The Kartoss Gambit (The Way of the Shaman: Book #2) (48 page)

Read The Kartoss Gambit (The Way of the Shaman: Book #2) Online

Authors: Vasily Mahanenko

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Cyberpunk

BOOK: The Kartoss Gambit (The Way of the Shaman: Book #2)
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Do you agree to join the new empire?

To the player located in a prisoner capsule! In connection with the launching of the continent-wide scenario, the term of compulsory settlement has been removed by court decision No.45-RS344328. Now you are a provisionally free player. Remaining limitations: presence of pain, the 30% tax, prohibition on attacking other players first. Have a pleasant game!


"I am waiting, Mahan. Do not test my patience! You will have everything that you could possibly wish for," Geranika hurried me.

To become an Emperor's apprentice? What a brilliant idea! To soar to such heights in a flash, it's just hard to imagine... And how long would be the fall from these great heights when Malabar raiders will come to Geranika to avenge the Emperor? Although, why worry? I'm a player and they can't really do anything to me. But then what amazing gaming abilities would open up with this offer! I almost pressed the button 'Accept', but then I remembered Kornik's words:
"when the time comes to choose, make the choice with your heart and not your head."
Could my green teacher have known what would happen?


I ignored Geranika's shout and listened to myself. Do I really need what's being offered by this NPC? Yes, I do. Do I want to follow him? E-eh... no, I don't and I can't explain it. My entire being screamed that this bastard should be made to feel bad. And then stomp on him some more. And then jump up and down on his remains, just to be sure.

"I refuse," I decided to put my feeling into words.

"Is this your choice?!" Geranika was enraged. "You decided to oppose me? You decided that you'll have enough strength to fight me, the one who destroyed both Emperors? The one who will be the only Sovereign in Barliona?! Then take what you deserve!"

Lightning bolts started to flash out of the dark Shaman's hands, but they were stopped by a dome that formed around me. What, another helper had joined the show?

"STOP, YOU FOOL!" a thundering voice nearly threw me to the ground.

"Dragons," hissed Geranika. "That's the last thing I need!"

I glanced at Anastaria, who was lying next to me and looking up with huge shocked eyes. I looked up and saw Reniox, hovering above our raid.

"Hello, Renox. What are you doing in the middle of this mess?"

"We could not calmly watch what this madman was doing! Dragons had to intervene in the events of this world!"

"You know, Mahan, we'll meet again!" Geranika spat out angrily, "and our next meeting will be very unpleasant for you." With these words Geranika disappeared.

"Renox, it's good to see you. Can you remove 'Petrification' from everyone present?"

"I greet you, my son. Wait a little, first I would like to speak to the new Emperor and the new Dark Lord!

"With who?" Whom was this reptile speaking about?

"Naahti, Regul," ignoring my question rumbled the Dragon. "Come here!

Both Vagrens, not daring to refuse, came up to the Dragon. Renox came down to the ground and stared intently into the eyes of each, as if reading their thoughts.

"Behold the result of your enmity! The Emperor and the Dark Lord are dead and you are behaving yourselves like two wolf cubs fighting over a bone! Come to your senses! Regul! Now and henceforth I dub you the Nameless Dark Lord of Kartoss. Gather the remainder of your army and rebuild the palace destroyed by Geranika. Naahti! Now and henceforth I dub you the Emperor of Malabar. Gather the remainder of your army and rebuild the palace destroyed by Geranika. I grant you the power of the Emperor and the Dark Lord, may you be worthy of this burden! Rule wisely and honourably, like your predecessors. I'm done here!"

"The Great Dragon is mistaken..." started Regul, the only remaining Advisor and now the Lord of Kartoss.

"SILENCE!" roared Renox. "I know who you were! And who you will become!"

"I bow before the wisdom of the Great One," bowed the Emperor, the former Master of Kartoss.


Citizens of Malabar! Rejoice! The Emperor is alive!

The reputation with the Steward of the Emperor is changed to the reputation with the Emperor.


Citizens of Kartoss! Rejoice! The Dark Lord is alive!

The reputation with the Steward of the Dark Lord is changed to the reputation with the Dark Lord


"Mahan, I can see that a quiet life is not for you. At our last meeting you managed to surprise me, but now I am simply shocked. You are a worthy Dragon! Unfortunately, my presence here has disturbed the balance, so in the next hundred years Dragons cannot appear in Barliona. Try not to destroy the world," with these words Renox soared up and disappeared, returning to his world. The two Vagrens, having risen to level 500, first looked at each other and then at me.

"Mahan," began the new Emperor. "I thank you for everything you've done."


Your reputation with the Emperor of Malabar has increased by 4000 points. You are 5700 points away from the status of Esteem.


"I agree," added the new Dark Lord. "You also have my thanks."


Your reputation with the Dark Lord of Kartoss increased by 4000 points. You are 6000 points away from the status of Esteem.


"Emperor, come. We have much to discuss. It's time we learned how to talk."

As soon as both NPCs disappeared, the 'Petrification' debuff was removed from all the players, but no-one broke the silence. Anastaria got back to her feet, looked me in the eye and whispered.

"Mahan... I had never counted on something like this. You, a Dragon?"

I wanted to respond to Anastaria with the usual — along the lines of 'you're such a fool', when another message struck me dumb:


Attention all players!

Following numerous requests, the game administration now opens the possibility of making characters on the side of the Kartoss Empire. To transfer a character to the 'dark' side, please read the rules published on the official website of the game.

Welcome to the renewed Barliona!



End of Book Two

Thank you for reading
The Kartoss Gambit


If you like what you've read, check out other LitRPG titles published by Magic Dome Books:


Survival Quest (The Way of the Shaman Book #1)

by Vasily Mahanenko


Start the Game (Galactogon Book #1)

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Edge of Reality (Phantom Server Book #1)

by Andrei Livadny


The Outlaw (Phantom Server Book #2)

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The Lag (The Game Master Book #1)

by Alex Bobl and Andrei Levitsky


Sector Eight (Perimeter Defense Book #1)

By Michael Atamanov



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This translation was made with the kind assistance from:


  • Joshua Millett
  • James Patterson
  • Greg Bray
  • Jonathan King
  • Sean Harrington
  • Darius Parisienne
  • Andersen Byron
  • George Olive
  • Julia Pennoyer
  • Janine Johann
  • Randy Bauman
  • Jeff Bascom
  • Dwight Shaper
  • Jackson T. Potter
  • Ronald Hobbs
  • Caleb Peace
  • Jonathan King
  • Oren Eini
  • Margaret Copeland
  • Ross Dupont
  • Leroy P. Michaels
  • Joshua Glenn
  • Cole Johnson
  • Skilgar Wulfsson
  • Jesper Rasmussen
  • Bartosz Iwiński
  • Andreas Persson
  • Aaron Weingrad
  • James Patterson
  • Patrick Scifi
  • Maickel Hagemann
  • Steven Daly
  • Zachary R. Franks
  • Alex Fnkl
  • Karty Kannan
  • Smrty James
  • Pieter Sleijpen
  • Allan Miller
  • John Justin Green
  • Bill Kluender
  • Ng Chin Leng
  • Cory Cinquini
  • John Regier

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