Ha'ven's Song

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Authors: S. E. Smith

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Science Fiction, #Adult

BOOK: Ha'ven's Song
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Ha’ven’s Song:

Curizan Warriors Book

By S. E. Smith




I would like to thank my husband Steve for
believing in me and being proud enough of me to give me the courage
to follow my dream. I would also like to give a special thank you
to my sister and best friend Linda who not only encouraged me to
write but who also read the manuscript. Also to my other friends
who believe in me: Julie, Jackie, Lisa, Sally, Elizabeth (Beth) and
Narelle. The girls that keep me going!

—S. E. Smith


IMPRINT: Erotic Romance

Science Fiction Romance


Smashwords Edition

Cover Design by Melody Simmons

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including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in
part, without express written permission from the author.

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book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously and are not to
be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons living or
dead, actual events, locales, or organizations are strictly


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Ha’ven Ha’darra is the Crown Prince of the
Curizans, an advanced species known for their technology. They may
not have the power to shift like the Valdier or the Sarafin but
they have hidden powers of their own that they closely guard. Not
even his best friends, Creon Reykill of the Valdier or Vox d’Rojah
of the Sarafin, are aware of the powers he holds within his deadly

Ha’ven is happy to help out his Valdier
friend when he calls. There are only two things that satisfy the
restlessness inside him – a good fight and an even better evening
with a hot, willing female. He has no desire to settle down like
his two friends have. He enjoys having his freedom and the wide
sample of females at his disposal.

All of that changes when he catches a glimpse
of the delicate beauty who looks through him as if he doesn’t even
exist. His blood calls to her, his magic aches to meld with hers,
but she blocks his every advance.

Emma Watson’s life was perfect. Her love for
music and dance let her escape the overwhelming shyness that she
suffered from all her life. When she is invited to travel with a
group to promote music and dance for children in South America, she
believes it is the perfect chance to discover who she can really
be. Everything changes when she is kidnapped by a powerful drug
lord. Beaten and forced to watch the torture and murder of other
women, she withdraws into the world she feels safest – the one
inside herself.

When she is rescued by creatures not of this
world, they heal her physical wounds but cannot touch the ones deep
inside her. She has given up on ever returning to her world and has
little hope for the future. That is why she does not understand why
one aggravating male suddenly won’t leave her alone. She wants
nothing to do with men! They cause nothing but heartache and pain.
She had been on the receiving end of their fists often enough to
know that! Why would she want one that could crush her with one

No woman has ever turned Ha’ven Ha’darra down
and he isn’t about to accept his mate doing it. He will show her
that not all men are the same, even if he has to kidnap her and
take her to his world to do it. He plans to show her the power she
has hidden deep inside her and open her heart to the love he has in

Now, he just has a few extra problems to
overcome. Her Valdier protectors have given him six months to
change her mind about wanting to return to them, a traitor is
trying to kill them both, and they have crashed on a remote

Can he unlock her magic in time to save their
love or will the traitor, determined to kill them, destroy her
before he can?



Over a century ago a Great War raged between
three of the fiercest species in a galaxy known as Heron Prime. The
species were the dragon-shifting Valdier, the cat-shifting Sarafin,
and the powerful Curizans, a species whose skills in technology
were only surpassed by their ability to use and manipulate the
energy surrounding them.

The war raged long and fierce for nearly a
century as the skills of each species matched the other. It was
only when two young princes and a very young king came together in
a surprise alliance that it was discovered forces from within their
own worlds were behind the war. These forces were determined to
eliminate the ruling Houses so they could gain control and rule
through deceit and terror.

The friendship that developed between Ha’ven
Ha’darra, Prince of the Curizan, Vox d’Rojah, King of the Sarafin,
and Creon Reykill, Prince of the Valdier became unbreakable as they
worked together to bring peace to their people and capture those
responsible for the death and destruction on each of their

The traitors, still determined to eliminate
the royal families, had kidnapped Zoran Reykill, Leader of the
Valdier in the hopes of restarting the war. Zoran, severely
injured, escaped in his symbiot warship to an unknown planet in a
distant star system. Landing on Earth, he is rescued by a young
female. Claiming her as his mate, he returned to his world with her
and several other females. On a return visit, other women from
Earth were brought back to Valdier.

Chapter 1

Curizan Home World of Ceran-Pax:

Ha’ven breathed deeply as he ran through the
twisting paths. His focus was on reaching his living quarters and
the re-enforced lower chamber beneath it. He cursed when he felt
another blast of heated energy surging up inside his body.

I should have returned to my living
quarters hours ago,
he thought darkly.

He stumbled and slowed as he approached the
fork in the path. He carefully scanned the huge garden that
separated his home from those of his parents and brothers. Dread
engulfed him as he realized he would not make it home in time as
the surge built until he was breathing heavily from the effort of
holding back the dark power inside him. His eyes shifted as he came
to a stop at the crossway and he found himself staring up into the
clear night sky wishing for a miracle. His eyes burned as he felt
himself losing control.

He demanded in silent agony.
Why can’t I
find a way to harness the deadly power that
was unleashed during my captivity? How long will I be forced to
suffer before it drives me mad or I kill those I care

The stars glittered down at him, as if
mocking him for his lack of self-control. His body was humming with
pent-up power. He had wanted to get further away from the palace
but had been in meetings all day and had waited too long. Now, he
feared he would be unable to control the excessive energy building
inside his body like a volcano that had lain dormant for far too
long. Colors swirled around his fisted hands, moving up his arms.
He gritted his teeth, fighting against the energy threatening to
scorch him from the inside out.

Drawing in a ragged breath, he glanced
around the gardens once more to make sure no one was near him. With
a loud groan he sank to his knees and unclenched his fists,
spreading his hands palms down toward the ground. A shudder shook
his tall, broad form as he closed his eyes. He released the long
tentacles of energy that swirled around him before it burst
downward into the soft soil. The ground buckled and moaned under
the onslaught. A cry ripped from his lips as a powerful surge
exploded from him. He knew everything within half a kilometer would
be destroyed if he didn’t rein in the surge of power escaping his
body. He breathed heavily as he pulled back, trying to regulate the
flow, but it was useless. He was out of control… again. He could
only hope he was far enough away from everyone as the power inside
him broke free.

“No!” Ha’ven roared out, opening his glowing
eyes and looking up to the stars. “No!” He groaned again, clenching
his teeth as pain flooded his body as raw power burst from him in
waves resembling the effects of a massive stone being tossed into a
still pool.

“Ha’ven!” His father yelled in a harsh
voice. “Focus, son. Release it slowly. You can do it,” Melek said
in a quieter voice. “I’ll help you if you can’t.”

Ha’ven hissed as he fought to control the
ropes of swirling energy. He could feel the bands wrapping around
his thick forearms. He drew in deep steadying breaths, fighting to
clear his mind of everything but the strands. Closing his eyes, he
focused the way his grandfather had taught him. He imagined the
energy moving deep into the ground, nurturing the garden. Red and
gold bands wove together digging deeper in the darkening soil. He
didn’t see the new life bursting from the ground, the trees
stretching higher or the vines winding along the lush soil. Just
when he thought he might have control once again, another wave
struck harder and longer this time.

Ha’ven threw his head back and roared as
dark energy bands shot out like a supernova, flattening the new
growth and shattering trees like toothpicks. Just as quickly, the
swirling colors of energy faded, leaving him weak and sick. He fell
forward onto his hands and lowered his head almost all the way to
the ground. Breathing deeply, he fought against the paralyzing
weakness threatening him. Forcing his head up, he looked over to
where his father’s voice had called out.

He forced back the nausea and stared back
the way he had come. He released a sigh of relief when he saw his
father standing several meters behind him. He turned his face away
so the man who had only recently come back into his life couldn’t
see the shame on it. Forcing himself into a sitting position, he
slowly sat back on his heels until he was holding himself upright
with his hands on his thighs. He continued to breathe deeply until
the trembling finally stopped.

“You shouldn’t have
followed me,” Ha’ven bit out in a dark, husky voice. He turned his
head again to glare at the tall male as he slowly lowered his arms.
The brilliant shield Melek had thrown up dissolved as his hands
fell silently to his side. “I could have killed you,” Ha’ven
growled as he rose on unsteady legs.

“You should have told me,” Melek said
gruffly as he walk over to where Ha’ven was standing stiffly.

Ha’ven looked at his father and grimaced in
distaste. “Tell you what? That I’ve lost control of my powers? That
I’ll soon be too dangerous to be left alive?” He asked in

Melek laid his hand on Ha’ven’s shoulder. “I
cannot help if you do not let me,” he replied quietly.

Ha’ven stood frozen for a moment before he
shrugged in resignation. He looked at the destruction around him.
He drew in a deep breath and focused, pulling on the power deep
inside his body. This time he was in control as he raised his
hands. He sent the winding flows of energy that he had gathered
from around and inside him and directed it toward the broken and
mangled vegetation.

Melek watched silently as the swirling bands
touched the damage and knitted the shattered pieces back together.
Deep down, he felt sorrow that his oldest son could not do the same
to his own soul. Bitter regret tore at him that he had not been
there when Ha’ven needed him.

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