Read The Maestro Online

Authors: Leo Barton

Tags: #bdsm ebook, #sm erotica

The Maestro (20 page)

BOOK: The Maestro
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'Would you
like to see me?' she said, raising her skirt above her white
panties. 'I'm very wet... very, very wet.'

Paco gulped at
the prospect as he watched Linda run her hand over the white lace.
There was a moment's hesitation as Paco looked at her completely
stunned. This was exactly what happened in pornographic movies, but
never as far as he knew in real life.

'Well,' Linda
asked, 'do you want me?' She thought for a moment that as he gulped
again he was considering asking her to get out. He walked around
the bar, past her without looking in her direction, put the latch
on the door, turned the closed sign round, and for good measure
pulled down the blind of the window.

'We go

She wasn't
sure whether it was a command, a request or a question, but she
nodded, then slipped off her stool.

'There,' Paco said, pointing in the direction of the door
she could vividly remember.

She was loving
every moment of the game. They would have ten minutes at least now.
As she walked up the stairs she lifted her dress up to her waist,
giving Paco a glimpse of her white lace panties hugging the curves
of her voluptuous bottom, and the sheen of her white silk

'There,' Paco
repeated, this time pointing towards the bedroom.

'No, here.'
She didn't want to go into the bedroom. She knew what she was

Paco stood
dazed in his dream, incredulous that such a miraculous thing should
be happening to him. Linda knelt down on the parquet floor and
began to loosen his belt, and then his zip, sneaking her hand
through the flap of his briefs and pulling from it his already
throbbing tool.

It was a good
length. Suzanne had never complained about the size before, only
Paco's longevity. It was vital also that he did not come too soon.
She held him in her hands. She licked him slowly from the base of
his shaft to the fat helmet, flicking her tongue all along the
swollen ridge. Paco was breathing heavily as she took his cock into
her mouth, tasting the salty head, then sucking hard on it, sliding
it in further and further. Paco looked down appreciatively on his
tumescent tool as it disappeared into the English girl's mouth.

He uttered
some Spanish imprecation as Linda began to bob up and down on him,
feeling his swollen balls through the stretched flap of his briefs
and then sneaking her hand behind, pressing first on the meat of
his backside, before jabbing her finger hard into anus.

Whatever other
reservations she had about Paco, she loved his cock. She loved the
idea of it sliding into her quim. It was long and sturdy, and the
purple head was so wet inside her mouth. She pushed it against the
inside of her cheek, as if it was some curiously shaped fruit.

'Oh yes,' she
moaned seductively, pulling him out of her mouth before she pumped
her ruby lips back onto the glistening dome; the moan was more for
Paco's benefit than hers. She was excited enough, but she was still
imitating the girls she had once watched in a pornographic video
that Sebastian had brought home for their amusement.

She felt him
twitch inside her. She was worried he was going to come, so she
pulled off him again, then turning her back on him kneeled on the
coffee table, arching up her backside, then lifting her skirt so
that Paco could glimpse her rotund buttocks in her patterned white
lace panties.

He wasn't so
unsophisticated. She had thought that he might try to deposit his
cock inside her, before exploring her with his hands. First she
felt him bunch up the material of her panties in his hand and pull
tight, so that the slim gusset rubbed against her sex lips and the
sheathed protuberance of her clitoris. 'Oh,' she moaned again,
wriggling her bottom for Paco's delectation.

His hand
slipped under the lace and she could feel him lightly touching her
bum cheeks, and then more audaciously, sneaking his finger along
the trail that stretched from her anus to the bottom of her labial
lips. His fingers went further. Linda felt him slide one into the
wet heat of her sex. Another finger followed and he started to
finger fuck her. Linda jerked down on his fingers for full effect,
trying to impale herself on them.

She felt his
hot cock slithering along the top of her buttocks. She did not want
him in there yet.

' she repeated in Spanish to make sure that he understood. 'Tu
lengua,' Linda said, turning around and pointing to her tongue so
that he could understand exactly what she wanted him to

She eased her
panties off, as Paco kneeled down on the floor, his mouth perfectly
placed for the task she had in mind. She spread her legs wider for
him, still kneeling on the coffee table before him and she imagined
the sight he must have been enjoying. The beautiful creamy cheeks
of her bottom, the little puckered hole of her anus and under, the
swelling pink labial lips disappearing into the fringe of her wispy
blond pubic hair.

With one hand
on each of her bum cheeks he squeezed her apart and pushed his
mouth between, tasting her plentiful love juices, flicking his
tongue in and out of her, as Linda gyrated her hips so that her sex
could press harder against the length of Paco's tongue.

Maybe she only
had five minutes left. It was a shame because she could have knelt
like that for a long time, feeling the tongue flick in and out of
her, his hands tensing the flesh of her buttocks, Paco sucking on
her as if on an enormous pink mussel.

Now was the
time to lead him into the bedroom. She gently pushed his face away
from her and climbed off the glass of the coffee table, pulled him
up with her hand and led him into the bedroom.

She slowly
stripped out of her dress, tantalisingly, pulling down the straps
and then unzipping it from the side, slipping out so Paco was left
a view of her triangle of pubic hair, two slender legs sheathed in
white, sheer silk, and above the lace of her white matching

She freed one
breast from its lace cup and tweaked on it hard, stretching her
nipple until it caused her pain. She did the same with her other
breast before unhooking the bra altogether and throwing it on the

She had
forgotten the belt. The belt was essential. Touching her bottom lip
she made a calming gesture with her forefinger, before slipping
back to the living room and reclaiming his belt. She levered the
belt around the bottom of the headboard and asked Paco to do the
same with the other hand, before spanking herself quite hard,
giving Paco another demonstration of what she wanted him to do.

It didn't take
him long to get the knack of discipline. He splayed his fingers
over her pubic hair with one hand, pressing hard against her, and
then with the other he gave her a hard smack. Paco was a natural.
As his fingers sneaked back into the moist folds of her velvet sex,
he smacked her hard again, and again, until Linda was squirming
with delight. This was not for the benefit of Paco at all, but as a
consequence of the immense pleasure he was bringing to her, each
slap a little harder than the last until she could feel her bottom
tingle red under Paco's spanking.

It was
precisely then that Suzanne walked in. She could not see Linda's
face at first, and her mouth fell open in disbelief as she watched
Paco administer such discipline. Paco wasn't sure how long she had
been standing there, but she had obviously seen how hard Paco had
been spanking the blond girl.

When Paco saw
his wife he nearly jumped off the bed, letting Linda's body flop
onto the white sheet.

Yo puedo explicar
,' he foolishly said. There was no way he could explain what
he was doing was anything other than spanking another

'Paco,' his wife said, '

It was then,
and it had taken quite a long time, that Linda turned around and
Suzanne recognised her. It didn't take Suzanne long to realise that
she had been set up, the little note written in rather
ungrammatical Spanish that had been handed to her at the institute
where she studied telling her that she must return home

For the
briefest of moments a smile flashed across her face, too rapid
probably for Paco to understand, as he untethered the strange blond
woman who had come into his bar and offered herself to him. He
should have realised that the whole thing was just too good to be

Paco looked
completely useless, standing there waiting for his wife to explode,
as Linda now freed form her bonds, sat on the edge of the bed
gazing into Suzanne's soulful eyes. Paco was even more mystified
when Linda placed a hand on Suzanne's stockinged leg and slowly and
steadily began to move it upwards, until it disappeared under the
scarlet skirt. Her hand brushed against the lace of her scarlet
panties, before her fingers delved inside to trail along the moist
ridges of her outer lips, tickling her, then sliding down inside
until she could feel along the ridges of the wall of her quim.

Suzanne knew
that Linda had something like this planned, and she was not
surprised to see her hand sliding up her thigh, but as Linda's
finger slipped inside her she was unable to prevent a little yelp
escaping from her mouth.

Paco couldn't
believe it. Linda's head had now disappeared up his wife's skirt.
Linda had pulled her panties aside and while still keeping her
finger inside Suzanne was licking the little hillock of her
clitoris in broad sweeping strokes of her tongue. Suzanne was
raising her head to the ceiling and rearing back with each upward
stroke of Linda's hot tongue.

He stood
uselessly by the side of the bed as Linda gently pushed Suzanne
onto it and kneeled between her legs, having raised the skirt above
her waist, the gusset of Suzanne's panties pulled clear of her sex.
Linda continued licking the moist, tumescent lips on either side of
her prodding finger.

Paco's cock
involuntarily began to rise, more so when Linda cast a sexy glance
at him. Her fingers were clawing at the tender inner flesh of
Suzanne's thighs, stretching the skin, the nails slightly digging
into the flesh, intensifying the pleasure of Paco's wife.

Paco had never
seen her so carnal before, so obviously enjoying the expert touch
of another woman. She never looked like that during their sporadic
and all too rapid bouts of lovemaking.

He could
resist no more. He reached his hand over and placed it on Suzanne's
lovely breasts.

'No, get off
me,' she screamed at him, momentarily coming out of her sexual
reverie to admonish her husband. Linda wanted to laugh. So this was
to be his punishment. He could look but he could not touch. His
enormous erection was to stay untouched by the two women. And even
by himself so it would seem, as he placed his hand of the broad
ridge of his helmet, Suzanne screaming reproachful obscenities,
Linda assuming hitting him where it hurt most, in his machismo.

By this stage
Linda had removed Suzanne's panties and pushed down on Suzanne's
legs, so that they pressed into her chest, flattening her breasts.
All of Suzanne was now lasciviously exposed, from the clitoral
bulge down to the swollen lips, the taut flesh of her perineum and
the little wrinkled skin around her anus. Linda, knowing how it
would torment Paco, and further arouse her to think of him there so
tortured, flattened her tongue all along Suzanne's exposed sex in
one bold, expansive sweep. She repeated the action again, this time
accompanied by a long, low pitched moan of appreciation from

Paco knew that
he may not touch his wife, but he hadn't been forbidden to look. He
kneeled on the bed next to his wife as Linda spread her tongue one
more time over his wife. He then had the bright idea that even if
his wife was off bounds she had said nothing about Linda, but the
moment that he touched her ash-blond hair his wife, who had seemed
oblivious, barked at him again to desist.

It was however
a sweet kind of agony for the dumbfounded Paco. Linda had now
swivelled her hips at the instigation of Suzanne over her head, and
while Linda attended to the beautiful engorged clit below her,
taking it lightly between her teeth and nibbling gently, Suzanne
levered her head upwards to sink her mouth between Linda's legs. A
devilish touch for the untouched Paco was seeing his wife slide her
moistened finger into Linda's anus as she tongue fucked the English

Suzanne was
coming. She could not concentrate on returning the pleasure she was
receiving as her consciousness subsided under the weight of her
orgasm. Linda rode her spasming body as if she was trying to tame
some wild animal, as her lips jerked violently upward in orgasmic
satiation, all the time maintaining the pressure of her tongue on
the palpitating spot. Suzanne let out an almighty shriek of
pleasure increasing to a high, almost glass-shattering pitch before
diminishing to a heavy breathy moan.

She yanked
Linda up by her hair and pulled her mouth onto her own, kissed her
passionately, tasting Linda's saliva mixed with her own love juice.
Paco's mouth gaped open in his erotic despair. After the kiss was
over he looked pleadingly with his hound dog eyes in the direction
of his wife.

She sighed,
then snorted derisorily. 'Okay big man,' she said equally as
scornfully in Spanish, 'now you can fuck the blond bitch.'

Linda was
delighted. It would have been such a pity never to be fucked at
least one time in her life by the bull-necked Paco.

'Let's do her
from behind.' There was a lusty enthusiasm in Suzanne's voice that
Linda thought Paco must never have heard before. He was seeing his
wife in a totally new light, a light that offered all sorts of
imaginative possibilities that he had been too witless or lazy to

BOOK: The Maestro
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