The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers) (27 page)

BOOK: The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers)
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He shrugged slightly.  “Some of the time, but I
get more exercise just from attending to the many matters regarding the
island.  Always places to go, people to see.”

“Women to see?” she queried, glancing up at him.

“Now look,” he laughed, brushing a hand across
her hair, while leaning on one arm.  “I’d think it’s perfectly clear which
I desire to see around here.  Any others I meet are strictly business,
Julianna.  You have no need to feel jealous of them.”

She looked skeptical.  “Except for this Sionne
you mentioned, who seems to want you served up on a silver platter and bound to
her by a wedding ring.”

“I don’t look at Sionne in that way and never
will,” he said seriously, continuing to stroke her hair as it fanned out about
her, shining and fiery against the rainbow’s glow.  “If I ever do choose to get
married, it’ll be for love.  Not an arranged marriage by my persistent family.”

“Well, at least one of us can still keep an open
mind about marriage,” Julianna sighed, shaking her head.  At his apparent
confusion, she explained, “Although knowing men’s egos, I suppose I shouldn’t
say this... but I find it highly unlikely a man like you exists on Earth, and I
could never settle for a lesser marriage.”

Dominick’s eyes held hers as they glittered. 
“Maybe you were never destined to marry a man from Earth,” he said softly,
brushing the top of her gown aside to kiss along her neck.  “A woman who looks
to the stars long enough might one day find her heart’s desire among them

“Maybe…” she agreed breathlessly, arching back as
his kisses went lower.

Raising up slightly, Dominick’s hands moved to
her shoulders, sliding down the length of her.  As they did, the gown melted
away beneath them.  Mildly surprised by this, she glanced up at him with glazed
eyes, but unabashed this time as his gaze roamed over her.

He gave a low murmur of appreciation, pressing
heated kisses against her neck again, and then traveling lower to do the same
with her sensitive breasts, spurred on by her responding sounds of yearning.

Feeling her skin turn as hot as flames beneath
his touch, his hands began to explore her body anew.  It was when his kisses
went lower to trace the same path as his hands that Julianna’s soft cries of
pleasure suddenly heightened, this intimacy so provocative to her reawakened

“Dominick...” she pleaded.

“Shhh, I’m right here, love,” he murmured gently,
moving back to kiss her mouth again.  Smiling seductively at her unbridled
response, he discarded the last of his clothing and pulled her close.

Cradling her face in his hands, his kisses became
feverish.  The same fever caught hold of Julianna, her hands tangling in his
hair to make sure he didn’t leave her.  A possibility that Dominick knew was
impossible, fighting his impatient body to lengthen their loving as much as

It proved to be a losing battle.

Soon possessed by desire so overwhelming, there
was only one way to quench it, his eyes sought hers questioningly, expecting
hesitation but receiving none.  Instead, Julianna’s fingers slid across his
back to encircle his neck eagerly, murmuring his name as her eyes filled with
unspoken adoration.

Mesmerized by her response with a tenderness even
stronger than the night before, Dominick lowered his mouth to hers again with
gentle reassurance, enfolding her in his embrace, long moments before he
carefully eased within her.  His prolonging this only heightened their senses,
both shutting their eyes with soft cries of passion, their expressions sharing
the same look of ecstatic joy.

This time there was nothing but mutual pleasure
in their loving, as their bodies already knew each other, communicating this
knowledge most sweetly.  They slowly moved together as one, kissing each other
leisurely, teasingly, sharing everything.

Their desire gradually built, until Julianna’s
hands ran along Dominick’s back, hugging him closer, silently expressing what
she couldn’t in words.

He understood all too well what she was feeling,
and how new these feelings were to her, clasping her hand.  Kissing her
passionately again, she sweetly responded, as his free hand slid beneath her
leg to pull her still closer.  They ascended new heights together, while the
softly continuing music blended in harmony with the sounds of their yearning.

“Dear heaven, Dominick,” she breathed.  “Is it
always this wonderful?”

Reveling in her response as he rained kisses upon
her, Dominick’s glazed eyes slowly lifted and held hers, even as a new wave of
pleasure softened both of their expressions.  “Yes, love,” he replied softly. 
“Always with us.”  Touching her cheek with a smile, he gazed at her lovingly. 
“Now, dearest...” he murmured encouragingly, “Let me show you the stars.”

His mouth closed over hers, swallowing her sounds
of wondrous joy as he drove deep within her.

Julianna held fast to him, feeling as though she
was melting, arching up against Dominick as he brought them to an intensely
powerful release.  Their hands still clasped, they soared through the
shimmering heaven they’d shared, and then... gradually, drifted back against
the surface of the rainbow, their fingers still intertwined loosely.

For several minutes neither even thought of
moving, remaining entwined together in their intimate embrace, even as the
music about them faded.  Dominick stirred first, kissing Julianna as her eyes
fluttered open to stare at him.

“A bit tired, sweetheart?” he whispered

Julianna nodded with a languid smile, unable to
speak.  He smiled back in understanding as he shifted to move beside her
instead, gently pulling her halfway across his chest, one leg protectively
surrounding hers, while covering them with a swiftly conjured blanket. 
Murmuring soft acknowledgment, she snuggled closer.

Dominick stroked her shoulder possessively,
thinking that she seemed more beautiful than ever, her passion-weary expression
looking so innocent and content as she curled up against him.  He was amazed at
how she still exuded such an aura of innocence, after they’d certainly gone far
beyond that tonight.  Never before had he felt so soul satisfied, for Julianna
was not only highly passionate, but he loved her for her mind and personality
as well.

He loved her.  This time he didn’t shrug it off
with hesitation, but smiled in acceptance.  After tonight, he was certain it
was the truth.  He’d enjoyed their conversation over dinner, and she’d
displayed a gift for imagination that rivaled his own.  Not to mention, they
were compatible in many other ways.

“Will it always be like this between us?” he
heard her ask softly.

“I wouldn’t object if it was,” he murmured,
turning to lean on one arm to gaze into her wakened eyes.  He began to sense
uncertainty behind her expression. 
Does she still doubt my feelings for
he wondered.  “Sweet Julianna,” he whispered, caressing her back. 
“Intelligence, beauty, humor, and passion.  What more could any man ask for in
a companion?”

A companion
, her mind repeated, feeling a twinge of pain.

She’d too often been regarded as that, but never
found someone who loved her as well.  And while she certainly enjoyed spending
time with Dominick, and felt him to be a wonderful lover, Julianna felt a still
deeper hurt.  Despite his simple surface attraction to her, she knew that she
loved him.  He was undeniably handsome, intelligent, and she loved his sense of
humor and personality, even when they disagreed on matters.  And he was so
romantic.  Surely a woman couldn’t ask for more either.

But she still desired one thing... a mutual love.

Yet could she leave what she had now with
Dominick, simply because that emotion didn’t exist for him towards her? 
Glancing up at him, nearly with tears, Julianna shook her head absently. 
a short time of happiness with him now than nothing at all
, she decided,
leaning her head against his chest again.

“I’m glad for the times we’ve had,” she said

Dominick nearly flinched at her words, sounding
disturbingly as if she’d determined their relationship would soon be over.  Had
he said something to make her believe that?  If so, he wasn’t about to let it
remain that way.  Kissing her forehead quickly, he moved from beneath the
blanket to walk over to the rainbow’s edge, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as he
contemplated what exactly to say.

In response, Julianna looked up with sudden
concern.  Had she done something wrong? 
Oh, great!
  He must have sensed
that she wanted more of a commitment from him, chasing him off as she’d
originally lost Roger.  Clasping the blanket to her chest, she got up to stand
beside him, leaning against his shoulder.  He glanced down at her with a brief
smile, but then returned his gaze to the ocean.

“What are you thinking?” she asked, genuinely

“Various things,” he replied softly, evading a
direct answer as he seemed to do quite often.

She bit her lip, but murmured, “Anything
involving us?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.  This relationship of
ours isn’t at all what I expected it to be.”

The pain nearly choked her heart.  As she’d
suspected from the beginning, he only regarded her as a temporary paramour. 
And now he was no doubt trying to find the right words to break things off
between them, perhaps trying to minimize her pain.

“Maybe I should leave then,” she whispered, the
words catching in her throat.

Dominick’s gaze whipped to face her.  She was
heading into that infuriating despondency again!  It wasn’t that he couldn’t
deal with it, but he hated seeing her in pain of any kind.  She needed to
understand how he felt.

“Julianna...” he began.

“Yes?” she asked hopefully.

“Care for a swim?”

Care for a what?
her mind echoed blankly.  “I... I don’t know.”

“Oh, don’t worry.  We’re the only ones here.  No
one else is present to notice or object to two skinny-dippers enjoying a
leisurely swim.”  At her blush, he took her hand and added softly, “It’s all
right, love.  Although admittedly, I’m a fairly uninhibited individual myself,
I understand your feeling differently.”  Before she could blink an eye, she
found herself wearing a two-piece bathing suit beneath the blanket.  Dominick
wore a suit of his own now too, gently taking the blanket from her to send it
back into the unknown.  “Is this more to your liking?”

Admittedly, Julianna had always worn one-piece
suits in the past, but seeing as they were alone and Dominick seemed to
approve, it seemed silly to mention.  Especially since her companion had
already seen her several times now.  Still, she did find comfort in the suits,
smiling up at him.

“Yes, this is fine, thank you,” she replied. 
Squeezing her hand once, Dominick brought her nearer to the edge of the
rainbow, but she pulled free of him when they reached it.  “What are you
doing?” she asked in sudden alarm.  “Aren’t we going to walk down again?”

“Julianna,” he laughed softly, “remember where we
are.  A dream.  Now, let me show you what’s possible.”  As he held out his
hand, she hesitantly stepped forward to accept it, earning another reassuring
squeeze from him.  “You never have to fear anything with me, love.  Now come
with me to the edge.”  Once they stood against the invisible border of the
color array, he continued.  “On the count of three, we’re going to jump.”

“Jump?” she exclaimed loudly.


“No, wait, I’m not sure about this.”

“Trust me, love.  Two...”

“Dominick, you can’t be serious.”

“Sure I can.  Three.”

“I don’t want to...”

Julianna screamed as she was pulled along with
Dominick when he jumped.  She knew she should shut her eyes, but couldn’t, even
as it sank in that they weren’t plummeting towards the sands below at a hundred
miles an hour.  Instead, they were gliding slowly downward, arcing back towards
the beach.

“How?” she gasped, suddenly clutching him

He didn’t seem to mind.

“Dreams are capable of many things, flight being
just one possible aspect.”  As their feet touched the sands gently, Dominick
placed his hands on her shoulders and smiled at her.  “You see?  We survived. 
That’s one less fear you’ll have in the future of your dreams, love.”

“I guess so,” she murmured, half in amazement as
she glanced back at the distant rainbow’s peak.  His hands fell away from her,
but she was too surprised at the revelation of safe flight to notice.  Before
she could ponder it long, she heard the sound of splashing water.  “Dominick?”
she asked, whipping around.  He was wading into the ocean, but at the mention
of his name, he turned to her with a grin.

“Come on in, Julianna!” he called out.  “These
waters will be perfectly attuned to your comfort, so you can’t give me that
excuse, and if you can’t swim, I’ll teach you!”

“I can swim!” she called back.

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