikael came back in, and Rhonda was on his heels.

“Let’s see if this baby is ready to be born.” She smiled brightly as she washed her hands at the sink in the room and put gloves on. Rhonda checked her cervix and nodded. “It’s time to get the doctor in the room, you’re fully dilated.”

With those words there was flurry of activity. A small table with instruments was wheeled in and her body was draped with a clean sheets.  Brownie moved over to the other side of the bed with Gran so Mikael could take his place by her side.

“Someone will have to brace her other leg so she can bear down, can you manage it or shall I take your spot?” Rhonda asked Gran.

“I’m sure between the both of us we can manage,” Gran said primly. “We’re not that old, dollface.”

Rhonda chuckled and Dr. Highland came in the room with a friendly disposition and took his place at the foot of her bed. With the encouragement of Mikael who helped brace her back and whispered word of love in her ears, she pushed and pushed to bring her daughter into the world. It took over an hour and through sweat and tears she didn’t falter or give up for one minute.  Gran and Brownie switched out positions on bracing her leg when either of them got tired.

“I can see hair!” Mikael exclaimed in excitement. “Oh honey, keep pushing, our girl has curly dark hair! You’re doing so good!”

“Her head is out, look at those chubby cheeks,” Dr. High said jovially. “I think two more good pushes and she’ll be here.”

“Okay,” India panted. She clutched Mikael’s hand and bore down hard, making a low grunt of exertion she pushed.

She felt her daughter slip from her body and fell back to the pillows on the bed in relief. Soon she heard the angry wail of Isabella fill the room, and through her laughter tears slipped from her eyes.

“You have a very healthy little girl,” Dr. Highland said. “Dad, would you like to cut the cord?”

Mikael nodded and when India looked at him she saw him swallow thickly as he held tight the reigns of his emotion.  He cut the cord with the surgical scissors and the baby was placed on India’s belly.

“Hey my pretty love, oh how we’ve been waiting for you,” India said gently. She caressed the baby’s damp curls. “This is your daddy, he is a hero, he’s a soldier. And your grandmothers, they raised us, and they will love you so hard and teach you such amazing things. We all will.”

Beside her Gran and Brownie openly cried in happiness. Nurse Rhonda took the baby to clean her, weigh, measure, and perform the APGAR test to evaluate the baby.

Rhonda came back with the baby cleaned and wrapped in a blanket. “Daddy, would you like to hold your daughter who weighs in at nine pounds three ounces?”

“Oh, she’s a big girl,” Dr. Highland exclaimed. “The biggest we’ve delivered so far.”

India watched as Mikael took their daughter and rocked her gently in his arms.  “You’ve taken my heart, just like your mother. I love you so much already that it hurts.”

“Mikael, she takes after you. I remember you were almost ten pounds. She’s such a blessing, a new addition to our family,” Brownie said.

“With parents who will love her and great grandmothers to spoil her,” Gran added.

“We’ll take her to the nursery and get you cleaned up and moved to a maternity suite,” Rhonda said and took the baby from Mikael. “Then she’ll be brought to you and you can keep her in the room, unless you’re sleeping then we’ll take her to the nursery. Major, you can stay as long as you like, and both of you will be wearing arm bands that match little Isabella’s.”

Gran and Brownie opted to leave for the second part of the process where she delivered the afterbirth and was cleaned up. They got to hold Isabella before Mikael took them home and left with a plan to hit ever baby boutique in Manhattan the next day. Much later she was resting comfortably in her suite and she fell asleep after a quick meal.  She heard Mikael’s voice and it pulled her from her sleep. He was standing at the window looking over the New York skyline, rocking the baby in his arms. Outside the lights of the city glittered in the backdrop of the dark sky and she listened as Mikael spoke to their daughter.

“You’re going to love your room, your mommy created it. I helped a little bit but she was the brains of the operation.” Mikael kissed her forehead and then her tiny hand. “I guess I should let you know I’ll be an over protective dad and that the military allows me to have weapons, so boyfriends may be a hard time for you. I mean, thirty is a good age to date in my opinion.”

“Traumatizing her early?” India asked gently.

“No, I think she deserves much better than any man this city could offer,” Mikael answered. He walked over and handed her the baby before pressing a kiss on India’s lips. “How are you feeling?”

“Sore, but happy and empty, I kinda of miss feeling her moving around in my tummy,” India admitted.

“Wanted to keep her to yourself, that’s selfish,” Mikael teased.

“Do you love her as much as I do already?” India asked suddenly.

“That and more.” Mikael sat on the side of her bed. “I love you so much, and here you give me the greatest gift a man could ask for. How can I not cherish you for the rest of our lives for Isabella?”

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