The Makeover (26 page)

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Authors: Vacirca Vaughn

BOOK: The Makeover
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“Um, we just
met a few weeks ago,” Paulo nervously interrupted.  “I guess I have you to
thank for freeing up this young lady, so I can have some time with her.”

As Paulo
squeezed her hand, Phoenix felt warm all over at his words.  Her heart
brimmed with gratitude that Paulo would make it seem as if he cared about her
as more than a friend who needed help, or a client at his fitness center. 

Still, she
would have given anything for five minutes alone with Cedric,
, and a dull chainsaw.

“Well, to each
his own, I guess.  One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, you know?”

This time it
was Paulo whose face turned to stone.  He stood to deliver his words head
on. “And one man’s failure is another man’s pleasure, you know?”

Cedric’s smile
bled off his face like an open wound.  “Alright, Dude, you got it.” 
Paulo sat down and grabbed Phoenix’s hand again, giving it a bone-splintering

Turning to
Phoenix as she winced, Cedric continued, “I see you still look…the same.”

“Yes, and I see
you still look…broke.  Girlfriend treating you to breakfast?”
 Phoenix smirked, emboldened by Paulo’s defense of her.

actually,” Cedric answered, without an ounce of shame.  “Just came back
from training.  I just landed a job at Columbia.  She found out about
it and hooked me up.”

“So you’ve
found another chick to take care of you?” Phoenix snarled.

“Yeah, and
does she look good doing it.”  Cedric crossed his arms and tilted
his head.

The wallop his
words delivered could not have been matched, even by a blow to the face with a
two-by-four.  Phoenix swallowed and blinked away the stinging in her eyes.

Paulo was way
.  “Don’t worry,

Only dogs like bones.”  He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek
before gazing into her eyes.  Knowing Paulo was trying to strengthen her
with his look, she felt his energy filling her. 

Turning to
Cedric, Paulo smiled.  “Oh, you’re still here?  Well, meeting you was
… something.  Don’t let us keep you from your meal and your sponsor, oh I
mean, your girlfriend.  She’s still over there waiting for you to give her
some attention.  I think you’ve given us enough, don’t you?  Have a
blessed day.”

And just like
that, Cedric had been dismissed. 

Paulo knew it
could have been worse, but an image of himself standing up to challenge Cedric,
with his sarcastic words, played in his mind.  His stomach churched. 

Father, I tried, I really tried,
Paulo thought as Cedric sauntered back to
his table.

A fool
gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back
was the Spirit’s stern response. 

Proverbs 29:11
slapped against Paulo’s heart. 
Forgive me, Father. 

After a few
moments, Paulo glanced at his watch.  “Sweetie, I have another meeting and
you need to go change for work, right?  Let’s get out of here.”

They walked out
and Paulo immediately folded her in his arms, in front of the café’s
windows.  He didn’t miss the way Cedric stared them down as he held his
friend.  He squeezed even tighter before releasing her for a moment to
move her further down the street.  He held her again.  “Hun, I know
that wasn’t easy, but I am proud of you for the way you got through that. 
You were bound to see him sooner or later.  I’m glad you got it over

Now that it was
over, Phoenix found herself cloaked with a coldness in her heart that began
freezing and hardening every part of her.  She could not speak as the
darkness began to fill her.  She was thankful for Paulo for defending her,
encouraging her, all without necessarily protecting her.  At the same
time, her mind was reeling at the sheer depth of the hatred ripping through

She knew what
she had to do.

As Paulo walked
her home, while reiterating the plan to meet up for Bible study later on in the
evening, Phoenix schemed.  She imagined herself, a svelte size four, with
a new body and a new attitude, walking past Cedric, who would not recognize
her.  She saw him drooling after her new body, the sexy clothes, and the
new hairstyle she would wear to enhance it.  She wanted Cedric to pant
after her.  She wanted to make him eat every hurtful comment he had made
about her looks and weight.  She wanted him to fall just as in love with
her as he had claimed to be while he was using her.

Most of all,
Phoenix wanted to steal Cedric away from the Asian trollop…woman, just so she
could trample on her heart the way they had done to Phoenix just a few weeks

Then after she
had done all of that, she would dump Cedric, and put him through everything she
had gone through.

A small part of
her spirit tried to warn her that her new plan was a bad plan.  Instead
she should focus on praying that God would bless her in her new friendship and
endeavors, as she moved forward.  She should pray for help in forgiving
Cedric so that she could heal…

she thought, brushing aside all that
foolishness about prayer. 
Ain’t no way I can move on without getting
revenge.  The only way I can be free is if I make that bastard pay!

At least that
was what Satan told her, as she walked home with the man of God.


Chapter 16


As iron
sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend (Proverbs 27:17)



Phoenix didn’t
make the Bible study that first Wednesday evening.  She had been too upset
by what happened with Cedric at the café to even make it to work that morning,
let alone the Bible study.  Paulo had been disappointed, but met with her
the next several days, following each session with a “healthy breakfast date,”
during which they learned and liked a little more of each other every
day.   Phoenix had met him for a walk/jog that Saturday morning in
their park, agreeing to meet later for their one-on-one Bible study.  She
had not shown up, giving Paulo the excuse of overdue paperwork that she needed
to catch up on.  She’d also failed to join him for church the following
Sunday morning.  She also refused to attend the mid-week service the
following Tuesday evening, stating that she had to work at home that
evening.   The truth was, she had not worked at all.  After her
research class, she had gone home and spread out her paperwork in front of her,
as she watched reality television all evening.  She told herself that it
wasn’t a complete lie because she had
to work.  She continued
to work out with Paulo, but found various reasons to miss the Bible studies and
church services.

Still, Paulo
had continued to fast and intercede for Phoenix, as led by the Spirit of

A full two
weeks since their first session, they met in the morning as scheduled. 
During their breakfast date, Paulo congratulated Phoenix on lasting the past
two weeks in their fitness regimen, and for losing eight pounds.  She
beamed when he took her hand and delivered a soul-stirring kiss to her
knuckles.  She couldn’t resist delivering a quick kiss to his cheek, and
thanking him again for his help.

Paulo felt a
flutter in his heart when Phoenix kissed him, but quickly cast off the
feeling.  There was something more pressing on his heart that he had to

Rubbing his
thumb over the back of her hand, he smiled and looked into her eyes for a
moment.  “Phoenix, I want to say something.”

finished chewing her mouthful of eggs before nodding.  “Yeah?”

“As proud as I
am of you for hanging in there these past two weeks, there is something that
you haven’t done…”

“What?” Phoenix
frowned.  “I’ve been sticking to your diet.  I’ve even lost eight
pounds.  I—”

“Haven’t been
to church or Bible study, as you agreed,” Paulo said, gently finishing her
sentence.  “I love that we have been praying daily together.  Still,
you didn’t make it to the group studies, our personal session-slash-study on
Saturday evenings, or to a church service on Sundays.  You haven’t even
tried to attend at least one of the three.  Remember, we are a
fitness program.  We just can’t work without God.”

Phoenix looked down at her plate of scrambled eggs and fruit.  “I know,”
she said, addressing her food.  “I wanted to, but things kept coming up.”

Paulo lifted
her head with his finger under her chin.  He held her gaze with his golden
eyes until she began to feel flushed.  His eyes caressed hers, then her
nose, then her lips, before making their way back up.  He leaned
close.   “If you let things come up, they
keep coming
up.  This is a priority…should be a priority, Phoenix.  I can’t force
you to accept these beliefs.  I am, however, asking you to come and
listen.  If you’ve heard the Word and don’t want to believe—”

“But I do
believe, P.  I do.  I don’t need church or Bible study to believe in
God or serve Him.”

“That’s not true,
Phoenix, and don’t let the devil lie to you.  In addition to personal
prayer and Bible study time, God commands us to continually learn about Him
from our church leaders, and to fellowship with other members of His
flock.  A person may be part of the Church of Jesus Christ, but they must
attend a church body gathering to abide in Him.  It is impossible to
remain in Christ on your own.  Look, will you come to Bible study tonight,
or what?”

Phoenix took a
breath, and looked away.  She knew that Paulo was exactly right. 
Besides, Paulo had done so much for her in the short time they’ve known each
other, and never asked her for anything in return.  Except that. 
This was the least she could do for him.  A few Bible studies and church services
wouldn’t kill her.  It’s not like she didn’t believe in Jesus.  She
used to love church and didn’t fully want to admit why she was putting it
off.  Furthermore, as much as she had loved and sacrificed for Cedric,
he’d never cared to bring her anywhere.

She smiled at
Paulo, who was sitting there with his eyebrows raised.  “I’m sorry. 
You did ask and I have dodged it.  I can’t imagine why.  But I’ll be
there tonight.  I’ll let you know about Sunday morning though.”

Paulo’s smile
brightened the room and filled the empty spaces in her heart.  “Fair
enough.  You can come to my home at six.  Still have the address,

“Yes,” Phoenix
said, thrilled at how she had made this handsome man smile.  “I promise
I’ll be there tonight for sure.”



At exactly
five-fifteen, Phoenix’s front doorbell rang.  She had just gotten out of
the shower and was changing into a fresh pair of jeans and button-down blouse
that she hated.  It was a little snug around the bust line, but Phoenix
had cast aside everything she had tried on.  Everything had made her look
larger, shapeless, and rumpled.  She yanked off the blouse, threw on her
muumuu over her jeans, and raced down the hallway. 

“Coming!” she

Flinging open
the door, she was startled to find Paulo’s wide grin and a single pink rose
waiting for her.  “Wow,” he chuckled.   “Didn’t I burn that
thing while I was cleaning up?”

Phoenix looked down at herself.  “Um, you’re making fun of my
grandmother’s muumuu, are you?  Oh no.  Wait a minute, what are you
doing here?  I thought I was meeting you at your house at six?”

Paulo shrugged
and held out the rose.  “I know, but I thought it would be nice to walk
you over there.”

Phoenix stared
at the rose, refusing to let her feelings overcome her.  “But you live
literally around the corner.”

“I know.” 
Paulo repeated, as he walked past Phoenix and closed her door.  “Are you
going to take this thing or should I make perfume out of it?”

Phoenix giggled
and grabbed the rose.  “I don’t know what to say.  I guess I don’t
know why you felt it necessary to come here just to walk back over there.”

Paulo sighed,
saddened that this woman was so unused to the slightest courtesy.  “I
wanted to walk you over, alright?  Can I be a gentleman, please? 
It’s how I was raised.”

“Okay, but are
you sure it wasn’t so I wouldn’t miss the Bible study?” Phoenix smirked before
heading into the kitchen to find a small vase to house the rose.

“Well, yeah,
there is that.” 
And I couldn’t wait to see you again, Phoenix!

“Uh huh. 
You don’t fool me.  Anyway, thank you for the rose.  I was just
getting ready, so have a seat wherever,” she said, leading him down the
hall.  “And don’t you
make fun of my favorite muumuu again,

“Sure, but only
if you promise to throw it out.”

Phoenix giggled
again as she headed into her bedroom to finish changing.  “Help yourself
to something in the fridge if you want it,” she called out.

“Thanks, but
we’ll have lots of refreshments at the Bible study, so…” Paulo said, browsing
Phoenix’s bookshelves for the first time.  He was dismayed at the fact
that she had so many books on everything from the psychology of pets to the
history of world civilizations, but nowhere on any of the shelves, could he
locate a Bible.  He made a note to give her one of his. 

When Phoenix
came out, she was wearing a big smile.  “You know, it hit me just
now.  You are really being sweet to me.  Is this how you treat all
your clients, or do you just feel sorry for me?”

Her question
caught Paulo off guard.  His eyes lingered on the bookshelves as he struggled
to find the right answer.  With a sinking feeling, he resigned himself to
the fact that the only right answer was the truth.  “I am sweet to you
sweet…at least when you want to be.  And no, I don’t
treat my clients like this at all, but I think you’re past the point of being
my client.  Don’t you agree, Phoenix?” Paulo finished the question with
his eyes bearing down into hers.

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