The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set (65 page)

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“I had no right to say what I did. Forgive me. I hope you know that I have only ever wanted your happiness, and it was never my intention to hurt you.” He said the words from behind her, which was just as well because she felt the sting of tears and blinked furiously to hold them at bay.

She slowed her steps briefly but did not look behind her as she spoke. “Please, there is no need to discuss the matter further. The past is forgotten. There is only the future to embrace now. I shall enter society and time will tell what it holds.”


The journey was long and tiring for Bella. Will was entertaining and Luke spoke upon occasion, but the tension between them filled the carriage. She was hurt and angered by the fact that he believed her so fickle, and that he had not spoken of the love she knew he felt for her only made it worse.

After the first night, Will or Sally had accompanied her on her daily walks and she was grateful the weather had allowed her to exercise, as being cooped up in the carriage was hard on the muscles in her leg and usually by the time they stopped, they had stiffened and begun to ache.

“I’m thinking Rufus, but Livvy won’t hear of it.”

Bella dragged her eyes from the darkening sky to look at Will and Luke, who had for the past few miles been debating names of Will’s future offspring.

“Dudley is a fine name, or Cedric,” Luke said, and Bella squinted in the rapidly darkening carriage to see if he was serious.

“I think Edith for a girl?” Will added.

“You will have no say in the matter of naming your child and you know it.”

They both looked across the carriage to where she sat.

“My wife understands who the master of our household is.”

She found a tired laugh as Will finished speaking. “You don’t honestly believe that, do you?”

“It’s good to hear you laugh, Bella. You’ve been very serious today.”

“It was not my intent, Will. Forgive me if I have been poor company.”

“Care to tell us what the problem is?” Will questioned, his eyes going from hers to Luke’s.
“I have been away from you all for so long and in that time much has changed for me, Will.” Bella looked back out the window as she tried to say what needed to be said.

“We see those changes, Bella, but there is something more bothering you?”

“She is tired, Will. Surely that is enough for now.” Luke’s words made her look at him, but his eyes were on his friend, and she was grateful for his interference. Will tended to be determined when he started questioning people, and not happy until he got the answer he sought.

“We shall be home to—”

Will never finished speaking as they heard the thunder of hooves.
Hands gripped her waist, and seconds later she was wedged between him and Luke.

“Quiet now, Bella. We are about to be robbed.”

“What? How do you know?” Someone shouted then, asking for the carriage to stop.

“If I wasn’t so bloody angry, I’d laugh at the irony of it all,” Luke muttered. Running one gloved hand along the seam of the roof above him, he then opened a panel. Pulling out his money pouch from inside his jacket, he then withdrew a handful of coins, leaving a few inside. He stuffed them in the panel, along with the money and ring Will passed him.

“What jewelry are you wearing, Bella?” Luke said turning to her. Gone was the expressionless man of minutes before. He and Will were now focused, their eyes narrowed and angry.

“I-I just this.” She showed him her mother’s locket, which he quickly undid.

“A little in my reticule.”

“You will hand the reticule to them when they ask for money and we will hand over what is left in our pockets.”

“Dear God, is this really happening?” she whispered as the carriage pulled to a rapid halt.

“We will let nothing happen to you, Bella.” Luke stroked her cheek briefly, the contact reassuring because it was the first time he had touched her since the journey began. “Just do exactly as they tell us to, and at all times, you must stand between Will and me. Moses and Jessie will be behind us. Luckily, the other carriage has gone on ahead.”

The door was wrenched open suddenly and a man appeared. The lower half of his face was covered, leaving only the dark glimmer of his eyes.

“Good evening to you all.”

She felt the tension in Luke and Will as the man spoke.

“If I may have the pleasure of your company outside,” he said, holding his hand out to Bella.

“Step back!” Will moved to the door first, shielding Bella behind him. “She can stay in the carriage. We hold the money.”

“I don’t think so,” the man said. “I’d be a fool to trust a woman.”

Will stepped down and Luke followed before turning to help her. Taking her hand in his, he pulled her into his right side. Will moved to her left, and then together they turned to face the men.

Bella counted four. All wore scarves as Livvy and Phoebe had done when they had robbed carriages. Lord, how truly terrified her sisters must have been, Bella thought. And how frightened their victims must have been, too, she added as a shiver stole through her.

“Looks like we have ourselves a couple of wealthy noblemen and one sweet little lady.”

The man from the carriage had moved back to mount his horse, his pistol now trained on Will.

“State what you wish from us.” Will spoke, not overly loud, but Bella heard the cold threat of menace.

“Money and jewels,” the man answered.

Each man had a gun, and Bella guessed at this distance they would easily kill or maim one of them. The hand Luke had on her waist held her against his side and she could feel the tension coiled in his body.

“I’d like you all to hand any money you have to the woman. She can then bring it to us.”

“No. If you want it, then I will bring it.”

Before Bella could react, Luke had stepped forward as he spoke. Will had moved to flank him, putting her behind the wall they’d made.

“I want her to bring it. Now step aside!”

“One of us will bring it,” Luke said, and his voice made the hair on the back of Bella’s neck stand up. She’d never heard this tone from either of them before.

“If I give the word, I can have you all shot and the woman, if she’s not hurt, will be at my mercy, anyway.”

Bella couldn’t see, but she’d heard enough.

“I’ll do it.” She ducked around Luke before he could stop her. “I won’t have either of you shot because of me, nor will I have the wrath of my sister unleashed on you if you get injured.”

They tried to stop her, but she shook her head. “It’s all right. Let me do this, then we can leave.”

“It seems the only one of you with any sense is the pretty little lady.”

Bella knew the man was taunting them, so she spun to face him. “Be quiet, if you please. You will get your money, so there is no need to comment further.”

“Bella, be quiet,” Luke said softly.

“I will not,” she snapped. “Now hand over your money.” Holding out her hand she walked to Will first. His eyes were worried but he did as she asked, his hand gripping hers briefly. Luke removed his and handed it to her, but his eyes were furious, the blue depths filled with rage.

“Do nothing silly, Bella. Just hand them the money then come back to us,” Will cautioned.

“I’m coming with her.”

Before she could react, Luke had moved to her side, pressing himself against her.

“Stay there!” the man roared, but Luke just shook his head and, holding Bella’s arm, began to walk forward with her.

“Walk slowly, nothing sudden, and keep your eyes on the men at all times.”

Bella nodded at the whispered words and did exactly as Luke had directed her to. Her heart was thumping, but she felt better with him at her side. The distance was not great, yet with each step she took, her nerves stretched tighter.

The man lifted his hand, palm out, to stop them. “You, stand there. She can come to me,” he said, pointing at Luke.


It was only one word, but Bella heard the determination behind it. Luke was not going to do as the man asked unless she could convince him otherwise.

“Don’t be foolish, Luke. I will give them to him and then we can leave.” She started to walk forward, but his hand clamped around her arm and she was hauled back to his side.

“I will not let you.” His face was fierce. “They could hurt you, and I cannot allow that to happen.”

She touched him then, placing her hand on his chest, her fingers curling around the lapel of his jacket, the backs brushing the solid plains of his chest. “They will not hurt me with you so close. Please trust me to do this, and then we will soon be on our way to Twoaks.”

“I am growing tired of waiting!” The man was becoming restless and she needed to move quickly before he used his gun to expedite things.

“I must do this, Luke, please see that. Please let my arm go.”

The grip loosened and then she was free. Taking a steady breath, Bella walked forward slowly. It was only a matter of four, perhaps five paces, but she had never walked such a distance driven by fear and panic. One wrong move from the men behind her and disaster could strike. They were both intent on keeping her safe, but in fact, Bella knew that this time, it was her role to protect them.

The man held out a hand to her as she drew near and she lifted her arm and suddenly he had his fingers around it. She struggled, tried to get free, but he simply lifted her, pulling her across his thighs.

“Ride now!”


Luke had watched Bella draw near; his body tense as the man leaned down, holding out his hand. Something didn’t feel right. He started forward seconds before the man grabbed her. He didn’t hesitate as the rider turned his horse. Removing the knife from his boot, Luke ran, took aim, and threw. He watched its flight as he continued to run, leaping over logs and pushing aside branches, until it was imbedded in the man’s back. The hands holding Bella slackened and suddenly she was falling, her body plunging towards the ground as the horse galloped behind the others, and he could do nothing to reach her as she landed hard on the cold earth.

“Bella!” The roar was not only his as he heard Will running over the ground behind him, both intent on reaching her.

The men had fled, their leader slumped over his horse, but Luke had eyes only for Bella who was lying still on the ground. His heart thumped as he finally reached her. “Bella, are you hurt?” his voice was hoarse as he dropped down beside her. His hands shook as they straightened her legs and pushed down her skirts. “Talk to me, love.” Cupping her cheek he turned her face towards him.

“I-I’m all right, just lost my breath.” Her voice sounded shaken as she tried to rise.

“Dear Christ.” He caught her and held her against his chest. She didn’t resist; instead, gripping his coat hard, she held him tight, her body shaking from the shock of what had happened.

“Bella!” Will arrived, words tumbling one over the other. “Tell me you are unhurt.”

“I’m all right.” He released her as she pushed at his chest. Will dropped to his knees on the other side, his face ashen.

“Dear God, Bella.” His hands reached for her, hugging her close, and Luke understood the fear in his friend as it matched his own. They could have lost her. Stumbling to his feet, Luke mumbled something about Jessie and Moses, and made his way back to the carriage. He couldn’t think; his heart thumped and his head was filled with visions of her being taken away from him.

“Is she all right?”

“Yes.”He answered Jessie’s question and then walked around the horses, checking each, patting a forehead or muzzle, giving himself time to calm down. He’d never known fear like he had just experienced. From the minute their carriage had been pulled over, he’d been consumed with worry for Bella. When that man had pulled her up in front of him, Luke had felt as if ice had replaced the blood in his veins. Instinct had him reaching for his knife, but fear had pushed him on.

“She’s all right.”

He turned to find Will behind him. His face was pale, and worry still haunted his eyes.

“Thank you, my friend, for saving her.” He accepted the hand that gripped his shoulder, even found comfort in the gesture.

“Are you sure she is unhurt?”

“She will be bruised and scraped, but there is nothing more serious. I will have the doctor called when we arrive at Twoaks, if Livvy feels it necessary.”

They stood in silence for seconds, both happy to let the night settle around them as they struggled to push aside what could have happened.

“How far do you think, till we arrive home?”

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