The King's Mistress: The True & Scandalous Story of the Woman Who Stole the Heart of George I (35 page)

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1. A Portrait

. Many reputable historians of the Georgian era, such as J. H. Plumb, have perpetuated the erroneous theory that Melusine’s primary motivation was greed.
. Louis XV of France to Count Broglio, 18 July 1724. Quoted in Coxe,
, vol. II, p. 304.

2. The Mermaid and the Girl

. The castle did not survive the bombings of the Second World War.
. Schmidt,
Das Geschlecht von der Schulenburg
. Schmidt, vol 2.3, p. 418.
. Friedrich Wilhelm was found a position first as Kammerjunker, then Kammerherr to George.
. Danneil,
Das Geschlecht von der Schulenburg

3. Venice of the North

. Redman,
The House of Hanover
, p. 16.
. Davies,
History of Europe
, p. 568.
. ibid.
. Quoted in Uglow,
Gambling Man
, p. 91.
. When Duke George moved his capital to Hanover in 1636, the Duchy of Calenberg-Göttingen became unofficially known as the Duchy of Hanover.
. Hatton,
George I
, p. 24.
. Sophia,
Memoiren der Herzogin Sophie
, ed. Köcher, p. 90.
. ibid., p. 90.
. ibid.

. ibid., p. 91.

. Liselotte,
A Woman’s Life
, trans. Forster, p. 249.

. Komachi and Queren,
Herrenhausen Gardens
, ed. Clark and von Bothmer, trans. Will, p. 38.

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