The Lost Treasure of Annwn (2 page)

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Authors: Catherine Cooper,RON,COOPER

BOOK: The Lost Treasure of Annwn
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‘Nora told me to keep the window shut.'

‘That must have been before you got used to your magic; you don't have to be frightened of anything now, not with your powers.'

Jack didn't know what to say. He had no idea what he was capable of doing because he'd never really tried. Magic was still new to him. The Dorysk grinned and continued.

‘Nora sent me with a message.'

‘A message… Is there something wrong with Camelin?'

‘No, he was his usually grumpy self when I left Ewell House a few minutes ago. I'm only obeying instructions. Nora told me to come over; I didn't think it would be a problem.'

‘No, no, it's fine. I was just surprised to see you instead of Camelin.'

‘There you go, you've hit the nail on the head, so to speak, that's why Nora sent me. She thought if Camelin came over he'd spill the beans and let the surprise out of the bag. She knows I can be trusted, and now I'm officially a member of the Night Guard, I'm available for duty. You know my credentials already, shape shifter, information gatherer, keeper of secrets, and now, I'm at your service too.'

Jack watched as the Dorysk tried to bow but his round tummy got in the way and he toppled over and rolled across Jack's other leg.

‘Ow! Do you think you could change into something a little less prickly if I'm in bed next time you call?'

‘So sorry, so sorry, I've delivered my message so I'll be off now.'

‘Message? What message?'

‘Oh dear me! I thought I'd told you. Nora says you're to come over to Ewell House as soon as you can, she's got a surprise waiting for you.'

‘A surprise?'

‘Yes, but that's all I can say.'

‘I'll be there as soon as I can but it depends on what Grandad's got planned for the day.'

‘I'll let Nora know. Oh! I nearly forgot, Camelin says could you please hurry up as he's not allowed to leave the house until you arrive.'

Jack laughed. Camelin would probably be in a super grumpy mood by the time he got there. He made a mental note to take him a treat, something out of his stash tin, maybe a chocolate cake bar, or two.

‘I'll try not to be long.'

The Dorysk nodded. There was a loud popping sound and in the blink of an eye, a small fly, wearing a minute pair of glasses, took off from the sheet. It circled around Jack's head twice before disappearing through the keyhole.


Jack washed and dressed quickly before racing down the stairs to the kitchen. He saw a piece of paper propped up against the cereal box on the table. Jack smiled when he read the three words his grandad had written… in the garden. The back door was open and Jack could see dark patches on the soil where his grandad had watered the plants. He followed a trail of wet dribbles along the path to the greenhouse. The sliding door squeaked noisily as Jack slid it open. He stepped inside and quickly slid the door back so the heat wouldn't escape. Grandad looked very hot.

‘Ah! You're up!'

‘Sorry, I overslept, but I can help you if you want.' Jack stood with his fingers crossed behind his back. He really wanted to go Ewell House and find out about the surprise but he felt he ought to ask Grandad if there was anything he wanted him to do first.

‘Hot, thirsty work this. You can help by being a good lad and fetching me a glass of lemonade. There's a bottle in the fridge.'

Jack ran back to the kitchen. In his haste he filled the glass a bit too full and had to be careful not to spill it as he made his way back down the path. Grandad grinned when he saw Jack.

‘Just the thing; there's nothing quite like cold lemonade when you're hot and thirsty. Now, what are you going to do with yourself today?'

‘Could I go to Ewell House? There's something I want to look up in Nora's library, unless you need some help.'

Grandad laughed and nodded to the deckchair on the lawn.

‘Once I've finished here I'm going to get my radio, another glass of lemonade, and then sit and listen to the Test Match. You can get another deckchair if you like but there's a no talking rule when the cricket's on. I'm sure you'll have much more fun at Nora's.'

‘Thanks Grandad, I'll go and get my bag.'


Jack was nearly at the end of the tunnel, that led into Nora's garden, when he realised he'd not had his breakfast. His stomach growled loudly. It would be rude to ask Nora for food as soon as he arrived, but he didn't want to go back. There was only one thing he could do. He unwrapped one of the chocolate cake bars and nibbled a bit off the end. Unfortunately, by the time he stepped into Nora's garden, he'd eaten both bars. Camelin wouldn't be pleased if he knew, but luckily he was nowhere to be seen. Jack wiped his mouth in case there were any stray crumbs.

Jack saw Medric land on the grass and race towards the patio doors. He was only inside the kitchen for a moment before he rushed back out, hurriedly took off, and headed back to the lake. Something must be wrong. Jack ran to the house.

‘Is everything alright?'

Camelin sighed, hunched his wings and began to grumble.

‘Medric's a dad, the first egg hatched early this morning; that was the second and there are eight more to go. I hope he doesn't get that excited every time a gosling hatches.'

‘He probably will,' said Nora, ‘but that wasn't why we asked you to come over.'

‘You mean Medric's news isn't the surprise?'

Camelin humphed.

‘Hardly, this is something really special.'

Nora frowned at Camelin.

‘I thought we agreed: not a word, until Jack's seen it.'

‘Seen what?' asked Jack as he looked around the kitchen.

Camelin waddled over to the end of the table and pointed his beak in the direction of the dresser. Jack looked at the shelves. A gold-coloured envelope had been propped up on the bottom shelf but it wasn't addressed to anyone.

‘It's for you,' said Nora.

‘How do you know? It doesn't say it's for me.'

Camelin sighed.

‘Why don't you open it and see what it says?'

As Jack touched the envelope runes appeared. He was left in no doubt the letter was his when he saw his name. Camelin hopped onto the end of the dresser and peered over Jack's arm.

‘I can't read it! What's it say?'

‘It's my name, it says, Jack Brenin.'

‘Can't you hurry up and open it? I've been waiting to see what it says for hours now.'

Jack turned the letter over. On the back was a golden seal; the impression of an acorn could clearly be seen in the wax. A large red arrow, pointing upwards, was underneath the seal.


‘It's from Annwn,' announced Jack.

‘How do you know it's from Annwn? You've not looked inside yet.'

Jack showed Camelin the seal and symbol.

‘That's the letter A written as a rune underneath the acorn, but how did it get here?'

Nora smiled and nodded towards the garden. As Jack turned he saw Elan walking towards the patio.

‘You're back! When did you get here? How long can you stay?'

‘What about the letter,' grumbled Camelin. ‘I want to know what it says.'

Jack ignored Camelin. He couldn't stop smiling. Elan was back.

‘You are going to stay for a while aren't you?'

Elan nodded.

‘I can stay until the end of the summer but then I must return to prepare for your coronation. The Druids don't need my help at the moment. A lot of the old ways have been restored. Gwillam and the Blessed Council seem to have everything in order and under control. If he needs me he'll send a message to my Book of Shadows.'

‘That's the best news, what a brilliant surprise.'

Elan pointed to the letter.

‘That's the real surprise.'

‘At last,' said Camelin as he hopped around. ‘Come on, open it up, see what it says!'

‘Can I use your letter opener?' Jack asked Nora.

‘I'm afraid you can't, it's not really an envelope. The letter is written on the inside, you'll have to break the seal then spread it out.'

Jack tried to lift the seal without breaking it but it cracked in two. He spread the envelope out on the table.


‘It's all in runes,' grumbled Camelin, ‘I can't read runes. I've only just learnt how to read letters. Can't you magic it into real writing?'

‘Camelin,' said Nora sternly, ‘it's Jack's letter, he can translate it for us.'

Jack read the contents through to himself first. His stomach filled with butterflies. It wasn't exactly a letter, more like a summons. He sat down before reading it out loud.

The Queen of Annwn
Jack Brenin
to appear before
The Blessed Council
At the beginning of
the First Fruits

Jack looked at Nora and then at Elan.

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