Read The Maestro Online

Authors: Leo Barton

Tags: #bdsm ebook, #sm erotica

The Maestro (27 page)

BOOK: The Maestro
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bottom quivered, then her body shook, but whatever she did, however
she fought against her bonds there was no relief to be found.

While Linda
continued with her torture, spreading the scarf all along the
sensitive flesh of her thighs and then up to her spinal column,
Sebastian knelt down behind her, pushed his hands up her pearl
white dress and pulled her panties down. It was so wonderful to
feel Sebastian's hands on her again, grasping the top of her thighs
in his hands and pushing his head between the cleft of her bottom
and exploring her with his tongue.

It was a
strange and exhilarating combination for Linda, to watch the woman
writhing in an agony of tickling and to feel Sebastian's tongue on
her and then in her, moistening her intimate flesh, feeling the
wetness and the heat of his tongue. His hand threaded through her
legs and while he licked her from behind, he rubbed her between the
legs, her love juice mingling with the perspiration on his hands.
She could have stayed like that forever. She wanted Sebastian
inside her, but she also wanted to punish Simone more.

'Not yet, my
darling,' she said to Sebastian, reaching behind her and placing it
gently on his head, the other hand finally letting the scarf drop
on the bed beside the outstretched actress, Simone throwing her
head back in relief.

'Get me a
belt. I want to thrash her,' Linda said with a mischievous timbre
in her voice.

found it strange to play this role of compliant accessory, but it
also aroused him and he fetched another belt from the wardrobe with

'Bought in New
York, but made from the finest Spanish leather,' Linda said,
inspecting the long black belt with a wooden buckle, before coiling
it around her hand and then bringing it down firmly onto the white
flesh of Simone's bottom.

The lash
jolted her, the stretched tendons of her arms contracted as soon as
the belt made contact with her skin.

'Don't worry,
Linda, she loves it. You can hit her as hard as she likes, and
preferably with the buckle end.'

Linda thrashed
her again, lower down, the buckle catching her on the top of her
thigh. It caused a great surge of release in Linda's mind to
inflict the lash. She hit again, increasing her speed and power
until Simone's body convulsed in pain, her skin smarting, before
passing the belt to Sebastian.

Sebastian hit
her as firmly, bringing the belt down on the meat of her bottom in
a succession of well-aimed blows.

'I have an
idea, spread her again,' Linda instructed.

Sebastian had parted the ruby cheeks of Simone's bottom once again,
Linda dangled the scarf onto the puckered crater of her anus, the
tickling sensation driving Simone into a demented frenzy. Linda
picked up the belt and squatting on Simone's back near her shoulder
blades she aimed the belt onto her anus, remembering the delightful
mixture of pain and pleasure brought to her with the same

But nothing
had prepared Simone for the exquisite pain she was about to feel.
Her head was angled back and Linda could see that her eyes were
moist with the pain. When it was over her body slumped on the

'I want to
taste her.'

removed the bonds but Simone lay lifeless on the bed. They turned
her over. Simone's listless doe-eyes stared up to Sebastian.
Sebastian undressed and aroused Linda with the sight of his sturdy
cock. He removed Simone's gag. His cock grazed the side of her
cheek before being greedily taken in her mouth.

Linda thought
that the sight of another woman giving fellatio to Sebastian might
make her jealous, but it didn't, it only aroused her further. She
positioned herself between Simone's legs and took the bud of her
sex into her mouth, rolling it around between her teeth. Simone's
voluptuous chest writhed in appreciation.

Linda first
clasped Simone's reddened bum cheeks in her hands, then ran her
fingernails along the burning welt marks that she herself had
administered, scratching her already grazed skin. Simone was taking
Sebastian in deeply. Her head lay flat against the white sheet of
the bed as Sebastian plunged his tool so far down that it must have
touched the back of her throat.

Linda lapped
at Simone's juiced quim, her tongue exploring everywhere. Simone's
legs arched up to get the greatest affect from Linda's tongue.
Watching Simone like that, seeing the pleasure she was bringing to
her, Linda decided that she would like to see Sebastian fuck Simone
while Simone licked her. She exchanged positions with her husband,
Sebastian raising Simone's legs high so that he could push hard
into her, as Linda sat on Simone's face, leaning over to watch
Sebastian's cock plunge into the moist folds of Simone's flesh. It
was beautiful to watch as it was beautiful to feel Simone's tongue,
prodding inside her, spreading her juice up to the extremity of her
clitoris, her finger sliding between her bottom cheeks pressing on
her perineum.

She leaned
further over so that her chest rested on Simone's middle, Simone
having to arch her neck up further so that she could continue
licking and sucking her. Linda was close enough now to caress
Simone's black fringe of pubic hair, then to go closer placing her
finger and thumb around Simone where Sebastian shafted into her.
She couldn't resist the temptation: she licked Simone's swollen
lips then licked Sebastian's hot meat as he penetrated Simone.

pulled out and slid his slicked dome into the parting lips of
Linda, going in deep. She had forgotten what it felt like to have
Sebastian like this in her mouth, but she had never done it before
while a woman was bringing her to orgasm.

His cock was
so hard. She wanted it. She needed it now. She withdrew her sex
from Simone, turned around and laid on her, sticking her tongue
inside her mouth, tasting Simone's mouth, tasting her own love
juices while Sebastian entered her. She remembered that first time
in the Hampstead apartment. She remembered a hundred times when he
had fucked her like this, but this fuck seemed more poignant than
all the others, because it was, if not the end of their
relationship, then the end of an era, the irrefutable end of
something. This fuck she realised was a celebration of that, a rite
of passage.

She kissed
Simone with a manic fervour, feeling the pressure of her orgasm
building inside her, a knot in the stomach a lump in her throat.
She was coming. She was coming, floating on the wave of her climax
as she felt a gush of Sebastian's hot seed shoot up inside her. She
came, still kissing Simone, her body jerking on Sebastian's stiff
prick, a liberating, wonderful explosion of an orgasm.

As she stood
in the gallery thinking about that evening, thinking a hundred
thoughts about Sebastian, she looked into those beautiful limpid
eyes, took in the sad-happy smile. It was an end of an era. As in
art as in life. There is always a time to move on, to experiment
with new materials and new ideas.


The opening
night was a great success. The critics had been positive. Maria
told her that there had been several tempting offers for her
paintings by some of the art dealers she had managed to assemble
for the preview.

Of course all
the talk was still about Delgado. That was unavoidable. She had
thought about going to see him in prison but decided against it.
Another era over! She felt guilty about her sense of gratitude
towards him. He was, after all, all the things that Alfonso had
said about him. It had still been a terrible shock though to see
that picture of him as the police had gone to arrest him, those
terrible eyes, knowing he'd been found out, knowing his life had
been destroyed forever, as he had destroyed so many others.

They had all
come forward, fifteen at the last count, all telling the same story
of manipulation and deception, and there was no doubt that he would
be in prison for a long time. Still part of her wished he could
have come, not to see how her work had been admired, but because he
was the only one she would never know about for sure. It had worked
with all the rest.

She hadn't titled any of the paintings but it had been eerie,
as it had been that day when Maria selected as her favourite
painting the one that Linda had secretly dedicated to her, in the
same way that Sebastian's favourite was the one she had secretly
It was the same with Alfonso and Hugo and Laura, even though the
last two she had only drawn from the memory of the story Maria had
told. There was a Rebecca painting that Rebecca liked, and even a
Damian. It had worked with Suzanne too. She had dragged Paco along,
Paco moaning that he knew nothing about art, but seemingly happy to
see the radiant English girl again. He had chosen, when Linda
pressed him, the picture of the emerald sea that she had dedicated
to him, and Maria had chosen the wild furious whirls of purple and
red and black that was meant exclusively for her. And so it was
with all the others. Only one painting - a favourite with the
dealers and the critics - the enormous canvas of greys and black, a
shock of lucid white and golden yellow in the centre, went
unrecognised by its true owner, the painting that would be known in
posterity as
The Maestro




Enjoy more of
Leo Barton's erotic fiction, also exclusively published as eBooks
by us and available to download from online bookstores now...



Deceived and


Lillian is
writing a biography of the writer James Hyde-Lee, and finally
secures an interview with him in his Italian home. But she is to
find so much more than an aged writer willing to talk to a
biographer. Behind the civilised facade of the Englishman abroad is
a world of cruelty, humiliation, degradation and slavery!


The kindly old
man, a friend of Lillian's father, has a sadistic half-brother and
an even more sadistic and evil manservant, who are both delighted
with the beautiful Lillian and immediately begin to lure her into
their world of BDSM.


Lillian finds
Lee-Hyde's secret diaries and belatedly realises that her father
was once part of this vicious world, a revelation that shocks and
horrifies her and makes her realise there is no escape from the
savagery that surrounds her. Slowly but surely the proud English
girl is taken through the changes which strip away the independence
and pride that once sustained her, forcing her into submission.


The trap is
well and truly sprung!





Everything was blanked but ecstasy: there was no
consciousness, no Gregory, no London, no Freddie, no Helena, just
this sweet heat searing my skin, my flesh, my


From her
strict religious upbringing as a clergyman's daughter and then
wife, Helena is liberated by an enigmatic Italian who teaches her
to explore the needs and desires of her own body. He leads her to
the brink of both pain and pleasure, transforming the timid girl
into a most voluptuous woman.




And as mentioned in the intro pages of this book, if you're
keen to write erotic fiction and would like our
Author Guidelines
, or
you're a published author and have existing work, the eBook rights
of which remain with or have reverted to you, we would be delighted
hear from you

BOOK: The Maestro
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