Holy Shift!

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Authors: Robert Holden

BOOK: Holy Shift!
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“A Course in Miracles
offers me daily inspiration in my life, work, and relationships. In
Holy Shift!,
Robert Holden selects an inspiring mix of aphorisms, meditations, and prayers to help us to live the principles of this great work. Thank you, Robert, for this beautiful gift.”

Marianne Williamson,
New York Times
best-selling author of
A Return to Love
A Year of Miracles

“As a faithful student of
A Course in Miracles,
I'm always seeking new ways to experience the text. In Robert Holden's new book,
Holy Shift!,
I've found a wonderful guide. Holden's book is infused with his passion and love for the Course. Each handpicked passage offers readers a simple and powerful framework for experiencing miraculous change. I recommend this book to anyone on a spiritual path.”

Gabrielle Bernstein,
New York Times
best-selling ?author of
May Cause Miracles

“Holy Shift!
presents the heart and soul of
A Course in Miracles
in an easy-to-use daybook. Whether you are new to
A Course in Miracles
or a long-term student,
Holy Shift!
is a perfect companion. We recommend that this book sits next to everybody's copy of the Course.”

Gerald Jampolsky, M.D.,
Diane Cirincione, Ph.D.,
authors of
A Mini Course for Life

“The gift of a lifetime is contained here! The wisdom, poetry, ?and love imbued in
Holy Shift!
will bless and heal your life. Robert Holden, a true teacher of the path with heart, presents some of the most inspiring passages of
A Course in Miracles
in a clear, touching, and easy-to-receive way. Thank you, Robert, for opening the door to a better life for all of us.”

Alan Cohen,
author of
A Daily Dose of Sanity

“Holy Shift!
is a wonderful compilation of excerpts from the Course that will keep miracle-minded thinking at the front of your awareness. Robert Holden has done a very impressive job ?of arranging the book in such a way that will encourage more people to practice the essential principles of this spiritual masterpiece. I highly recommend this marvelous book!”

Gary Renard,
best-selling author of
The Disappearance of the Universe

“I once thought that miracles were reserved for saints and looked something like the stigmata.
Holy Shift!
reminded me that miracles are far more ordinary. A miracle is an inconspicuous moment, an inner triumph, when we choose to release fear, when we forgive, and when we dare to return again to love. My copy of
Holy Shift!
will have love-worn traces of how often I have read it. It's a daily reminder of our most crucial purpose to cultivate our capacity to love.”

Meggan Watterson,
author of

“Robert Holden has taken the essence and power of
A Course in Miracles
and made it beautifully accessible in
Holy Shift!
This book allows us to practice the core principles of the Course and serves as a great reminder of the power of love in our daily lives.”

Mike Robbins,
author of
Nothing Changes Until You Do

“Whether you are new to
A Course in Miracles
or a long-time ?student, this book will guide you, day by day, to the very essence and heart of the Course. Robert is a wonderful exponent of
?and this is his latest valuable contribution.”

Ian Patrick,
Miracle Network, London

Holy Shift!
Robert has done a fabulous job of skillfully distilling and sharing the heart of
A Course in Miracles
for us in a most beautiful way. Please read, be inspired, and remember who you are and why you are here.”

Nick Williams,
author of
The Work We Were Born to Do

“A Course in Miracles
is a wellspring of Truth that never runs dry. Robert Holden's book,
Holy Shift!,
is a communion of 365 sips from the chalice of this immaculate living well. Welcome to your
Holy Shift!”

Sondra Ray and Markus Ray,

“Holy Shift!
is a wonderful book. Robert Holden takes what I consider the best spiritual, philosophical, and psychological book in the world and makes it easy and accessible for beginners and veterans alike. I love this man! I love this book!”

Chuck Spezzano,
author of
If It Hurts, It Isn't Love




Authentic Success
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Success Intelligence)
Be Happy
Happiness NOW!
Shift Happens!


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Coaching Happiness
Follow Your Joy
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Shift Happens!
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Copyright © 2014 by Robert Holden

Cover design: Michelle Polizzi
Interior design:
Riann Bender

A Course in Miracles
is published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.

The moral rights of the author have been asserted.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or otherwise be copied for public or private use, other than for ‘fair use' as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews, without prior written permission of the publisher.

The information given in this book should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice; always consult a medical practitioner. Any use of information in this book is at the reader's discretion and risk. Neither the author nor the publisher can be held responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising out of the use, or misuse, of the suggestions made, the failure to take medical advice or for any material on third party websites.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 978-1-78180-344-8 in print
978-1-78180-462-9 in ePub format
ISBN 978-1-78180-463-6 in Mobipocket format

To Tom Carpenter.
My friend. My mentor. My brother.
Thank you for bringing
A Course in Miracles
to life for me.


















About the Author

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A Course in Miracles
is one of my favorite books. It sits on a bookshelf in my home reserved for spiritual classics like the
, the
Bhagavad Gita
, the
The Imitation of Christ
, the
Tao Te Ching
The Prophet
, the
, and
The Gnostic Gospels

I read something from
A Course in Miracles
every day. The Course has been part of my daily spiritual practice for the past 20 years. I take it with me when I travel, on my iPhone and computer. Like all great literature, the more I study it, the better it gets. Whichever page I turn to, the words are always relevant and helpful. I still come across passages that
seem brand new, as if they've been downloaded into an edition especially revised for me.

A Course in Miracles
is a big book. It's more than 1,200 pages and 500,000 words long, and its size alone is too imposing for many. Also, it's written in old-style Christian English and is full of iambic pentameter, which is the meter that William Shakespeare often used. Each page is infused with a mix of rich prose, spiritual poetry, powerful aphorisms, and beautiful prayers. My hope is that in
Holy Shift!
I give you a taste of this mighty work while still being faithful to its power and grace.

The story of how
A Course in Miracles
was written is a miracle in itself. It involves Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford, both professors of medical psychology at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. Helen described herself as a “psychologist, educator, conservative in theory and atheistic in belief.” Bill was the head of her department. They were anything but spiritual, and their relationship was anything but peaceful. One day, Bill declared he was tired and angry about their antagonism and that “there must be another way.”

Bill's outburst triggered a chain of events that neither would have predicted. Over the next three months, Helen experienced a series of vivid, highly
symbolic dreams. Then, one day, she heard an inner Voice that said, “This is a course in miracles.” Helen confided to Bill her most unusual experiences. It made her feel very uncomfortable, but Bill was highly supportive. Over the next seven years, Bill helped Helen to listen to what the Voice had to say. In a short preface to
A Course in Miracles,
Helen says:

It seemed to be a special assignment I had somehow, somewhere agreed to complete. It represented a truly collaborative venture between Bill and myself, and much of its significance, I am sure, lies in that. I would take down what the Voice “said” and read it to him the next day, and he typed it from my dictation. I expect he had his special assignment too. Without his encouragement and support I would never have been able to fulfill mine. (Preface viii)

Helen Schucman is described as the scribe of
A Course in Miracles.
She did not want her name to appear on the book because the Voice that dictated the words was not her own. So “who” is the Voice? The Voice introduced itself to her as Jesus. Helen struggled with this, but she could not deny the truth and beauty of what she heard. Also, Jesus continually encouraged Helen to see that the purpose of the Course was to direct readers to their own Internal
Teacher—to the Christ in all of us. Helen made sure that at her funeral no mention of the Course was made. She wanted the Course to stand on its own.

What is
A Course in Miracles?
It consists of three books: a 669-page Text, which explains the philosophy of miracles; a 488-page Workbook for Students, which offers 365 daily lessons for living the philosophy; and a 92-page Manual for Teachers, which includes a Clarification of Terms. It also has two supplements:
The Song of Prayer.
The whole work offers a system of spiritual psychotherapy and an invitation to experience inner peace and freedom.

I began my study of the Course by reading the Text. Initially, I found it difficult to understand. I'd get halfway down a page and be so full of poetry and mind-blowing principles that I could barely stay conscious. I even typed out the Text on my PC in an effort to “get my head around it,” so to speak, but that hardly helped. I then switched from the Text to the Manual for Teachers. Here's where I read that, “a universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary.” After that, I decided to focus on the daily lessons in the Workbook, and this has been my main focus ever since.

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