The Knight and the Dove (22 page)

Read The Knight and the Dove Online

Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #Knights and Knighthood, #Christian, #Historical Fiction, #1509-1547, #General, #Romance, #Great Britain - History - Henry VIII, #Great Britain, #Christian Fiction, #Historical, #Fiction, #Religious, #Love Stories

BOOK: The Knight and the Dove
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“I can see Rose waiting for you, William,” she went on. “Go to her. She will understand and comfort you.”

William’s sigh was audible, but he did as he was told. Bracken watched with even more questions as the other man turned and walked away.


“He has been here for some time, Megan. You must not keep him any longer.”

Megan nodded. She had not deliberately avoided him, but it was almost certain she would be leaving here today, and she had been desperate to see Japheth and Elvina one last time. It had simply taken more of the day than she had anticipated.

“You’ll stay with me?”

“Yes,” the Reverend Mother said, “for a time.”

Megan could do nothing more than agree, and in what seemed like only a second later, Bracken entered the room. The Reverend Mother was seated at her desk, and Megan remained behind the desk as well. She learned nothing from Bracken’s expression; in fact, he barely spared her a glance, but his dress surprised her. She had never seen him so formally attired.

His hose and trunks were a rich black, and his tunic was dark gray, but the sleeves had been slashed, laced, and lined with black satin. Beneath this lay an off-white shirt, richly embroidered in black, gray, and pink. Bracken’s hair and beard were brushed smooth, but as elegant as he looked, Megan still found his presence too authoritative for her comfort.

“Thank you for seeing me, Reverend Mother,” Bracken began as he took a seat.

“It is my pleasure, Lord Bracken. As you can see, Megan is doing well.”

Bracken’s gaze flicked to her with a feigned lack of interest and then back to the sister. “I have come some distance, Reverend Mother, and I hope we will be able to come to terms.”

“I understand your meaning, Lord Bracken, but I do not stand in the way of Megan’s joining you. However, I am not her father and cannot and will not force her to go where she does not wish.”

“It is to Megan that I must speak then?”


Bracken still did not look at Megan. She wasn’t offended by this treatment; she knew she’d brought it upon herself. Bracken thought she had acted like a child and was treating her as such.

However, she was
going to return with him. She seriously doubted if even her father could make her do so. She knew it was not right to disobey her father, but she was so desperate right then that she wasn’t thinking as she should.

“May I have a private audience with Megan?”

The wise Reverend Mother was not surprised by the question, but neither did she think she should give in too easily. If her guess was right, and it normally was, Bracken had been taking Megan for granted, assuming she would always be there and do as she was told. She would never have said such a thing to Megan, but the older woman thought this running away incident might open Lord Bracken’s eyes to a few truths.

“Yes, you may see Megan alone,” she stated after a long pause.

Bracken did not miss the way Megan’s alarmed eyes swung to the Reverend Mother, but he still did not look at her.

“I will leave you now and return shortly. Megan will be safe in your care?”

Bracken nodded. Under the elderly nun’s gaze he felt much like a young vassal rather than a knight of many years. He stood as the nun made her stately way to the door. He waited until the portal closed before turning back to Megan. Again she could read nothing from his face as he took in her attire. She’d had little choice but to don a habit, wimple and all. Bracken thought it made her look like an angel, but he knew better.

“Your clothing does not fool me, Megan,” he said calmly. “I know what manner of woman stands beneath.”

Her chin rose. “You do not know me at all.”

“I know that you are willful and foolish.” Angry emotion was now evident in Bracken’s voice; indeed, in his very being.

“You know nothing but your anger,” she told him. “And since I am no better with my own ire, I think we would do nothing more than make each other miserable. That, along with your lack of conscience, and I fear to say I want nothing to do with you.” The last word was spat. There was such loathing in her voice that Bracken immediately calmed and said what he should have said days ago.

“Since the day I stood over your father’s men in the forest and looked upon that useless waste of life, my men have been inquiring.”

Megan blinked at this change in subject but did not speak.

“It was reported to me that men, strangers to the area and traveling with extra horses, had visited Black Francesca. In an effort to vindicate the lives lost while making a noble attempt to bring you to Hawkings Crest, I went to her myself to ask whether she had seen such men.”

Megan was so crushed she could have cried. All this time she had thought the worst of him.

“Why did you not tell me?” she whispered, pain written all over her face.

Bracken sighed. “It was wrong of me, Megan, but you were just as wrong to accuse me without knowing the facts. I
take this arrangement seriously and it angered me to think that you see me in such a light.”

“I am sorry, Bracken,” Megan told him in sincere repentance.

“As am I,” he answered.

“But it changes nothing,” Megan went on, her voice so reconciled that it caused Bracken’s heart to sink with dread, since he was most determined to take her back.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that my father wanted me at Hawkings Crest to give us time to know each other. I think you would be forced to agree that it was sufficient time to see it would never work between us.”

“And what of the king’s order?” Whenever he wanted to put all arguments aside, he always fell back on this.

“I will ask my father to speak with Henry and hope that he can be reasoned with. I’m sure you’ll agree, Bracken, that both of us would be miserable.”

But I wouldn’t be miserable,
Bracken reasoned to himself,
if only we could continue to talk as we are now.

Unfortunately, it did not occur to Bracken to share his thoughts. As usual he resorted to force.

“You may ask your father to speak with Henry but I will ask him not to.”

Megan’s anger immediately rose to the surface. He hadn’t heard a word she said. “He’ll never listen to you.”

Bracken shook his head, mocking her slightly. “We will be married, Megan. When will you come to accept the inevitable?”

“Never,” she nearly hissed. “You can force me to return, but I will fly from you again, make no mistake.”

I hear your dove has flown.
The conversation with Stephen came so swiftly to Bracken’s mind that the air left him in a rush.

She is a red hawk, with talons to gouge a man.

But, Bracken, you won’t win her heart with those words.

Bracken suddenly moved around the desk. He approached Megan so abruptly that she jumped and backed into the wall. Bracken would have given much to have Stephen’s help right then, but he would have to try this on his own.

“I am most determined to have you as my wife, Megan,” the big man admitted, his voice resolute but also very soft.

In her surprise, Megan could only stare at him.

“I am even willing to take you by force, and my men are aware of this. An army of 1000 nuns could not stop me, let alone the few dozen from this abbey.”

Anger over his temerity covered Megan’s face, but Bracken totally disarmed her with his next words.

“Come back to me, my dove. Come back to Hawkings Crest where you belong.”

Bracken found the change in her miraculous. Her eyes softened, and her lovely mouth opened with surprise and pleasure just before her eyes slid shut with the weight of her decision.

Megan’s eyes had no more closed when they flew open at the pressure of Bracken’s lips on her own. It was a fleeting kiss, but gently given, and it stunned Megan beyond words.

“Come, my little Megan, come back to me,” Bracken whispered. Her heart turned over.

“We will quarrel,” she tried one last time, but her voice held no conviction.

“Then we will work it out.” Bracken’s heart pounded as he silently begged her to say yes. When still she hesitated, he was once again tempted to order her but somehow held his tongue. When he thought he could stand it no more and was indeed on the verge of commanding her, she spoke.

“A1l right. I’ll return with you.”

Bracken only nodded, afraid to say anything or to let emotion show on his face for fear of destroying her rather hesitant consent. Thankfully, the Reverend Mother arrived just after that.

“Megan will return with me,” Bracken told her without preamble, and his opinion of her lifted when she did not look to Megan for confirmation.

“Very well. It is late in the day now. Will you please consider letting Megan stay with us until morning?”

It was clearly not what Bracken wanted to hear. “The ride is long; I would wish to begin now.”

“I understand, but you will have Megan for years. We would beg her company for only one more day.”

Bracken hesitated, and Megan chimed in.

“I will stay.”

Bracken’s eyes swung to her and found an angry frown on her face for his even daring to hesitate in agreeing to the nun’s request. He knew he was going to have to acquiesce on this, but he was not happy about it. As Megan went off with the Reverend Mother, it occurred to him that he had literally talked Megan into returning with him. His only hope at this point was that she would not make him pay for it for the rest of his life.


“I did not explain myself, Megan,” the Reverend Mother spoke as soon as they were in the corridor, “for fear that you would not stay and later be disappointed, but Father Brent is here. I knew you would wish to see him.”

Tears sprang to Megan’s eyes, and she hugged the elderly nun.

“Thank you, Reverend Mother. In truth, I do not think Bracken would have understood.”

The Reverend Mother stopped abruptly on the path to the chapel, her look serious as she eyed this young woman who was like a daughter to her.

“You must not bait him, Megan. It is a mistake to constantly bludgeon a man’s pride.”

Megan was surprised at the vehemency in the nun’s voice. It gave her pause for more reasons than her tone; her words rang true. Megan did pummel Bracken’s pride on a regular basis. Not until that very instant did she think how he might feel to have everyone at Hawkings Crest know she had run from him.

And now today, before the Reverend Mother could even reason with him, Megan had spoken up and said she was staying until the morrow no matter what. Megan’s conscience pricked her, but only for an instant. Father Brent was here, and she was going to see him.

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