The Lost Treasure of Annwn (39 page)

Read The Lost Treasure of Annwn Online

Authors: Catherine Cooper,RON,COOPER

BOOK: The Lost Treasure of Annwn
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When Jack was back in his room he heard a tap on his window.

‘Sorry you didn't win,' said Camelin.

‘It's fine, I'm just glad Max lost and ended up in the mud.'

‘With a little bit of help from yours truly.'

‘What do you mean?'

‘Max sent two of his friends to ambush Elan. I was watching from one of the trees. I tried to warn her but I'm not sure she saw my ravenphore. There was nothing I could do, not that Elan needed any help, so I followed Max. You didn't see my signals either. I knew Tank was going to do something.'

‘So did I, but even if I'd seen you there was nothing I could have done to stop him.'

‘I knew Elan wasn't far behind so I hung back and watched Max's team struggle to push their buggy up the hill. It must have weighed a ton with all the metal they'd used to build it. Anyway, when he came down the hill I had a little flyover and gave him a surprise parcel, right on his visor. When he tried to wipe it off he smeared it all over, couldn't see a thing, he hadn't got a clue where he was going and shot straight into the mud. It was no more than he deserved.'

Camelin exploded in a fit of chuckles. Jack laughed too.

‘Can I see the torc?' Camelin asked as he hopped onto Jack's table.

Jack laid the three pieces of the king's torc on his bed. He took out his wand and pointed it at the last piece.

,' he commanded.

They watched as the grime slowly dissolved. Jack lowered his wand and smiled when the gold shone brightly.

Camelin nudged him.

‘Didn't I say you could do it?'

‘You did but I don't understand how the torc ended up as a bit in a horse's mouth.'

‘Peabody told Nora there used to be a small pool at the bottom of Monument Hill. He said the torc had been given to a nymph for safekeeping but she obviously didn't take it with her when she lost her home.'

‘Did Peabody say which water nymph used to live there?'

‘He did, it was Uriel.'

Jack felt a shiver run down his spine as he remembered the visit they'd made to Uriel's well. Camelin coughed and pointed his wing over to the three pieces of gold on Jack's bedspread.

‘Aren't you going to remake it then?'

‘I'll try.'

Jack ran his fingers over the twisted pieces. He concentrated and visualised the torc he'd seen around Kerne's neck. A bright light shone from above his hand as his crystal appeared. When its rays fell on the pieces of gold, they rose from the bed. In mid-air they twisted around each other. A golden glow filled his room before a beam of light burst from the crystal and fell on the bare ends of the torc. Two golden acorns began to grow from the twisted metal. When the torc was complete it fell back onto the bed with a dull thud.

‘You really are a natural you know, Gwillam was right when he said you were worthy. No one can doubt that now.'

Jack picked up the torc. It felt heavy now all the pieces were entwined. The two acorn finials were beautiful; their cups contained all the colours of autumn. He was tempted to try it on but it didn't really belong to him until he'd been crowned. Finding somewhere to keep the torc was going to be a big responsibility.

‘I've just got to keep it safe until Samhain.'

‘You can do that, you're Jack Brenin.'

‘I hope so. We've gone through a lot to recover this.'

‘But we did it together.'

‘We certainly did.'

Camelin hopped back onto the windowsill and was about to go when Jack's Book of Shadows began vibrating.

‘You've got a message. Who's it from?'

Jack opened his Book on the first page and watched the writing appear.

‘It's from Nora.'

‘And… what's it say?'

Jack felt the colour drain from his cheeks as he read the message.

Whatever you do, don't remake the torc.
Gwillam was overjoyed to hear you'd recovered
all three pieces of the Lost Treasure
but also afraid Velindur might try to steal it.
If Camelin is still there get him to fly it
over to Ewell House one piece at a time.
It will be safer here.
It seems the King's torc wasn't the only Treasure
lost from Annwn.
What you saw in Velindur's hand is the
Book of Sorrows.
Elan and I are needed in Annwn and have
to return immediately.

Jack sat down heavily on the bed. His joy had turned to despair.

‘What's the Book of Sorrows, and why would Velindur want it?'

‘I've no idea but you'd better unmake that torc quick. You don't want to lose it, not after all we've been through.'

Jack held out his hand for his crystal but it didn't reappear. He quickly flicked through his Book of Shadows until he got to the spell page. It didn't take him long to find what he was looking for.

,' he commanded as he stretched both his hands over the torc.

There was a flash of light. When Jack looked, the two acorns had disappeared, and the golden strands were untwisting themselves. When the spell had finished three separate golden pieces lay on the bed. Without a word Camelin picked one up and set off towards Ewell House. Jack hoped that once the pieces were with Elan and Nora they'd be safe until Samhain. It wasn't long before Camelin was back and on his way with the second piece. As Jack watched for Camelin's return a large beetle, wearing a pair of spectacles, flew in through the open window with Twink on its back. Jack held out his palm for the Dorysk to land.

‘Elan sent me,' said Twink. ‘She says not to worry, everything will be alright. She's asked us all to keep a watch over Glasruhen. Velindur can't leave Elidon but if he so much as takes one step towards Brenin House we'll raise the alarm. You can sleep easy until Samhain, you've got a lot of friends who won't let you down.'

Jack sighed with relief.

‘Thanks Twink, and you too Dorysk, I know I'm very lucky to have such good friends.'

There was a loud cough from the windowsill. Camelin had obviously overheard this conversation.

‘And even luckier to have Camelin. I couldn't have found the lost treasure without him.'

Jack smiled as Camelin puffed out his chest feathers.

‘Ready to take the last piece?'



When Jack was alone he thought about everything he'd been through in the last few weeks. The Stone of Destiny had given him a vision of what was to be. Now he'd completed his quest and the Lost Treasure of Annwn had been found, he'd be crowned king at Samhain. He could rest easy knowing the three pieces of the torc would be safe at Ewell House. He was sure, now Gwillam knew it was the Book of Sorrows Velindur had stolen, he'd be able to find out the reason why he'd taken it. Both the buggy race and the quest had given him a sense of achievement. Seeing the torc remade, no matter how briefly, had been thrilling. What everyone had been telling him was true; he really was destined to be king. At last he felt excited.

He looked over at his calendar. At least the summer wasn't over. There was still plenty of time to have some fun with Camelin.


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