The Law of Motion (Law Series) (54 page)

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Authors: Di'Nisha Robinson

BOOK: The Law of Motion (Law Series)
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Our bodies were sticky with perspiration, but I kept him close as he breathed heavily against my neck, placing random kisses here and there.

"I wanted to kill him for touching you," he sputtered softly into my neck. I felt him shake his head and sigh deeply.

"I know, baby," I soothed, dragging my fingers up and down his spine. "He didn't."

Adrian's non-committal sound made me smile against his jaw. I'm not sure if he'd ever change his over-protectiveness when it came to my past. And I'm not sure I'd ever want him to.

"I love you," I whispered softly against his stubble, kissing his cheek and running my fingers through his hair over and over.

"Oh, God, Honeyface, I love you so much," he sighed, finally pulling back to allow me to see his handsome face. "You okay?" he asked for the millionth time since he'd removed me from my cell.

I grinned up at him, biting my bottom lip. "Yeah. Perfect."

He huffed a laugh, kissing my lips softly. "You know, I came out here to tell you we were leaving the mountain in a few hours... "

I giggled, shaking my head. "Hmm... I like that I can distract you, Mr. Harris."

"Jesus," he chuckled, looking around us and then back to me. "You
 have no idea, love."

I giggled again, burying my face in his neck. He hugged me closer, laughing with me.

"Come on, Honeyface. Get your beautiful ass dressed. I want to go home," he ordered, popping his hand against my thigh lightly.

"Oh!" I gasped, sitting up with him. "You mean we're

He laughed, cupping my face and kissing my lips quickly. "Yes. You would've known this, had you not seduced me in the woods."

"Shut it," I snapped teasingly, now in a hurry to tug my jeans back on. "You loved it," I told him with authority, pointing a finger at him, before standing up to pull up my zipper.

He grinned, pulling his shirt back over his head and grabbing my finger. He tugged, causing me to stumble into him. "I did. And I'm pretty sure I wasn't complaining, Love. Now..." he huffed, nodding once, "let’s get back to Gravity so we can get this shit over with."


Chapter 22- Home


There wasn't much that could stop the breath of relief that came with pulling in to Gravity parking lot, even if there was FBI sweeping the area unmarked. Zoe and Terry not to mention the unknown leader of this shit was still out there, and we needed to make sure no one else we knew could be ransomed off.

The beautiful, fidgety woman at my side in the back seat of Hunter's SUV couldn't wait, either. Alyssa was about to burst open at the seams, she needed to see everyone else so bad. Mainly Juan, and I couldn't blame her, because the last time she had seen him, she was setting him out a window in order to save him.

The shit with Terry and Zoe was far from over. We still needed to find them, because we'd all promised Hunter that we'd help. And Alyssa wanted to catch them, simply to get them off the fucking streets. By now, there was no telling what that crazy group was capable of.

Hunter was continuing to run the investigation, in cooperation with Cameron and Gravity. Our suspects—Roy, Earl, Bobby, and Myles—were now being held in a military facility until further notice. Hunt wanted every single person attached to this threat before he finished prosecuting them, because he wanted them all. I really think he moved Myles to a military base to keep his ass alive and safe from me. As far as I was concerned, he deserved no less than what his buddy, David, had received. Preferably, by my own hand, but they wanted to keep him around to continue to ask him questions. I was pretty sure they were keeping him around to use as bait, but no one had confirmed that suspicion.

Doc had to fix Myles’s leg before Hunter brought him in and it had been a sight to watch. She normally worked with gentle hands, but since this guy wasn’t one she cared for there was no mercy. She disinfected with isopropyl, which hurt like hell, and she worked very slowly stitching him up. When he complained about the pain and snarled for some type of sedative she threatened to use ‘The Sleeper’ on him. When he made a comment about Juan she ended up using it anyway, which probably saved his life. A comment about Alyssa again would get him killed, whether he touched her or not. The bastard was paralyzed for the majority of transport.

Kris, however, wasn't to leave Hunter's side, at least until he was deemed safe from Terry; there were Feds already guarding his mother and sister.

I slipped my hand over Alyssa's bouncing knee, and she looked up at me with a pleading face.

"I know. I'm sorry," she giggled lightly.

"Soon, love," I chuckled, leaning in to kiss her head. "In fact... I believe who you're looking for is leading the welcoming committee."

Alyssa grinned, her head snapping around to look at the front of the office, as Tink, Kristen, baby Makenna, Joanne, Tawny and Ross—Who were lucky enough to be able to head straight here, beating us by several hours— all waited patiently for us, with Juan jumping up and down in front of them. I wasn't sure who shot out of the cars quicker—Alyssa or Macon—but both were out and running.

"Tia!" Juan yelled, breaking away from Joanne to rush to Alyssa, who immediately scooped him up to smother him in kisses.

His face was illuminated as they held their conversation in Spanish blocking out the rest of the world for a moment. I watched my girl and felt absolute happiness, because not only was she home, but
was back where they should be. And though we had so much business to attend to inside, I was compelled to join them.

I stepped around a reunited Jackson and Margaux, and my dad and Joanne, aiming for Alyssa, who was forehead to forehead with Juan. “Didn’t I tell you I’d bring her back buddy?”

He beamed up at me, his brown eyes ecstatic, as he nodded. “You sure did.”

Alyssa laughed taking his hand and walking with everyone else into the building, because we still had a meeting before we all headed home. “So tell me everything that I missed while I was gone.” She demanded looking down at him, her own green eyes alight.

"I helped Mommy and Unca Adwien wif a mission...and Miss Joanne and I made cookies...and I took bubble baffs."

"What mission?" Alyssa chuckled, taking her seat in the conference room and pulling him into her lap.

"I was a co-pilot," he stated with a firm, authoritative nod.

"A pilot's got to have someone he can depend on," I added.

Juan played with her hair as she urged him on. “Ok what else?”

His mouth pouted crookedly and his eyes rolled upward as he thought of what else happened. “Oh, mommy made Unca Adrian and Mr. Grayson go outside and measure their dicks? What are dicks, Tia?”

The ones that were in the conference room all stopped their conversations looking at the little boy on Alyssa’s lap. Macon laughed immediately and Alyssa’s eyes narrowed at me and then Hunter, who was standing sheepishly in the corner. “Who said it?” Alyssa groaned between the two of us.

“Don’t look at me.” Hunter defended holding up his hands.

Juan rolled his eyes dramatically, “No
said it. She got

Alyssa looked to Doc immediately, her tongue rolling quickly, in chastising words. “¿En serio? En frente al niño?” She chided.

“You would have said worst.” She snickered in English before going on to explain to Juan in Spanish, about something.               

Alyssa just shook her head at the woman she viewed as a little sister and then looked back at me. “Measuring huh?”

“Yeah, it got a little heated in your absence.” I answered guiltily, mainly because she had a look on her face like I was going to be in trouble.

She didn’t disappoint. “We’ll talk about it later.” She assured just before crooning to the four year old in her lap. Joanne was going to take Juan into the other room with Makenna so that we could have our meeting. “We can play tomorrow ok, Juan?”

He frowned instantly, not wanting to get down from her lap. “But you just got backs, Tia. I’ll be quiet promise.”

Alyssa frowned looking down at him, her nose wrinkling in discomfort and she looked to Doc pleadingly.

“Juan, we all have a meeting about grown up things. It will only take a little while, and then we can go home. I’ll let you use Mommy’s paints.” Doc promised picking him up herself and walking him out the room.

“No deal, I want to play with Mommy Rwoslyn’s soldier stuff.” He negotiated as the door closed behind them. Ross only laughed, pulling Doc into her lap when she came back into the room so that a chair could be freed for someone else standing in the back off the room.

When everyone had settled Hunter and Cam called their meeting to attention. “Let’s start by saying, welcome back Chance.” Cam congratulated as Macon started a clap and Jackson tousled the top of her head. She playfully slapped him away before leaning into me waiting for him to continue.

“For those of you that don’t know,” Hunter started, “The four men we’ve detained are being held at the Marine Corps Brig in Quantico. Once we catch Windsor, Nowak and whoever is pulling the strings, I’m trying them all and sending their guilty asses to Fort Leavenworth.”

“Any confirmation on the location of the second bomb?” Victor asked from the back of the room.

Hunter sighed shaking his head. “No, the only one that can help us with that is Myles Thompson, the only thing we could confirm with the other three men is that they moved the second bomb down the mountain over a week before Alyssa’s capture.”

“So the asshole isn’t completely full of shit.” I muttered.

My dad put a hand on my shoulder, “I’ll assume that bomb is the first priority?”

Hunter nodded. “I have to retrieve that bomb at any cost.”

“What kind of leg room do we have?” Jackson asked, because we knew the more government support we had, the easier this shit would be.

Hunter just grinned, his eyes holding a hint of smugness. “Neil Industries is one of the government’s largest ‘defense’ contract . If they are targeted in anyway…” He shrugged letting it trail off.

“So a few decent fucking cushions.” Ross agreed. “Never thought we’d be back in this type of shit again.”

Kristen nodded, “I’d say. How much damage can this bomb do?” She asked looking to her husband.

Macon shrugged as he spoke. “If it is anything like the one in the barn, I’d say no more than about ten to twenty thousand square feet. It looks scary as hell, but they’re working with sticks of TNT up there, not C4, so they aren’t wiping out a block let alone a city with it.”

“So we have to assume that it is one localized area they’re trying to demolish.” Danny mused rubbing his chin.

Dario nodded. “Like a certain building…”

Tink caught the hint, “I’m working on narrowing it down guys, but there are so many possibilities. If they were trying to make a statement, I’d guess the Neil Tower downtown. Cause the most damage; I’d have to guess the chemical plant outside of Alexandria. Too much ground to cover and not attract attention.”

Cam agreed. “Nor do we know how much time we have.”

“We’ll figure it out; I have my best analysts working from every angle, psych profiles, the works.” Hunter consoled slapping Cam on the back.

My dad supplied, “Tawny had a few ideas.”

“Like?” Cam asked putting his head up from his computer.

Doc had no trouble taking the floor, “Whoever their
is has to be involved with Neil Industries. The way they’re staying in the shadows would imply possibly even a higher up exec, or shareholder. Someone that actually
something to lose if he’s caught besides freedom.”

Kristen seemed to be catching the same wave as she was. Their detective sides kicking in.  “Tink I think you should turn your research towards the people that had the most to lose with C&K shutting down. The financial backers, upper level management, whoever worked there and were actually

“No prob, no prob, no prob.” Tink nodded. “Any idea how high you’d like to go?”

Kristen laughed. “All the way up to the CEO. We need to know who gains the most if something were to happen to Neil Industries.”

These girls were on a roll. “Maybe not necessarily Neil Industries, maybe just Neil himself.” Doc mused. “The first call said that it was payback, and Neil was going to pay.”

I looked over at my girl, who had been fairly quiet her green eyes full of speculation. “Guys, how long will it take you to research this, for Hunt?”

“Not long, a few hours.” Tink assured.

She nodded bringing her knee to her chin in the chair. Her voice was soft, yet distracted. “Good, go ahead in the computer room and get started. Don’t take too long, because we are going to wrap this up soon. Everyone—on my end at least— is going to have the day off. We will pick up with what they have in the morning.”

Kristen raised an eyebrow at her, and Macon extended his thoughts. “We still have a little more fight in us Chance.”

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