The Lawyer's Mate

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Authors: Eve Adrian

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Werewolves & Shifters, #werewolf romance, #destiny, #fate, #werewolf, #werewolf erotica, #werewolf mates, #Romance, #werewolves, #Erotic Romance, #fated mates, #werewolf erotic romance

BOOK: The Lawyer's Mate
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The Lawyer's Mate


Copyright 2014 Eve Adrian

Published by Eve Adrian








Table of Contents

Title Page

The Lawyer's Mate

About Eve Adrian

Other books by Eve Adrian

Connect with Eve Adrian



The Lawyer's Mate

Wren Longwood knew she was dreaming. It took her a few moments to realize it. The dimly lit office looked much like the one she practically lived in while awake. A sturdy wooden desk sat under a fluorescent light which was covered by a nice fixture to make the room seem less sterile. The curtains were drawn over the small window which normally looked out over the Boise foothills. But the light filtered in strangely, illuminating the room in a blueish tint, and everything was a little fuzzy around the edges. But mostly she knew it was a dream because Andy Olson sat shirtless in her desk chair and she sat on his lap.

His skin was soft under her fingers as she traced slowly up his sternum, splaying her fingers out to cover his shoulder. She nuzzled at his neck, licking at his salty skin and luxuriating in the taste. His fingers clenched her waist but didn't move. She kissed lower, moving away from his neck and nipping at the hollow of his throat. His cock hardened against her and she was already wet and ready for him. She pulled back, kissing down his chest and sliding back from the seat. His fingers tried to grasp at her, but they couldn't hold on. She slid all the way to the floor, kneeling between his thighs. Andy's eyes locked onto hers, glowing faintly in the light of the office. She had heard that happened sometimes when a werewolf was aroused, but had never seen it. And here he was, eyes glowing for her.

Excitement and heat shot through her.

His hands clenched at the arms of the leather chair, fingertips biting into the armrest.

She ran her hands up and down his thighs, feeling the muscles clench under the fabric of his pants. His erection was visible and she ran her hand over his fly, unbuttoning and unzipping him as he moaned. Free from his pants his cock stood tall and proud in front of her. Wren's mouth watered at the sight of his head hot and hard for her.

She licked her lips and Andy moaned once more, urging her to hold him, to suck him, to do something and have mercy on his straining penis.

She ran the tip of her finger against him, more for her than for him. But even that small motion had him bucking his hips once, trying to move in his seat to get closer to her. She trailed that finger around until she could hold him all in her hand, feeling that soft hardness completely under her power.

Slowly, she moved her hand up once, brushing her thumb over the tip of him before bringing her hand back down to the base. Andy's eyes closed tight at the pleasure. Faster she jerked, her gaze centered on his forehead where the creases between his eyes deepened as color rose in his cheeks and he let out little pants from each motion she made.

What would he look like if she took him in her mouth?

Wren's alarm clock rang. Of course it did. Her eyes snapped open and she scowled, both horny and sleepy. Why did the stupid alarm clock need to interrupt her most potentially satisfying sexual experience in months? She disregarded the fact that it was only a dream.

She shut the alarm clock off with a flick of a finger and laid back looking out her window to where the early morning sun flitted in. Another morning in Boise, Idaho, far away from the hustle and bustle of her home--her old home--in New York. Here she was free to run as a wolf, live on her own, and make her way by herself. No family, no expectations, nothing of the sort.

No fucking Andy Olson either.

It didn't surprise her that he was the subject of an erotic dream. Though she would take that secret to her grave. The only thing that surprised her about it was that it hadn't happened earlier. From the first moment she saw him at Olson and Breyer, Attorneys at Law she had been hit with a bullet of pure lust. It had taken far more of her control that she would have liked to admit to prevent herself from cornering him in a supply closet and fucking him. Or letting him fuck her. Really any kind of fucking would have worked.

But a Longwood, even a Longwood living in disgrace, could rise above her base desires and do what needed to be done. Damn the wants, damn the needs, damn the cost. Surely her family had that engraved in Latin somewhere.

Of course, that family motto had lead her to be kicked out of her home and told never to return. It seemed that the Longwoods of Manhattan who had lived in that city for over 200 years had no use for a werewolf in their midst. If only she had known what happened when that stupid dog had attacked her while she was running through Central Park a year ago.

But there was nothing to be done about that. She resolved not to dwell on what brought her here in the first place. Boise was...fine. Nice, even. If she could get over the disturbing quietness, the slower pace of life. And it was still a city. And, and this part she actually liked, she got to practice criminal law again, not the boring corporate variety her mother had roped her into back home.

So, really, everything was fine. She sat up from the bed, casting off the covers. It was time for a bracing cool shower to wipe off the memory of that dream. And any thoughts of Andy Olson. He didn't get to know she was hot for him. She wasn't going to be the woman who fucked the boss's son for her place in the company. Wasn't going to happen.

No matter what her dream self wanted.


Andy arrived at the office early to go over some of his files. He had a meet with a client later and knew it could take most of the afternoon to trek over to the prison. Some idiot kid had burglarized Silver Sky Research and since the kid's dad was a friend of the family they had agreed to defend him. And since his dad still thought he needed the experience, Andy had to handle this one despite the fact that there was so much evidence against them they were going to lose easily.

Andy hated to lose.

Which was why he had been coming into the office early and staying late for the past few weeks looking for anything in their evidence that he could use to argue that his client should not be convicted. And despite the hours, nothing came to light.

Max might have helped him sort out his thoughts on this one, but lately he was all wrapped up in his new mate. That was a whole level of something not to think about. He and Max had flirted and tried to make a go of it so long ago, but it never became anything serious.

And so now Andy was stuck coming into the office and leaving late, trying very hard not to think of his alpha and his alpha's mate and the things that could have been.

A sizzle shot down his spine and he straightened in his seat, the chair creaking with the shift of his weight. Something like scent but not quite told him that
was in the office. His cock twitched from the presence of her, but he kept his breathing under control, concentrating on keeping himself in check. After all, Wren had shown absolutely no interest in him and he was too busy to change that.

On that first day they met about a month ago he thought there might have been something there, her eye had briefly flashed and she stared at him for longer than was polite. But he was probably over analyzing. At the time he had to grip his hands so tight he had nearly cut into his palms with his finger nails. All he had wanted to do was vault over the table, hike up her skirt, and plunge into her until he exploded.

But even at his family's firm that would probably have gotten him fired on the spot. If it didn't get him arrested.

A meeting reminder popped up in his email. Andy couldn't remember setting anything up, but it was possible his secretary had accepted it on his behalf. The subject told him it was about this Parker Griffith case. Parker Griffith, the stupid burglar with connections. Maybe Andy should just convince him to plead guilty to get this whole thing over with quicker.

He walked down the hall to one of the smaller conference rooms. In fact, it had been a closet until the year before and was the only meeting room in their office that had no windows. As a rule it was only used for internal meetings, clients were treated to a higher standard.

Inside the room at Wren Longwood. Andy took a deep breath and braced himself for the impact the sight of her had on him. She sat at the small table with her ankles crossed deftly to one side of the chair. She wore a beige pencil skirt with a patterned top and covered it with a bright red jacket. Her dark hair spilled down the back of the jacket in stark contrast and he could look at the pale skin of her legs for days. Those legs ended with red high heels. The things she could do to a man with those. It was all Andy could do to keep from sucking in a breath too loudly.

She turned to look at him and her green eyes pierced him in place. Everything about this woman screamed money and class. She had come from New York, but New York had yet to leave her. Despite her background, she never seemed quite out of place in Boise. She might expect things that they couldn't get as easily, or think that their culture was lacking, but she never was so gauche as to say it or act like anything was wrong. That took skill.

Knowing he'd stared too long, Andy sat down taking the closest side of the table so that he sat perpendicular to her. At least that way he could try to control his staring. "Good morning," he finally greeted.

Wren nodded at him, "Good morning." She spread out a series of papers on the table, one or two redacted documents and crime scene photos from the Silver Sky break in. "I thought it best to go over where you are in this case before we head over later. I want to make sure that we're on the same page and we're not just covering the same ground."

She started to summarize her research when Andy interrupted. "What are you talking about?"

Wren raised an eyebrow and looked him over. "I've been assigned to work with you on the Griffith case. Did your fa--Did Sam not tell you?"

No, Sam, his father, had not seen fit to share that information. Andy gritted his teeth and momentarily thought about fighting it. But he had never been able to convince Sam to reverse a decision, and if he thought Wren needed to work this case then Wren would work this case. No matter what Andy thought about it.

And he didn't see fit to tell his father about his near overpowering desire to fuck this woman.

So he just nodded and Wren continued talking.


Their trip to talk to Parker Griffith had turned up nothing. A few days later Wren sat in her office putting together various notes on some of her other cases. Olson and Breyer was a relatively small firm, but they took on a case load larger than the number of attorneys warranted. It wasn't nearly so bad as when she briefly worked as a prosecutor back in New York, but she couldn't dedicate all her time to the Griffith case.

Right now she researched the sunrise and sunset times from seven months ago for a different matter and looked for a roofing specialist. The latter was unrelated to work, but no one objected to a little personal research.

Her phone rang. Her cell phone, not the work land line.

Wren's heart leaped when she read the caller ID. It was her brother, Hamilton. For one second she considered not answering, if only to show with that small display of defiance that they would need to put out a tiny bit more effort to get her back. If they wanted her back, that was. She hadn't heard from anyone in months and hoped they had somehow gotten over their aversion to her curse. It wasn't like it was her fault.

She slid the icon on the phone and held it to her ear, "Hello, this is Wren." Perhaps unnecessary to identify herself, but it was a long borne habit at this point.

"Ah, good," Hamilton didn't bother with a greeting. "Mother was concerned you would not answer."

"You're my brother." Though he probably couldn't understand emotionally why that would be reason enough. But filial duty made complete sense to the oldest Longwood sibling.

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