Read The Law of Motion (Law Series) Online

Authors: Di'Nisha Robinson

The Law of Motion (Law Series) (66 page)

BOOK: The Law of Motion (Law Series)
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"Five bucks says he's talking about Wendell," Kristen snorted, nudging Alyssa with her elbow.

"There's no telling," Alyssa giggled, looking up at me again.

"I hate that man," Helen growled, her nose wrinkling in disgust. "He thinks he can order anyone around, just because he’s Paul's lawyer."             

That statement got everyone's attention; the payroll employees froze, but the rest of us turned towards her. Alyssa's and Kristen's eyes narrowed on the girl, which caused her to squirm under their gazes.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"No, don't be," Kristen said, consoling her. "What did he say to you?"

"He brought me paperwork on a guy he wanted paid. Here, I'll show you," Helen explained, getting up from the table. She was back quickly, slapping a file down on the break table. "I told him I couldn't pay anyone unless they had gone through the right measures. They have to go through security, the human resources department, and not to mention a freakin' drug test. I can't just start paying someone, just because he says so."

"That's very true," Alyssa muttered, dragging the file closer to her. Kristen and I leaned over her shoulder to look. "Sean Morris," she read, flipping through the paperwork. "This doesn't even say what he'd be doing."

"Exactly," Helen huffed, "and he got so pissed when I told him no, that he had to bring me his whole hiring packet."

Kristen flipped through the file herself, finally looking over at Alyssa. "Has Margaux gotten back to you about this guy?"

"Not yet, but I’m on it as soon as you hand it to me Miss Marshall." she said, shaking her head. Hunter passed it down the line and across the table. Tink took it and started to head out to get to work, but turned back to Miss Evelyn and Helen . "May I keep this file?"

"Sure, Margaux," Miss Evelyn said softly, glancing between Alyssa and Kristen.

"Yes, ma'am," Helen muttered, her brow furrowing when Dario joined the room again, "but what do I tell him when his...guy doesn't get paid? He's kind of got a temper."

Alyssa thought for a moment, and then nodded, a small, wicked little smile curling up her lips. "Do this... Email him, tell him his employee's record was pulled...
by me
. If he wants to discuss the hiring of someone new, he'll have to come see me. His pal, Sean, won't get paid until he does."

"He'll be pissed," Helen whispered, her eyes wide. "He got loud and foul when I tried to explain policy to him."

"Then you call 
," I stated, jerking a thumb towards my chest. "Or you call them," I pointed to the table with my security crew sitting. "Any of us would be...
 to take care of it for you."

Macon nodded solemnly and slowly at that statement.

Harold's eyes narrowed on me, and then Hunter, finally falling to Alyssa. "This is why they're here, isn't it?" he guessed, pointing towards our table. "That's what you meant last quarter, about leaks and being careful who we talk to."

Alyssa smiled
and nodded as she stood up. "You're too sharp for accounting, Mr. Harold. I should've made you a PI, like me," she snickered, smiling over at Hunt when we all laughed. “If you ever change your mind, let me know,” she sighed, stepping back from the table.

Kristen hugged Mr. Harold and Miss Evelyn, promising they'd return soon. Alyssa told them to be careful, and not to worry about Wendell, that it was under control.


“We have a free night?” Alyssa asked in disbelief after packing up her briefcase so eager to get out of Neil Industries that she barely locked up the apartment. “What about Margaux? She has to look up this Sean Morris guy.”

“She will get on it first thing in the morning.” I grinned at her, taking her briefcase out of her hand and kissing her forehead. “So what do you say we get you out of here and get you in some bubbles?”

She leaned up and kissed me on the lips. “Mr. Harris you sure know the way to a girl’s heart.”

We took the back way down to the parking deck giving Kristen the option of driving straight home, without having to take Alyssa back to her car, which was parked at Gravity.

While she relaxed her stress away in a bath, I kicked into action myself pulling a bag out of the closet that had been stashed there for weeks waiting for us to have a long enough free moment to enjoy its contents. Her favorite scent was lavender, so picking the right scented candles was no trouble, as well as the massage oil. I laughed at the thought as I set up the candles around the room, because about three years ago I would have bet my right arm I wouldn’t be caught dead buying candles let alone planning romantic nights.

Music was the harder choice, because she listened to so much it was impossible to guess what she would be in the mood to hear. I did know that she was a fan of Julia Stone, and she often said that her ‘uniquely fractured voice soothed her in an odd way’.

“Is all of this for me?” A soft innocent voice asked coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and looking around.

She really was true perfection, “Who else would it be for?” I chuckled pulling her close to me, kissing her lips, then the top of her head, which smelled lik
of cours

“Well then I surely should do something for you…” She purred looking up at me and biting her lip.

“Oh?” I asked raising an eyebrow and grinned at her.

She nodded and pulled away from me her smile and wink practically sparkling. “Be right back,” She promised before disappearing into our walk-in closet.

“You’re killing me out here, love…” I groaned sitting down on the bed directing my face to the direction of my closet. She wasn’t even gone three minutes to tell the truth, I was just eager to get my hands back on her.

Her hypnotic laugh carried into the room, “You won’t regret it… patience is a virtue.”

“Virtue goes out the window when you look the way you do.” I admitted shamelessly. Her phone on the nightstand started vibrating and I looked over at it hesitantly, I didn’t want anything to mess up what was coming. “Honeyface, Doc is calling.”

“Answer it please,” She requested still in the closet.

I picked up, “Hey Tawn.”

“Oh, hi Adrian, is Alyssa around?” It didn’t sound urgent, but casual.

I looked towards the closet, “She’s a bit
at the moment, is something wrong?”

“Oh, I see.” She answered, picking up on my double meaning instantly, “Well, you might want to be careful with keeping her
.” She hinted back.

That caught me off guard, because her voice sounded professional, and somewhat concerned. “Talk to me Doc, is something wrong with her?”

“Oh no Adrian, don’t be silly.” Doc scoffed in a chuckle. “I was just calling to remind her that she hasn’t taken her Depo and she’s about two weeks over due.”

I nodded in understanding even though she couldn’t see me. I had known enough about girl shit to know that the Depo was her birth control. “Ah. Well she’s been so busy she probably hasn’t even thought about it.”

“I know, I didn’t think about it until I saw the vial still in my medicine bag. I’ll give it to her tomorrow,” She promised somewhat apologetically.

Not that I didn’t want children with her, but with everything involving Neil Industries, it was the wrong time for her to get pregnant. Not to mention I haven’t even been able to put the ring on her finger, and Chance was still adamant that she couldn’t be a good mother. “Thanks Doc, I’ll let her know.”

“Alright, have a nice night Adrian.” She dismissed, hanging up the phone.

When I hit the end call button it went back to the ‘call log menu’ and I could see all of her missed, received, and made calls. Just as I was about to sit the phone down one name stuck out to me. ‘Dr. Roberts’. I had never heard her mention the name, but she had received three calls from  this person last week and made a call just three days ago.

“So… what do you think?”  She asked leaning in the doorway of the closet.

She was wearing the sexiest piece of lingerie she had ever modeled for me. She would traipse about in the occasional nightie when she felt like being flirty, but for the most part she was still insecure about her scars. Tonight however, she wore a royal purple corset with black lace and the tiniest pair of black boy shorts with ruffles on the side. Needless to say, the way the corset pushed up her already ample breast made her that much more mouthwatering. I was speechless.

She waited patiently for me to answer taking in my expression, which must have been something because she laughed as she smiled smugly, “I’ll take that as your approval.”

She padded over to me barefoot, and gave me a gentle push backwards onto the bed. I went back willingly letting her straddle me. “I more than approve baby.” I managed to get out as she kissed my neck.

“Well that is good to hear.” She purred in my ear, her warm breath managing to give me chills.

She gave me a deep kiss and I sat up, lifting her gently so that she could straddle my lap and I still have some form of control. “You’re getting a massage first.” I demanded making her lay on her stomach.

“Fine,” She huffed attempting to pout but couldn’t hold her smile back. I started at her legs, tracing gently in between her thighs as I worked the oil into her muscles and massaging out the tension.

“You are teasing me Mr. Harris,” She accused with moan, and I was pretty sure that her eyes were rolling.

I chuckled, barely able to restrain myself, “What was that you said about patience being a virtue?”

“Virtue, be damned.” She growled naughtily.

I tapped her on the ass, mainly because the ruffled boy shirts made her heart shaped ass look just as irresistible, but I reprimanded too. “It’s worth the wait, Honeyface.”

“Alright,” She sighed turning her head in my direction the best way she could.  I massaged her feet in silence for a while before she asked me a question. “Baby, what did Tawny want?”

“She was trying to remind you that you were overdue on your shot, and she’d do it tomorrow. So tonight we’re going to have to have to be a bit careful, love.” I sighed grimly, the thought of separating us with latex annoyed me to no end. I was so use to her feel that the thought of entering her any other way was almost blasphemy.

She sounded just as disappointed as I was. “Do we even have any left?”

“Nightstand.” I answered confidently because I had checked after sitting her phone down. The thought of her phone rose a question of my own. “Who is Dr. Roberts, Honeyface? A new lead?”

She shook her head as I worked the back of her shoulders and neck. She moaned from the feel of my hands on her, but answered the question all the same. “He’s a…. dentist. I had an appointment… last week at his office.”

She had never said anything about having an appointment, hell she hadn’t seen doctor since I’d known her. Her fear of touch the reason. “You went to a doctor?”

She turned around to sit up, ignoring the massage for a moment. “It was just a cleaning Adrian.”

“I’m so proud of you baby. Why didn’t you tell me, I would have gone with you?” I declared kissing her on her lips. If she went to a doctor, that meant she was making more progress.

She shrugged, but didn’t stop kissing me until she answered, “It was just my teeth baby, I didn’t think anyone would care.”

“I care.” I rushed looking into her green eyes, “This means so much.”

“Like…” She pressed sitting on her heels on the bed.

I didn’t hesitate to answer, “That we are crossing new boundaries, and soon we can cross others.”

She eyed me guardedly, the space between her eyebrows puckering, “Like…”

“If you can let go of your apprehensions, as far as seeing doctors, then it’s only a matter of time before you let go of the ones about getting married and having kids.”

She sighed, pulling back from me, “Adrian… I…”

I honestly couldn’t take another rejection from her, so I didn’t give her the option to give me one this time. “Don’t think about the reasons, and no, it doesn’t have to be right now. Just promise me that you’ll marry me, someday, I’ll wait as long as I have to Alyssa.”

“I’m hardly worth it.” She responded, giving me a weak smile.

I noticed that she had yet to answer my question, “You’re more than worth it, I want to marry you Alyssa. I want a family with you, whatever else comes with it.” Her faced seem to fall and I found myself having to explain to her how serious I was. “Good, bad, and ugly I want it. The Alyssa and Adrian clones, the growing old together, hell even the headache of joining taxes, I want it all.”

BOOK: The Law of Motion (Law Series)
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