The Living Bible (452 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Heb 10:20
Christ has opened up for us by tearing the curtain


Fable of

Judg 9:12
they said to the grapevine, You reign over us!

Parables of

Psa 80:8
from Egypt as though we were a tender vine
Ezek 17:6
grew and became a low but spreading vine
Ezek 19:10
Your mother was like a vine

Pruning of

Isa 5:6
I wont prune it or hoe it, but let it be overgrown
John 15:2
He lops off every branch that doesnt produce


John 15:1
I am the true Vine, and my Father is the Gardener.


Laws concerning

Exod 23:11
The same rule applies to your vineyards
Lev 19:10
dont strip every last piece of fruit from the vines,
Lev 25:3
prune your vineyards and harvest your crops,
Deut 20:6
Has anyone just planted a vineyard

Of Noah

Gen 9:20-21
Noah became a farmer and planted a vineyard,

Of Naboth

1 Kgs 21:1
Naboth, a man from Jezreel, had a vineyard

Structures in

Isa 1:8
like a watchmans shanty in the field
Isa 5:2
cut a winepress in the rocks
Matt 21:33
built a platform for the watchman,
Mark 12:1
dug a pit for pressing out the grape juice,


Song 8:11
a vineyard at Baal-hamon which he rented out
Matt 21:33
then leased the vineyard to some farmers
Mark 12:1
he leased the farm to tenant farmers and moved


Isa 27:3
Israel is my vineyard; I, the Lord, will tend
Jer 12:10
Many foreign rulers have ravaged my vineyard,
Matt 21:33
A certain landowner planted a vineyard with a hedge
Luke 20:9
told them this story: A man planted a vineyard

Of David

1 Chr 27:27
Ramath had the oversight of the kings vineyards;


Laws concerning

Exod 22:17
if her father utterly refuses to let her marry him,
Deut 22:19
for he has falsely accused a virgin of Israel
Deut 22:23-24
If a girl who is engaged is seduced

Parable of

Matt 25:1
can be illustrated by the story of ten bridesmaids

Mother of Jesus

Matt 1:25
she remained a virgin until her son was born;
Luke 1:27
a virgin, Mary, engaged to be married to a man

Pauls advice to

1 Cor 7:7
I wish everyone could get along without marrying,

Mourning of

Judg 11:37
for two months, weeping because Ill never marry.
Lam 2:10
The virgins of Jerusalem hang their heads in shame.

Special clothing of

2 Sam 13:17-18
a long robe with sleeves as was the custom


Isa 62:5
like that of a young man who marries a virgin;
2 Cor 11:2
as a pure maiden saves her love for one man only,
Rev 14:4
they are spiritually undefiled, pure as virgins,


Rash, examples

Judg 11:30-31
Meanwhile Jephthah had vowed a vow to the Lord
Judg 21:5
oath that anyone who refused to come must die.

Laws concerning

Lev 23:38
normal fulfillment of your vows.)
Lev 27:1
a special vow to give himself to the Lord,
Lev 27:14-15
If someone donates his home to the Lord
Lev 27:16
If a man dedicates any part of his field to the Lord,
Num 29:39
offerings you present in connection with vows,

Examples of

Gen 28:20
Jacob vowed this vow to God:
1 Sam 1:11
she made this vow: O Lord of heaven,
2 Sam 15:7-8
to sacrifice in the fulfillment of a vow
Psa 132:2-5
Then I vowed to the Lord that I would do it;
Acts 23:12-13
by a curse neither to eat nor drink

Of a Nazirite

Num 6:1
the special vow of a Nazirite,
Num 6:6-7
he may not go near any dead body
Num 6:12
He must begin all over again with a new vow,
Num 6:18
his long hairthe sign of his vow of separation.


Laws concerning, see

Of Jacob

Gen 29:15
no reason for you to work for me without pay
Gen 30:28
How much of a raise do you need to stay?
Gen 31:7
he has broken his wage contract with me again

Parable concerning

Matt 20:1
The owner of an estate went out early one morning

, see

Upon God

Psa 25:5
teach me; for you are the God who gives me salvation.
Psa 104:28
You supply it, and they gather it.
Psa 145:15
The eyes of all mankind look to you for help
Jer 14:22
we will wait for you to help us.
Luke 12:35-36
Be prepared for your Lords return
Acts 1:4
he told them not to leave Jerusalem
1 Cor 1:7
waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus
Gal 5:5
by the help of the Holy Spirit
1 Thes 1:10
looking forward to the return of Gods Son
Jas 5:7
who are waiting for the Lords return,

Examples of

Gen 49:18
I trust in your salvation, Lord.
Psa 39:7
so, Lord, my only hope is in you.
Isa 8:17
I will wait for the Lord to help us,
Mic 7:7
As for me, I look to the Lord for his help;


Examples of

Gen 5:24
in constant touch with God,
Gen 6:9
to conduct his affairs according to Gods will.

According to His commandments and precepts

Deut 5:33
only then will you live long and prosperous lives
Deut 28:9
he has promised to do if you will only obey him
Josh 22:5
obey all the commandments Moses gave you.
1 Kgs 8:35-36
help them to follow the good ways in which they should walk
Psa 1:2
they delight in doing everything God wants
Isa 2:3
there he will teach us his laws,
Isa 30:21
you will hear a Voice behind you
Jer 7:23
Obey me and I will be your God
Ezek 37:24
they shall obey my laws and all my wishes.


Prov 2:7
He is their shield, protecting them

In faith, love and the power of the Spirit

Rom 6:4
you were given his wonderful new life to enjoy
Rom 8:1
no condemnation awaiting those who belong to Christ
2 Cor 5:7
We know these things are true by believing,
Eph 5:2
Be full of love for others, following the example
Phil 3:16
if you fully obey the truth you have.
Rev 21:24
Its light will light the nations of the earth,


Of the feet

Gen 18:4
while I get water to refresh your feet
Gen 24:32
water for the camel drivers to wash their feet.
Luke 7:38
she wiped them off with her hair and kissed them

Of the hands

Deut 21:6
wash their hands over the heifer,
Psa 26:6
I wash my hands to prove my innocence
Matt 27:24
he sent for a bowl of water and washed his hands


Psa 51:7
Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.
Isa 1:16
Oh, wash yourselves! Be clean!
1 Cor 6:11
now your sins are washed away, and you are set apart
Titus 3:5
by washing away our sins and giving us the new joy


Laws concerning

Exod 23:13
Be sure to obey all these instructions;
Exod 34:12
Be very, very careful never to compromise with the people
Deut 4:9
Be very careful never to forget what you have seen
Deut 4:23
Beware lest you break the contract the Lord your God
Deut 11:16
But beware that your hearts do not turn from God
Deut 12:13
You are not to sacrifice burnt offerings just anywhere;
Deut 27:10
you must begin to obey all of these commandments

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