The Lost King of France: A True Story of Revolution, Revenge, and DNA (41 page)

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Napoleon I,
Napoleon III
National Assembly (Third Estate).
See also
National Convention
National Convention trial of Louis XVI
National Guard of Paris
Naudin, Monsieur
Naundorff, Jeanne Einert
Naundorff, Wilhelm Karl
DNA tests
and Marie-Thérèse
Naundorff family claims
Navarre, Charles de (Mathurin Bruneau)
Necker, Jacques
Nelson, Horatio
Nicholas, Tzar
DNA identification of
Noailles, Comtesse de
Orléans, Philippe d’, See Egalité, Philippe
Paris, Comte de
Paris Commune
Pastoret, Comte de
Paul I, Tzar
Pelletan, Philippe-Gabriel
Pelletan, Philippe-Jean
heart, theft and preservation of
and Louis XVIII
Louis-Charles, autopsy and death certificate
and Marie-Thérèse
Penny Satirist
Pétion, Jérôme
Petit, Police Commissar
Petit Trianon
Petitval (banker)
Petrie, Hans
Phélippeaux, Widow
Philip, Prince, duke of Edinburgh
Philosophical Letters
Pius VI, Pope
Polignac, Gabrielle de
Jean-Marie Hervagault
Charles de Navarre
Wilhelm Karl Naundorff
Baron de Richemont
Provence, Comte de.
Quélin, Monsieur de
Rambaud, Veuve de
Raynaud, Abbot
Récamier, Dr.
Regnault-Warin, Jean-Joseph
Reign of Terror
Revolutionary Tribunal
Marie-Antoinette, trial and execution
Revue Historique
Richard, Madame (concierge)
Richemont, Baron de
Robespierre, Augustin
Robespierre, Maximilien
Rochefoucauld, François de la
Rocher (Temple guard)
Roederer, Pierre
Rohan, Cardinal de
Romanov, Georgij
Rougeville, Marquis de
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Rousseau, Madame
Ruiz, Abbé
Saint-Didier, Morel de
Saint-Hilaire, Madame de
Saint-Hilaire, Marco de
Saint-Just, Louis-Antoine
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin
Sanson, Charles Henri
Scribes, Sister Marianne
Ségur, Comte de
Seven Years’ War
Sèze, Romain de
Simon, Antoine
Louis-Charles, debasement of
Simon, Marie-Jeanne
and the alleged escape of Louis-Charles
Simon, police commissar
Social Contact, The
Sophie (Marie-Antoinette’s daughter)
Soutendam, Dr.
Stormont, Lord David Murray
Tardif (alleged substitute child)
Temple Prison
Louis-Charles (Louis XVII), imprisonment of
Louis-Charles’ alleged escape from
Louis-Charles’ physical condition as result of
Louis-Charles’ solitary confinement
Marie-Antoinette, attempts to rescue
Marie-Antoinette, imprisonment of
Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte (Madame Royal), imprisonment of
Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte’s release from
“Tennis Court Oath,”
Testament of Marie-Antoinette, the Widow Capet, The
Thierry, Dr. (prison doctor)
Thierry Coté Medical Analysis Laboratory (Paris)
Thugut, Baron Franz
Tillos, Jean-Henri
Tinguy, Marquis de
Tison, Madame
Toulan, François-Adrian
Tourzel, Marquise de
and Charles de Navarre
Temple, imprisonment in
Tuileries, imprisonment in
Varennes, flight to
Tourzel, Pauline
Elizabeth’s imprisonment
destruction of
Louis XVI’s imprisonment
Marie-Antoinette’s imprisonment
Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte’s imprisonment
Trafalgar, battle of
Turgot, Anne-Robert Jacques
Turgy, Louis François
Turpin, Vicomtesse de
Twain, Mark
Valentinois, Duc de
Vaublanc, Count of
Vaulabille, Monsieur de
Vergniaud, Pierre
expense of
Hall of Mirrors
Marie Antoinette’s life at
marriage of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI
women’s march on
Vieux Cordelier
Voisin, Etienne
War of Austrian Succession
Washington, George
Waterloo, battle of
Watson, James
Weber, Joseph
Wellington, Duke of
Williams, Eleazer
THE LOST KING OF FRANCE. Copyright © 2002 by Deborah Cadbury. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
“Genetics Offers Denouement to Mystery of Prince’s Death” copyright 2000.
The New York Times Company. Reprinted by Permission.
eISBN 9781429971447
First eBook Edition : July 2011

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