The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1)
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Today my family arrive for the crowning ceremony which is in just one week. It is all very exciting but there has been a lot of planning. James’ mother, Margaret has taken charge of it because we felt as if she needed to. She has taken the death of her husband very badly and this has been able to take her mind off everything, just for a little while.

In the two months we have been here, my Ladies have settled in well and I am hoping to find them all suitable husbands now that I will be Queen. I really do enjoy living in Scotland and I feel it suits me well, the scenery and the air sits right with me but that also could be to do with the love I have for my husband. Scotland is a glorious country and I already know I will enjoy my reign as Queen.

James has done a marvellous job filling the shoes of his father, the great King Alexander. The people love him and it is easy to see why, but my husband is no pushover. He will bring the power of King down onto you if you do him wrong, I have witnessed this myself. Not long after his father passed, men of the court tried to manipulate him and went behind his back and James did the right thing and made a show of them. A lovely stay in the dungeons followed by a heavy fine and a threat did rather nicely. James may be a good man, but he is King and he cannot be weak.

My community work has also begun. Not long after I arrived here I began to ask Margaret and Mary about the schools for the poor and they said there was not any. I could not believe it, those children needed an education. Everyone is entitled to a decent education and better themselves if they wish and I want to bring that opportunity to the children. I have spoken with James and he loved my idea, but wants this to be my gift to Scotland as a gift for receiving me as Queen. For I have to give love to the people as much as James, if not more because James will be busy with the politics and the council. Plans are being discussed and finding the workers and I cannot wait for it to take shape.

Lady Jane approaches me as I look down from the castle and over the fields. “How are you?” I ask her.

She is wearing a looser fitting gown to disguise her growing bump. The rest of my Ladies now know of her pregnancy and were as shocked as I was, but have all shown their support to her and I was proud of them. Beatrice was the most taken aback by the news but eventually came around, she is the more traditionalist out of all of us.

“As good as I can be,” she grimaces. “He is going to hate me.”

“No he will not,” I insist. “George will stand by you.”

“But what will that entail for me? What will my future be like?” I cannot answer her, because I do not know. “Of course I only have myself to blame.”

“No you do not Jane, my brother has just as much responsibility as you,” I argue.

“Will you be with me when I tell him?” She asks, quickly glancing down to her belly.

“If you want me to be,” I agree.

“Yes,” She eagerly nods.

“Then of course,” I hold her hand, trying to calm her.

Of course, I am also nervous about delivering some news of my own, “My mother will faint when she hears of Abigail.”

Jane frowns, “Do not let her put you down Grace, you have done amazingly with that little girl.”

“I am not worried about me, it is Abigail I fear for. My mother treats Bridget and Arthur so badly and I will not have her treating Abigail the same. She is to be treated as a Princess here,” I declare and Jane smiles.

As much as I do not want to, I will have to tell my family about Abigail and they will understand. They have to because I have accepted her. It was very hard to begin with, but the more time I spent with the little girl, the more I began to love her. The people of court were also as shocked as James was, seeing me playing with her and having Abigail with me for picnics and playtime.

It is not long until I see the English carriages riding up through the mountains. I begin my walk down through the castle and I spot James in the throne room, seeing to some court visitors. As soon as he sees me, James stands and declares he will not be taking more meetings today. He walks to me, and everyone curtseys as we pass. He alerts servants and guards that the English royal family are arriving and they stand guard by the gates. Margaret, Princess Mary and Prince Thomas stand by us as I watch as the carriages ride through both sets of gates. Father is out first and I smile widely. My dear old father. I walk down to greet them all, my mother ever so elegant steps out and embraces me.

“Your castle is so pretty,” Elizabeth, the last out of my family to step out the carriages speaks as she looks all around.

“Thank you,” I begin to lead them inside, but stop when I see a familiar animal. Behind the royal coaches trots my glorious Beauty and I look to my father. “Beauty?”

“Not me,” He shakes his head. “Your husband had ordered I bring her here for you.”

I look up to James and embrace him tightly, “Thank you.”

I then run back to Beauty and pet her quickly before I follow the events of the day. Facing James’ family with a much happier attitude, I introduce them all and after my parents express their condolences for the loss of King Alexander, we begin our walk into the ballroom where warm drinks have been prepared for them. It is an extremely cold day today and they need warm drinks after being in those cold carriages all that while. My mother and Margaret quickly begin to talk about the crowning ceremony and James, George and my father talk King duties. I turn to Isabella and ask how her engagement with Prince Carlos is going.

“You are engaged?” Mary gasps.

“To the Spanish Prince Carlos,” Isabella nods.

“Congratulations,” Mary returns.

“It is going well,” She answers me. “We write often and he wants me to visit Spain in the next year.”

“That would be a great opportunity for you Bella.” I try to express my excitement for her. “Seeing the palace before you move would be helpful for you.”

“A warm country,” Mary sighs. “That would be lovely.”

“Well you are most welcome to visit me when I am there,” Isabella offers and Mary’s eyes widen.

“I accept,” Mary eagerly accepts.

My Ladies then arrive and my sisters eagerly reunite with them. I risk a glance over to George and see that he is watching Jane. The expression on his face is intense and my belly squeezes with nerves as to how he will react when Jane tells him the news. As my eyes drift from George, I see Julien staring to the person sat opposite him, Princess Mary. He watches her dreamily and I smile to myself. He is smitten with the Scottish Princess.

“There will be a feast held in honour of my family joining us tomorrow, but for today it will be just us,” I announce.

“Oh good,” Mother smiles. “I am too tired for introductions.”

The rest of the day is spent with my family and catching up with my mother. Diner is cosy and private, quite lovely and my family must be tired because they all retire to bed straight after. The journey is quite harsh.

The next day, they are refreshed and at breakfast I notice that George is not here. I try not to make it look like I am rushing, because that would be rude but I have a feeling I know where my brother is and I become a little worried for Jane.

“I need to be excused,” I stand, and James quickly joins me. “No, you stay here I just want to freshen up.”

“Are you sure?” He asks. “You look pale.”

“I will be ok after some fresh air,” I assure him.

James sits back down but I can tell he does not like it, and as soon as I am out of eyesight I pick my speed up. I do not bother checking on the girls as they eat their breakfast, if I know George as well as I think I do, he would have knocked on Janes door as soon as the sun rose this morning. I quicken my feet at the thought of Jane worrying, she wanted me to be there with her when this moment came.

I finally arrive at her door and knock. The door quickly opens and a flushed Jane answers. “Thank goodness,” she whispers and hurries me inside as soon as I get in I see George brooding in the corner.

“George what are you doing here?” I sigh.

“This is not your concern, Grace,” He frowns.

“She is my friend, of course it is,” I argue.

“Then maybe you can inform me why she looks different?” George asks. “Jane will not even look at me, I tried to speak with her last night and she practically ran from me.”

“We need space,” Jane answers.

“Leave her George,” I warn him.

“I cannot,” George ruffles his hair. “Please Jane, I have missed you,” he rushes to her and surprises Jane so much that she does not have time to react and places his hands on her shoulders. “Why are you on edge with me? Do you not care for me any longer because my feelings have not changed?”

“George,” she begs and I know this is so hard for her because she loves him dearly.

George lets his hands wonder over her and I freeze, his hands go over her waist and George stops. “What?” He asks, feeling around her waist and then to her belly. “Jane?”

Jane begins to cry and runs to me, George watches her confused. “Maybe you should go, George,” I suggest but he shakes his head.

“I am going nowhere,” he steps closer. “I felt something.”

Jane cries, “Not now.”

“Is she with child?” He asks.

Jane cries louder, “I am not ready for this.”

“Who did this?” George becomes outraged.

“George,” I beg him to go but he steps even closer to me and Jane.

“Jane, is this true? Are you with child?” He asks. “I know what I felt and your belly is rounded.”

Jane and I are also surprised at the size of her belly, she is most certain further along in the pregnancy that she first thought.

“You have to do this now Jane,” I whisper to her. “He has already guessed.”

Jane nods into my shoulder, and turns to face George. He looks her over, a look between anger and upset.

“It is true,” she admits and he closes his eyes. He thinks it is someone else’s child.
How could he think that of Jane?

“Tell me who the father is,” he demands, but Jane does not answer. “Tell me,” he growls.

“You think I have been with other men?” Jane finally asks, not sounding too pleased herself. “I say that I love you and you think as soon as I come to Scotland, I entertain other men?”

George frowns, continuing to look at Jane and her belly, “You have not been with others?”

“No,” she cries and holds her belly. “This is your baby George.”

There is a moment of silence where George silently stares at Jane. “My baby?”

Jane nods and as soon as she does George crumples at her feet, looking up her. “I am so sorry,” Jane cries.

“Why?” Asks George.

“I am with child,” She says, as if that is her answer to apologising.

“That is not an answer Jane,” He replies, and places his hand softly onto her belly. “Why are you sorry for our baby?”

Our baby.
Tears gather and I try my best to not them fall as I watch my brother raise from his feet and hold Jane as she cries, “This was not supposed to happen.”

“I know that.” George sooths her.

“My parents will disown me.” She sobs. “Oh god what have I done?”

“You will always have me.” George demands.

“And me,” I stand by her side, stroking her back to try and calm her down. “You are not alone in this.”

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