The Knight and the Dove (14 page)

Read The Knight and the Dove Online

Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #Knights and Knighthood, #Christian, #Historical Fiction, #1509-1547, #General, #Romance, #Great Britain - History - Henry VIII, #Great Britain, #Christian Fiction, #Historical, #Fiction, #Religious, #Love Stories

BOOK: The Knight and the Dove
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Bracken nodded. It was a good thing to know. Still, he knew that Hawkings Crest could offer her better.

“I don’t know if you’ve been to see Megan’s room, but that chamber is just temporary.”

Vincent waved a dismissive hand. “You will find she is most settled. I would ask you, though, to take care with Megan herself. I speak without bias when I say she has many fine qualities, but that is not to say she has no faults. Pray, deal gently with her.”

Bracken was impressed with the older man’s honesty. “You are telling me she likes to have her own way.”

Vincent smiled. “What woman does not?”

Bracken only smiled in reply, but he knew that if he pressed Lord Vincent, the older man would have to admit that Megan was in a class alone.


“I do not wish to stay here, Father God, but I will do as I am asked. Please help me to know control of my actions and emotions. Please help me to deal kindly with all here.”

Megan stopped when Bracken came to mind. Did she mean him, too? In truth, she wasn’t sure. She had no wish to be mean, but knowing that he felt her troublesome, along with his interest in her sister, made Megan want nothing to do with him.

Megan immediately warned herself not to grow overly emotional. She had no real proof that Bracken was interested in Marigold. After all, he had only asked a few questions, and Megan recognized her own sensitivity where Marigold was concerned.

A knock on her chamber door brought Megan to her feet. She found her father waiting without.

“Come and break the fast with me, Megan.”

“Do you leave today?”

“No. I will be here for you.”

Megan beamed up at him and took his proffered arm for the journey down the wide stone stairs.


“This flour has been sifted?” Megan asked the baker and let a handful run through her fingers.

“Yes, my lady.”

“Please repeat the process.”

“Yes, my lady,” the man spoke, but Louisa, standing at Megan’s side, could see that he was not happy.

The older woman had to keep from shaking her head. Vincent had been gone for two days, and Louisa had steeled herself for Megan’s
resentment or depression. She got neither. Megan was throwing herself into the workings of the castle with a vengeance.

Megan was the most fascinating woman Louisa had ever encountered. One moment she was tending to a slight wound on the finger of a small child and the next she was telling the milkers, in no uncertain terms, that they would do a better job of rinsing their pottery jars. Louisa knew there were a few who wanted to toss her into the moat, but most of the castle folk were beginning to adore her.

And Bracken was no exception. Louisa could see it in his eyes. Unfortunately, Megan did not return his sentiment. She might be talking with Lyndon, smiling at him in true affection, or even laughing at some outrageous remark from Kendrick, but the moment Megan became aware of Bracken’s presence she became stiff as a poker. She was even warming up to Arik, but to Bracken she was chillingly civil.

“Aunt Louisa?”

“Yes, dear.” The women had made their way from the kitchen and baking quarters and were almost to the great hall.

“Who is Black Francesca?”

Louisa came to such an abrupt halt that Megan started. The older woman took a moment to ask, “Where did you hear her name, Megan?”

“I heard Helga mention her to Lela, but I have met no one at Hawkings Crest with that name.”

Louisa licked her lips. “She lives in the village.”

Megan nodded serenely but because she was very curious over Louisa’s reaction, she pressed her.

“But who is she?”

Louisa hesitated for only a moment this time; surely Megan was mature enough to understand.

“She is the village prostitute.”

Louisa was not prepared for Megan’s reaction. Her eyes filled with compassionate tears.

“Is she very young?”

“I’m not sure,” Louisa admitted and felt shame for the uncharitable thoughts she’d had toward Black Francesca in the past. On top of these thoughts, however, was one of horror. She couldn’t stop herself from voicing it.

“You’re not thinking of going to see her, are you, Megan?”

“Well, not right away.”

“Megan.” Louisa felt panic coming on. “I do not think Bracken would approve.”
was too mild a word, but Louisa could think of none better.

Megan stiffened with outrage. “Why? Does Bracken visit her?”

“No!” Louisa’s voice squeaked. “No, Megan, never.”

Some of Megan’s strain left her, but she still looked offended. Louisa sighed. It would seem that Bracken could do no right, not even when he was innocent.

“You judge Bracken too harshly, my dear.” Louisa’s words were spoken gently, but they had a powerful effect. Megan stared at the older woman and then dropped her eyes. Her fingers came to her lips, and she looked very contrite.

Louisa would have questioned her some, but Clive approached then, announcing, “Lady Louisa, Lord Bracken asked me to tell you that Lord Stephen and Lord Brice have arrived.”

“Thank you, Clive.”

“Bracken’s family?” Megan questioned when Clive moved away.

“Yes, the two brothers closest to him in age. Will you come with me to meet them?”

“They will be hungry. I will join you when I’ve seen that something is prepared.”

Louisa saw it for the excuse that it was and let it go, but she knew that Megan’s fears were ungrounded. She was going to love Bracken’s brothers.


?” Bracken asked.

“Well,” Stephen told him. “She sends her love, as do Giles and Kris.”

“Has Danella’s child come?”

“No, but she feels well.”

Brice had remained silent during this exchange, and Bracken now transferred his gaze to him.

“What say you, Brice?” Bracken said with a teasing light in his eyes.

“Where is she?”

Bracken smiled. At 18, Brice was preoccupied with the fairer sex. He had been impressed, not dismayed, that the king had taken enough notice of Bracken to order him to marry. He’d thought that was something saved for lords with loftier titles. Now he wanted to know if his brother was to be saddled with an angel or a harridan.

“I believe she’s inside. Yonder comes Aunt Lou. She’ll know.”

Louisa received warm embraces from some of her favorite nephews before she stood back and lovingly studied them.

“You’re taller, Brice.”

He smiled boyishly before she turned to Stephen and eyed him a moment. His looks so closely resembled Bracken’s that it was startling.

“I was certain that Megan would like both you and Brice, but you look enough like Bracken that I can see she may have trouble.” Louisa then turned a devilish smile on her oldest nephew, who tried to scowl at her but couldn’t quite bring it off.

“What’s this, Bracken?” Stephen teased. “Trouble in paradise?”

Bracken chuckled, but Brice cut in seriously.

“Aunt Lou is teasing,” he said, believing with all of his heart that no woman in her right mind could find fault with Bracken.

He was soon to learn differently. Not ten minutes later they were inside and meeting Lady Megan, who stared hard at Stephen before transferring her gaze to Bracken. The lord of the keep was clearly amused by her reaction and smiled when he saw her chin go up in the air.

“My brothers are hungry,” he said, his tone still light but his eyes watchful.

Megan’s raised brows mocked him. “The food awaits, my lord.” Megan started to swing away, but Bracken’s voice halted her.


She turned back with reluctance.

“I wish you to join us.”

It was not what she wanted to hear.

“Very well, my lord.” Although clearly not happy, Megan allowed Bracken to take her arm and escort her to her place.

The meal progressed with much talk between Louisa and her younger nephews, but Megan and Bracken were distinctly quiet. The meal was coming to an end when Bracken leaned close and spoke for Megan’s ears alone.

“What is it I have done, Megan, to vex you so?”

Megan looked at him for the first time. His face was close, and for an instant she studied his serious, dark eyes. This marriage had not been his idea, nor had it been his plan that she stay at Hawkings Crest. He may not really care for her, but she realized then that he couldn’t force feelings onto his heart.

“I’m sorry, Lord Bracken, that my mood has been so poor. I will try my utmost not to brandish it upon you in the future.”

“I appreciate your effort, Megan, but I’m sorry you’re so unhappy.”

Megan sighed. She hated being so obvious.

“I left my home abruptly; I would have wished for a little more time.”

It was true, Bracken thought. She had left all that was familiar and had been given little time to adjust.

“Would it help to move you to a more comfortable bedchamber?” he suggested.

Megan shook her head; she was sincerely content. “I shall be fine where I am.”

“Playing the martyr, Megan?” Why Bracken quietly baited the girl he didn’t know, but it had its effect.

“No.” Megan’s chin was up, her voice cold. “If there is nothing else,” her voice could now be heard by those at the table, “I have duties that need my attention.”

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