The Lost Days (Prairie Town Book 3) (33 page)

Read The Lost Days (Prairie Town Book 3) Online

Authors: T.E. Ridener

Tags: #Romance, #mfm romance

BOOK: The Lost Days (Prairie Town Book 3)
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Only her.

Stilling his fingers inside her, he slumped against the back of the couch and matched her breathing, heavy and quick, as if they’d just run a marathon together.

Opening her eyes, she gazed at him with a lazy smile upon her lips, sighing.  “That  I’ve lost my mind.”

“Then I guess that means I’ve lost mine, too,” he replied, chuckling.  “It was good though, right?  You seemed to enjoy it.”

“Oh, I did.  Make no mistake.” She wiggled beneath him and he sat up, helping her pull her clothes back into place.  “It’s beyond how I normally act.  Things got a little crazy, didn’t they?”

“But not in a bad way, right?” There was more hope in his voice than he intended.  He really didn’t want her to leave with any regrets.

“No.  No, not in a bad way.” She slid her fingers through her hair in an attempt to fix it, still breathing heavily as she turned her head to gaze at him.  “It’s not in a bad way, Devin.  Please don’t think that.  I just need to process this.”

“Right.” He dropped his gaze to the floor and clasped his hands together, resting his elbows against his knees.  “I understand.”

Or at least he was trying to.  It had happened so suddenly, he knew, but what if she resented him for it later? 

He wasn’t sure he could handle that.

“Devin.” Her voice was soft as she touched his arm, urging him to look at her.  “This is bizarre and we both know it.  But I never said it was bad.”

“I know, I just can’t help how my brain works, Kel,” he admitted, “It’s really funny how I can’t remember anything about myself, but my brain doesn’t mind making me feel like shit every time I turn around.”

“You shouldn’t feel like shit.” Her eyebrows furrowed.  “You feel like shit about this?  About what just happened?”

“No.  No, Kelly.  I couldn’t possibly ever feel like shit about that.  I mean, maybe?” He huffed and shook his head.  “I don’t know what I’m saying anymore.  You can’t listen to me.”

“But I
listening to you.” She squeezed his arm and scooted closer.  “And I don’t like what I’m hearing.”

“Welcome to the club.”

They both jumped at the sound of Nick’s voice and he twisted his body around to see him standing by the door, a shit-eating grin on his face.

“N-Nick,” he stammered.  “How long have you been here?”

“I made it just in time for the climax.” He smirked, kicking off his boots.  “Seems you two were having all the fun without me, but I’m not complaining.”

“Oh my god.” Kelly buried her face behind her hands, and Devin knew exactly what she was going through.  He was embarrassed, too. 

“We didn’t mean for that to happen,” he stammered, cringing from his choice of words. “I mean, we did, but we didn’t, you know? It sort of just happened.”

“I’m not mad, Dev-o.  Nowhere near it.” Rounding the couch, Nick plopped down between them and wrapped his arms around their shoulders.  “I’m actually really happy.  Pleasantly surprised.  Relieved.” His eyes wandered to Kelly.  “Does this mean you forgive me?”

“Oh, god.” She sighed, peering at him from between two parted fingers.  “This don’t really know what to say.”

“You could start by saying you didn’t mean it.”

“Didn’t mean what?”

“When you said you couldn’t see me anymore.” He smiled, winking in Devin’s direction.  “You did say that.  Remember?”

“I d-did and I may have jumped the gun on that one.”

“You didn’t tell me she said that,” Devin said in a lower voice.  “When were you going to tell me she said that?”

“I didn’t say a lot of things, Devin.” Nick patted his shoulder and pulled him closer.  “I was just waiting for her to come to her senses, and lucky for us, I think she has.”

“It was never a matter of coming to my senses!” Kelly exclaimed, dropping her hands and staring at them.  “I just needed to think about it. You have to admit it was a pretty absurd request, Nick.  It’s not something people have asked me in the past.”

“Well, that’s their loss.”

“Pardon me for interrupting your banter.” Devin scratched at the scruff on his cheek and frowned.  “But if you were just waiting for her to make up her mind, why did you ignore me all this time?”

?” A thick eyebrow lifted high as Nick gazed at him.  “I wasn’t ignoring you.  You were the one who wouldn’t come out of your bedroom.  I just thought you needed time or something.  Ignoring isn’t my forte, babe.”

“Oh.” Well, that made him feel like a complete idiot.

“And pardon
for interrupting
banter,” Kelly said, standing up.  “But I should get going. It’s already four o’clock and Jamie will be hungry when she gets home.”

“Who will get hungry?” Nick asked.

“Are you kidding me?” Her mouth fell open. 

“Yes, actually.  I am.” With a deep laugh, he gripped her hips and pulled her down on his lap.  Kelly yelped in surprise, but she didn’t have a chance to protest as he kissed her.

Watching Nick make out with her wasn’t as weird as Devin had originally thought it would be.  In fact, it was

Maybe that’s why he was grinning like an idiot.

Licking his lips hungrily, he turned to face them on the couch, eager eyes drinking in the sight of them as Nick’s hand slowly slid down her side and stopped on her thigh, just beneath the bottom of her dress.

“I sh-should go.” She panted against his mouth.  “We can talk about this later.”

“I didn’t say anything about talking, beautiful,” Nick murmured against her lips.  “This isn’t talking.”

Devin’s eyes were glued to that hand as it disappeared beneath her dress, and Kelly released a soft moan a few seconds later.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know what Nick was doing to her.

I just did the same thing,
he thought, glancing down at his fingers. 

Remembering the sensation of her tightening walls around his digits, his upper teeth sank into his bottom lip and he squirmed a little as his erection strained against the fabric of his jeans.


Her soft voice was like music to Devin’s ears as he watched them together.  Nick’s hand moving steadily beneath her dress as she undulated her hips to the rhythm he’d set. 

“That’s my girl,” Nick murmured, his eyes opening and finding Devin’s quickly.  “Let me make you feel good, baby.”

Kelly, every bit the description of an angel, buried her face against his neck and moaned quietly.  Her knees fell open and as she arched her back, the skirt of her dress inched upwards, revealing exactly what Nick was doing to her.

Her underwear was pushed aside and Nick’s fingers were inside her, his thumb pressed against her clit.

Of course.  Why didn’t I think of that?

But it was not the time to compare his sexual methods to Nick’s.  No, it was time for something else.

Nick’s eyes spoke to him, daring him to come closer.

Daring him to have a taste.

As Kelly’s moans and ragged breaths filled the air, he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her inner thigh, glancing at Nick for guidance.

Nick nodded, gave him a grin, and then withdrew his fingers, much to Kelly’s protest.

“Easy, beautiful.  Don’t worry,” he said, kissing her temple.  “Just relax.”

And she did.  Nick had a way of coaxing people into doing what he wanted – Devin would know. 

He was very hands on, Devin noticed, as he tugged her underwear to the side again and then used two fingers to part her folds, revealing the tiny nub that could give a woman so much pleasure if properly stimulated.

Devin wanted to give her that pleasure. 

“Bon appetite.” Nick smirked.  There was so much heat in his eyes as he stared at him, challenging and arousing him simultaneously.

It was almost as if his gaze was saying, “Taste her.  I want to see you taste her.”

So he did.

Maneuvering himself onto his knees upon the couch, he leaned in and dragged his tongue across her exposed clit.  Kelly’s body went into shambles as she writhed on Nick’s lap, thighs trembling and breathing sporadic.

“Oh, God!” She cried, lifting her head to stare at him.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Nick asked, his voice low and husky.  “Do you want him to keep doing that, baby?”

Kelly’s eyes darted to his and she nodded quickly, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth.  “Yes.”

“You heard the lady,” Nick said, eyes finding his again.  “Make her come for me, Devin.”

Make her come for me, Devin.

He was certain he wasn’t one to usually take orders from people, but it was different with Nick.  The things he asked him to do usually meant satisfaction for both of them, and now that Kelly was involved, there seemed to be more incentive to do as he was told.

Unlike the first time he’d gone down on Nick, the whole ‘it’s like riding a bicycle’ concept went out the window as he slid his tongue across her clit a few times.  He didn’t feel as confident about it.  Why?

Have I never done this for a woman before?

Well, it wasn’t exactly something he could ask Laney, now was it?

As if somehow sensing his distress, Nick rested a hand against his shoulder and squeezed.  “Nice and slow, babe,” he whispered.  “Women are different.  It takes a little more effort, especially when you’re trying to make them orgasm like this.”

Lifting his eyes to Nick, he continued stroking her with his tongue, but he managed a muffled “Uh huh.”

Kelly squirmed from the noise and he wasn’t sure if that was good or bad.  He liked it when the vibration of Nick’s voice rolled over his cock, but as he’d said – women were different.

“Try writing out the alphabet with the tip of your tongue.”

Pausing briefly with his nose buried against her wet flesh, he gave him a quizzical stare.  “Huh?”

“Oh, fuck.” Kelly lifted her head again to stare down at him.  “S-stop trying to talk, Devin.”

said he was sorry, but caught himself before it happened.

“Write out the alphabet with your tongue,” Nick repeated.  “I want to see how far you get before she explodes.”


His eyes remained on Nick, watching as he kissed her ravenously.  She moaned into his mouth, getting a little louder with each letter his tongue spelled out against her.  One of her hands found his hair and tugged.  Hard.


Her body began to tremble and the noises Nick drank in from her were beautiful.  Her nails scraped against his scalp as he sucked in a quick breath and continued his way through the alphabet.


“Ohhh!” She gasped, breaking away from Nick.  Her wide, lustful eyes focused on him then, lips parting and chest heaving.  “Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh,

He felt as her hand pushed against the back of his head, forcing his mouth harder against her as her hips jerked a few times.  Her body went rigid and he knew she was there.

It. Was. Fucking. Spectacular.

She released her death grip on his hair and went limp, lifeless.  It was almost exactly how he felt after a good orgasm – he could relate.

“Damn, Dev-o,” Nick said, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth.  “How far did you get?”

He kissed her inner thigh and pulled back, panting softly.  “O,” he replied.  “I made it to ‘o’.”

Snickering, Nick nodded and gave him a wink.  “That’s actually pretty amazing; you made her ‘O’ on the ‘o’.”

Leaning back on his haunches and wiping at his chin, he lifted an eyebrow and gazed back and forth between them.  “Is that good?”

“So good,” Kelly mumbled tiredly.  “Holy baby Jesus, that was amazing.”

He felt an overwhelming sense of pride and grinned, unable to conceal the excitement he felt for being able to make Kelly orgasm like that.  It meant he could satisfy both of them now.

There really is a chance this might work.

Only time would tell.

Chapter 16


Patience was not something he was very good at.  As a child, he’d gotten in trouble countless times for sneaking out of his room at ungodly hours to open Christmas presents or steal a taste of his birthday cake. His mother had learned quickly that trying to keep those sorts of goodies from him was a lost cause.  He always managed to get into them somehow.

Devin and Kelly were his goodies now.  He stole a taste at every opportunity.

And, if he was going to be honest about it, they were delicious.

The last few days had been nothing short of bliss.  When he got off work he’d head straight home, shower, change, and all but drag Devin out of the house so they could visit Kelly.

They’d have dinner with her and her kids – which he really enjoyed because Justin was a riot – and then Kelly would get their baths taken care of and tucked into bed while he and Devin cleaned up the kitchen.

If they were lucky – which they definitely were – they could spend some time together with a few glasses of wine and lots of experimentation.

He knew Kelly and Devin both needed time to adjust and he was more than willing to give them that, but damn it, he was
a patient man.

Everything seemed so perfect at the moment, and though he remained optimistic that things would work out for the three of them, he couldn’t quite pinpoint the sense of dread lingering in the back of his mind.  He felt like something was going to happen that would test their bond.

Damn his clairvoyant tendencies.

As the days passed by and the nights grew heated, Nick watched Devin and Kelly warm up to one another.  Hell, he just liked to

Every time they were together, something magical happened.  Either he’d end up sucking Devin off with Kelly watching and touching herself, or Devin would find his way between her legs and Nick would be their audience.  His favorite encounter to date, though, was when Kelly let them taste her at the same time.

But he was waiting for the night when Kelly and Devin decided they were ready to take the next step.  Kissing and touching and orgasms were all great and fun, but being inside one another and becoming one unit was something he couldn’t wait for.

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