Read The Last Husband Online

Authors: J. S. Cooper

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

The Last Husband (31 page)

BOOK: The Last Husband
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like to call her Ruby Lane, if we have a girl.” I allowed him to run his
fingers gently across my lips. “When I was young, my mother used to read me
this book about a little girl, who was the luckiest girl in the world. She had
the best mother and father in the world, and she was the happiest girl in the
world, and her name was Ruby Lane. I always told myself that if I had a little
girl, I would call her that.”

Lane Beaumont,” Zane said the words aloud. “I like that, I like it a lot.”

love you, Zane Beaumont.” I sat up and studied his face. “I’m so thankful you
chose my diner to come into that day.”

was fated, my love.” He reached into his back pocket and took out a ring. “I
bought this for you before we went to France. But I wanted to wait to ask you.
I didn’t want to ask you and have you say yes because you felt bad for me in
Paris. I wanted to know that when you said yes, it was because it was something
you wanted for you, and not because you felt bad for me.”

Zane, I would never do that.” I stared at the large diamond as he slid the
platinum band onto my finger. “I love it.” I smiled shyly at him. “And yes, a
million times over.”

you remember my song for you, my love?” He ran his hand along my cheek. “Today
is our day, my love, today is our day.”

you remember mine? You are me, I am you, and we are one.” I sang out in a
reggae tone and we both laughed.

we are my dear, that we are.” And with that Zane and I fell back into the bed
and he held me close in his arms. I pressed my face against his chest and
allowed myself to breathe all of him in, this man was mine. This handsome,
wounded, strong and spectacular man was going to be my husband and I knew that
without a doubt he would be the only one I’d have for the rest of my life.



Chapter 13



“I’ll give you my
watch,” he handed me his watch with sticky fingers and a reluctant look on his

“I don’t want your
watch, Noah.” I hit his hand away. “Just get out of my way.”

“But I don’t want you to
go out.” He pouted and his eyes bore into mine. “You said you’d stay home and
hang out.”

“I’m going to a
sleepover,” I looked at him with an annoyed expression. His whiney 10-year-old
voice was irritating me and I just wanted him to leave me alone.

“I wanna come too.” He

“You can’t come.” I
grabbed my bag and headed to the door.

“I’ll give you my watch
and all my coins.” He looked at me as if he was going to cry. “And three Twix
bars I have in my room.”

“Noah, I don’t want any
of those things.” I ran down the stairs and headed to the front door. My friend
John and his mom were waiting in the driveway to take me to his house. I
stopped at the front door and looked up the stairs. Noah was sitting there with
a sad face, staring down at me. He looked so alone and tiny, and in that
moment, I knew I couldn’t leave.

“Alright you win, I’ll
stay.” I dropped my bag on the floor and shouted up at him. His face lit up and
he came running down the stairs.

“Here’s my watch Zane.
It’s yours now.” He reluctantly held it out to me and I shook my head. I felt
guilty that he was willing to give me the watch he had begged to receive for
the last six months.

“Thanks, Zane. You’re
the best big brother ever.” He hugged me close to him and I patted him on the
back awkwardly.

“Don’t ever forget it.”
I grinned at me and we both walked outside to tell John that I would no longer
be attending the sleepover.


what a beautiful morning.” Lucky’s singing woke me up and I saw her pulling on
a pair of shorts. Her face was vibrant and happy, and she looked like she was
going to workout.

are you going?” I yawned, still slightly tired. The events of the last week had
been exhausting and I was emotionally spent.

thought I’d go downstairs and cook Noah breakfast.”

Noah?” I pretended to pout, but I sat up and jumped out of bed eagerly. I had
almost forgotten that Noah was here and back in my life. It had all seemed like
a dream—the best dream of my life, but a dream all the same.

tell me you’re going to help?” She looked astonished and walked over to give me
a kiss. “Good morning sleepyhead.” She played with my hair and then stepped
back and looked at my face.

so funny?” I grumbled, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her towards

think you need the chia now.” She mussed with my hair again and giggled.

you telling me I look a mess?” I squeezed her ass and was about to lean down
and kiss her when I heard someone clearing their throat.

to interrupt you lovebirds, but I was wondering if one of you would let me know
where the coffee is?” Noah grinned at us as he stood in the doorway and my
heart thudded as I stared at my little brother. Though he wasn’t so little now,
he was buffer than me.

preventing me from doing something, aren’t you Noah?” I walked towards him and
slapped him on the shoulder. “Next time knock, yeah?”

didn’t think I had anything to worry about.” He stared at Lucky. “She’s been
singing for the last 30 minutes at least, and I know you may be good in bed
bro, but you’re not that good.”

I chastised him and looked at Lucky. “You’re in the presence of a lady.”

bad, Lucky.” He grinned at her. “You look beautiful by the way, I’m glad to see
you’re feeling better.”

you, Noah.” She walked over to join us and I stared at her legs. She looked
sexy as hell, but I hadn’t realized before just how short her shorts were. They
seemed to be showing an awful lot of leg, more leg than I thought any other guy
should be seeing, not even my own brother.

you want to change, Lucky?” I looked at her pointedly and she stared at me with
a blank expression.

have no idea what you’re talking about, Zane. You just watched me get dressed.”
She shook her head and linked her arm through Noah’s. “Now let’s go and get you
some breakfast.” She smiled up at him as they walked to the stairs.

what am I then?” I called out to them. “Chopped liver? Doesn’t anyone want to
make sure I get some breakfast?”

being a crybaby.” They both uttered at the same time and then they started
laughing. I stood in my doorway, watching them walk down the stairs arm in arm
and I wondered at how lucky I was to be witnessing my brother bonding with my
fiancé. It was a sight I’d never thought I would see happen. I had never
planned on getting engaged. I hadn’t believed in love and I certainly hadn’t
planned to give my heart to some lady to trample all over. But then Lucky had
wormed her way in and drilled a hole so deep that even I couldn’t ignore the
way she made me feel. I smiled to myself at the feeling of complete and utter
joy that I was experiencing. I don’t think I could remember ever feeling this
happy before in my life.

bro, you coming?” I heard Noah call up the stairs and I hurried down to join
them before he ate all of Lucky’s special home fries.




still mad?” Noah’s voice was cautious as he helped me put away the dishes from
the dishwasher.

do you think?” I shook my head and placed the last glasses in the cupboard
before turning around to face him. “I thought you were dead, Noah, and you
weren’t. You didn’t even call me.” I glared at him and kept my voice low. “The
only reason I’m not shouting right now is because Lucky’s upstairs in bed and
not feeling well. I don’t want her to see how mad I am at you, but trust me
bro, I’m still really mad.”

know you don’t understand why I did what I did. And I’m sure you feel
like—” he started and I held a hand up.

have no idea how I feel. I feel overwhelmed with happiness and love. I feel
like I’ve been given my whole heart back. You’re my best friend, Noah. All our
life, it’s just been you and me. I thought you respected and loved me enough to
let me know what’s up.”

couldn’t tell you.” He looked into my eyes and I was reminded of the little boy
who followed me around everywhere. “You know I would have told you man if I
thought it would be okay.” His eyes pleaded for my understanding.

don’t understand why you told Sidney Johnson.” The words sounded childish
coming out of my mouth and I glared at him for making me sound like a jealous pansy.

was the only person I told.” Noah sighed. “I can’t tell you why, but I trusted

secrets, Noah?” I shook my head. “Whatever.”

me, Zane.” He grabbed a hold of my arm. “Please just trust me.”

missed you, man.” I turned my face embarrassed at how my voice had broken. “You
know I trust you, but I missed you.”

missed you too, bro. Every day.” He looked at me and made a face. “But I knew
you’d get them, Zane. I knew it wouldn’t be forever. You’ve always been there
for me. I didn’t doubt you’d come through for me this time as well.”

was fucking going to get Braydon if it cost me my life.” I croaked out a laugh.
“I wasn’t going to stop until his sorry ass was in jail.”

knew you would do whatever it took. Even when we were children, you thought
about me first.” He looked up at me with admiration. “You were like a mom, and
a dad, and a big brother to me, dude. You were always the one I went to, the
one I could rely on, the one I pestered when I was bored.”

were a pest all right.”

knew you’d come through for me, Zane. I knew that it wasn’t forever. I knew
that I’d see you again.”

don’t ever do that shit to me again.” My voice was gruff and I turned away from
him quickly. “This last year has been hell for me.”

at least you got to meet Lucky.” Noah’s voice was soft. “If you hadn’t been
working the case you never would have met her.”

I nodded and thought about everything for a moment. “I love her you know.”

good for you.” There was a wistful look in his eyes. “You should be thanking
me, man. If I hadn’t gone away, you never would have met her. And right now, it
would just be you and me here. You wouldn’t have a beautiful girl upstairs in
your bed, waiting for you.”

not exactly waiting for my loving, Noah, she’s taking a nap.” I laughed.

she’s in your bed right? If I hadn’t gone away and if you didn’t think I was
dead, you would never have met her. In fact, you should be thanking me.” Noah
grinned at me.

some twisted thinking, bro, but thank you.” I laughed. “I’m thankful every day
for meeting Lucky.”

loves you bad, man.” Noah laughed. “I’ve never seen a girl so kooky over you,
not even those girls in high school. What did you do to her? Drug her?”

funny.” I punched him in the shoulder, but I was pleased at his words. I knew
that Lucky loved me, but it felt great to see that other people could tell as
well. “I asked her to marry me.”

I should hope so.” Noah laughed.


the love of your life. She’s gorgeous. She’s kind. She’s nice. She sings like
an angel. You don’t let a girl like that go.” Noah smiled at me weakly. “When
you meet a girl like that, you don’t let her go.”

won’t ever let her go.” I knew that I had never spoken any truer words. Lucky
was my life, and as long as she was in it, I knew that everything was going to
be okay. We may have gotten off to a bit of a rocky start, but I knew that I
was going to be the best husband and father that I could be.

glad I’m home, bro.” Noah reached his hand out to me. “I missed you like hell.”
I knew that was his way of apologizing to me. I knew that an awful lot must
have gone on while he was away and I could tell that there were things he
wasn’t telling me, but I was patient. When Noah was ready to talk, I’d be here
for him. No matter what. Because that was what family was really about: being
patient, being loving, and being understanding.

too, bro.” I gave him a hug. “You, me, and Lucky. We’re one big family now. And
I’m not going to let either of you go again.”






I guess we’re going to be parents then?” I was dumbfounded as we walked out of
the doctor’s office.

like it.” Zane’s voice was nonchalant and I turned to him to make sure he
wasn’t overwhelmed. I looked at his face and tried to look into his eyes, but
he was too busy fumbling around in his pocket.

are you doing?” I frowned.

getting my phone out.” He grinned at me and his eyes were jumping for joy. “I’m
calling Noah to tell him we’re having twins.”

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