The Lost Treasure of Annwn (15 page)

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Authors: Catherine Cooper,RON,COOPER

BOOK: The Lost Treasure of Annwn
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Jack smiled when he saw daylight at the end of the tunnel. He could see Camelin asleep in the sunshine.

‘Sorry I was such a long time.'

Camelin jumped and glowered at Jack.

‘At last, you've been ages. You realise we've missed lunch don't you. There's nowhere to get a takeaway around here. You wouldn't believe what it's been like not having anyone to talk to either.'

Jack smiled. There was something very comforting about Camelin's bad temper.

‘Thanks for all the help. I couldn't have done it without you, especially at the bridge.'

‘Just don't tell Nora.'

‘I won't. I promise. Shall we go and find something to eat before we go back to Ewell House?'

‘Aw Jack! That's a brilliant idea and if we look hungry when we get back we'll get another lunch. Ready to transform?'


Once they were airborne, Jack flew in a wide circle so he could have one last look at Falconrock before following Camelin. He had lots to tell him on the flight back.




The next morning Jack was woken by the sound of birds squabbling. He strained to listen but there were too many voices speaking at once to make out what they were saying. Jack swung his legs out of bed but before his feet touched the floor, Camelin flew in through the open window.

‘Please Jack, come and sort them out, they won't listen to me.'

‘Sort who out?'

‘Starlings, five of them in my loft, wish I'd never started the Flying Squad, more trouble than it's worth.'

‘The same five as before?'

‘Naw. This is the second watch.'

‘It's hard to believe five small birds could make all that noise.'

‘You should have heard the din when all fifteen of them were in my loft the first morning. I never expected it to be like this, I thought they'd just come in one at a time to report.'

‘Can't you put someone in charge of each squad?'

‘I did, but I think I chose the wrong ones… Crosspatch grumbles all the time, Bicker argues and Dazzle, who's leader of the third squad, is too busy admiring himself to take any notice of what's going on around him. Come up and sort them out, please.'

Jack smiled. It wasn't often Camelin asked nicely for anything.

‘Let me get dressed first.'

‘No, you need to come now, I know they've got something important to say and they'll listen to you.'

Jack sighed. Meeting a squad of starlings in his pyjamas wasn't something he particularly wanted to do but he could hear the urgency in Camelin's voice.

‘I'll meet you upstairs.'

‘I'll come back in when they're quiet so they won't know I came to get you. Say you've come to talk to me and ask where I am. OK?'


‘Thanks Jack… I owe you one.'

Jack put on his slippers and made his way up to the loft. Not only were the five starlings squawking and bickering with each other but there was a lot of tail pecking and beak prodding going on too.

‘What's the meaning of this?' Jack shouted loudly. His voice had the same effect as before. All of the starlings froze. Jack pulled himself into the loft and sat looking at the silent squad. ‘Bicker, step forward, and give your report.'

Four of the birds gave a sideways glance to one of the group. The starling they were looking at stepped forward.

‘Bicker?' asked Jack.

The starling nodded and was about to speak when Camelin flew in through the open window.

‘Ah! Sergeant Bicker, you have some news for me?'

Both Jack and Bicker looked at Camelin but neither of them spoke.

‘Come on, let's have it then.'

‘There's going to be a meeting this morning in Max's garden, they're all going to be there.'

‘They are,' the other four starlings agreed.

‘Do you know what this meeting's about?'

Another starling stepped forward to join Bicker.

‘My watch, Danny, went to call for Techno, that's Twizzle's watch, and Danny told Techno they were going to sort out the final plan… isn't that right Twizzle?'

Jack looked at the starling that was nodding vigorously.

‘And…?' grumbled Camelin.

‘Well I heard my watch, Tank, telling Digger's watch Benbow, it was going to be about how Max can get his own back on Jack and Elan… didn't I Digger?'

‘You did Grudge, you did, I was there, I heard it all.'

Camelin sighed. He fixed each starling in turn with his angry look.

‘Sergeant Crosspatch gave me that report yesterday.'

‘But Tank said they were going for Elan first,' said Grudge.

Digger nodded in agreement.

‘They're sorting out the where, when and how this morning. Our two watches are on their way to see Max now.'

‘So are Danny and Techno,' squawked Twizzle.

‘Anyone got anything else to add?' asked Camelin as he strutted up and down in front of the five starlings. He waited but none of them spoke.

Jack felt grateful to the starlings. If he could find out what was going to happen he could make his own plan and warn Elan too.

‘Do you think Nora would mind if we flew over to Max's house. I think I'd like to listen in on that meeting?'

‘Don't see why not. You go and ask her while I debrief the squad.'

By the time Jack was back in his room the squabbling had started all over again. As he dressed he saw Camelin swoop past the window. He must have given up on the debriefing.


Jack and Camelin flew the short distance from Ewell House to one of the estates on the outskirts of Newton Gill. As they circled above the garden of one of the big houses, Jack could see Bicker perched on the top of a summerhouse. He nodded to Jack and Camelin as they landed on the branch of an apple tree that overhung the bottom of Max's garden. It wasn't long before Grudge and Digger joined Bicker. They all watched as Max came down the garden and waited for Tank and Benbow to cross the grass from the back gate. Jack wondered if they'd be able to hear what was being said from their hiding place, especially if the gang decided to go inside. Max signalled for the other two to sit down before pacing up and down in front of them.

‘Where are Danny and Techno? We can't start without them.'

‘They're on their way,' replied Tank.

‘Good, we've got a lot to do before Sunday.'

Camelin hunched his wings.

‘What's so special about Sunday?' he whispered.

Jack shook his head for Camelin to be quiet; he didn't want to miss anything Max might say. It wasn't long before Danny and Techno arrived. The pair looked strange together. Danny was tall with long black lanky hair that flopped around his face. Techno was about the same size as Jack and everything about him looked neat and tidy. Max looked excited to see them.

‘Sit down so we can get started. You know why we're meeting. This is top secret. No one is to tell anyone else… understood?'

Max waited for them all to nod before continuing.

‘We're going to teach that stupid girl a lesson… we're going to make sure she shows me some respect in future.'

‘How we gonna do that Max?' asked Tank.

‘That's why we're meeting, so we can work that out.'

Tank sniggered.

‘If Benbow and Danny held her I could hit her, she wouldn't like that.'

Max shook his head.

‘We've got to think of something better than that, besides, just hitting her isn't going to work, we'd get in trouble and then she'd be smirking again. It needs to be subtle.'

Tank looked puzzled.

‘What's subtle?'

‘Something clever but not obvious,' explained Techno.

‘Precisely,' agreed Max. ‘We want her to know it's us but we don't want to be seen… any ideas?'

‘We could ambush her and hit her from behind,' suggested Tank, ‘she wouldn't see us then.'

‘It's got to be something worse than hitting,' snapped Max.

They looked thoughtful. Max paced up and down until Benbow raised his hand.

‘My little brother's got a story book about a rabbit…'

‘A rabbit?' shouted Max. ‘This had better be good, what's a rabbit got to do with anything?'

Benbow gulped and sat very still.

‘Well? I'm waiting.'

Jack thought he could see Benbow's hands trembling. He clasped them together before continuing.

‘Well, the rabbit was always annoying a fox who wanted to get his own back so he makes a baby out of tar and the rabbit gets stuck on it. When he finally gets free he rolls in some leaves and they stick to him. I just thought we could do something like that.'

Tank and Danny laughed so much they began to roll around on the ground. Benbow looked uncomfortable again but Max ignored them all. He seemed lost in thought. Tank thumped Benbow on the back.

‘That's a good one! A wickle wabbit… ah!'

‘Shut up Tank,' snapped Max, ‘I'm trying to think.'

Tank abruptly stopped laughing.

‘Got your notebook?' Max asked Techno.

The small boy pulled a pad and pencil from his pocket.

‘Right,' said Max, ‘this is what we're going to do… Danny's going to find the best location on the back lane for an ambush.'

Jack could see Tank smile.

‘Benbow, you're going to get enough syrup to fill a bucket.'

Everyone looked at Benbow who began nodding at Max.

‘What d'you want me to do Max?' asked Tank.

‘You're going to get a pillowcase full of feathers. Think you can do that?'

‘Yeah, no problem.'

‘And Techno is going to make us a contraption that'll tip syrup all over the stupid girl. She won't see us because we'll be able to control it from the other side of the hedge. Tank, you'll be ready on the opposite side to put the pillowcase over her head. We'll syrup and feather her. She won't know what's hit her and while she's cleaning it all off she'll have plenty of time to think twice about annoying me again.'

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