The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1)
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“Relax.” James whispers to me. I let myself feel his tongue on me and the way his lips caress me. I put the pain of his intruding member to the back of my mind and with one last push to break through, it eases some. I open my eyes and look to James, he watches me but I see the pleasure written all over him. I reach up and kiss him, wrapping my arms around him while he takes care of me. His actions become deeper and faster now that the pain has lessened. The pleasure overclouds the pain and I no longer care for it. My legs lift to let James go further and he groans, that noise alone spurs me on to be brave. I meet his thrusts and we both close our eyes, succumbing to the sensations.

I feel the soreness between my thighs before I open my eyes. James has his arm draped over me and when I begin to move, he groans sleepily. “Good morning.”

“Morning.” I turn around to face him. “Husband.”

He laughs, and it sounds deep and delicious. “How are you?”

“A little sore, but I will be fine.” I assure him.

“I will run you a bath.” He begins to feel my naked waist under the bedsheet.

“You do not have to do that James.” I giggle, enjoying his affections.

“But I do.” James kisses me. “I am your husband and I want to care for your every need.” His hands travel downwards and when between my legs, I open them further for him but he shakes his head. “No, you will hurt if I take you now.”

“I feel ok.” I insist.

James laughs. “We have to prepare for the travel Grace.”

I sulk as I watch James rise from the bed, all his naked glory on show for me to enjoy. I sigh contented, watching his bottom shake slightly as he walks towards the bath tub and out of sight. I lie back and then feel a slight trickle from between my legs. It feels odd and when I take a peak under the sheets, I see blood. Not as much as I thought there would be, but it is still scary. I reach for the blanket at the bottom of the bed and wrap it around me, standing from the stained sheets and wincing from the slight sting, a reminder of last night. A smile creeps on my lips and I wonder to the window.

“What a beautiful sight.” James appears, looking at me. At first I think he is talking about the morning view, but he has not bothered looking out the window. His eyes are set on me.

“I must say I agree.” I smile, looking to James’ still naked self.

He holds his arms out wide, laughing at himself before reaching for his robe. Just in time too, because the servants arrive. James opens the door for them and the second girl curtseys. “Your highnesses, is it ok for the sheets to be witnessed?” She asks.

James looks to me and then back to the servant. “Tell them it is ok.”

She disappears and James guides me to the bathtub. “Enjoy your bath and I will see to the witnesses.”

“Are you certain?” I ask him, although I would rather soak in the bath than face the witnesses.

“Yes.” He helps me get into the large tub, kisses me on the head before closing the drape for privacy. “I will be back.”

I hear voices as they all enter, knowing that my Ladies, my parents and part of the Scottish council who came with James are looking at the blood on the sheets. Proving that James and I consummated our marriage last night. I do not mind of course, it has to be done although I will admit, I would much rather be here in this warm bath than out there looking at the dirty sheets.

It doesn’t take too long, all they need to do is see the blood stain before the servants remove them to wash. I look down to my belly, wondering if there’s a tiny baby developing already inside. I do not know if I am ready or not yet, but either way it would be best for James and I as a married couple to produce so quickly. As heir to the throne, James needs his future heirs, the people and your council feel more relaxed when you are already settled. It is the reason my parents are always on at George.

James then returns to me, and I lift my head and watch as he removes his robe.

“How was it?” I ask as James sinks into the tub with me.

“It went smoothly.” He answers. “They saw the evidence and asked me some questions.”

I frown. “What sort of questions?”

“Do not worry about that.” He laughs, reaching for my foot as we sit face to face. “Your Ladies have prepared your belongings for the trip.”

“They are good to me.” I sigh, leaning my head back against the tubs rim.

Although, Louisa did tell me they would be packing for me because they knew I would be too sore and tried to do anything else this morning. At the time, I laughed but now I see that she is right and I am left wondering how she knows.

“Yes they are, make sure my sister does not steal them.” He laughs.

“Tell me about her.” I plead.

“Tell you about Mary?” He laughs. “She is sweet, but she likes attention.”

“Is that bad?” I ask.

“Not in Mary’s case, but some women crave attention so much it becomes their undoing.” James informs, almost sounding as if he is speaking from experienced.

“What does she look like?” I ask. “Has she also got dark hair like you?”

“No.” James smiles. “Mary’s hair is red, the colour of fire.”

“She sounds beautiful. I cannot wait to meet her.” I honestly am looking forward to meeting all of James’ family.

“And you will.” James gets up from the tub. “Your Lady Jane is waiting to assist you with your hair, I will send her in and then we need to prepare for the trip.”

I nod in answer and quickly after he leaves, Jane arrives smiling broadly. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.” I answer, unable to hide my good mood.

Jane starts washing my hair. “How was everything?” She asks, ever so quietly because James is still in the room and most likely being dressed by his servants.

“Painful.” I tease her.

Jane laughs. “And after?”

I begin to laugh and Jane does also, both of us laughing at the joys of love making.

“Are you ready for Scotland?” I ask her.

“I am.” She answers surely, because she knows I am not just asking about her about the move, but a certain Prince.

“I am glad.” I tell her, as Jane finishes my hair and helps me from the bath and covering myself. I want Jane to enjoy herself as she travels with us and leaves the pain of watching George behind in England.

After assuring the men have left and I am able to privately dress with my Ladies, we enter the rest of the room and I see the rest of my Ladies.

“Grace.” Louisa rushes to me. “Are you ok?”

“Wonderful.” I answer and she squeals. “Was everything ok with the witnessing?” I dare to ask them all.

“Straight forward.” Catherine answers.

“As soon as we heard you, we all left and the Archbishop stood outside the door with some guards.” Beatrice adds and I wish I did not ask.

“They were pleased.” Louisa assures me, looking down to my belly. “Let us pray you have made a baby.”

“Ok.” Jane interrupts. “We need to dress Grace, so we can prepare for the journey.”

It is still early, but of course we are on a time limit because we are travelling to Scotland. Our new home

“Are you sure everything is ready?” I ask them.

“Everything you wanted to take with us has been packed.” Beatrice assures me.

“Ok, I am having breakfast with my family and James before we leave. I will meet you after.” I inform them, and leave to meet my family. I am saddened that this might be the last family meal with us all together. Isabella is set to marry, George needs to be wed and Julien is approaching the age. We might not be all here together again after today.

I enter the private family room, the table set for us and see it is only my parents here. “Good morning mother and father.”

They both stand and greet me. “Good morning my darling.” Mother looks to be bursting with pride.

“My darling daughter.” Father holds out his arm to me. “You are now all grown.”

I take my place as Elizabeth and Isabella arrive, both giving me huge smiles.

“Oh I will be sad to not seeing you here.” Mother begins to wipe at her eyes.

“Mother do not be sad.” I plead.

“I am a mix of emotions, my dear.” She laughs. “I am so proud of you, but I will miss having you so close.”

“You know you are always welcome in Scotland to stay with me and I will visit.” I promise. I hear sniffling and see Elizabeth wiping her tears. “Oh Lizzy, not you too.”

“I do not want you to leave.” She complains. “Why can’t you and James live here?”

“James is a future King, Elizabeth and Grace needs to see the country she will rule alongside her King, she cannot stay here but you will see her again.” Father delivers.

“Lizzy, you can all come to me whenever you want and I will make sure to visit.” I try to calm her. Isabella wraps an arm around her as she thankfully quietens by the time Julien arrives.

“Good morning.” Julien announces as he enters and the look on our parent’s faces is amusing. He flashes me a quick smile as he sits, his small defeat. I still do not know why he chose to be quiet, but he was upset and hopefully now he will return to his normal self.

“How is everything with Carlos?” I ask Isabella.

“Ok.” She nods. “He seems to be an agreeable man, and he makes me laugh.”

“That is good.” I agree. I know that Carlos is also leaving today, he is returning home but will continue to visit Isabella through the years. “Make sure to write to him when he returns home.”

“I will and I look forward to it.” She giggles.

Shortly after, James arrives with George and the family breakfast is complete. George approaches me behind my chair and squeezes my shoulders. “Look at my little sister, all married. A real woman.”

He goes to his seat, laughing. “Do not tease me brother.” I scold.

He raises his hands in surrender. “I had to do one last one before you left.”

We eat our breakfast, all of us happy and in good spirits but when we finish and James and I stand, it turns quiet.

“We shall walk down with you.” Mother announces, and they all follow as we walk to the front doors. Court members give us their blessings as we pass and Louisa hands me my cloak before I stand outside. I see the coaches loaded and waiting for James and I. My Ladies already sitting inside the one for them, I curiously look to George who is staring at that very carriage. At that moment, I not only feel for Jane but also my brother. I believe he has fallen for Jane as much as she has for him, but the awful truth is they cannot be together. My parents would never allow a marriage to Jane. I have had the chance to fall in love and George will not have that pleasure. He is the future King and my parents will want a Princess who is prepared to be a Queen.

James and I begin our goodbyes, the women beginning to show their emotions. I see someone at the corner of my eye and when I turn to see Arthur and Bridget approaching I am so pleased. I really did not want them to miss my leaving. I ignore my mother’s sour face and enjoy seeing my step siblings. Arthur teases me much like George did. “Make sure to keep safe in Scotland, you are a future Queen now.”

“I will.” I declare.

With one last embrace of them all, I take hold of my husband’s hand and enter our private carriage. Waving at them through the curtain as I begin my journey to Scotland. Tears now blur my view of the gates as we leave the castle. James wraps an arm around me, securing me in him safe arms.

“I am sorry.” I say.

“Do not be, you are making a big change in your life.” James answers. “I too feel strong emotions to returning home.”

“You do?” I look up to him.

“Yes.” He nods. “I fear my father will be in a worse condition than when I left him. I dread my return to see him a weak man.”

“I have heard many things, but one thing was that King Alexander is not a weak man.”

He laughs. “Aye, my father is a tough one but the infections he has are not small my love. He is a dying man.”

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