The Kartoss Gambit (The Way of the Shaman: Book #2) (33 page)

Read The Kartoss Gambit (The Way of the Shaman: Book #2) Online

Authors: Vasily Mahanenko

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Cyberpunk

BOOK: The Kartoss Gambit (The Way of the Shaman: Book #2)
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"And about that bit where I became a Dragon...?"

"You didn't become anyone! You were a Shaman and that's what you have remained. So what if on your return to our world you'll be a total wreck for a couple of days and develop immunity to poisons? All of them. And a couple of other things, which you'll have to deal with yourself. You still have much growing to do until that time comes. It's nothing to concern yourself with right now."

Strange, if I acquired these abilities, why hasn't the system informed me about them?

"And how do Dragons level up? I ask because I'd like to know how to return your memory." I looked at Draco.

"Summon me often and set me to hunt various critters. But if I get sent to the Grey Lands, I'll lose ten levels. Remember this."

Yup, this is just like a common Hunter's pet, but one that allows you to work with Spirits. Not bad.

"Is there anything else I need to know? I'm beginning to run out of time now. I will have to be getting back."

"The rest you'll learn as you go along," said Renox and then turned to a pleased-looking Kornik and rumbled: "You won the second time too. Where did you find an apprentice like this?"

"The second time?" I looked questioningly at Kornik.

"Renox promised a reward worthy of an Emperor to whoever gained his Totem, and said that anyone who made it possible for him to talk with his son, even briefly, would be altogether enriched. We made a bet that you won't even bring up the reward. Got another barrel of wine off him."

"You have my thanks, Shaman. Only a Harbinger is able to take something material out of our world, but there are things of greater value than gold: information. Look at these two maps. They mark the places with ancient treasure vaults of the Dragons. We have no need of them now, but they could be of use to you. You can take someone with you to the first of these, but to the second you can only go alone. And most importantly — I see that you have begun to restore the Karmadont Chess Set. I liked that man, he was a great ruler. Just remember this: whatever logic or hints may tell you, always choose the right way. "


Gameworld maps updated. Your maps have been updated with the marks of two Dragon treasure vaults. The marks have been numbered.


The right way? What right way?

"That is all. It is time for you to go back."

"Can I ask a question. How did you and Swiftbel become friends?"

"High Shaman Swiftbel helped Renox to look for a candidate who could get the Dragon as his Totem. A wasted twenty years" Kornik replied for the Dragon.

"But the old ladies, his sisters, said that..."

"For them he will always remain a merchant, a trader and an adventurer. Not everyone needs to know the truth."

"Hold on. Another question."

"Kornik, I'm beginning to understand you. You give him an inch and he'll take a mile", remarked the elder Dragon.

"At our last meeting you said that I should be preparing for something, that there was very little time. What did you mean?" I ignored the Dragon's words. If I'm being impudent, I may as well go all the way.

Kornik looked thoughtful and then, carefully choosing his words, said:

"Great change is coming to Barliona, but the Emperor is refusing to see it. He's totally blind."

"Change? What change?"

"Enough questions. You will find out for yourself soon enough, if you continue to do what you have been doing. You have to become a Great Shaman. Keep learning!"


Quest accepted: 'The Path of the Shaman: Step 3.' Completion of the trial to become a Great Shaman'. Description: complete the trial to become a Great Shaman. Next trial: in 3 months' time. Quest type: Class-based.


The question about what it was I should continue to do was about to leave my lips, when I suddenly found myself right in my bed in Elizabeth's house.


You acquired a passive ability — Dragon Blood: immunity to all poisons.

Attention, a new stat has become available to your character: Spirituality. Spirituality affects the ability to work with Spirits and put together different Spirit combinations, allows you to summon Spirits of other classes; as you level up in this stat, the fine for combining Spirits is reduced.

Do you accept? Attention, you will not be able to remove an accepted stat!


I think I'll go for it! I should have filled up the last empty slot long ago. Even if this isn't a straight-forward damage-based stat, I rather enjoyed combining the Spirits. Some good stuff came out of that.


A new stat has been unlocked for the character: Spirituality. Current level: 1.


I looked around, about to wonder why Kornik took me back to my bed, after leaving me by the village gates last time, when I became submerged in pain. At first it was an insignificant tingling throughout the body, then I acquired a 'Modification' debuff and the pain began to grow. I held out as long my willpower permitted, but then broke and stared to scream and howl. The pain was terrible. When 'Modification' changed to 'Transformation' I was already barely conscious — just lied curled up in bed emitting an occasional howl.

"What happened?" somewhere on the edge of consciousness I heard the worried voice of Elizabeth. "Mahan, what happened?"

A veil of pain completely obscured by consciousness. My hearing probably went, because the surrounding world was submerged in muffled silence. It seemed like an eternity had gone by before the red film before my eyes flickered and I came to myself. It was as if someone pressed a button and turned off the pain. My first thought was: 'It's so good to be an ordinary player! There's no pain and you could leave the game any time.'

"Mistress, mistress, he woke up!" I found myself in a well-lit room.

"How do you feel?" I managed to focus my gaze on Elizabeth.

"I'll live," I tried to understand how I was feeling. There was no more pain, all my stats were norm.... What?! The level of Endurance had increased to 27! Just how much enduring did I do?

"Oh dear, you really gave us some fright," continued the landlady. "I didn't even know what to do! You were burning like a furnace. The priest came to look, but couldn't do anything. You spent two days in a fever, rolling around in the bed. And today it's like you've been reborn. Would you like some tea?"

I didn't get it — why was she being so nice? I looked at Elizabeth's properties and was a little surprised to see that my level of Attractiveness with her was at 34. Another fifty and she'll start flirting with me. Why, all of a sudden?

"Mahan! Are you alive already? Tomorrow we'll start learning to work with spoons and forks. I only told you the very basics, there are still so many details to learn — it's right scary! I'll drop by tomorrow morning. And don't forget that you promised me a present." Clouter quickly run into the room and immediately zapped off again. I just seriously don't understand anything.

I had little desire or inclination to lounge around in bed. After getting ready to go, just before leaving the room I glanced in the mirror. My red headband! It was gone! How could I forget? Now it was clear why everyone was so nice to me all of a sudden: I regained the standard twenty points of Attractiveness.

There came a clap of an opening portal and a Herald entered the room.

"My Lord," Elizabeth, who was still standing by the door bowed in a graceful curtsy. It was so elegant that it could not be spoiled either by her simple dress or her hair gathered in a tight bun. Who was she?

"Mahan, I have come for you. In five minutes the chess match between the Phoenix and the Dark Legion clans will begin. As the creator of the chess pieces, you have been invited as an observer. Come."

Elizabeth stared at me wide-eyed and in her properties Attractiveness rose by 25 points at once. Now it was fifty four. Women. Whether real or NPC. The more important the company a man keeps, the higher is his Attractiveness.

I was ready to go, so I stepped through the Herald's portal straight away. I shall finally see the Emperor's palace with my own eyes.

Chapter Nine
The Shaman's Mistake




he Emperor's palace dazzled. It was sumptuous, as full of decorations as a Christmas tree and glittering in all the colors of the rainbow. Neatly trimmed hedges, paths of golden sand, grass that made you think you've never seen 'green' before in your life — the developers made a real effort with this location. The palace of the Malabar Emperor was considered the height of the creative endeavor of designers and artists. Every three months contests were held on how to improve its already perfect look. Though seemingly an impossible task, the creators still found bits to improve, which the designers would make, while players, who managed to touch such beauty, would enthusiastically recount the wonders of the palace to their friends.

Video recording didn't work inside the palace and it was impossible to take screenshots — these functions were disabled at the level of the capsules and code. Even media programs about the palace only showed the generally accessible territories. The palace remained a mystery and a beckoning centre for all the players in Malabar for the entire fifteen years of the game. Similar palaces existed on other continents, but the design and the style of each was different — as was the reputation that you had to obtain to enter the palace. If you wanted to have a look at all of them — you had to reach 'Exalted' with all the five Emperors. As far as I knew, there was only a small handful of such players.

"Please follow me," the Herald brought me back to earth from the exulted contemplation of the palace's wonders. "According to the rules, the creator of Cursed Items cannot be seen by anyone in the Palace. To accomplish this you and everyone around you are placed in different dimensions. Even if you walk through a player, neither he nor you would feel anything. This is because the Imperial Palace is one of the few places on our continent where violence is forbidden."

This was news. Did this mean that each player enters his own copy of the castle, while other players are presented to him as projections?

"And what about items? For example, what if I take a chair and throw it at another visitor? The chair is local and everyone has access to it."

"You're not the only one so quick-witted," smiled the Herald. "As soon as a visitor touches anything, it gets transferred to his dimension. So it's impossible to hit another guest with it."

"Then how about this. Two guests grab this sword, for example, at the same time." I pointed to an exquisite blade on the wall. "Will there be two copies of it? Or will it go to one particular person?"

"For that we have guards around here. As soon as visitors start experimenting with inflicting damage on each other, they are immediately removed from the palace and are forbidden to ever come back here. I should tell you that the Palace has seen a fair number of such guests in its history. Some of them are still writing letters to the Emperor asking for pardon, but His Majesty is firm in his decision. This way please."

We went through the arch of a door and found ourselves in a hall full of guests. There was a buzz, like in a disturbed beehive. Players constantly whispered to each other, and, if I wasn't mistaken, were separated into two camps — into two big, about thirty-forty strong, groups of people. Phoenix and the Dark Legion. Almost everyone who had access to the Emperor's Palace was gathered here, flashing angry glances and making rude gestures, and, in general, doing their best to show their disdain for the other clan. Judging by the fact that no-one took the slightest notice of us, the Herald's words were true — I remained unseen by the others.

"The Emperor is currently giving some parting words to the players — please wait in the hall. When he finishes, I will take you to the game room. You can stay here and look around."

I followed the Herald's advice and headed straight for the players. I had little interest in the Dark Legion, so went over to the Phoenix crowd, which included Anastaria, Hellfire and Rick — of those I definitely recognized.

"Stacey, tell me again — why did we come here? It's not like I have nothing better to do." When I came right up to a small group consisting of people that I had depicted as chess pieces, I began to make out their conversation.

"Calm down, Hel. If Killer told everyone to show up, he meant everyone. You better check out Plinto blowing his top over there. Stupid pawn. When I catch Mahan and tear out his reproductive organ for these chess pieces, I'll remember to thank him for this particular portrayal. I even felt like clapping, when I saw this."

"Yeah, he sure hit the mark with that. But why of earth am I a Rook? I get it with Plinto: no-one ever really took him seriously, despite the levels, but me... I feel quite offended."

"Don't take any notice. You and Rick are the backbone of our clan. Essentially you and he are keeping the fighting and economic parts of the clan afloat. That's why you are depicted as towers — like an unshakable foundation. I'm rather perplexed by something else. How does Mahan know about Ehkiller and Evolett? It's not like they've ever made themselves stand out."

"And what does the boss say? Has he already contacted the administration?"

"He's as silent as a grave. Said that we won't get a word out of him until the game has been played."

"Damn. I don't want to get a debuff," Hellfire even looked downcast, "I had plans to take people through a couple of Dungeons, I don't want to strain myself unnecessarily."

"Who cares about the debuff? At least for now. When the time of the tournament comes, then we'll have to think of what can be done about this. Do drop by once this is over. Reconnaissance has reported that anomalies had been detected in six more places aside from Farstead. I sent groups there and will fly there myself tomorrow to investigate."

"Also ziggurats?"

"Looks a lot like it. The map isn't working and there were goblin sightings. Level eighty this time. If we were out of luck in Beatwick, again because of that damned Shaman, in these zones we have to be the first."

"By the way, Stacey, what are you really planning to do with him? Give him the Master?"

"No, he won't go for it. I will buy him. I'll take the Orc Warriors off him now and the other chess pieces later."

"And what if he refuses?"

"Like hell he will! We've come to an arrangement; I'll wait until we're allowed to fly to Farstead and hand over the agreement to him myself. Just a little of the poison and even the craziest agreement would look like the best deal to him."

"Maybe it's best not to play with fire? They aren't worth it. You only have three more cautions left. Why take such a risk? I think there is a more effective method. The red headband will help us out and the pain factor hasn't gone anywhere."

"Let's talk later. I already worked through all the possibilities. The chess pieces will me mine. And that's that."

"Mahan, let's go," I didn't see how the Herald appeared next to me. "The Emperor has finished with his parting words, the game will start as soon as you enter the room. Please come this way."

Damn! There was a lot of interesting stuff I was hearing in the talk between Anastaria and Hellfire and now I was being dragged away from them. One thing was clear — Phoenix won't be getting the figurines, no matter what agreement they try to send me. If Anastaria needs them, I could find a use for them too.

The small office where I found myself was completely packed with different shelves full of books, scrolls and other paperwork. There was dim candlelight, two armchairs, a table with a chessboard carved into it, my chess pieces and a jug of wine. There were also two players sitting opposite each other: Ehkiller and Evolett, each giving a hateful look to his opponent. Several players came up to their Kings wishing them luck, then came the bang of the closing door and both players breathed out, leaning back in their armchairs in relief.

"You looking well there, brother," said Ehkiller, looking pleased.

"You're not looking too bad yourself, old boy," Evolett replied to him in the same tone. I was ready for anything: swearing, screaming or threats, but I would have never dreamt that the de-facto heads of two clans that hate each other would end up being brothers. Were they were blood brothers or sworn brothers, I wondered? And where's my armchair or will I have to stand for two hours?

"Why do you never visit? Allie's been asking if anything had happened to you. Has Barliona sucked you in to that extent?"

"Not really. It's just the new election campaign is coming up and the boss is hoping to run for mayor, so we're all hands on deck. You wouldn't believe it, but I haven't set foot in the game in three days. Just haven't had the time. I even lost one work team that way, just couldn't get to them and they wouldn't accept food from anyone else. How's it going on your end?"

"Same old. Allie and I are off on a trip tomorrow — to the sea. It's been a while since we've been. I'm gone for about three weeks, just until our next game, as it happens."

"And who will run the clan while you're gone?"

"Stacey. It's time she grew up."

"Yup, my niece is one smart cookie. Will she cope?"

"Of course she will. She's in charge of her own department of braniacs, how's a clan any different? She'll do fine. I've been wanting to hand the clan over to her for a while now. I'm beginning to grow tired of the game. Money, power, receptions with the Emperor with unforgettable delicacies.... But in real life the half-burnt flapjacks of my wife taste miles better than everything generated by the brain and taste receptors inside the capsule. I'm growing old, Al, old. I'm in my sixths decade now and still playing games. If not for Kartoss, I would have left long ago. Your move."

"E2 to E4. A standard move. Let's decide from the start, do you need a win? Plinto has been tearfully begging me to kick your ass. He's preparing to go on some raid and really doesn't want to get that 10% debuff.

"No, don't need it. It's high time my lot are taken down a notch. They've soared so high that have began to see ordinary people as losers. Who were they exactly before they joined the clan? No-one remembers anymore. I think I'll let you have the games right up to the tournament."

"You want to win that, eh?"

"Who doesn't? I have no rivals. My apologies, but yours are just a pack of disorganized morons."

"That's fine, no point in taking offence — we knew from the start what we were doing when we created the clans."

"True. The only real competition could come from the Azure Dragons clan, headed by Undigit. But he lacks an able organizer. So yes, I intend to win. By the way, I'm about to capture your Plinto. How did the creator ever get the idea of making him into a pawn...?"

"Yes, it's rather amusing. And just look at yours — as arrogant as a goose, nose turned up so high you can see a mile inside. The pieces were made by a good master and came out very well. What do you know about Mahan? By the way, did you find out why the heck these chess pieces even appeared in the Game?"

"Yes. I managed to have a chat with the admins. Such items are being introduced on all the continents right now. The reason is simple — to increase competition between the leading clans and give the rest an opportunity to catch up. As for the creator of the chess pieces, he has my sincere thanks. For example, in Grindos, they created a wooden domino set of non-standard size — with meter-high tablets. Can you imagine the joy of shifting those tiles around? They may puff and pant, but shift them around all the same. We're the ones who have it easy. Sitting here, sipping the wine and having a chat. Now then. The creator of the chess set couldn't have helped it — the admins were looking for a player capable of creating such a thing. When Mahan started to create the chess pieces — at Hellfire's request, as it happens — the Corporation made its choice. He had no chance to create anything else. The chess pieces were forcefully introduced into the game. So it's not his fault."

"Will you take him in?"

"No. And forbade anyone else to do it. I want to see what he makes of himself. I don't like the current trends — in the past two years we accepted five players with Crafting and half of them gave up playing, while the other half never gained more than one level in this stat. Let him do his stuff outside Phoenix."

"Have you asked your acquaintance in the administration why we turned up as Kings? We always kept a low profile and then — surprise, surprise! Are you sure there isn't some informant behind this?"

"No, this is more complicated. Your move, by the way. The choice of the figurines was left completely in the hands of the creator, including their appearance. How does he know the real state of things? That's the real question. What are you doing? You'll have a checkmate in three moves!"

"Oh! That's right."

"Some player you are, dammit. Here, take the Queen. Being so well-informed about who is who in our clans is another reason why I want to see how Mahan would evolve on his own. I will watch him from afar and not interfere."

"Is this all you know about him? Do you know that Mahan and the creator of the Karmadont chess pieces are the same person? Is Phoenix's intelligence functioning so badly?"

"Of course I know. But without a full set they are useless. Only when they are all brought together, with the board, will they open the passage to the Creator. One or two pieces by themselves are of little use."

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