The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin (42 page)

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Page 155
claimed no knowledge:
Sergei Parkhomenko, “Besedy na yasnom glazu,”
, May 11, 2000.
. Accessed May 21, 2011.

Page 158
One thing was clear:
Original reporting for Masha Gessen, “Leningradskoye delo,”
, July 18, 2000.
. Accessed May 23, 2011.

Page 159
“There are no charges”:
Author interview with Nina Lepchenko, July 3, 2000.

Page 160
stopped being a threat:
Masha Gessen, “Leningradskoye delo,”
, July 18, 2000.

Page 161
release him pending trial:
“Glava ‘Russkogo video’ Dmitry Rozhdestvensky umer ot serdechnogo pristupa,” unsigned news story on
. Accessed May 23, 2011.

Page 163
debts would be forgiven:
Mikhail Kasyanov,
Bez Putina
(Moscow: Novaya Gazeta, 2009), pp. 70–73.

Page 163
but also by the press minister:
Dmitry Pinsker, “Ulika nomer 6,”
, Sept. 26, 2000.
. Accessed May 25, 2011.

Page 163
Gusinsky said publicly:
“Gusinsky ne budet ispolnyat’ soglasheniya s Gazpromom, potomu shto oni podpisany pod ugrozoy lisheniya svobody. Ugrozhal yemu lichno Lesin,” unsigned news story on
. Accessed May 25, 2011.

Page 164
Putin refused to interfere:
“Putin schitayet, shto konflikt mezhdu Gazpromom i Media-Mostom—spor khozyaystvuyushchikh subyektov, reshat, kotoryi dolzhen sud,” unsigned news item on
. Accessed May 25, 2011.

Page 164
reprimanding his press minister:
“Kasyanov snova publichno otchital Lesina. Na tom delo i konchilos’,” unsigned news item on
. Accessed May 25, 2011.

Page 166
“Death is on board with us”:
Boris Kuznetsov,
“Ona utonula …”: Pravda o “Kurske,” kotoruyu skryl genprokuror Ustinov
(Moscow: De-Fakto, 2005).

Page 167
confirm there were no survivors:
“Gibel atomnoy podvodnoy lodki ‘Kursk.’ Khronologiya,” unsigned item on RIA Novosti.
. Accessed June 1, 2011.

Page 168
“I was screaming”:
Author interview with Marina Litvinovich, July 1, 2008.

Page 169
“‘Do you believe that the guys’”:
Kolesnikov, p. 35.

Page 170
“‘Cancel the mourning immediately!’”:
Ibid., pp. 38–39.

Page 171
“You saw it on television?”:
Programma Sergeya Dorenko ob APL Kursk
, aired Sept. 2, 2000.
. Accessed June 1, 2011.

Page 173
“It sank”:
Larry King Live
, “Russian President Vladimir Putin Discusses Domestic and Foreign Affairs,” aired Sept. 8, 2000.
. Accessed June 1, 2011.

Page 174
Testifying in a London court:
Alexander Voloshin, London Commercial Court testimony, November 14, 2011.

Page 174
“I wrote about an American journalist”:
Author interview with Boris Berezovsky, June 2008.

Page 174
“I’ve always told people”:
Yelena Bonner, press conference, Moscow, Nov. 30, 2000.

Page 175
“What a shitty time”:
Yuri Samodurov, press conference, Moscow, Nov. 30, 2000.


Page 177
“In December 2000, I went”:
“A Year of Putin,” a roundtable discussion held in Moscow, Dec. 26, 2000. The speakers were Leonid Ionin, dean of applied political science at the Higher School of Economics; Duma deputy Vyacheslav Igrunov; political adviser Simor Kordonsky; philosopher Alexander Tsipko; and Carnegie Center scholar Andrei Ryabov.

Page 180
“I spent six years”:
Yuli Rybakov, interviewed by Marina Koroleva on Echo Moskvy, Jan. 17, 2001.
. Accessed June 7, 2011.

Page 181
an undercover KGB agent:
Leonid Drachevsky worked in Soviet embassies in Spain and Poland.

Page 181
KGB officers from Leningrad:
Viktor Cherkesov and Georgy Poltavchenko.

Page 181
a police general:
Petr Latyshev.

Page 181
army generals:
Viktor Kazantsev and Konstantin Pulikovsky.

Page 182
“I assert that the most”:
Boris Berezovsky, “Lichniye svobody—glavny zakon demokraticheskogo obchshestva. Otkrytoye pismo prezidentu Rossiyskoy federatsii Vladimiru Putinu,”
, May 31, 2000.
. Accessed May 1, 2011.

Page 182
group voting became routine:
OSCE Election Observation Mission Report 2004.
. Accessed June 8, 2011.

Page 183
Darya Oreshkina:
Full disclosure: A couple of years after defending her dissertation on the topic, Darya became my life partner.

Page 183
more of their power to decide:
Darya Oreshkina,
Kartograficheskiy metod v issledovanii elektoral’nogo povedeniya naseleniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii
, Ph.D. dissertation defended at Moscow State University in 2006.

Page 184
“a powerful inoculation”:
Ilya Kolmanovsky interview with Alexander Margolis, St. Petersburg, June 2008.

Page 184
depended on their vote:
Golos press conference, Moscow, March 14, 2004.

Page 188
An exhaustive study conducted:
Soyuz Zhurnalistov Rossii, “Predvaritel’niy otchyot o monitoringe osveshcheniya s SMI vyborov Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii 14 marta 2004 g.”
. Accessed Dec. 3, 2011.

Page 190
“One cannot but weep”:
“Putin obyavil o perestroike gosudarstva posle tragedii v Beslane,” unsigned news item on
, and the full text of Putin’s speech, Sept. 13, 2004.
. Accessed June 9, 2011.


Page 199
“Just three weeks ago he was”:
“Terrible Effects of Poison on Russian Spy Shown in First Pictures,” unsigned story,
Daily Mail
, Nov. 21, 2006.
. Accessed June 22, 2011.

Page 199
A few hours later … he was dead:
Author interview with Marina Litvinenko, London, April 24, 2011.

Page 203
found evidence:
Alexander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshtinsky,
FSB vzryvayet Rossiyu
(New York: Liberty Publishing, 2004).

Page 203
other evidence began to emerge:
Alexander Goldfarb with Marina Litvinenko,
Sasha, Volodya, Boris
… 2nd ed. (New York and London: AGC/Grani, 2010), p. 236.

Page 205
“They were very happy”:
L. Burban et al., “Nord-Ost. Neokonchennoye rassledovaniye. Sobytiya, fakty, vyvody,” Moscow, April 26, 2006, Appendix 6.5, “Opisaniye sobytiy poterpevshey Karpovoy T. I.”
. Accessed June 23, 2011.

Page 205
“Esteemed President”:
Burban et al.,
Khronologiya terakta
. Accessed June 23, 2011.

Page 208
“You are welcome and”:
Elaine Sciolino, “Putin Unleashes His Fury Against Chechen Guerrillas,”
New York Times,
Nov. 12, 2002.
. Accessed June 23, 2011.

Page 208
the video of him lashing out:
See, for example,
. Accessed June 23, 2011.

Page 209
Khanpash Terkibaev:
Author interview with Ahmed Zakaev, London, June 6, 2011.

Page 209
gave him all the information:
“Litvinenko: FSB ubila Yushenkova za pravdu o Nord-Oste,” unsigned story on, April 25, 2003.
. Accessed June 24, 2011.

Page 210
Moscow, he said:
Anna Politkovskaya, “Odin iz gruppy terroristov utselel. My yego nashli,”
Novaya Gazeta
, April 28, 2003.
. Accessed June 20, 2011.

Page 211
caused by an unknown toxin:
“K zaklyuchehiyu kommissionnoy sudebno-meditsinskoy expertizy o pravilnosti lecheniya Shchekochikhina Yuriya Petrovicha, 1950 goda rozhdeniya,”
Novaya Gazeta
, July 1, 2004.
. Accessed June 20, 2011.

Page 211
possible secret-police involvement:
Author interview with Ahmed Zakaev, London, June 6, 2011.

Page 212
Her plan was to act:
Sergei Sokolov and Dmitry Muratov, “Anna Politkovskaya otravlena FSB,”
Novaya Gazeta
, Sept. 4, 2004.
#OTpaBeлeHa. Accessed June 20, 2011.

Page 216
312 people died:
“Pravda Beslana.”
. Accessed June 26, 2011.

Page 216
not even heightened security:
Anna Politkovskaya, “Shto delalo MVD do Beslana, vo vremya i posle,”
Novaya Gazeta
, Aug. 28 2006.
. Accessed June 26, 2011.

Page 219
“Women should not be”:
Alexei Chadayev’s blog, March 21, 2006.
. Accessed Dec. 3, 2011.

Page 220
“We disagreed occasionally”:
Alexander Litvinenko, “Annu Politkovskuyu ubil Putin,”
, Oct. 8, 2006.
. Accessed June 27, 2011.

Page 220
he encountered a picket line:
“V Dresdene Putina nazvali ubiytsey,” unsigned,, Oct. 10, 2006.
. Accessed June 27, 2011.

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