The Lost King of France: A True Story of Revolution, Revenge, and DNA (40 page)

BOOK: The Lost King of France: A True Story of Revolution, Revenge, and DNA
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Mémoires de Madame La Duchesse de Tourzel, Gouvernante des Enfants de France de 1789 à 1795
. Paris, 1883.
Treherne, P.
Louis XVII and Other Papers.
London: Fisher Unwin, 1912.
Turgy, L. F.
Fragment historique sur la captivité de la famille royalle.
Paris, 1818.
Turquan, J.
Madame Royale The Last Dauphine,
trans. T. Davidson, London: Fisher Unwin, 1910.
Philosophical Dictionary
, trans. T. Besterman, New York: Penguin, 1972.
Weber, J.
Mémoires concernant Marie-Antoinette Archiduchesse d’Autriche, Reine de France
. 3 vols., 1822.
Weiner, M.
The French Exiles 1789—1815.
London: Murray, 1960.
Welch, C.
The Little Dauphin, Louis XVII
. London: Methuen, 1908.
Weldon, G.
Louis XVII of France, Founder of Modern Spiritualism.
London: Virtue & Co., 1896.
Wormeley, K. P.
Ruin of a Princess
. New York: Lamb Publishing, 1912.
Yalom, M.
Blood Sisters, The French Revolution in Women’s Memory
. London: HarperCollins,1995.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages of your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Alexandra, Tzarina
DNA identification of
American Revolution (War of Independence)
Amoedo, Professor
Andouins, Captain d’
Angoulême, Duc d’
Anna, Queen of Romania
Antraigues, Comte d’
Artois, Comte d’.
Charles X
Assembly of Notables
Atkyns, Charlotte Lady
Azara, Monsieur d’
Backer, Dr. Felix de
Barras, Paul François
Bastille, storming of
Batelier, Commissioner
Batz, Baron Jean-Pierre de
Bauffremont, Due de
Beauchamp, Alphonse de
Beauchesne, Alcide de
Beauregard, Costa de
Benoit, Sister Euphrasie
Bergoeing (President of the Committee of General Security)
Bernardières, Marquise Jane de
Bertillon, Alphonse
Bertrancourt, Gabrielle
Bertrancourt, Pierre
Bigot, Nicole
Bilhaut, Dr.
Blacas, Comte Stanislas de
Böhmer and Bassenge (jewelers)
Boigne, Comtesse de
Bombelles, Marquise de
Bonaparte, Josephine
Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon III
Bonaparte, Mary-Louise
Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I
Bouillé, Marquis Louis de
Bourbon, Don Carlos de, Duke of Madrid
Bourbon, Charles-Louis de
Bourbon, Charles-Louis-Edmund de
Bourbon, Louis de
Bourbon, René Charles de
Bourbon-Parme, André
Bourguignon (Committee of General Security secretary)
Brémond, Monsieur de
Brienne, Loménie de
Brinkmann, Bernard
Brissac, Duc de
Brunier, Dr. (royal doctor)
Burke, Edmund
Calonne, Charles Alexandre de
Campan, Henriette
Tuileries, imprisonment in
Capet, Hugh
“Carnation Conspiracy,’
Caron (prison staff)
Cassiman, Jean-Jacques
DNA testing on hair samples from Maria-Theresa’s rosary
DNA testing on Naundorff’s hair and bone
DNA testing on the “Pelletan” heart
Marie Antoinette, biological samples from
Castelot, André
hair of Louis-Charles, testing the
Cecile (wet nurse to Louis-Charles)
Cemetery of the Madeleine, The
Center for Human Genetics
Chabry, Pierrette
Chambord, Comte de
Chantereine, Madeleince Bocquet de
Charles X (Comte d’Artois)
and Marie Antoinette
and the French Revolution
Charles, Archduke
Charpentier, Louis Antoine
Chaumette, Anaxagoras
Choiseul, Due de
Choppart (Desault’s assistant)
Chresteil, Maitre
Cléry, Hanet
Code Napoleon
Coigny, Chevalier
Committee of Public Safety
Compte Rendu
Marie-Antoinette’s imprisonment in
Cordelier’s Club
Cormier, Baron de
Courrier Universal
Couthon, Georges
Crick, Francis
Cronin, Vincent
Dampierre, Comte de
Danton, Georges
Daujon, Commissionaire
de Gaulle, Charles
De Medini, Due
Declaration of Independence
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Decorte, Ronny
Découflet (beadle)
Delorme, Philippe
Desault, Pierre-Joseph
Desmoulins, Camille
Desnot (cook)
as an investigative tool
Marie-Antoinette, biological samples from
Maria-Theresa’s rosary, testing on hair samples from
Josef Mengele, identification of
Naundorff’s hair and bone, testing on
Tzar Nicholas and Tzarina Alexandra, ident-ification of
“Pelletan” heart, testing on the
Doublet (Desault’s assistant)
Drouet, Jean-Baptiste
Dubois, Abbé
Dumangin, Jean Baptiste
Dumont, Edouard
Dumouriez, François
Egalité, Philippe (Due d’Orléans)
Einert, Jeanne Frederick
Élisabeth, Princess (sister to Louis XVI)
Marie-Antoinette, trial and execution of
Marie-Antoinette’s imprisonment in
Louis XVI, trial and execution of
Temple, imprisonment in
trial and execution of
Tuileries, imprisonment in
Varennes, flight to
Entre Français
(de Paris)
European Journal of Human Genetics
Falloux, Comte de
Faulds, Henry
Fersen, Count Axel
and Marie-Antoinette
Varennes, flight to
Firmont, Abbé Edgeworth de
Fleury, Michel
Fouché, Joseph
Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine
Assembly of Notables
Code Napoleon
national debt and bankruptcy
political structure (eighteenth century)
royal tombs, desecration of
Seven Years’ War
system of taxation
War of Austrian Succession
Francis II, Emperor of Austria
Franz I, Emperor of Austria
French Revolution
Bastille, storming of
Committee of Public Safety
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
foreign opposition and intervention
Louis XVI, trial and execution of
National Assembly (Third Estate)
National Convention
Paris Commune
Reign of Terror
Revolutionary Tribunal
Temple, royal family’s imprisonment.
See under
Temple Prison
Tuileries, royal family’s imprisonment.
See under
Versailles, women’s march on
veto of oath decree
violence of
Frotté, Comte Louis de
Gagnié (Temple prison cook)
Garçon, Maitre
Gazette des Tribunaux
Geniebvre, Baron de
George III of England
Gomin, Jean-Baptiste
Guerin (commissary)
Harmand, Jean-Baptiste
Haumet, Abbé
Hautier, Leonard
Hébert, Jacques-René
on Louis-Charles and Marie-Thérèse
Henri, Comte de Chambord
Henri de France, Prince
Henry IV
Herman, Armand Martial
Hervagault, Jean-Marie
Hervagault, René
Histoire des deux faux Dauphins
Historical Essay on the Life of Marie-Antoinette,
Hüe, François
Hulst, Dr.
Institut Louis XVII
Insurrectionary Commune
Jacobin Club
Jarjayes, Chevalier de
Jeanroy, Nicolas
Jeffreys, Alec
Jehaes, Els
Johanna-Gabriela (daughter of Maria-Theresa)
Joly, Monsieur de
Jonnis, Sister Lucie
Joseph II, Emperor of Austria
Junquiere, Monsieur de
Kloppert, Dr.
La Fayette, Marquis de
Varennes, flight to
La Ferronnays, Madame de
La Gerbe
La Rochefoucauld, Vicomte de
La Tour du Pin, Mlle. de
Lacassagne, Jean Alexandre
Lafont-Savine, Charles
Laguerre, Georges
Lamballe, Princesse de
imprisonment and execution
Lamorliere, Rosalie
Lasne, Etienne
Lassus, Pierre
Launay, Marquis Bernard-René de
Laurent, Jean-Jacques Christopher
Le Chapelle des Princes
(Abby of Saint Denis)
Le Père Duchesne
Leboeuf, Commissionaire
Leconte, René
Legris-Duval, Abbé
Lenôtre, Georges
Leopold of Tuscany
Leopold II of Austria
Lepîtte, Jacques
Lescroart (printer)
Lestrange, Père de
Leuven (Belgium)
Lévis-Mirepoix, Duc de
Libois (concierge)
Littoral de la Somme
Locard, Edmond
Daily Telegraph
Louis XIV
Louis XV
Louis XVI
and the American Revolution
marriage to Marie-Antoinette
national debt and bankruptcy
Louis XVI (and the Revolution)
and the Estates-General
and the National Assembly
suspension of the
Temple, imprisonment in
“Tennis Court Oath,”
trial and execution
Tuileries, imprisonment in
Varennes, flight to
veto of oath decree
vituperation directed against
Louis XVII
birth and childhood
life at Versailles
mother and
paternity of
personalty, appearance and temperament
Louis XVII (and the Revolution)
as acknowledged king
attempts to rescue
exhumation (1846)
exhumation (1894)
final illness and death of
hair tests
inquiry into fate of
mother, death of
mother, testimony against
plots to rescue
reburial of
reeducation and debasement of
rumors concerning
Temple imprisonment
Temple imprisonment, alleged escape from
Temple imprisonment, physical condition as result of
Temple imprisonment, solitary confinement
Tuileries, imprisonment in
Varennes, flight to
vituperation directed against
Louis XVII (heart)
autopsy and death certificate
DNA testing of
and Don Carlos de Bourbon
Louis XVIII and
Marie-Thérèse and
Pelletan’s theft and preservation of
resting place in the
Le Chapelle des Princes
(Abby of Saint Denis)
and the second revolution
Jean-Henri Tillos theft of
World War II and
Louis XVII (pretenders)
Jean-Marie Hervagault
Charles de Navarre
Wilhelm Karl Naundorff
Baron de Richemont
Louis XVII et les Faux Dauphins
Louis XVII The Riddle of the Temple
Louis XVIII (Comte de Provence)
Louis-Charles, Duc de Normandie. See Louis XVII
Louis-Joseph (Marie-Antoinette’s son)
Louis-Philippe I,
Love Life of Charlie and Toinette, The
Magnin, Abbé
Malesherbes, Chrétien de
Malzieux, Maitre
Manchester Guardian
Marat, Jean-Paul
Maria Amalia, Duchess of Parma (daughter of Maria-Theresa)
Maria-Anna (daughter of Maria-Theresa)
Maria-Theresa’s rosary
Maria-Carolina of Naples (daughter of Maria-Theresa)
Maria-Josepha (daughter of Maria-Theresa)
Maria-Theresa, Empress of Austria
rosary, DNA testing on hair samples from
affair of the diamond necklace
and Comte d’ Artois
and Count Axel Fersen
Louis XVI, coronation of
Louis XVI, marriage to
and Louis-Charles
See also
Louis-Joseph; Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte; Sophie
Marie-Antoinette (and the Revolution)
attempts to rescue
imprisonment in
and the expression “let them eat cake,”
Louis XVI, trial and execution of
political evolvements and secret correspondences
propaganda, slander and vituperation directed against
sexual proclivities, accusations of
trial, Louis-Charles’ testimony at
trial and execution
Temple imprisonment
Tuileries imprisonment
Varennes, flight to
at Versailles
Versailles, women’s march on
Marie-des-Neiges Massimo, Princess
Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte (Madame Royal), Duchesse d’Angoulême (Marie-Antoinette’s daughter)
and the Duc d’Angoulême
Marie-Antoinette, trial and execution of
appearance and temperament
Chateau de Frohsdorf, life in
Marie-Antoinette’s imprisonment in
Elizabeth, trial and execution of
and the heart of Louis-Charles
Louis XVI, trial and execution of
and Louis-Charles
and Wilhelm Karl Naundorff
Paris, return to
and pretenders
release from the Temple
and Baron de Richemont
Temple imprisonment
Tuileries imprisonment
Varennes, flight to
Versailles, women’s march on
vituperation directed against
Mathieu (Committee of General Security member)
Matthieu (municipal officer)
Mauliot, Sister Catherine
Memoirs of the Duke of Normandy son of Louis XVI
Memoir: Historical Account of the Life of Louis XVII
Mengele, Josef
Meunier (kitchen staff)
Milcent, Dr.
(Mountain party)
Montguyon, Pache de
Montmaur, Comte de
Montmorency, Vicomte de
Montmorin, Madame de
Motte-Valois, Comtesse Jeanne de

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