The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set (61 page)

BOOK: The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set
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      “The latest copy of La Belle Assemblee, Oh, Finn, it’s beautiful.”

      She meant it; her eyes were sparkling with delight.

      “There’s more, love.”

      She found the small red velvet box and opened it. The heart shaped diamond was flanked by two rubies and set in a fine gold band.

      “I-I, oh…”

      Finn took the ring and slipped it onto her hand.

      “Livvy gave me one of your rings and I stopped at a jewelry shop before I left London.”

      “Oh, Finn.” She threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

      “There are jewels in my family that I want you to have, but this is something that I wanted to pick out myself for you, my love.”

      “It’s the most beautiful thing I have ever owned.”

      “There’s one more thing in there, Phoebe.”

       Sniffing, she let him go and reached back into the box and pulled out a note. Opening it he watched her read the words.

      “I don’t understand?” Her brown eyes looked confused as they went from the paper to his face.

      “Alex told me that the three of you leased the boutique, love, so I wanted to buy it for you so both you and Alex realize that I am behind you all the way in your venture.”

      Finn had never seen her really cry, and it was a revelation. She grabbed the lapels of his jacket and buried her face in his chest as she sobbed. Loud noisy sobs that made him smile.

      When she had recovered, Finn placed the box under one arm and wrapped the other around Phoebe, and they walked back to the house. Around them the day darkened into evening, but to him it felt brighter than a clear summer’s day. Phoebe loved him and nothing else mattered but that.

      “Come,” Phoebe said as they walked into the house.

      He let her lead him up the stairs and then into her bedroom. She shut the door and started to light candles as Finn walked slowly around her room. He saw the drawings she had sketched of fashions, stopped to study a few before moving on to study her books.

      “I’m glad you understand that Madame Alexander’s is important to me, Finn. And I cannot discount that in the future we may want to do something further. In fact, Alex is already discussing us moving into men’s fashions.”

      “Clothing, sweetheart. Only Alex would call it men’s fashion, the rest of us call it men’s clothing.”

      She laughed, a happy little giggle that made his heart sing.

      “And I have no problem with you furthering your career, Phoebe. After all, I must keep an eye on my brother’s interests.”

      She stood beside the candle and watched him as he came to a halt beside her bed.

      “Can you love a person too much?” Her words were soft.

      “Never,” he whispered. “Come here.” He held out a hand and she ran towards him. He caught her as she flew at him. She was heaven in his arms. This close he could see a tiny sprinkle of golden freckles on the bridge of her nose and the small, panting breathes she took as she, too, became aware of him. This time he would not stop, this time she would be his. He was about to ruin her irreparably and then and only then would he be absolutely certain she was his.

      “Please, Finn, this…” the words dried in her throat as he placed a hot, open-mouthed kiss on her chest. “Finn.” Her sigh was total capitulation and they both heard it.

      Sliding her slowly down his body, he claimed her lips in a slow, mind-drugging kiss that had her breathless and panting. He slipped his hand under her skirts, one hot palm resting on her bottom, rotating in slow sensual circles that felt exquisite.

      “This time I won’t stop, Phoebe, do you understand?” Nodding, she then stood on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck.

      “I understand.”

      “Thank God,” Finn said, reaching for the fastenings at the back of her dress and undoing them. Pulling it and her chemise over her head, he threw them aside. Dropping to his knees, he removed her boots and rolled her stockings down her legs.

      “Such beauty,” he whispered, standing to look at what he had uncovered. She was perfection, and he wanted to kiss every pale, silken inch of her.

“I love your shoulders and chest,” she whispered, placing one hand over his heart, her fingers burning through his skin to the organ beneath.

“God, Phoebe, you make me lose all reason,” he said, cupping the full weight of one pale breast. He then bent his head and licked around the tight little nipple. Phoebe’s breath hitched and she arched towards him as he continued to kiss the soft skin.

“I like that you lose reason around me, because it means I can control you.” Finn looked into her soft brown eyes as she spoke.

“Delusional, my lord?”

He laughed lowering his head to nibble the fullness of her lower lip, and then traced the contours with his tongue. Like a flower reaching for the sun’s rays her mouth opened to receive him. With gentle persuasion, he began to reawaken the fires that had smoldered since last they touched.

She held his face briefly before stroking the smooth surface of his cheeks, the angles of his jaw, then moving to plunge them into his hair.

Finn feasted on her body, his lips tracing the line of her neck to the slopes of her breasts. Phoebe cried out as he took one aching nipple into his mouth and sucked.


I want to kiss every inch of you, Phoebe,” Finn said as he started stroking one hand up the length of a long, pale thigh and stopping in the curls below her stomach. Phoebe didn’t speak, just moaned as he touched her. Finn moved his mouth lower, his lips and tongue tracing a pathway towards her stomach, lower to the curls and then lower to bury his mouth into the essence of her.


“Trust me, love,” he whispered against the damp flesh.

“I-I do.”

His lips traced the swollen folds and the soft sounds Phoebe made, built the fire inside him higher. With his teeth he grazed the small tight bud between her thighs and her whole body tensed in reaction. His hands held her hips still as she wriggled, now driven by the need for release.

“Not yet, sweetheart.”

“Please,” Her voice was a sultry whisper, which nearly drove Finn over the edge, but he retained a grip on his passions and continued to torment her.

Phoebe was trembling beneath his hands, her cries now louder, urging him to help her find her release. Slipping his fingers inside her tight warmth, he slowly drove her over the edge, until she shattered in his hands, her cries filling the small room.

Limp, Phoebe fell forward into his arms as he regained his feet. His deep chuckle was wicked. Raking a hand through the curls at the nape of her slender neck, he grabbed a handful and gently tugged, lifting her head so he could read the expression in the depths of her eyes.

“I love you, Phoebe Langley.” His lips once again caressed hers before she could answer, slowly bringing her back to the edge. Pulling her close, his shirt rubbed her already sensitive breasts. “I never believed I would love a woman like this, the emotion I feel for you burns inside me, Phoebe.”

“I had not believed myself capable of this kind of love either, Finn.”

“And now?”

She arched into his body as her hands moved to the buttons of his shirt and slid them free, she then pushed it from his shoulders. Trailing her lips softly over his chest and shoulders. She was innocent, yet with just the softest touch and light sweeping caresses his body was aching with need. She nibbled the tiny buds of his nipples as he had hers then trailed her hands down his chest and Finn thought he might explode with the pleasure of what she made him feel.

“And now I cannot think of anyone but you, Finn. I love you so much it scares me.”

“Don’t be scared,” he whispered. “I’ll keep your heart safe.”

Finn gritted his teeth as her hand moved lower, and then with one soft stroke she brushed her fingers over his hard length. He raked his hand through her hair then kissed her with all the ferocity he was feeling.

“Now, Finn. I need you now please.”

Removing his shoes and trousers, Finn laid her on the bed.

“This will hurt you, love, but only for a short while, I believe.”

She cupped his cheeks and gave him the softest kiss that it almost brought tears to his eyes.

“I trust you, Finn. Now make me yours.”

Fitting himself between her thighs, Finn eased gently into her welcoming heat. She was tight and it was bliss, but he told himself to go slow. Bracing his hands beside her, he looked down at her. Her hair lay around her, breasts rosy from his touch, but it was her eyes that held him, the love that shone deep in the brown depths just for him.

“Phoebe,” he rasped, pushing himself deeper inside her, breaking through her innocence to claim her completely.

      She reached for him; wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him down onto her and held him tight. Finn could feel their heartbeats, both pounding against the other, united in love.

      “It eases, Finn,” she whispered into his ear.

Bracing himself once more, he withdrew slowly, watching her intently, but she merely arched towards him and he was lost. The small thread of restraint he clung to had snapped and he thrust back inside her again and again. He felt the small tremors begin to grow as her breathing became rapid in his ear, and with one more thrust she climaxed, calling his name, and he followed a heartbeat later.

      Finn rolled off Phoebe, taking her with him so that now she lay on top and he was no longer crushing her. Breathless, he held her close until their breathing began to ease.

“It took me a while to realize it was love I felt for you, Phoebe, and for that I’m sorry, but it is not an emotion I’m overly familiar with,” he said, running a hand down her spine. “In truth, having you so close and not being able to touch you was a constant form of torment. I would walk into a room and catch your scent in the air or look at you walking across the floor and was instantly aroused.”

      She snuffled into his chest.

      “You think it funny that you had me as randy as a school boy?”

      “I think it’s extremely funny that you, Lord Composed, were anything but,” she said. “But what I like even more is that it was I that made you that way.”

      “Unfeeling wench.” He flipped her beneath him once more and kissed her slowly and thoroughly.

      They left Willow Hall the following day for London with the promise that Jenny and Freddy would organize their wedding to take place in the Twoaks Village church one month from today.

“You love it here, don’t you, Phoebe?”

Phoebe turned to look at Finn as he spoke. He sat beside her, their fingers touching on the seating between them.

“I will love anywhere that we call home, Finn, as long as you are there.”

“I’ve never known anyone like you,” he whispered as he leaned forward to brush a kiss over her lips. “You give me so much of yourself.”

“Only to those I love.”

“Thank God I’m one of them.”

“The most special,” Phoebe added.

After a night spent in a small posting house, they made good time the following day and were rolling through the streets of London early that afternoon.

“You’re nervous. Why?”

      Phoebe clutched Finn’s hand tighter.

      “I’m not sure why, actually, but I am.”

      “I love you.”

      She looked up at her tall, dark and handsome fiancé and felt the familiar melting feeling inside. He was so much to her now. She knew they had a lot to learn about each other and that both were strong-willed, yet she had no doubt they would find their way. Love would guide them.

      “And I love you.”

      The carriage pulled up before Will’s house minutes later and they stepped down. The door opened and there they all were. Her family. The twins reached her first, hugging her close, while Alex began to tell her what had been happening at Madame Alexander’s’ in the few days she had been gone. Livvy cried, Bella laughed when they saw her ring and Will nearly cracked her ribs as he hugged her.

These were her people, but more importantly she had Finn to face the future with. Looking to where he stood listening to what Ben was saying, he felt her eyes on him. His smile had her own lips responding. He was her love, her life. Laughing, she took Bella’s hand and they all went inside.




      The two carriages rolled into the big, curved courtyard, coming to a halt beside the steps in front of the large, gray stone house.

      “You have to be brave for Bella now, love.” Finn brushed the tears from Phoebe’s eyes and then tied the satin ribbons of her bonnet in a big floppy bow beneath her chin. “She needs you to be strong, Phoebe, because this is what she has chosen to do. Staying at this clinic for the next two months, Bella believes, will make her stronger.”

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