Read The Lost and Found Online

Authors: E. L. Irwin

Tags: #General Fiction

The Lost and Found (40 page)

BOOK: The Lost and Found
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“Irritating is more like,” he grumbled as he glanced back toward the parking lot where the cowboy was climbing into his rig.

I grinned at that. “What’s up?” I asked as I leaned forward to rest my forearms on the counter.

Josiah’s gaze returned to me, and the corner of his mouth lifted in a wolfish grin as his blue eyes travelled over my face and lower before flicking back up to meet mine. “Just wanted to see your face. Maybe steal a kiss or two.”

“Hmm… you don’t say…”

“When’s your break?”

“Five minutes.”

“I’ll wait.”

We were seated in Josiah’s car, holding hands and sipping the milkshakes that he’d brought us. “Tina called me, warned me that Charlene was out here. Did she bother you in any way?”

I rolled my eyes. “Figures.”

“For what it’s worth, I was already in town when she called me. I was already on my way to see you.”

“Huh,” I grumbled. “No, she never even came inside.”

“You get off at four, right?”


“Okay, I‘ll wait for you at the house. Then you can get ready and we’ll meet everyone else at the rodeo.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you then.”

Josiah kissed me quickly and made me promise to let him know if Charlene showed up again. I promised him and then quickly returned to finish my shift.





the ranch just before Billy, Bentley, and the boys headed off to the fair. The big blue bus was parked in front of the house, the engine running.

“We’ll see you in an hour or so,” Josiah told Billy, who nodded, then waved as they pulled away.

Josiah chuckled at the boys’ excitement — it was infectious and uplifting. He moved about the ranch, completing his afternoon duties; his thoughts were on the coming evening. He checked his watch. Crimson should be off work and heading home now. He ran up and showered, then changed his clothes. Just as he stepped from the loft, locking it behind him as he headed down to wait for Crimson at the big house, his phone buzzed. He answered it without looking at the display.

“Josiah?” the voice asked, sounding stressed or excited maybe.


“Hey, this is Simmons down the road. You got some horses out man.”

. Where at?”

“The western field — they’re heading down the back road.”

“All right. Thanks, I’ll get on it.”

Josiah quickly jumped into the ranch pickup and sped off, hoping to get them corralled without issue. It took him over thirty minutes to gather them up and get them situated. He was surprised, by the time he was done, that he hadn’t heard from Crimson yet, wondering where she was. So he shot her a text letting her know what happened, where he was, and that he’d be there soon.

When ten minutes had passed and Crimson hadn’t responded, Josiah began to feel a tickling sensation at the base of his skull. A warning. Something was off. He suddenly felt this overwhelming need to get back to the house, back to Crimson.



Crimson Sage


four I was on my way home. The ranch boys and Billy were already gone. I ran up to my room and showered then changed. Once I was dressed and ready to go I headed to the barn to meet up with Josiah. I went up to the loft and knocked on the door. No answer. I tried the handle, but it was locked. That was odd. Maybe he was down in the barn waiting for me and I had missed him. I searched the interior and still didn’t see him so I decided to call him. He didn’t answer the phone.

Frowning I went and sat on a straw bale to wait for him. Suddenly my phone chirped indicating an incoming text. It was from Josiah. He said the horses in the back field had gotten out and he’d be back as soon as he could. I looked down at my outfit: denim skirt, red gingham sleeveless blouse, and heeled boots. Clearly not appropriate to chase horses in. Oh well, I hoped he didn’t have too many difficulties, and things went smoothly for him. I decided to wait for him outside, maybe sit on the wooden chairs by his fire pit. Just as I reached the door I heard footsteps approaching from the other side.

I grinned in anticipation and said, “Come on in, Big Fella. Your cowgirl awaits.” I’d been planning my outfit for tonight as a surprise for Josiah and I was anxious for him to see me in it. The door was wrenched open and I blinked as the bright sunshine momentarily blinded me.

“Don’t mind if I do,” said the large shadow that stood there.

Cold fear gripped me.
. He shoved me backward with a hand to my face. I stumbled, but managed to stay on my feet. Rob stepped inside the barn and two others followed him, closing the door behind them.

“Get out,” I whispered.

Rob chuckled darkly and said, “Oh no. See, I’ve missed you, Sage, and you and I are going to spend some quality time together.”

“Josiah will be here soon. He’s on his way right now to meet me.” I pulled my phone out to show them, hoping to scare them into leaving.

Rob caught me unaware as he slapped me hard across the mouth, knocking me to the side. I could taste blood. My phone went flying, landing somewhere outside my line of sight. I was trying not to panic, but fear was choking me.

“Hurry it up, Rob. He ain’t going to be gone that long,” one of the other men said.

I faced the three of them and wiped the blood from my mouth with a trembling hand.

“Josiah ain’t coming. He’s busy chasing horses — it’s just you and me now. If you cooperate and make me happy, things will go so much smoother for you. I won’t have to hurt you as much. But fight me, and I’ll get ugly mean like I did with that stupid dog,” Rob told me as he stepped closer to me.

I braced myself as he lifted his hand and let his fingers dance along the buttons of my blouse. He reached for me, wrapping a hand tightly, cruelly around my neck, drawing me closer.

I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t. When Rob put his lips on mine and attempted to stick his tongue in my mouth, I bit him, tasting blood again. Rob yelled and then backhanded me, knocking me to the ground. He followed and landed heavily on top of me, knocking the wind out of me with a knee to my stomach. Rob’s two accomplices crowded around to try and help him hold me, gripping my arms and legs. I kicked and screamed and fought them as best I could, but they were too strong. Rob slapped me hard again and again.

Through a cloud of haze I felt my blouse rip, and then my bra. Rob’s friends were holding my legs now, trying to spread them apart. I kicked out again in desperation and caught one; I wasn’t sure where, but I heard his yelp. I’d hoped it hurt him enough that he’d let go, but he didn’t. He just gripped me tighter, bruising me with his hands.

Suddenly I felt something cold and sharp at my throat; I felt the sting and the warm trickle down my neck, my ear. A knife.

“Now, you little witch. Hold still. Stop fighting me, and you might actually enjoy this.” Rob held the knife to my throat and then began to grope and fondle me, bruising me as he went.

“Hurry it up, Rob. We ain’t got all day,” the other guy growled angrily.

With one hand Rob began to undo his pants. I was trembling and tears began to fall from my eyes. Rob sneered at me and then slapped me again. My head was pounding and my ears were ringing. I was beginning to see spots and hoped maybe I’d just pass out, and then when I woke up all this would have been a terrible nightmare.

Rob settled between my legs and then leaned close to me and licked and bit slowly along my neck, to my ear, my jaw and to my mouth. “No more biting now…” he laughed as he pressed his lips to mine, tracing my mouth with his tongue.

Gagging, I screamed out, “
!” and felt the sting of the blade again.

This time he punched me. “Shut up you stupid girl — just shut up and take it.” Now he leaned down closer and whispered in my ear, “This is almost like a déjà vu for you, huh? Like mother, like daughter.”

My heart gave an angry lurch at that. I hated him so much; I was choking on it. Rob readied himself and then suddenly the man holding my left leg screamed as he disappeared with a loud
. Rob swore as he looked away from me to see what had happened; I slapped the knife away from my throat while he was distracted.

The knife went flying sideways, landing somewhere off to the side, away from us. Rob cursed under his breath and shifted to the side, reaching for it. I bucked my hips to knock him off me, and rolled; intent on getting the knife. In our struggle somehow the knife entered Rob’s throat. He looked down at me in surprise, his eyes blinking rapidly. Rob slumped to the side and I shoved him off me and scrambled away, choking and wheezing.

Rob was making gurgling noises, and each time he exhaled blood foamed up around his mouth and spurted from the wound. Limply he tried grasping the knife to pull it out. His eyes were panicked as they looked toward me; I could see the fear in his gaze. I knew he was dying, but I couldn’t bring myself to move or care; it was taking him a long time to die. Numbly, I looked down and noticed my hands were covered in blood.

Suddenly Josiah was kneeling in front of me. I flinched at his sudden appearance, and wrapped my arms around myself. My eyes were glued to Rob as he lay close by, bleeding out. But I saw from the corner of my eye as Josiah reached for me hesitantly, and as I flinched again, he dropped his hands. I couldn’t take my eyes off Rob; they were focused on him with morbid curiosity. Josiah shook his head angrily and then moved over to Rob to see what he could do. After a minute he returned to me and said, “He’s gone. Dead.”

“Good,” I whispered as I shook. I couldn’t find it inside myself to feel bad for him. I was glad he was dead. Very glad.

Josiah nodded. “Good.” Slowly, as not to frighten me, Josiah stood and removed his shirt. He leaned over and carefully draped it over my shoulders. The cotton still held his warmth and his scent, and as I smelled that familiar fragrance I began to shake again and tears streamed down my face.

One of the other guys moaned lightly and stirred; Josiah whipped around to face him. He glanced at me and then back to guy on the ground. He hovered for a moment looking around, unsure as to what to do first. “Crimson,” he said softly. “I need to call this in. Hang on, all right? I need to take care of some things — I’m right here; I’m not leaving.”

Through a haze I nodded and watched as Josiah tied the other two men up and roughly dragged them outside. I just sat where I was, unable to move, to get up. Minutes passed and then he returned and Josiah was kneeling in front of me. He lifted me into his arms and carried me outside to the benches and chairs by his fire pit. There was already a fire blazing warmly there. And even though the night was warm, I seemed to be freezing. I couldn’t seem to stop the shaking. Josiah gently wiped my mouth with a damp towel and then just held me.

We sat there for what seemed like forever, waiting for the police to arrive, and still Josiah held me. “You survived, Crimson. Again. You’re strong. You’ll survive this as well. I’ll be here to help you.”

I tried to nod my head at him, to agree with him, but I was shaking too badly. Josiah adjusted his grip on me, holding me tighter.

“Shower,” I whispered. “I’m cold.”

“I know you are, Babe, and I’m sorry, but you’re going to need to hold on a little longer. We can’t contaminate any evidence. The police will be here soon.”

BOOK: The Lost and Found
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