The Lawyer's Mate (2 page)

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Authors: Eve Adrian

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Werewolves & Shifters, #werewolf romance, #destiny, #fate, #werewolf, #werewolf erotica, #werewolf mates, #Romance, #werewolves, #Erotic Romance, #fated mates, #werewolf erotic romance

BOOK: The Lawyer's Mate
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"Exactly. One moment please." He placed her on hold without waiting for a reply and soft music piped through the line. Typical Hamilton, place the call and put the receiver on hold. Wren waited for several minutes, and as the seconds ticked by considered hanging up. If he wanted to speak to her so badly, he could call back. But before she could work herself up to do it, he came back. "My apologies." He offered no explanation, she didn't deserve one.

"I understand." Wren could feel everything squeezing back to fit into what she had lived in New York just over the course of these few minutes. She hadn't realized how much she had changed, or grown, since then. A year ago this phone call wouldn't have bothered her at all.

"Mother has decided that it's time for you to visit home."

Hope soared through Wren. But it crashed down almost as quickly. "Why?"

Hamilton heaved a put upon sigh. "Your plane ticket has been sent to your email. We shall see you at dinner on Sunday." He hung up.

Wren set her phone down and compulsively tightened her pony tail. No explanations, only expectations. Another Longwood motto. But she couldn't drop all of her casework simply because her Mother wanted to mysteriously talk to her. That's what phones were for.

She checked her email and deleted the flight confirmation.

Andy walked in as she rested her forehead in her hands, slumped in her chair and looking completely undignified. He closed the door behind him and sat down without a word or an invitation. "You wanted to talk?" He asked.

Wren glanced up from her hands, her expression cold and emotionless. "If it would not be any trouble, I need to reschedule." Ice froze her words.

She saw Andy bristle in his seat, the movement obvious as his hackles rose at her tone. "No, it's not convenient for me. This was meant to be quick, so let's make it quick."

She slapped her hands down on the table. "Fine, I have no new information for you. This case is hopeless, we should have never taken it. Is that satisfactory?" She walked around the desk and set her hand on the handle to escort him out.

Before she sensed him move she felt his hand cover hers, his voice in her ear as he spoke. "What crawled up your ass, Longwood?" He breathed it more than spoke.

She shifted around to talk, but made the mistake of looking into his eyes. He met hers, his eyes the yellow of a wolf on the hunt. She stood entranced for a moment, not remembering what she had planned to say.

Instead, she slowly lifted a hand to touch his cheek, her fingers brushing against the late afternoon stubble. "Why you?" she whispered.

Andy went rigid under her palm, his eyes flaring in heat. She shouldn't have said that. But the warmth of him, the presence felt so damn good.

"Why is it you?" He whispered back.

Wren didn't know who made the first move, but suddenly their lips met harshly, fighting rather than dancing. She flicked the lock with the hand on the handle and then moved it around to clutch at the base of his neck, holding him to her, keeping him back.

His tongue darted into her mouth, licking her, tasting her, devouring her whole. Wren moaned around him and met him stroke for stroke, each movement of his tongue making her think of what he could do to her in bed. She felt his cock hard through his trousers and could feel the dampness of her arousal soaking into her panties.

His thumb brushed over her nipple, circling around and around until the peak stiffed. And his hand drifted lower and lower, ignoring the band of her skirt to hike her leg up, setting her thigh on top of his.

Consumed with lust, Wren ground down, not caring about resolutions to abstain. This felt so right, so hot, so now. But she needed more.

Andy's roaming hand caressed the underside of her thigh, moving too slow for her liking. But finally he lifted her skirt just enough, exposing her panties to his hand. He felt at the lips of her cunt through the flimsy silk, his fingers flitting lightly against her as she whimpered for more at his mouth.

She rubbed against his hand, questing and questing for more contact, harder, deeper, faster, anything.

To encourage him, she reached a hand down, brushing over his cock with her own hand and smiling against his mouth when he moaned into hers. Her pleasure spiked as he circled one finger around her clit, and then he did it again, and again, and again. Wren bounced against him as he found a rhythm, stroking him at the same pace he stroked her.

But he pulled back, brushing her panties aside and slipping one finger into her slick slit. Wren bit down on his lip and then said, "More, damn you."

A second finger joined the first, and his thumb once more brushed against her. She could feel the pleasure ratcheting up and up and up, the wave nearly cresting over her before receding just short of release.

And for one second reality intruded. A niggling, annoying thought that she should not let Andy Olson finger fuck her against the door to her office. She tried to push it away, but that voice grew louder and louder, suppressing her pleasure.

Annoyed and frustrated at herself she pulled back, stepping away from Andy's slick questing fingers and letting go of his straining cock.

"We have to stop."

Without saying a word, Andy slowly brought his finger to his mouth and sucked on it, closing his eyes to savor the taste. A fresh thrill of desire shot through Wren and she only barely stopped herself from capturing his lips once more.

She told herself.
You don't fuck the boss's kid until you've earned your place.
Wait, that didn't sound right.
You don't fuck the boss's kid at all.
Only that version was no fun, and now that she'd had a taste, she wasn't sure she'd be able to stop herself. Especially not with Andy standing there, lust in his eyes looking like he couldn't wait to get a more thorough taste of her.

"We'll talk about the case later," she said, putting her skirt to rights and readjusting her top.

Andy never took his eyes off her display. "We'll talk about more than just that." He didn't give her a chance to respond before walking out the door and shutting it behind him.

Wren sank down into the chair Andy had occupied only minutes before and laid her head in her hands once more. Nothing could happen with Andy. It would lead to drama, and rumors, and if things got bad she could lose her job and the place in the pack. It didn't matter that she may as well have been on fire every time he walked into a room, this was the only taste she would ever have of him and that was it.

It had to be.


Andy wavered between ecstatic and pissed for the rest of the day. So it turned out the ice queen wasn't completely indifferent to him after all. And if that scene in her office was any indicator, she would be wild in bed. He could feel his cock harden at the thought. And now he was determined to have her He wouldn't stand for just one little taste and then nothing more. It would be explosive between them, and just what he needed.

He wanted to close the door to his office and relive their scene again and again, this time taking it all the way to its pleasurable conclusion. But even with the heat of desire raging through him responsibility beckoned.

He should talk to Kelly. She probably didn't have any information, but something wasn't adding up in this case and he hoped she could point him in some direction he hadn't already looked. Otherwise it would be time to convince his client to beg for a plea deal if they could get one.

Max lived several miles outside of the city and these days Kelly stayed there more often than not, though she still kept her apartment in town. He called ahead before driving out and she said she would wait for him there and that Max was out for a run. It seemed a bit dangerous walking into his alpha's house to talk to his alpha's mate alone, but Kelly would have none of that.

He pulled into the gravel driveway and knocked on the door. Not too long ago he wouldn't have bothered with it, but with the change in the pack he didn't want to raise any hackles by treading in uninvited. Kelly opened the door, smiling her greeting and offered him a drink before they sat down at the kitchen table.

They chatted for a few minutes before talking business. "Do you know anything about this break in at your job?" He asked.

Kelly took a sip of her tea before speaking. "It happened right around the time I started, any reason for the interest?"

It hadn't occurred to Andy that Kelly wouldn't know he was working on the case. But he had barely spoken to Max in the last month and the few words they exchanged had not been about work. "I'm representing the accused."

She raised her brows, "So should you really be talking to me? That seems like it's potentially a no-no."

Max smiled, "We're not going into specifics. Something just feels weird about this one and I wanted to know if you had any input." He stood and paced to the entrance to the kitchen and back, running his hands over his hair. "Is there any talk about it at work, any gossip?"

Kelly shrugged but then paused. "People talked for a bit right after it happened, but it's pretty much died down now. Though, wait." She scrunched up her face, clearly thinking. "That was on the 28th, right?"

Andy nodded.

"Our servers crashed that day, they said it was unrelated, but I think it happened right around the same time. That's the only weird thing that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere." Andy had glanced over the detail of the server crash in the police report, but he hadn't thought much of it. Since Griffith had claimed no knowledge of it and all evidence pointed to an internal issue everyone had ruled it out as being irrelevant.

"The investigation ruled it unrelated." Andy explained.

Kelly nodded but still seemed to be concentrating on some thought. "One of the file shares became password protected right after it, too. They didn't announce it, I only found out by accident when I clicked on the wrong folder on my computer. An IT guy actually came down to check on me after I did that which was weird, then that folder disappeared from my computer."

"And no one talked about that? What about upping security measures?" Something niggled at the back of Andy's mind, but he wasn't sure what it had to do with the case. Maybe if he talked to Wren they could sort it out.

Just thinking her name caused a surge of heat to shoot through him. Not the time.

"Is everything alright with you?" Kelly asked.

Andy shook his head and smiled. "Of course it is, why wouldn't it be?" Kelly hadn't known him long enough to read through the dozens of smiles he could shoot off. She would have no reason to question that one.

The hairs on the back of Andy's neck stood up. Max walked into the kitchen and sat next to Kelly putting an arm over the back of her chair. Kelly leaned into him. "Andy." Max greeted.

"Good afternoon, Max." No formalities with this alpha. Just pay the tithe and don't get out of line. Pretty simple rules. "I was asking Kelly about business."

Max didn't question it. Kelly was his mate and if a man couldn't trust his mate there was no point to it. At least that's what Andy thought. "Would you like to stick around for dinner?"

Part of Andy really wanted to accept. After the distance they'd put between each other in the last month it would be nice for things to return to something like normal. But to be around these two when his thoughts were all jumbled would be no use. So he declined.

He didn't need dinner, he needed a drink.

Wren signaled at her waitress for another vodka and cranberry juice. The first two had gone down quick and she needed the third to speed things along. Throughout college she had been a lightweight when it came to liquor. At two she was happy, at three she was wasted, and four of anything left her sleeping against wherever seemed comfiest at the time. Which had once been in the stall of a good friend's prized racehorse.

How she had survived law school without upping her tolerance had been quite the mystery. But one little bite and now she had to knock back half a dozen of anything before she even began to feel tipsy. It usually wasn't worth it.


But any day that she had to deal with her family counted as a day to get well and truly smashed.

Everything at home had been fine for the first three weeks. Everyone had been sympathetic. No one had any idea what was coming.

She'd been attacked by a big dog on a run through Central Park. Neither the police nor animal control had been able to hunt it down. And then she got really sick and stayed in a private suite in one of the best hospitals in the state in a near coma for two days. One week later and it was like nothing had ever happened, if anything, her health was better than it was before the accident. She could run faster, see farther, and hear better than she ever could remember.

And then came the full moon.

Maybe it wouldn't have been as bad if she had been alone at home, or only with a few people. Instead she was out to dinner with investors in her family's firm. Wren could barely remember most of what happened that night. The next morning she awoke in chains in the psych ward of that same nice hospital where she had been sick before.

And not too much later she found out about werewolves.

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