The Last Bastion of the Living: A Futuristic Zombie Novel (54 page)

BOOK: The Last Bastion of the Living: A Futuristic Zombie Novel
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No, I

m not.

What are you going to do?

Dwayne stared down at the weapon in his hand.

hat I have to do.

He cut the feed.


* * *


Former Castellan Dwayne Reichardt

s trek across the valley was not without its share of danger.
A few times he had to lie among the
Inferi Scourge
that were burned to a crisp to avoid detection by the circling tiltrotors. Petra had managed to secure one of the most recent upgraded versions of the SWD armor through unknown means. Its mean black countenance was sleek and beautiful, but its internal workings were near magic.
They could hide him from scanners and allowed him to blend almost seamlessly into his surroundings.

A daily runner, it was easy for him to
maintain a swift
pace as he headed toward the area that
had pinpointed as Maria

hiding place
. He reached the base of
outcropping and began to scan the face for a path upward.
Movement registered on his helmet and he whipped around.

A thin pine copse was a few feet away and the wind rustled the branches.
Feeling o
n edge, he checked his map

Again, movement drew his attention.

Shapes within the trees were beginning to move. Dwayne raised his weapon and aimed for the nearest form.
As it stepped into the clearing, the twisted face of an
Inferi Scourge
Dwayne shot it, the head snapping back as it tumbled
to the ground

Within a second

s time,
were pouring out of the trees, racing toward him, howling.
Though his heart was racing, he kept calm as he aimed precisely at each creature, firing off a single shot. Their heads
, their bodies crashing into the ground around him.
Stepping carefully backward, he tried to maintain a safe distance from the creatures
out of the shelter of the pine trees.

The ammo counter hit zero
. With his left hand,
he calmly
drew his other weapon and fired
Not as accurate as he was with his right, the bullets hit the
below their screaming faces.
He adjusted and managed to kill the last three just as they
The last
fell into h
is arms and he shoved it off
, blood and brains pouring out of

Dwayne reloaded both weapons and took several deep breaths to still his thundering heart.
He had to holster the firearms
to climb, but he comforted himself with the idea of being able to see the
from a high distance before they could reach him.
From his bag, he drew out
the special climbing gear Petra had secured for him
the grips to his gloves and boots.

Soon he was moving swiftly over the massive boulders and heading toward the
rock face
that would lead him to Maria.
His heart heavy inside of him
he resolutely climbed higher.


* * *


Darkness greeted her when she finally awoke.
Pushing herself up on one elbow, Maria activated her wristlet.
The glow from the screen filled the cave around her. She considered trying to contact Dwayne, but was afraid to do
any more
than pull up the blank

Shoving her braid over her shoulder, she scooted
over to
the wall.


A strange dream flitted through her memory.

He had left her, hadn

t he?

A cramp made her shudder. It

t the same as before
. It was different, yet familiar.

The heavy armor was still damp inside and uncomfortable. Unlatc
hing it from her body, she slid
out of it and rubbed her hands down over her still damp leggings.
Another cramp made her flinch.
Something moist and
trickled against her thigh.
Mystified, Maria touched the dampness, the light from the wristlet revealing the dark red of blood.

What the hell?

Pressing her hand to her
abdomen, she pressed inward
where her uterus used to be.
She was rewarded with another cramp. Tears filled her eyes as she yanked up her
and stared at her stomach and chest.

All her scars were gone.

Running the light from her
over her arms
she saw smooth
tan skin with no keloids.

Oh, God!

she gasped.

Oh, God!



s voice called out.


Maria wiped the blood off
her fingers onto
her leggings and crawled forward.

A light crept out of the long, low tunnel and illuminated her. She could see a figure in black SWD armor and a sleek helmet heading toward her.

A low growl made her skin crawl.

Dwayne, there

a Scrag
! It

s pinned near the entrance to this area. Be careful.

Inferi Scourge
let out a low howl,
eyes going wide as it strained its hand toward Dwayne

s dark shape as he drew closer.

I see it,

Dwayne answered, pressing his body against the far end of the tunnel. He scooted around the
and crawled toward her.

She waited until he was close, then
Maria flung herself into his arms
. The
clung to each other for several wonderful moments. Her love for him rendered her speechless as she savored the feel of him against her
, even if he was clad in armor.


m here,” Dwayne finally said, his voice rough with emotion.

ogether they unlatched
helmet from his arm
and set it down beside them
The external lights from
illuminated the familiar lines of his face and his intense blue eyes.

s hands flew to his cheeks and she stared at him with tears in her eyes.

“You came for me,” she whispered.

“I love you,” Dwayne answered. “How could I not?”

Wrapping her arms aroun
d his neck, she rested her forehead against his cheek.
His scent filled her with joy and made her body sing with need.
Locking his arms around her, he clung to her, his face buried in her hair.
She was glad she had taken a dip in the lake. At least she didn

t smell like death now.

I missed you so much,

I missed you, too.

Dwayne pressed a kiss to her cheek. His gloved hands
smoothed her
hair as he stared into her face.

God, you

re beautiful.

Behind him the
Inferi Scourge
hissed and howled as it twisted beneath the boulders that had crushed
lower body.


re a little

she teased him
touching the hair at his temple.
Tears trailed down her cheeks.

I aged a million years waiting for you,

he murmured, kissing her

Rubbing her hands over his hair, she leaned her head on his shoulder.
“I never want to be apart again.”

“I couldn

t agree more. Never again will I let you out of my sight for more than a few minutes.”

Pulling back, Maria gazed into the face she loved so much.

Are you here to take me home?

worked her braid apart and ran his hand through her hair languidly.
The silky strands of her hair slid over the black glove like dark waters.
He shook his head.

I can

t take you home,

he said at last.

Maria frowned at his words.

What do you mean?


t rouse until I came, did it?

Maria stared at the creature that was trying to rip itself in half to reach Dwayne.
Returning her gaze to Dwayne, she wondered what he was trying to say.

, it was quiet until you came

Dwayne cupped her face gently and stared down into her eyes. A smile was pulling up on the corners of his mouth. The joy of their reunion was clear in his eyes, yet Maria was disquieted.

“Dwayne? What is it?”


re not
Inferi Boon
or a Scourge. Not an Anomaly
. But
some kind of
Dr. Curran told me a long and twisted story. I don

t think I fully believed her until this moment.
I think she

s fuck
ing insane

Dwayne kissed the tip of
nose and nuzzled her cheek.

But I can feel your heart beating and see your beautiful dark eyes are clear.


s Denman?

Maria asked, suddenly beginning to understand.

Dwayne sighed sadly.

I killed him.
I had to.
an Anomaly.

re not.

Maria gasped, her thoughts spinning.

Why not? We were all given the same...

Maria bit her lip
, shaking h
er head.

We weren

t given the same virus
, were we?

As she listened to Dwayne explain all that had
, Maria stared at him in


s eyes were changing. He was hungry.

Maria sat back on her heels, sorrow filling her.

The entire squad would have become Anomalies, except for you,

Dwayne took her hands and kissed them.


re the
gift literally
sent from the heavens.

continued to thrash
, its eyes fixated on Dwayne.

BOOK: The Last Bastion of the Living: A Futuristic Zombie Novel
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