The Lost Lyken (8 page)

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Authors: C.A. Salo

BOOK: The Lost Lyken
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Kasey frowned. “Marking. You’re not going to pee on my leg are you?”

“Damn smart ass, no.” He growled at her smile. Christ he loved her sense of humor. “That’s for a hot session of erotic, kinky sex.”

Kasey’s eyes widened for a moment and then she smiled. “Really, you mean like BDSM. That’s something I’ve never tried.”

Evan grabbed her to him, her naked breasts bounced against his chest, exciting his cock. “You’re a natural under me.”

“I like when you control me,” she breathed, then realized what she’d said. “You know, in bed, because I won’t put up with that anywhere else, unless we’re having sex in the kitchen or living room or something.”

Evan chuckled as he clasped both her wrists behind her back with one of his, thrusting her chest against him and moving her pussy along his thickening dick. “I love your independent self.” Lowering his mouth to her shoulder he nipped, loving the little sound of pleasure from her mouth, and then ran his tongue over the area. “If you let me claim you, I need to go for a run after. I usually do it first, but I need to wait until your family is asleep.”

Kasey moaned. “I have a solution to that: guest cabin in the woods.”

“The other thing that’s really important, and I hate to bring this up because you haven’t opened up to me about it yet…” Lifting his head, he met her gaze. “If you take silver into your body, you could kill me if you scratch me with your nails during sex.”

Kasey jolted. She hadn’t been expecting him to say that. “Wh-what, I ah…”

Evan took her face between his hands, holding her head. “Silver will poison me. It can make me very sick, and worst case, I will die from it. I’m not close enough to a pack to get the proper treatment in case I’m infected.”

All the air left her lungs as she stared at him, her eyes watered with unshed tears. How did he know? “Evan?” she gasped.

“It’s okay, baby, breathe,” he cooed softly.

Kasey’s body shook. “I don’t know why that happens to me. I stay away from it, there’s not a drop in the house. Daddy won’t allow it,” she said as he wrapped his arms around her drawing her close.

“You’re a Silver Alchemist.”

“A, a what?”

“A Silver Alchemist. They’re not Other Kin like me or vampires or fairies. Alchemists are humans with special gifts who can live a very long time. They have a natural binding to certain elements, yours just happens to be silver. An alchemist can take their element into their body, absorbing it, and can use it to their needs. If we were fighting, you could encase your fingernails with the silver and try to strike me. I’ve even heard of a story where one was so powerful they shot silver bullets out with a wave of their hand.”

Kasey sat up. “My God, Evan, I could really hurt you, especially since I have no idea how to control anything. I took it into me once when I was younger—about ten— and I was so out of control Daddy and Grandma said they had to hold me down and tie me to the bed for three days until it seeped out of my system…and all I touched was a small heart locket.”

“Listen. I have my brother, our historians and a very close family friend looking into this. Just because you were born a Silver Alchemist doesn’t mean you have to take it within you. It’s your choice, Kasey. You can deny it from entering your body.”

“And you want to mate with me? Are you fucking crazy? Have you lost your ever-loving mind, Evan Roven?” She breathed erratically as she moved away from his embrace. “There’s no way in hell I’m going to mate with you, especially if I can hurt you.”

Evan’s face darkened as he yanked her back. “You listen to me, Kasey Decker. I am
going to allow you to shove me away. Do you understand me?”

Kasey stared at him as he shook her slightly. “But why?” she whispered. “Why would you want me when you know I could hurt you?” She lifted her hand to the side of his face.

“Because you’re my mate,” he whispered. “It’s hard for me to explain to you how I know, but my entire body knows it’s you. You were meant for me, Kasey. The Gods and Ancients have shown me that you are to be with me, and I’ve fallen in love with you, Kasey Decker.”

Kasey’s lips parted with an inaudible gasp. “Evan?” she whispered. He loved her. He’d fallen in love with her. This powerful man was hers. Lowering her lips to his, she kissed him with all the passion she had. His arms wrapped around her again, seating her on his lap.

Evan lowered her to the bed, sliding down between her thighs. His nostrils flared at the scent of his release and hers. He skimmed the surface of her heat with his tongue, her body arching as he found her bud.

Kasey whimpered with joy as her fingers found his hair and tightened, trying to pull him closer.

Evan thrust his tongue into her heat, withdrawing and drawing circles before doing so again and again. His hands slid under her bottom, grasping both cheeks as he nipped her clit.

“Oh my God, Evan, please. Get inside me, please,” she gasped.

Evan moved up, his knees spreading her thighs even further and thrust into her to the hilt. Both groaned from the sheer pleasure, holding still to savor it for one moment and then they broke loose. Evan lowered his mouth to her neck, biting and sucking as he thrust in deep and hard. Kasey’s fingers tightened and dug in wherever they were on his body.

Realizing the bed was shaking, Kasey gasped as Evan’s arm flew up to the headboard in time to keep her from hitting it. Their grunts and groans were not muffled by any means as he began thrusting upward with a vigorous pace. Kasey had never liked missionary, she didn’t feel as though she felt enough of her man or he suffocated her, but not with Evan. He knew how to hold himself so not to squish her and to move so she enjoyed and could feel every inch of him as the tingles raced from her head to her pussy. “Oh my God, Evan, I don’t think I’m going to…”

“Come for me, Kasey, come now!” he groaned as her walls started convulsing around him. Her cries of fulfillment sent him over the edge; his growls grew louder as he spurted his essence into her warmth. “Mine, Kasey, you’re mine.”

Kasey panted for air as he collapsed beside her, his chest heaving as well. “Ok,” she breathed heavily. “But, you’re mine too,” she whispered laying her hand on his abdomen before drifting off.

* * * *

Kasey leaned against the butcher block and smiled as she stood across from her brother and sister in the kitchen. Evan came to stand behind her, his hands placed softly on her hips. Her Grandma had just left making a comment about more than twice and some growling going on around three this morning.

“Disgusting,” Sasha spat.

“What’s disgusting, Sasha, is you and
eavesdropping at our door like a couple of pervs.” Kasey’s brow lifted at her sister’s red face.

“Seriously?” Graham chuckled. “Didn’t you have anything better to do?”

“Shut-up!” Sasha snapped.

“Daddy!” Kasey yelled. “I think you better get the shotgun, there’s gonna be a weddin’.”

“You’re such a bitch!” Sasha yelled as she threw her mug in the sink, breaking it. “You’re not even a part of this family, you were adopted!”

Evan’s hands tightened on Kasey’s hips, bringing her to stand up as Graham stopped laughing.

“That’s enough, Sasha,” Graham growled.

“No it’s not, I’m sick of this. I’m sick of everyone pussy-footing around because poor little Kasey was abandoned and we took her in.”

Kasey tensed. “You’re such a bitch, Sasha. That might have worked when I was twelve, but seriously give it up.”

“No seriously, stupid, you’re not one of us…”

“Sasha!” Graham yelled.

“You’re not of our blood, you are not a Decker! Daddy and Grandma found you on the doorstep! How do you like that, Mr. Roven of Roven Industries? Think your rich family will want anything to do with her now that it’s out that she’s a penniless little bastard?”

Kasey’s breathing stopped as she looked from Sasha to Graham and the anger on his face. Her head shook back and forth several times before a warm strength encased her from behind. “That’s not true, I am too a Decker.”

“No you’re not! Why do you think Mom hates you? It’s because Dad and Grandma care more about you than her or me.”

“You’re so full of shit!” Graham yelled. “You’re such a jealous bitch, Sasha, and so is Mom! Neither of you has ever accepted Kasey. You’ve made your own beds with your manipulative and jealous ways! Kasey is a Decker, and she’s more of a sister to me than you’ll ever be!”

Kasey’s body shook with the knowledge Graham just spurted out and she was glad Evan stood behind her as shock swirled through her like a tornado. “Graham?” she whispered, his face softening as he met her gaze.

“You are my sister, Kasey. Don’t ever doubt that, do you understand? I love you and that will never change.”

“You’re just like Dad!” Sasha yelled.

“Sasha, what did you do?” Rita gasped.

Kasey looked over and realized that her mom, dad, and grandma stood in the doorway.

“I told the stupid bitch the truth that she’s adopted.” Sasha smirked. “Finally after all these years the truth is out and we can make her leave! She has no business being here anymore.”

Kasey gasped at the realization of how much Sasha truly hated her here. Their entire life Sasha had tormented her, but she’d thought it was just what big sisters did until now. Glancing over at her dad, she leaned back against Evan. Her dad’s ears were red, which was never a good sign. Oh God, he’s going to kick me out. Her breath came out raspy as Evan wrapped his arms around her shivering body.

“You are wrong, Sasha,” Donald said calmly. “Kasey is Decker blood, she’s my blood, my daughter, and she’s not going anywhere. You are.”

“What?” Sasha breathed.

“From today on, you are on your own. All the credit cards will be canceled, you can leave the keys to my car on the sideboard, and you can find your own place to live. I am through supporting you and your spending habits. The things you’ve been given through your life are not a right, Sasha, they are a privilege. I suggest you go get a job or find a man to support you, because I’m done.”

Kasey’s eyes grew wide as her mom and Sasha started arguing with her father.

“Enough!” Donald yelled. “Rita, you can leave as well. Our pre-nup still holds so don’t try your shit. Sasha grew up hating Kasey because you instilled that into her the moment Kasey was brought into this house and I’m done with it!”

“Well, how did you expect me to act?” Rita yelled. “You bring your dirty little bastard into my house and expect me to raise her for you?”

Kasey tilted her head when her dad smiled.

“You’re one to talk, Rita. I knew Sasha wasn’t mine from the moment you told me you were pregnant. After all, you couldn’t get pregnant when we didn’t have sex.”

Kasey’s eyes widened and her mouth gaped as her eyes moved from her dad to her mom to her sister. Her mom called her dad a bastard before grabbing Sasha’s hand and yanking her out of the kitchen. “I think I need another coffee.”

Donald smiled. “Me too, kiddo.”

“Daddy, is what you said true?”

“Yes, all of it, and I’m sure Evan picked up on it the moment he was within distance of us.”

Kasey’s head tilted as she leaned forward. “Explain that,” she said, knowing she’d never give away the facts Evan had trusted her with last night.

Donald grinned. “He’s Other Kin, a Lyken, and an Alpha if I’m not mistaken. Isn’t that right, Whitney?”

Grandma smiled. “That’s what I’ve noticed.”

Kasey gasped, and started sputtering. “What, I have no idea—what do you—you’ve lost it, Dad. Seriously, Dad, are you serious?” She snorted, glancing up at Evan nervously.

“Sweetheart, Whitney and I have some things to speak with you about, but not now. I figured out I couldn’t trust Rita right after she became pregnant with Graham.”

“So,” Kasey started cautiously, “She’s really not my mom?”

“After they’re gone, we’ll all sit down.”

Kasey waited until they were alone in the kitchen before turning to Evan. “Did you know? Is that why you told me last night there’s more to it, but you couldn’t say?”

“Yeah. Don’t be mad, Kase, and I’m sorry you found out this way. When your mother, Rita, first approached us at the diner, I scented right off that she wasn’t your blood mother. When I met your Dad, I knew you were his, and I also scented that Sasha was not your father’s.”

“Are they human?” she whispered.

“Yes, but Grandma’s like you.”

“She’s a Silver Alchemist?”

Evan drew her into his embrace, whispering in her ear. “Yes, now shush,” he said, holding her close as Sasha walked back into the kitchen, mascara lines down her face.

“It’s all your fault, you stupid bitch,” Sasha cried.

When Kasey went to break free, Evan held her in place. “We’re not starting this again, so leave.”

“Fuck you!”

Kasey’s eyes widened as Evan moved like lightning away from her to Sasha and thrust her against the wall, her feet leaving the floor.

“I’ll say it only once more,” Evan said with a low tone. “After that you get no more warnings. Leave Kasey alone, do not approach her, do not talk to her. If you do so again I will not be as gentle with you, do you understand this, woman?”

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