The Horny Leprechaun

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Authors: Nikita King

BOOK: The Horny Leprechaun
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The Horny Leprechaun 1



Nikita King




12/21/2012 by Nikita King



Edited by: 
Karen T. Brissette



by:  Greta Maloney




Warnings:  This story contains oral sex, forced seduction, and anal sex.  All characters are eighteen and above.  Adult content!





We are finally here
, she thought as her plane landed on the tarmac. Ireland! Even as a little girl she had wanted to come here. As her childhood slipped by and she got older, Karen still fantasized about Ireland, but for different reasons. Maybe it was all the beautiful pictures she had seen of the land. Maybe it was due to all those damn Highlander books she had read. But, nevertheless, she talked her two girlfriends from work into going along with her. She had saved up all last year to go on vacation. This vacation. Her dream!

They had reservations at a beautiful bed and breakfast in a remote town of Ireland. When you looked out the window, you just saw rolling green landscape and beautiful green trees stretching on for miles. Green, everywhere. Heavenly! Tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I will go for a hike to enjoy the land.

The next morning Karen was getting ready for her hike. She was ready to become one with nature. Her two girlfriends
had decided to go into town to shop. That was fine with her; she usually liked to be alone while she went hiking. This time of year, mid-summer, was the best time to visit the Emerald Isle. July and August are the traditional holiday months in Ireland and resorts are crowded and noisy with tourists, but she had been lucky to find this little gem of a B&B. It was off-route, remote, with a spectacular view.

The wood
s were beautiful. Karen had always loved the thought of Ireland. Ireland reminded her of
A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
With all the fairies and fey, who could say if the woods were magical? There was only one way to find out.

She started her hike. She was looking at a huge stag eating the grass and then she spotted a rainbow.
How beautiful
, she thought. Laughing to herself, she wondered if she followed it, would she find a pot of gold? “Why not?” she mumbled. She walked in the same direction the stag had gone. She walked for hours, it seemed, until she saw the rainbow starting to trail off inside a cave.

“Don’t pussy out now, Karen
,” she said to herself. Walking into the cave was magical and intimidating all at once. It was breathtaking. The walls had a bit of a golden tint.
Wait, were those gold flecks in the wall?
She went up to the wall as she pulled her flashlight out of her backpack. Yep! It was exactly what she thought. Gold!! “Huh, maybe that’s the reason the rainbow led here.”

Looking around the cave she thought she could see a little patch of light softly glowing in the depths of the cave. Turning off her flashlight
, Karen mustered up her courage and followed the glow. As she was walking deeper into the cave she started to notice it expanding out a little. Then a little more until she came to a big dome in the center of the cave. She was fascinated. It looked as though someone might have lived here.

There was simple furniture in the room with lots of silks draped over things. It was act
ually kind of pretty. But that wasn’t what caught her eye. In the middle of the room was a waist-high level pot of gold. Real gold coins! She couldn’t believe her eyes. She dipped her hands inside. She had never seen anything like it. She cupped her hands and let the coins fall through her fingers like a child finding a pirate’s treasure.


“What the fuck are you doing in here?” Shocked and a little frightened, Karen quickly turned around and saw a little man about four or five feet tall. He was actually rather good-looking in a creepy, scary-ass kind of way. He had dark red hair with a dark red beard which was nicely trimmed, she noticed. He was short. Not too short. He came up to about her chin. Sure, Karen was petite herself, all of 5’1, so she didn’t have any room to talk.

The little man had a wicked gleam in his eye
, letting her know she had done something horribly wrong. “I asked you a question, lass,” he inched closer to his intruder.

“I’m on vacation and decided to go for a hike. I saw a rainbow and I started to follow it………..” She looked
around as it hit her. “Are you… are you a leprechaun?” she whispered almost to herself.

Folklore couldn’t be real. Could it? Karen thought back to her grandma and her stories. What did she know about leprechauns? They usually dressed in green with buckles on their jackets and atop their shoes. But this man was wearing jeans and a white shirt unbuttoned with bare feet that were close to the size of a hobbit’s. He had a nice chest and strong arms. You could tell that he was use
d to manual labor. Maybe he carried his gold around all day, who knows…

Before she could really gather herself together, he started rushing toward her. He grabbed her upper arms and curled her into him. The action caused Karen’s breast
s to mash into his face. She could tell he was affected by this because she could feel his penis getting hard against her leg. He pulled her back a bit so he could see her face.

“What is your name, lass?”


“Listen here Karen, this be my cave and this be my gold. You have no right here, little girl!”

“Little girl?........ Look here asswipe, I am twenty-one years old and taller than you, so who the hell are you calling little?”

“Beggin’ your pardon, lass. My name is Collins. Didn’t mean to get your knickers in a pinch. It’s been a wee while since I saw me a woman. As you can see, I am a bit of a hermit. That be how I like it, you see. But on the other hand
,” he grabbed her ass in his hand. “I can see the advantages to having a lass around to keep me company.”

What the hell do you think you are doing? Get your hand off my ass, Collins!” Unfortunately, he was very strong for his size and his hand didn’t budge. Maybe he had the supernatural strength of the fey or maybe he had a gym on the other side of his cave. Karen struggled to get loose, but to no avail.

“Lass, I’m thinkin’ you owe me something for trespassin’ on me property and trying to steal me pot of gold. Don’t you?”

Looking directly into his eyes Karen could see the desire there. “You have got to be kidding! You want me to have sex with you? That’s absurd! I mean, I wasn’t even trying to steal anything!”

“You misunderstood, lass. I’m not asking, I’m saying, you will have sex with me!” He roughly turned her around and shoved her over his pot of gold.

Little bastard was freakishly strong
, Karen thought as she laid spread on Collins’ gold coins. She thought to herself,
is this really happening?
At that moment she felt his fingers fumbling at the waistband of her shorts as he pulled them down and off. “Let go of me you little fucker!” she screamed. Karen tried to fight him, kicking back and squirming around trying to break free. She heard him unzipping his jeans and could tell that he stepped out of them as he proceeded to pull off his shirt.

He put on
e strong hand on her back to keep her in place. His other hand started roaming over her buttock, squeezing while he explored. Then he moved down to her thighs and on to her pussy. He pressed a fat finger into her cunt. His finger moved in slow and steady. Then a second finger joined the first. “Shit!” she mumbled to herself. Collins started moving his fingers in and out in a steady rhythm. Karen could start to feel the ease at which his fingers were moving. She was getting wet. Really wet!

Karen could hear Collins
’ breathing start to accelerate. While he was pumping his fingers into her, he laid across her back and started nibbling and licking her back. In a breathy, husky voice he said “Doona move!”

His hand left her back and slid down her thigh. His fingers pulled out of her
insides with a suctioning sound that made Karen shiver. She had to admit she was a bit disappointed. Sure, she didn’t ask for this but it didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy it, right?

he felt something hot and wet cling to her cunt. His mouth!! She felt his tongue dip into her hole. Collins pushed his tongue in and out in a fantastically fast motion. Karen gasped out loud, grabbing gold coins in her hands, trying to find purchase; to find something to hold on to. He suctioned his mouth around the lips of her labia and just started swallowing all the juices she was expelling.

“Oh God, Collins, suck
my pussy!” And he did with a fiery agenda. He moved his mouth to mainly focus on her clit.  He started licking and sucking on the little nub full of nerves. He brought up his hand, and then he pinched her clit with two nails. “Oh Fuck!” Karen screamed! “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” her vaginal walls started to convulse as she came. Collins stood up with a speed that amazed her, and she suddenly felt something massive being shoved into her pussy. “Oh. My. God!” she screamed out.

The leprechaun pushed his coc
k into her as far as he could, until his balls slapped her clit. “You bastard, what do you have, a baseball bat for a dick?” She was panting. “Shouldn’t you be like three inches long?”

of a sudden she started to teeter on the verge of another orgasm.  He pulled out and then jammed his prick back in! She came again from the pressure of it as it pushed into her!

He pulled his cock out a little and pushed it back in until he received
a grunt from her. “Me mum was human and my da was full leprechaun, you see,” as he slowly started sliding his shaft back out then
ramming it back in while holding onto her waist. “Interspecies offspring has its advantage, wouldn’t you agree? your pussy does! And I’m thinkin’ ye do too, since I felt your cunt convulse all around me cock as I shoved it in!”

gasped, trying to tamp down the sensation of something so huge ramming itself into her vagina. Not only was he long but he was also pretty damn thick.
Shit this felt good!

“Oh, lass”…..…he groaned as he enjoyed the feel of her flesh yield to him. He pushed in and out, over and over. “Do you know how long it has been since I have felt me a woman, much less, a soft and shapely woman such as yourself? I am gonna enjoy coming in you and feeling my seed shoot out of me cock.”

ollins continued to ride her hard like an animal.  The sensation of his thick shaft moving back and forth inside the tight passage of her slit had him on edge.

Did ye know fey men folk can cum multiple times within an hour?” He grunted out. He began to fuck her with hard powerful strokes, ramming his cock inside then out.  Guttural noises were expelling from his throat while he rode her body ruthlessly. “Ready for my seed, lass…?” He growled, impaling her as hard as he could.

He pushed so far
in, he hit her cervix.  Karen was so turned on she started to cum again.  Collins stroked harder, feeling her walls convulse around his shaft. He pistoned harder and harder and then plunged in one final time and she felt streams of cum shoot so strong that they felt like little thrusts all on their own. He lay partly on her back, while his fingertips were kneading her hips. He slid his cock out and turned her around. Karen wasn’t expecting it, and she lost her balance and fell to a kneeling position.

“Right where I want you!” His eyes glowed a bit, looking at her on her knees. “Let me see your tits”.
  The leprechaun ripped her t-shirt from top to bottom and pulled it off of her with ease. He bent down slightly and with his sharp nails he cut the front of her bra open.

Her breasts spilled out of the lace bra and her nipples puckered with the cool temperature of the cave. The leprechaun smiled a bit evilly and grabbed one and started squeezing.

“I like a lass with big tits, perfect for me to lay my head on.”

“Oh God
,” she moaned.

“Ah, am I now your god, lass?”

That snapped her awake. She had gotten caught up in the pleasure of the little man, but she was back now. She slapped at his hand to push it away. But he was so freakishly strong that it did nothing but pull her tit away from her body with a painful stretch.

“Ow!” s
he screeched. “You have got to be kidding!” she shouted.  “You,” she started waving her hands frantically, gesturing to his cock, which was still hard, “you just came; how can you be ready so soon?” 

At that moment, he leaned over a little and looked right into her brown eyes. “I am going to fuck you seven ways til Sunday and you’re going to go along for the ride. You fight
, and I promise I will give you painful reminders of how much I want to fuck you again. We clear?”  Shit, she got it. What good would it do to fight when he was so much stronger than she was?

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