The Last Bastion of the Living: A Futuristic Zombie Novel (47 page)

BOOK: The Last Bastion of the Living: A Futuristic Zombie Novel
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Digging her knees into Stillson

s sides, Maria rammed the dagger in her left hand into the woman

. She ripped the blade out through the flesh, tearing out the Aberration

s throat.
With her other hand, she thrust
knife into Stillson

s meaty neck.
The female Aberration attacked again
Maria slammed the
down into her skull.
The creature fell
as Stillson rose fully to his feet, Maria riding his back.

She clutched the empty rifle harness
attached to his chest armor
and wrapped her legs around his waist to secure herself. Yanking the
out of his neck, she hacked at it as he twisted around,
in rage.
Concentrating on killing him,

allow herself to think of the man he used to be.

Denman tackled both of them
to the ground. Stillson landed on his side, pinning Maria partially under him.
His huge hand closed on Denman

s throat as the med-specialist rammed his small bolt gun into the side of Stillson

s throat.
Bucking wildly, Stillson
dislodged Denman
. Maria yanked the knife out of Stillson

s flesh and pounded it into his skull over and over again. She didn

t even note when he stopped moving.


s dead,

Denman gasped, pushing the heavy man off Maria.
He gripped her blood-slick
hand and dragged her to her feet.

Breathing heavily, but not feeling truly winded, Maria

s eyes scrutinized the battle scene around them. Most of the Aberrations were dead.
Only a few remained fighting.
Some of the
were also dead.
A few Aberrations were crouched over one fallen
, tearing at his face.
dispatched them with mighty blows from his bolt weapon.

Maria could hear the swelling cries of the
as they
toward the station.
Gripping Denman

s hand, she gazed at him with frightened eyes.


re not human,

Denman said with certainty.

The last of the Aberrations
fell and the remainder of the squad stood in the blood drenched entrance of the building.
Holm was badly wounded and lean
against McKinney.
Cruz was barely standing.
stood covered in blood and gore, a somber expression upon his face.

The howls of the
grew louder.

We should get in the carrier
and get out of here

Maria finally said.

No need.

The Bastion

Maria turned to see
rising above the city walls.


re coming to get us,

said, relief in his voice.

This is nearly over.


* * *


As soon as Commandant Pierce and her entourage arrived at the Constabulary, she dispatched most of the staff to the
Constabulary Command Center

We need Special Sergeant Rooney,

Dwayne said, motioning for Lindsey to stay.
He knew Lindsey would be able to find out the status of the Inferi Boon soldiers. He kept assuring himself that Maria could handle herself out on the field and that she was fine. But he wanted confirmation.

Very well,

the commandant answered, then directed her focus to Dr. Curran.

You and I need to speak.

Dr. Curran

s mouth twisted into a sour shape, her eyes staring at her pad intently.

Dr. Curran, are you listening to me?

Yes, I am, Commandant Pierce. But I don

t know how I can help you. I am SWD.

She added as an afterthought,

At least I think I still am.


t be so sure,

the commandant said.

Turning, she briskly
Dwayne, Caitlyn, Lindsey and Dr. Curran into the heart of the Constabulary.
Dwayne was surprised when they arrived at his office.
Petra looked up from her desk as they passed and he motioned for her to follow.
She quickly fell into step.
Once inside the room, Commandant Pierce motioned for him to
lock it

Room lockdown. No transmissions in or out until I specify

she said.

Dwayne lifted his eyebrows at th
e c

My office is bugged,

she answered with a shrug.

Lindsey put a finger to her lips, tugged out a pad that appeared to have been modified
the room. Petra watched Lindsey thoughtfully while Caitlyn nervously took
her father

hand. Dr. Curran merely sighed and sat down heavily in a chair.

Commandant Pierce looked at Dwayne curiously, then slowly grinned as she fit the pieces together.


one step ahead source, huh?

She pointed to Lindsey.

Dwayne shrugged.

Petra arched an eyebrow, looking slightly insulted.

I am a man of many resources,

Dwayne admitted.

That mollified Petra and amused the commandant.

Lindsey climbed onto a chair and laid her pad against the wall.
She swiftly tapped away on it before jumping back down.


re clear now.

“We need to find out what is going on out there,” Dwayne started.

“It can wait. We have other matters to deal with,” Commandant Pierce said, holding up a hand. “Have faith that our people can defend themselves.”

Dwayne started to protest, when Dr. Curran started to get to her feet.

I don

t know why I

m here,

Dr. Curran

t Pierce shoved the doctor
into the chair.

Stay right here, Dr. Curran.
Trust me.
Be glad we made it back to the C

What are you talking about?

Dwayne asked.


re in the middle of a coup d


Commandant Pierce answered simply.

“What?” Dwayne felt the blood rushing out of his head and he felt a little faint for a second.


s not lying, Dad. I was there,

Caitlyn said somberly.

Admiral Kirkpatrick
is about to seize control of the entire city.
The president was informed today that he should be prepared to resign for the greater good of the people.
Admiral Kirkpatrick
made it very clear to
the president and the council
that the SWD is
not to be reckoned with

re going to clear the valley with what remains of our armament
then take full credit. Therefore, in a few weeks,
when President Cabot announces that despite the victory over the
Inferi Scourge
there is still a dire food shortage and that he is declaring martial law until the crises is over, he is going to take the brunt of the blame. He will later resign and
Admiral Kirkpatrick
take over.

What the hell?

Dwayne stared at the commandant incredulously.

I was informed by
Admiral Kirkpatrick
that he expects my full cooperation and that of the Constabulary.
I told him he has it. Of course, I was lying

Commandant Pierce folded her arms over her breasts.

I was a fool. I should have realized what was happening. The

t preparing for a Section A evacuation.
You have provided them with the solution to the food riots. Strip away the evacuation and what do you have left?

Dwayne felt a cold chill whisper down his spine.

Specific plans on how to control the
, where to assign the armed forces...


Commandant Pierce shook her head in disbelief.

How could I have not seen it? All the food supplies have been compiled in one secure location that the SWD now controls.
They control the food. They control the armaments of the city. They control the president.
They control everything. And we were all blind fools.

Is this why they sent only one squad out to kill millions of
? To give them time to
To build public support?

Dwayne leaned back against his desk, his jaw dropping in amazement.

Dammit, it

s so perfect!


s happening

Petra asked softly.

I don

t understand.

Lindsey handed Petra her pad.

Read this.

s my summary of what has been going on outside the wall.

ve been preparing it just in case I have to leak it to the press.

Commandant Pierce started in surprise, then laughed

I was about to say we

re fucked since we have no proof of what has been going on.
I see I was wrong.

Oh, if you need proof, I have it,

Lindsey assured her.

And I have the backups.

Dwayne grinned at Lindsey despite the sick feeling in his gut.

Caitlyn joined Petra in reviewing all that Lindsey had compiled.


ve all been so expertly played.
Even today. All that fuss about the
Inferi Boon
and the weapons. It pushed the president to order the clearing of the valley. Which is what they wanted. He played into
Mr. Petersen

hands, giving the official order that seals his doom.”
Pierce hung her head.
“We were fools.”

“Once the president signed off on the attack, that gave the SWD everything they needed. They can now move forward legally…until they force the President

s hand.” Dwayne rubbed his face. “He gave them the city.”

BOOK: The Last Bastion of the Living: A Futuristic Zombie Novel
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