The Law of Motion (Law Series) (20 page)

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Authors: Di'Nisha Robinson

BOOK: The Law of Motion (Law Series)
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I scooted to the other end of the couch, a safer distance. “It’s not that…exactly.”

He sighed realizing what my words meant. “Too late.” He guessed again.

“I’m with someone.” I confirmed nodding.

He once again was embarrassed. “I’m sorry, babes. It was just, you’re the ‘what could’ve been’ woman for me, and I got caught up in seeing you again thinking it was my chance.”

I nodded. “No need to explain what you thought. It’s ok. You know now.”

“And it won’t happen again. I’ll be good.” He promised holding up three fingers. “Scouts honor.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his ability to make a joke out of everything. Macon would definitely like him. “It’s ok. We should probably get some sleep if we are going to get up and head back to D.C. before my team kills me.”


“So tell me about your team.” He requested as we took ninety-five back to D.C. He was no longer in his suit, but a pair of jeans and t-shirt, since we stopped by his hotel room for him to check out before we left.

“Where to start…” I mused to myself.

He shrugged from the passenger side, not really caring, “How about senior member to newest?”

“That would be Kristen. She pretty much handles new clients, filling in on cases if we need her. She’s an expert at catching cheating husbands. You’ll know why when you see her.”

“Tell me now, and I’ll act surprised when I get there.” He pressed looking out the window.

I continued. “Simple answer, she’s gorgeous, literally the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen.”

“I would believe that, if
I never knew
.” He responded looking over at me.

I rolled my eyes. “I thought you said you were going to be good.”

being good.” He laughed holding his hands up defensively, “That is a statement I’m sure most men would agree with. An observation from a scientific perspective if you will.”

He was always good at getting out of trouble with me. “Well then there is Margaux, we call her Tink though. She’s this tiny mousy like woman from Korea. She’s a genius, literally.”

“Ah, Margaux Chung, the woman that was suspected of hacking into the Federal Reserve when she was little girl, losing quite a bit of money in the process.” He nodded omnisciently.

I directed a curious eyebrow at him. “You looked into my team too?”

“I told you I checked on you.” He stated honestly. “Is there any truth to it?”

I smirked. “How about you ask her.”

He laughed, “That’s a yes.”

“So we have a former gymnast, an expert hacker, a former med student, five ex mercenaries, and you. Quite a team.” He laughed. “I’ll assume that they are all a lot more impressive in action than on paper.”

“We are.” I nodded with my nose slightly in the air, laughing.

He looked at me from the corner of his eye. “And I can assume that your
is amongst one of the former mercenaries.” It was a statement, not a question.

“What makes you say that? For all you know, he could be a banker.” I answered defensively.

He laughed at that. “You? A banker, babes? There is no way a banker could keep up with your fighting spirit, no, you need someone more rugged than that. Firefighter maybe, banker no.”             

“The guy I dated before Adrian was a banker.” I sniffed almost pouting at the fact that he knew me so well.

He tilted the seat back putting his hands behind his head. “Ah, so he has a name, Adrian. Tell me about this Adrian.”

“Adrian is Adrian.” I responded, not really sure how to explain him.

He of course picked up on it. “Uh, Oh. Trouble in paradise? Let me guess, he doesn’t like commitment?”

“Wow, you actually got one wrong there Hunter.” I spat sarcastically. “Well, half wrong. He wasn’t really the commitment type before me, but now, he’s all about it. Wants to get married and everything.”

“Ah.” He sighed again knowing me to the point that it was scary. Not because he wasn’t able to do it before, but the fact that after years of not seeing me, it picks up just as strong. “And you aren’t ready for it. You’ve always put everything else before finding love.”

I didn’t respond , because I had been focused all these years, but I was getting a lot better at it. “I’m not even sure if he even wants to anymore. We’re kind of fighting over everything with Juan. He blames me for losing him.”

“No he doesn’t.” He shook his head.

I cut my eyes at him, “How do

He shrugged, gesturing to himself as if to say ‘Who am I?’ before cockily saying, “Because I know the situation, and I know you.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I groaned running my hands through my hair.

He continued, becoming serious. “I know because it isn’t your fault that he was taken. You love this boy, I can tell and I’m just coming back in the picture, but I know that you fight for the things you love more than anything.”

I nodded, and there was another silence.

“So, why don’t you want to get married?” He asked.

I shrugged. “I’m just not the marrying type.”

“Oh you’ve
been the marrying type Babes, you just never slowed down enough to realize it.”  I didn’t respond to his conclusion, and he threw out another guess. “Unless, you’re afraid that he won’t accept a part of you.” I didn’t respond again. “Or, you don’t love him. Or… we’re meant to be.”

That made me roll my eyes and hit him in the torso, not hard but not a gentle caress either. “Don’t go saying that around my team or they will hang you by your toes.” I laughed warning him. “They won’t be used to your joking.”

He shrugged. “Hey I’m just saying, you and hubby fight just as I walk into the picture. Could be a sign.”

“I’ll tell you about your signs.” I threatened just as we came up on the exit we needed to take for D.C. “Hold on.” I called Tink, the ringing echoing through the speakers.

.” Her amused mousy voice greeted me, well more like a snap than a greeting.
              “Traffic is a bitch.” I apologized looking at the line I was trapped in.

Tink didn’t care. “Excuses, excuses, excuses. Hurry up and get here so that I can fill you in on what you’ve missed.”

She sounded more like the boss than I did, “I’m looking at another hour tops.”

              “Did you get what you needed?” She asked a little more chipper since I was closer.

Hunter slapped me in the leg, and I looked over at him. He motioned to himself, reminding me to let them know that he was coming back with me. “Yep, and a little bit more than what I was expecting. See you in a few Tinky, and let the others know that I’m coming with some help.”

I hung up and he spoke again, the smuggest smirk ever, plastered across his face. “Looks like I get to meet the family.”

Chapter 8- Conditions


              “You’re back!” Tink grinned coming out to meet me. She wrapped an arm around my waist in a mini embrace before slugging me in the hip. “Don’t leave without telling anyone ever again.” She threatened. “Do you need help?” She asked motioning to the open trunk. She didn’t notice Hunter rustling through it.

“No, where is everyone else?” I questioned, the blinds were closed on the windows, so I couldn’t survey who was there. Based on the cars out front I could see that at least, Tink and Kristen where here. Though I assumed more were parked behind the building.


here.” She stressed raising her eyebrows.

That got my attention. “Any news?”

“Not yet,” She stressed in a breath. “We’re falling apart here Chance.”

I sighed, I didn’t want that. We needed each other if we were going to come through like we did last year. “Don’t worry Tink, we’ll get him, if we have to tear apart Maryland to find him.” I swore.

“Ready to lift Alyssa?” Hunter asked coming around to the front of the car. Tink looked at him and then to me in confusion, Hunter took the assertive road. “You must be Tink,” he guessed extending his hand.

She took it, shaking it gently with a looked that demanded answers. “And you are?”

“Hunter, Hunter Grayson,” He revealed with a smile that could melt anyone’s suspicion.

She had trouble closing her mouth for a second, and when she finally did, the oddest sound came from her mouth. Laughter. “Hunter
?” She giggled pulling her hand away. She looked at me with the same amused face. “
is the help?”

I sighed, and then turned to the car. “Ignore her, let’s get the trunk. Tink can you get the door?”

“Sure, sure, sure.” She laughed on her way to it.

I grabbed one end of the trunk while he grabbed the other, “So… does she always laugh when she meets people?” He whispered as he lead the way towards the door.

I shook my head, “Ignore her.” I repeated. She, as well as the other girls, knew who Hunter was from my Special Ops stories, why she would find this funny I couldn’t fathom.

Inside, the group from the conference room came to greet us, all possessing a curious eye on the trunk in the middle of the lobby and the guest standing next to it. I acknowledged Victor and Liam first, since I hadn’t seen them since the wedding, “Victor!” I smiled practically leaping into his arms, but this time he was so guarded by Hunter’s presence that he barely caught me.

“Pop Harris.” I addressed hugging him as well, following with Danny and Jeff.

It was Jeff that brought attention to Hunter, “Who’s your friend there Chance?”

I had almost forgotten, that they didn’t know Hunt. “Oh sorry, Hunter this is Kristen,” I gestured since she was the closest to him.

“Hi Kristen, Hunter Grayson.” He greeted shaking her hand.

Kristen didn’t laugh, expressing her surprise in another way. “Hunter
Grayson.” She repeated, making Tink laugh again. “No

“Well you got two out of three names right,” He joked still shaking her hand.

Doc’s expression demanded an explanation and I gave her one, “I went up to New York to get some supplies from my old house, and we bumped into each other. He’s offered to help.”

“Small fucking world.” Kristen stated, still shaking his hand.

“Hand Kristen,” Doc reminded as she stepped forward, taking my explanation a step further for people that weren’t familiar. “Commander Grayson is a friend of Chance’s from her time in ‘Special Ops.’ Nice to meet you, I’m Tawny.”

He shook her hand, a hint of his Biloxi drawl touching in. “Nice to meet you too. I’m sorry that we couldn’t meet under a better circumstance, but I assure you that I am here to help in whatever way I can Miss.”

“Thank you,” She smiled, though I could tell she was trying her best not to take a liking to him instantly. She came back over, giving me a hug of my own. “This should be
Chance,” She whispered in my ear before letting me go, “welcome back.”

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