The Knight and the Dove (40 page)

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Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #Knights and Knighthood, #Christian, #Historical Fiction, #1509-1547, #General, #Romance, #Great Britain - History - Henry VIII, #Great Britain, #Christian Fiction, #Historical, #Fiction, #Religious, #Love Stories

BOOK: The Knight and the Dove
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Megan knew she would miss them all, but Louisa’s absence was especially going to pain her. She had been with them at Hawkings Crest for so long that Megan found herself asking just how she was going to handle her departure. If the tears clogging her throat were any indication, she was not going to enjoy it at all.

She was in deep conversation with that very woman as Bracken, just yards away in the courtyard, spoke with his mother and brothers.

“Plan to come again in the spring.”

“Megan’s birthday,” Joyce guessed correctly.

“Yes,” Bracken went on. “We will have a tourney and celebrate my wife’s eighteenth year in a style befitting her.”

No one could stop the smiles over the way Bracken had said
my wife.
It was a delight to watch his love of her blossom. They talked on for some minutes while Louisa and Megan had their own time.

“You’ll come again soon?”

Louisa hugged her. “Of course I will. You could come to see me as well.”

Megan’s eyes widened, and Louisa laughed. It was clear that the younger girl had never considered this.

“Oh, Megan,” Louisa now turned earnest, “I can’t begin to express what you have done for me.”

Megan smiled. “Not I, Louisa; God alone.”

“Yes,” the new believer agreed. “God alone. I like that, Megan. I will remember to walk with God alone.”

Megan had to hug her again.

“I still have so many questions,” she told Megan after a moment.

“And you will find the answers, Louisa. Of that I’m sure. And don’t forget Derek. He will be searching as well.”

As if he’d heard his name, that young man joined them.

“I can see that Mother is going to cry halfway to London.” Derek’s voice was light, and Louisa teased him right back.

“Oh, I don’t know; I might cry all the way.”

Derek gave her a comical look of horror and then thanked Megan solemnly.

“I hope you will visit often,” she told him. “And bring your mother.”

“I will plan on it,” he said and bent to kiss her cheek.

The others gathered now, and soon all were exchanging last-minute hugs before riding on their way.

The courtyard seemed empty without them, and Megan’s heart was heavy. In truth, she wished she could go to her room and have a good cry.

The idea was tempting, but Megan suddenly remembered that she had lost some of her privacy upon her marriage. Having to enter through Bracken’s room was at times something of a hindrance.

“Will you be all right?” Bracken asked of her when the dust of the inner keep had begun to settle.

“I am not sure,” she answered honestly.

Bracken put a gentle arm around her shoulders, but when she stiffened he immediately withdrew. It was clear that she wanted to mourn their leaving on her own. Still, he cared and wanted her to know this.

“I shall be at the training fields if you need me.”

“Thank you, Bracken,” Megan told him, and watched as he turned and walked away in the morning sun.


The first day of November was upon them when a missive came from London. The king wished to see both Bracken of Hawkings Crest and his bride of six weeks. Megan nearly panicked.

“Why would he wish to see us? We have done as he asked.”

“Megan,” Bracken tried to reassure her. “There is nothing to fear. As you stated, we have done as he asked; he merely wants to see us.”

“But Bracken, he’s the

“He is but a man, Megan, and no one to be feared.”

She tried to calm the frantic beating of her heart, but it was with an effort. The missive asked that Bracken present himself in one week, which left Megan little time if she had nothing appropriate to wear. Megan turned suddenly from her husband and started away.

“Where are you going?”

“To check on my clothing.”
And yours!
Megan suddenly thought. She turned back. “Have you something to wear, Bracken?”

He hid a smile. “I’m sure I have several suitable choices.”

Megan nodded absently and continued on her way. Bracken said something, but she didn’t attend. It was all too sudden.

However, as Megan climbed the stairs a bright spot appeared on the horizon. Louisa lived in London, and Bracken was sure to plan a visit.


Megan had been to London many years ago and had enjoyed it immensely. She thought she might enjoy it once again, but her nerves were so rattled that she saw little as they rode toward the king’s residence after a long day on the road.

Megan had never known such disappointment as to find out that they were expected to stay at Windsor Castle. Bracken promised her a visit to Louisa’s before they returned to Hawkings Crest, but Megan, wishing she could see a familiar face, felt very let down that it could not be sooner.

The castle was grand, but Megan felt little elation as they entered. She was tired and dirty and more than anything desired a bath and bed. She knew that her servants felt the same way, and if it had been possible to give a magical blink and be back at Hawkings Crest, Megan would have done so.

“Good evening, my lord. Good evening, my lady,” a guard intoned as he met them in the vast foyer. “I will show you to your rooms. The king dines in an hour and requests your presence.”

Bracken nodded, having clearly expected this, but Megan could have wept. With the late hour, it was inconceivable to her that the king
had still not eaten. She and Bracken had not taken refreshment either, but Megan was too tired to care.

Gaining their rooms took some time as they walked down one massive hallway after another, but they were finally in their own suite. Helga was unpacking for Megan, but Bracken soon joined them and dismissed Megan’s faithful lady with a nod.

“Will you be all right?” It seemed this was all Bracken asked her of late.

“It seems that I have little choice to be anything else.”

“On the contrary, if you are not doing well, I will make your regrets to Henry.”

“You can’t do that!” Megan was horrified, and Bracken actually laughed.

“Megan, he is no monster. Indeed, he is a man who likes to have his way, but if you are tired he will understand.”

Megan stood and tried to reckon with all that had occurred. She drew a huge breath and let it out slowly.

“I will join you. I am tired, but not overly so, and I do not think I will sleep at all if I must wait until morning to meet the king.”

Bracken smiled at her pluck but wasn’t at all surprised. The Megan he knew rose to every occasion. “I’ll call for you shortly.”

“I’ll be ready.”

Thirty minutes later Megan was as good as her word. Her wimple in place, she was a vision in navy blue and gold when Bracken came for her. Since she’d taken some time to pray, her face was serene. She took Bracken’s offered arm, and fortunately for Megan, he began a conversation meant to soothe.

“I really preferred it when you wore your hair down.”

“You did? You never told me that before.”

“I’m telling you now.”

“Well, I’m a married woman now. It’s not proper for my hair to hang long.”

“Says who?”

“Well,” Megan faltered. “Everyone.”

“Umm.” Bracken sounded clearly skeptical. “I guess I’ll go along with it while we are here, but I am the final say at Hawkings Crest, and when we get home, you can do away with your wimples.”

“Why, Bracken, that’s outrageous! It’s not proper, I tell you.”

“And who says we need to be proper all of the time? It’s probably ‘everyone’ again.”

Megan smiled at his teasing, not realizing that he was quite serious about wanting her hair down. Indeed, it was a good thing she did not know. It would have left them arguing when they reached King Henry’s massive dining hall.

“The Earl and Countess of Hawkesbury,” the footman announced in a thundering voice as Bracken and Megan stood on the threshold.

As they stepped forward, Bracken felt Megan’s hand tighten on his arm, and he spoke to her in a soft, reassuring voice.

“You will do me proud, Megan. You have nothing to worry about.”

“What if I say the wrong thing?”

“You won’t.”

He sounded so confident that Megan felt reassured. Her chin rose slightly as they walked across the huge tile floor, and when she saw a group of women watching her handsome husband with appreciative eyes, she smiled with great pride.

Henry was in a group against one wall, and Bracken moved slowly in that direction. It had been years since they’d seen one another, but Henry recognized him. Bracken knew some pride of his own when Henry broke away and came toward them. Megan curtsied low, and Bracken bowed when the king stopped a few feet before them.

“Welcome, Bracken,” Henry spoke, his voice deep and resonant.

“Thank you, my lord. If it please your highness, may I present my wife, Lady Megan, late of Stone Lake.”

“Hello, Megan. Welcome to Windsor Castle.”

“Thank you, your grace. I am honored at your hospitality.”

The king smiled. He had heard that Marigold’s younger sister could not hold a candle to that blonde beauty but Henry found her lovely and very charming. It passed through his mind that she might also be as deceitful as Marigold, but then he warned himself not to judge too swiftly.

“I would like to meet with you tomorrow, Bracken.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Afternoon. Two o’clock.”


With that, the older man moved off. Megan stood in shock.

“That’s all there is to it?”

Bracken’s grin was lopsided. “Well, that’s all there is for you. I must still meet with Henry tomorrow.”

“Are you nervous?”

“No. Curious, but not afraid.”

Megan was amazed at his calm. She did not know what she would have done without him.

They circulated some, and Megan met other lords and ladies, but it wasn’t long before they were seated separately for dinner. Megan found herself seated among men and women she did not know, but who had obviously been to court before.

Megan did a lot of smiling and nodding, but because she was not comfortable with the way they mentioned different people who were not in attendance and systematically tore them apart, she didn’t have much to say. It was one of the longest meals of her life. An hour after the meal ended, she had still not seen Bracken.

But God was taking care of her. Two older women had come to speak with her. They were not among the women she had dined with, and Megan found real companionship with them. One was Lady Noella, who was Viscountess Dinsmore, and the other was Lady Evadne, wife of the Duke of Ellsworth.

They seemed genuinely interested in her, and within moments Megan was confidently sharing with them. She soon learned that both were old enough to be her mother, but it didn’t seem to matter. They chatted freely and without restraint, and Megan detected no malicious intent in either woman.

Some 20 minutes later the threesome, who had been speaking near one of the hearths, moved from the heat. That was when Megan heard the voice. Her footsteps lagged, and she finally came to a halt.

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