The Lost Treasure of Annwn (31 page)

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Authors: Catherine Cooper,RON,COOPER

BOOK: The Lost Treasure of Annwn
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‘You will. I can't wait to go back to Elidon.'

Jack tried to share Camelin's enthusiasm but in his heart he felt apprehensive. He didn't want to go back until he'd learnt as much as he could. The next time he crossed into the shadows he wanted to be prepared, especially now he knew Velindur was there.

Jack realised the conversation was over when Camelin started sorting through the bag. He made his way back down to the kitchen and over to the shed. It was going to be a long day.


Jack was surprised to see Nora's shed had been filled with wheels, frames, wood and an enormous toolbox. Elan and Techno were busy assembling a frame out of two bicycles. One looked old and battered but the other looked brand new. Nora seemed to be in charge of the various tools and passed what she was asked for.

‘Hi, can I help?'

‘Of course you can,' said Nora, ‘come and hold this steady for Elan while she tightens it up.'

Jack held onto the new bicycle frame and watched as Elan copied everything Techno did. Neither of them offered him a go with the spanner.

‘Where did you get the bikes from?' asked Jack.

‘This one's my old one, it's too small for me now,' explained Techno, ‘and the one you're holding was my birthday present from my dad.'

‘It looks brand new!'

‘It is, but we needed two bikes to make the buggy.'

‘But what about your bike…'

‘I can dismantle the buggy and remake my bike when the race is over.'

‘It might get scratched.'

‘I'll repaint it.'

Jack watched Techno as he worked. He couldn't believe someone would sacrifice their new bike and take it to pieces. It would never be the same again.

‘Are you sure this is alright? What will your dad say when he finds out?'

‘Techno's dad was here first thing this morning, and most of what you see here came out of his trailer, including the new bicycle,' explained Nora.

‘When I told Dad what happened to your buggy and said I wanted to help, he said it was OK. I've been working on these plans for ages. Your grandad offered me his bike but it wasn't the right size.'

‘Thanks,' said Jack. He knew it didn't sound much but he felt close to tears and didn't want any of them to see him cry.

A crunching sound on the gravel made everyone turn. Grandad rounded the corner carrying his own toolbox and a canvas bag.

‘How's it going?'

‘Really well Mr Brenin,' said Techno, ‘Everything's going to plan.'

Jack watched as his grandad inspected the bits and pieces that littered the shed floor. It looked like a pile of scrap to Jack but his grandad seemed to be impressed.

‘It's looking good; if we crack on we might get back on target and have it ready for a test run by the weekend.'

Nora let Grandad take the frame she'd been holding and stepped out of the way.

‘I'll be in the herborium if anyone needs me. I'll bring you all a drink in a while and maybe when it gets closer to lunchtime one of you might like to give me a hand with some sandwiches.'

‘I'll help you,' Jack volunteered. He felt like a spare part in the shed and helping Nora would give him a chance to explain about Elidon and ask her some questions.Time dragged for Jack. Grandad, Techno and Elan were totally engrossed in the buggy making. They chatted away discussing how best to do things and what should go where. He felt useless now Techno was involved. Jack wondered if they'd get on quicker without him. They kept having to explain what the tools looked like each time they needed something. It was a relief when Nora shouted for him to help with lunch. He raced from the shed to the kitchen.

‘You butter and I'll fill,' Nora said, as she nodded for Jack to sit next to her at the table.

Now Jack was able to speak to Nora he didn't know where to start.

‘Something happened last night…'

‘I know,' she replied. ‘I had a report this morning, it seems Camelin went out for a night flight.'

‘It wasn't his fault, it was mine.'

Nora smiled then laughed.

‘I have one nervous raven upstairs who thinks he's in trouble. I know what happened; don't forget, fairies can see both worlds. Twink told me how you used crystal magic to enter Elidon and how Camelin broke through the veil between the two worlds. I presume you called for him.'

‘I was frightened and wished he was there, and there he was. It was all very strange but it was real, look.'

Jack pulled out the hag stone and showed it to Nora.

‘Camelin has one too; Kerne gave them to us. He said there was a mean Hag in Elidon. I'm only allowed to go back twice before Samhain to find that missing piece of torc. I've got to go to the King's stone to find the piece that was hidden on Earth. Do you know anything that might help? I know I've got to do this on my own but the more information I can get the better.'

‘Start at the beginning and tell me everything and then I'll know if I can point you in the right direction.'

While they made lunch for everyone Jack told Nora everything that had happened during the night. When he'd finished Nora nodded thoughtfully.

‘Go and tell them lunch is ready, and later, when everyone's gone I think we need to pay a visit to Cory, she'll be able to answer any questions you may have about the King's stone.'

‘Thanks,' said Jack. ‘I don't want to fail.'

‘You won't. We are all very proud of you. At Samhain you will be crowned, the Stone of Destiny is never wrong. Now, off you go and fetch the others. I'll take Camelin his lunch and let him know he's not in trouble.'

Jack hoped Camelin had moved his stash somewhere safe, if not, there was a strong possibility he would be in trouble after all.




Work resumed on the buggy after lunch. The only break they had during the afternoon was when Nora brought lemonade and biscuits. Jack caught a glimpse of Camelin flying towards Glasruhen as they sat in the sunshine with their drinks. Jack had plenty of time to think while the others discussed the progress of the buggy. He needed to plan the two remaining visits to Elidon carefully. The best place to start would be the Hag's cave. Maybe Camelin had gone to find out where it used to be. He was certain there weren't any Hags living in Glasruhen now. He was glad Camelin would be with him in Elidon.

For the rest of the afternoon, Techno and Elan worked on the framework and Grandad made the seat. All Jack was required to do was pass screwdrivers and spanners from the toolboxes. He would rather have been flying with Camelin but helping with the buggy was something he couldn't get out of. He listened to Elan and Techno chatting happily together. They were both excited and engrossed; he knew how Camelin felt now when he was left out. Grandad looked happy, too. Jack hoped he might be allowed to help paint the buggy when it was finished. He looked over at the shelf where the paint was kept. As he scanned the neat row of tins he saw the one that had been spilt. The outside was covered in blue. Jack smiled; Max and Tank were having their hair shaved off today.

‘I think it's time to stop,' announced Grandad. ‘That's a good day's work; she should be finished by the weekend. Shall we see if we can get her over to Monument Hill on Sunday afternoon and give her a trial run?'

‘That would be great Mr Brenin, I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind taking us. We could put the buggy in his trailer, and we'd all fit in his car. I'll bring my stopwatch.'

Jack forced himself to grin like the others, but he didn't feel excited.

‘You can have first go Jack,' said Elan.

Jack's heart missed a beat. The last thing he wanted to do was to career headlong down a hill so close to the ground.

‘It's fine, you or Techno can go first.'

‘I wish I could fit into that seat, there's nothing like feeling the wind blowing in your face,' said Grandad, as he looked longingly at the buggy.

‘We're going to need a helmet, it said so in the safety rules,' said Techno.

‘I've got one we can use…' said Elan.

Jack's eyebrows rose. He couldn't imagine Elan wearing a crash helmet. He wondered if she might be going to magic one so he didn't say anything.

‘… and I think Techno should go first, it's his design.'

Techno looked overjoyed.

‘Are you sure Elan? It was your buggy that got smashed. What about you Jack?'

‘Be my guest, I'll time you.'

Grandad looked thoughtful before he spoke.

‘You all need to have a go. The driver's weight can affect the speed. From the trials we'll be able to work out who should drive on race day. We all want what's best for the team don't we?'

‘We do,' everyone agreed.

Jack felt as if a great weight had been lifted. He knew he wouldn't have the fastest time.

‘Of course the strongest one will need to go round the course. There are a couple of hills that the buggy will need to be pushed up,' continued Grandad.

Jack smiled. He knew without a doubt that Elan was the strongest.

‘That's settled then,' said Grandad. ‘We'll aim to have our new
finished for trials by the weekend.'

Jack looked wistfully at Nora and Elan as they said their goodbyes. He'd hoped to be able to visit Cory later but he knew that wasn't going to happen as Grandad had insisted they walk home with Techno. He said he wanted to talk to his dad but Jack suspected he wanted to make sure he got home alright. It wasn't far, and before long, they'd turned into the street where Techno lived.

‘That's my house on the left,' said Techno as he pointed to a detached house with a large front garden, ‘it's the one opposite the park.'

When they reached the park gates they had to wait to cross the road. Jack thought he heard whispering coming from behind one of the bushes. He didn't want to look round because he was sure the voices belonged to Max and Tank. He looked up at the roof of Techno's house. Two starlings were perched on the gable end. He was too far away to be sure but he thought they looked like Bicker and Grudge. It was a good job Grandad was there, he didn't want to think what might have happened to Techno if he'd been on his own.

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