Read The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy Online

Authors: Jessica Lee

Tags: #wolf shifters, #KinKaid Wolf Pack, #Jessica Lee, #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #menage romance, #gay paranormal romance

The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy (7 page)

BOOK: The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy
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"So Mason, tell me, if you weren't the assistant vice president at your father's company, what would you do with your life?" Evin lowered his Sam Adams to the table, leaned in, and propped his forearms along the clear surface. Mason turned in his seat, bringing his body around to face Evin.

"You really would like to know, wouldn't you?"

"Sure I would."

"Would you believe no one has ever asked me that before?"

. Emotion nearly clogged Evin's throat as he narrowed his gaze on Mason. "So tell me, Brown Eyes. Who is Mason Thorne II, and what is he really into?"

"Easy." Mason tossed back a swig of his beer, swallowed, then said, "Music." He lowered his arm, taking the bottle back to the table with a
of glass against the solid top. "I love playing the guitar. It's all I've ever wanted to do. It's hard to describe the peace I feel when I'm able to sit back and channel my thoughts and emotions into music."

"I'd like to hear you play sometime." Evin couldn't imagine how his family had failed to notice how Mason's eyes sparkled with life when he talked about his passion for the art.

"Sure." Mason nodded. "I'd love to play for you," he said and flashed a little smile.

Evin visualized Mason's hand and fingers moving over the long arm of a guitar, the other hand strumming the instrument and coaxing it to life. The mental picture accompanied by that damn sexy grin across the table had blood rushing to his cock. How could anyone ever resist giving him exactly what he wanted with a look like that? Evin dropped one arm from the acrylic and leaned back, allowing his palm to stroke the length of his denim-covered shaft. Mason hadn't missed the maneuver, judging by where his gaze was now fixed. Arousal flooded Evin's veins.

The sun had set, and the sound of the awakened creatures of the night filled Evin's ears along with the beating of his pulse. The wolf stirred under his skin. It wanted Mason.

wanted Mason. Now.



Under the moon.

Evin pushed up from his seat, and Mason leaned back in his chair, his gaze following Evin's movements.

"I want to take you somewhere," Evin said and reached out, offering Mason his hand. With a quizzical look, Mason slipped his fingers around Evin's.


Evin pulled Mason to his feet and brought them chest-to-chest. "Come with me." Evin tossed him his best sly grin. "I promise you won't be disappointed."

"With you, Evin, I'm sure I won't be," he whispered, then leaned in and traced Evin's lips with the soft tip of his tongue. To his credit, though, he'd remembered not to slip it inside. Evin groaned with the overwhelming need to open and sample the sweet flavor of Mason's mouth.

Using every ounce of self-control he had, Evin pulled free. "Wait here," he managed to say. "Let me grab my keys." Evin brushed past Mason and stepped back inside.

"Your keys?" The muted sound of Mason's voice filtered through the screen door and the walls of the cabin.

Evin grabbed the few items he needed from the bedroom and was back outside in less than a minute. "Yup." He held up the key ring to his bike. "We're going for a ride to the back of the property line." Evin motioned with his head for Mason to follow and led him down the deck steps and around the side of the house to where he'd parked his Ninja. "We could walk, but I'd like to show you the area before it gets too late." Evin swung his leg up and over, then handed Mason his helmet. "Hop on."

Mason snagged the helmet from his hand. "What about you?" He slid the shell over his head, then positioned himself behind Evin.

"I'll be fine," Evin said over his shoulder. "We're not going far. I'd rather you be protected since you have to hang on."

The hard feel of Mason's body wrapped tight around him had Evin's cock hot and throbbing against his zipper. He stirred on the seat, hoping to ease the burn. But it proved useless. The only thing capable of temporarily dousing the flames was the man who kept the fire stoked.

As if on cue, Mason found the hem of Evin's T-shirt and slipped his hands underneath. The warm feel of his palms exploring the planes of his abdomen had his pulse thundering inside his head. Evin turned the key and revved the engine before burning out across the expanse of the grounds. He had to get them moving—now—or he was going to fuck Mason right there in the backyard. And he had much better plans.

Evin knew this area like the back of his hand. For over a year now, it'd been a private haven for him to allow his wolf to roam. About a mile and a half in, he slowed to a stop underneath the canopy of several moss-covered trees and cut the engine. The slight elevation provided a perfect view of the small pond fed by the creek that ran along the property's boundary.

Mason's arms dropped away from Evin's waist, and the rustle behind him told him Mason had removed his helmet.

"Wow. Beautiful, Evin. I feel so trapped sometimes in the city. So many people, lights, sirens, traffic." The weight of Mason's palm returned and traveled up his spine. Evin straightened under the stirring sensation. "No wonder you like living out here."

Evin set the bike on the kickstand and dismounted, then headed toward the precipice that faced the pond. Mason followed close behind.

"I've never brought anyone out here before." Evin didn't have to look over his shoulder to know Mason stood directly behind him. His skin literally vibrated beneath the surface when Mason was near. His blood heated. His cock ached. Damn. He stayed so rock hard around the man, he didn't know whether to fuck him or to run like hell. Mason was too perfect. Too much like everything he'd been searching for. But as much as he wanted—needed—to stay away from the human, shit, he didn't have the strength to make it happen.

"Why me?"

Evin whipped around, lifted his hands, and smoothed his palms upward and over Mason's chest. Mason lifted his chin and closed his eyes, appearing to savor the contact. God, just touching him felt so good.

"Because you drive me crazy, and I had to. Had to have you here." He dug his fingers into Mason's shoulders and pulled him close. Evin leaned in and nuzzled the corded length of his neck, inhaling the spicy scent that was Mason. His canines nearly throbbed with the need to sink into the human's flesh. To mark. To dig in and hold him tight while Evin took what belonged to him. Evin couldn't contain the growl that rolled from his throat.

"Damn, it is so fucking sexy when you do that." Mason's words barely registered in Evin's fogged brain. But it was enough to rattle him back to reality. The reality that he held a human in his arms. Evin moved up to the corner of Mason's mouth and kissed him before pulling back.

"You like that, do you?"

"Yeah. I do." Mason reached up and cupped the back of Evin's head, then yanked. "Come back here and growl some more for me. Better yet"—Mason gave a slow and deliberate lick of his lips—"why don't you come here and make

A rumble started deep in Evin's chest, then radiated out, becoming a literal tremble along his arms and down his legs. Fuck. His vision went red. Evin sucked in a deep breath.
Get a grip, KinKaid. He's human. You can't take him like a fucking animal.
Evin curled his fingers into fists, allowing his claws to dig into the flesh there.
Control. You can do this. You can have him; just dial it down.

On exhale, Evin unclenched his hands, reached up, and took Mason by the nape with one, then locked on to Mason's arm with the other. He pushed forward, reversing Mason's steps until his back bumped into the trunk of a large spruce. As one, their arms dropped and their chests collided. Evin braced his hands against the bark, his gaze never leaving Mason's.

"I wanted you from the moment I saw you," Evin whispered, their lips a breath away. "It was all I could do not to touch you."

"Shit. Me too." Mason brushed his five o'clock shadow against Evin's own unshaven cheek. The scratch of his beard detonated like minibursts of fireworks along Evin's nerve endings, setting off another trembling wave through his extremities. "God, I wanted you so bad." Evin brought his lips down over Mason's, inhaling the soft utterance of his words. Mason's fingers sank into his hair. Evin grasped his arms and pried himself free despite Mason's grumbled complaint and stepped back.

In one move, Evin yanked his T-shirt over his head and tossed it aside. "Take your shirt off," he commanded. Mason complied and tossed his where Evin's had landed. Evin moved in close but not enough to touch. Mason reached up, his hand going for Evin's bicep. "Stop." Mason froze. "Not yet. Let me look at you, baby." Mason dropped his arm back to his side. Evin lowered his gaze, reveling in the soft glow of Mason's pale skin. The moon wasn't quite full yet, but there was still enough light that, with his enhanced vision, he could enjoy the view. "You have no idea what you do to me, do you?"

The only reply was the sound of Mason's breath hitching. Evin tilted his head and found Mason's dark gaze watching his every move. Slowly Evin leaned in, making sure not to touch, and whispered in Mason's ear, "Are you hot, Brown Eyes?"

"Yes," Mason groaned.

Evin pushed back and then circled the tree. Mason jerked his head to the side and followed his path with his gaze as Evin came around and faced him again. Evin reached for the closure at his jeans and undid the button. Mason's hungry gaze lowered and monitored his progress.

make you hot, Mason?" Evin grasped his zipper. A second later, the sound of metal sliding against metal surrounded them as he opened his fly. His cock sprang free, and the cool night air wrapped itself around the warm head.

Mason licked his lips. "Yes." His head fell back against the bark. "So damn hot." Mason reached down and palmed the large bulge straining against his shorts.

Bracing both hands on the tree behind Mason, Evin lowered his head beneath the other man's chin and breathed in the heated sweet musk of Mason's flesh. His mouth watered for a taste.

"I like that," he murmured, coming to rest an inch above Mason's lips. "I like that a lot."

A groan rolled from Mason's throat.

"Show me."

Mason's eyes widened. "I thought you'd never ask." He shuffled between their feet, then began to lower to his knees.

"Oh no, Brown Eyes." Mason came to a halt and glanced up. Evin shook his head. "I want you to show me how hot I make you."

Slowly Mason straightened as his fingertips followed the waistband of his shorts and found the button and zipper. Evin didn't think it was possible for his pulse to beat any faster, but at the sight of Mason freeing his erection, he found his temples throbbed with the rapid-fire rate of his heart. Fuck. He had a gorgeous cock. The shaft had to be a good seven inches, with only a couple of thick veins that ran the length from its root to a large, flushed crown. Evin ran his tongue along the roof of his mouth, imagining how salty and sweet Mason would be on his taste buds.

Mason shoved his shorts past his hips, then kicked them and his sandals from his feet before gripping his shaft, pulling it up, and stroking it against his lower abs.

"That's it." Evin sucked in a breath, trying to push back his need. "Show me what you like." Moving one step back, Evin then wrapped his hand around his own cock. He watched as Mason squeezed his length and then worked the back side of his shaft up and down with the pads of his fingers. Someone moaned, but Evin couldn't be sure which one of them had uttered the sound.

"How much longer?" Mason panted.

Evin leaned in, his erection brushing the knuckles of the other man's hand. "Until you make me want to come for you so fucking bad that I'm begging for it."

Something like a whimper released from Mason's lips; then he dropped to the ground. Whether he meant to end up collapsing onto his discarded shorts in the grass or not, Evin didn't have a clue. But the site of Mason naked with one knee bent and his other leg spread, jacking off under the moonlight, was enough to draw Evin's balls up tight, on the verge of release.

Their combined harsh breaths filled the air, drowning out the sounds of the night. Evin lowered onto his knees, his gaze riveted to the man in front of him.

"Evin..." Mason's eyes appeared drugged with desire, with the need for release as his gaze clung to Evin's. One hand squeezed the base of his shaft, and Mason hissed. "So...close..." he forced out through clenched teeth. His hips rocked forward, exhibiting his desperate need to fuck.

Evin licked the tips of his fingers and then wrapped them back around his cock. God, he felt like his brain might short-circuit before he got inside Mason. He released his shaft and inserted his fingers back into his mouth, this time taking them to the knuckle and coating them with the dampness of his tongue. Mason groaned, and his eyelids fluttered. With a
, Evin released his digits and returned to work on his hard-on.

"Have you ever finger-fucked yourself, Mason?" Evin's voice dipped low and hoarse.

Mason's eyes opened wide. "Oh God, Evin..." His voice quivered, and he shook his head. "I'll lose it. I'll fucking come."

Reaching for the forest floor, Evin rolled forward onto his hands and knees, his gaze locked with Mason's. "No." He cocked one eyebrow. "No, you won't. Because that's mine"—he glanced down at Mason's rock-hard cock, its flushed head glistening with precum, and then back to Mason—"and you come only for me."

"Only for you," Mason whispered with a nod and lifted a trembling hand to his lips. Evin reached out and snatched Mason's fingers away, brought them to his own mouth, and sucked them in. "Fuck! Evin." Mason's head thrashed back and forth. "No fair," he gasped.

After he wet them thoroughly, Evin opened his mouth, allowing Mason to pull free and his hand to fall back to his groin. "Now, take me to the edge and blow my mind, baby."

On a low groan, Mason thrust two fingers within himself. His hips lunged forward. Sweat beaded on his face, arms, and chest, making his skin appear glossy and slick. With his other fist wrapped tight around his cock, Mason quickly found his pace, pumping his shaft up and down as his fingers drove in and out.

BOOK: The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy
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